This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 200 Takumi, I’m going to the countryside to have fun for 2 days

Chapter 200 Takumi, I’m going to the countryside for two days to enjoy
Ancient costume or not, it doesn’t matter!

Yes, it’s really not important~
As a qualified producer, Bai Anliang said that he wants to understand the characteristics of actors as much as possible under limited conditions.

Isn’t this just because I can’t try it on if I don’t have ancient costumes?
So I looked for some alternative clothing and took a look.

As for what kind of costumes can JK and Baisi match?
Damn it, who stipulates that people in "Zhu Xian" can't wear white silk and JK?
Bai Anliang said that he would catch the original author and ask him by the neck. He would definitely be able to say "Baguio wears white silk".

The person who plays Sun Shangxiang can ride a horse and wear black stockings~
How pretty!

Of course, Bai Anliang just watched it, JK and Bai Si are really not suitable for each other.

Let it go.

Liu Xiaoli:
He didn't feel as shameless in the past as he does now!
Do men turn bad when they have money?
Indeed, Bai Anliang is much richer now than when we first met him. He feels that whatever career he pursues is smooth and prosperous.

In just a short time, the leader of the martial arts team could already be considered a big shot in the film and television industry.

He glanced at his silly daughter helplessly.

She felt that if she came a little later, would Liu Yifei still be able to wear the clothes she was wearing now?

Maybe it's something inappropriate for children.

And Liu Xiaoli couldn't say anything. They were all people who had been there before, so she couldn't see how much her daughter wanted to give it away for free!

When there were two more "uninvited guests" in the office, Bai Anliang naturally restrained himself a lot.

Liu Yifei was also sitting upright, and now she looked more like an obedient schoolgirl.

She's still wearing her JK outfit
Why do you say they are two uninvited guests?
One of them is naturally Liu Xiaoli.

The other person is Qin Lan, who is a little jealous.

She discovered at a glance that the white stockings Liu Yifei was wearing were hers. Of course, they were not worn, but brand new stockings that had not been opened.

Boss~ Do you give other people’s things to other girls? !

Under Qin Lan's slightly resentful gaze, Bai Anliang could only pretend not to see~
Sorry, sorry, just on a whim. I'll buy you ten more later.

But now I can only really talk about the script and characters.

Fortunately, the chat was between Bai Anliang and Liu Yifei.

Liu Xiaoli could only stare from the side.

If you're talking about a role in a script, you don't need to get so close, right?
Fortunately, from her perspective, Bai Anliang is still very honest.

Those two hands were holding the script openly without making any small moves.

Sure enough, Mr. Bai is still "sensible" and will not act blindly!
Liu Xiaoli nodded with satisfaction, then looked at Qin Lan, "Miss Qin, can you tell me when you have a yoga class later?"

"Of course you can, Sister Liu"

Indeed, Bai Anliang's hands were very honest, but he didn't say that his feet were also very honest.

To be precise, Liu Yifei is dishonest
The calf in white stockings was close to Bai Anliang's, and it moved slightly from time to time, making a slight rubbing sound.

To be honest, this kind of contact through the fabric actually doesn't feel too strong.

Bai Anliang was still wearing trousers.

But such friction is excellent for improving the ambiguous atmosphere.

He wasn't sure whether the little girl did this on purpose or if she did it unintentionally.

All in all, it makes people feel itchy.

Bai Anliang inexplicably came up with this scene in his mind:
Liu Yifei, dressed in a JK outfit, sat on the sofa, taking off the small leather shoes on her feet. Her round toes were wrapped in white silk, which looked particularly cute~
After he also sat on the sofa, the little girl stretched out her feet and slid gently on him.
ah!It's best to prepare some essential oil for massage. Applying this to stockings will make them transparent in no time.
"Any questions?"

"I like rose flavor~"

"Ah?" Liu Yifei tilted her head, a little confused, "What kind of rose smell?"

Of course it’s essential oil~
Fortunately, Bai Anliang didn't say anything, "Ah, I mean your makeup. It's best to make it so that people can feel like "I can't imagine how fragrant you are" when you look at it."

How much does it smell like?
This metaphor is so strange
Liu Yifei pursed her lips like a kitten and frowned slightly, looking a bit fierce, like a little tiger.


"Huh?! Wow! Little tiger!"

Following Liu Yifei's scream of surprise, the little tiger, who had been sleeping soundly in the corner, strolled out with steps that he didn't recognize.

The cat had a stinky face, as if each person owed it dozens of bags of cat food.

It glanced at Liu Yifei with disdain, then came to Bai Anliang and rubbed his trouser leg flatteringly.

"You little bastard, you want to rub the hair on my legs again!"

Bai Anliang never got used to this little thing, so he picked it up by the back of its neck and put it in Liu Yifei's arms.

Damn cat, if you can't help pick up girls, what use are you?

Little Tiger: Got it!
Lying in Liu Yifei's arms obediently, that's called docility.

"Every time you help me catch it, it becomes very well-behaved. But when I get close to it, it becomes fierce."

The little girl complained while rubbing the cat's head angrily.

"You haven't had much contact with it. It recognizes life. It did the same to Qin Lan before, and it won't be aggressive to her now." Bai Anliang explained briefly.

Of course, he didn't say that now even Yang Mi and Da Tiantian can play with the little tiger at will.

These two girls often go to his company and bring delicious food to this little thing every time, and they have already fed it.

"My cats have never been like this."

Recognize birth?

Liu Yifei firmly disagrees with this answer!
She and Bai Anliang met the little tiger when it was still a wild cat~
How can you recognize her life~
Liu Yifei noticed with sharp eyes that the little tiger now also had a bell hanging around his neck.

It's exactly the same as hers, and it's also a non-ringing decoration.
"When you go back to work on set, you must bring it with you!"

"So, besides this, are there any other requirements?" Bai Anliang asked seriously.

Liu Yifei shook her head, "No more~"

Oh, feed my aunt
Liu Xiaoli was so helpless that she died!
No other requirements?

Now apart from the salary, nothing else has been negotiated~
The specifications of the hotel, living conditions, treatment, etc. were not even agreed on how many crew assistants to choose. So in the end Liu Yifei only wanted one cat?

Bai Anliang: Such a difficult request, I will grit my teeth and satisfy you! ——
Discussing plots of new dramas, teasing little girls, running movie promotions, and occasionally paying attention to the stalls that his juniors are responsible for. Bai Anliang's life is simple, interesting, but busy.

Of course, teasing little girls still takes up a very small proportion of the time.

Bai An has a good conscience and knows when not to tease a girl. The most important thing is to get down to business.

The domestic film market after the Spring Festival this year is pitiful. There is almost no film that can stand out and get a little bit of fanfare from the media.

It seems that all the movies that can make a splash at the box office are concentrated in the second half of the year.

"Slaying the Wolf 2", "Myth", "Initial D", "Seven Swords".
The finale is of course the magical masterpiece "The Promise" directed by Chen Kaige.

Until this movie is released, the potential of the mainland box office market will not be fully tapped.

I don’t know how much publicity expenses were spent. When Bai Anliang was doing publicity, he always felt that Director Chen was setting a flag.

It's not as harsh as it was when it was released.
Of course, that movie has nothing to do with Bai Anliang. By the time "The Promise" was released, "Slaying the Wolf 2" had already been released.

He is not a competitor at all, so he will not do any "prophet" work.If it were to be released at the same time, Bai Anliang would have to play devil's advocate on everything he said, and it would be best if he could drag Chen Kaige into a verbal war.
Now, just wait and see the joke.

When the movie premiere comes, he might even have to go and support it.

After all, it’s a movie starring good brother Xie Tingfeng~
However, Bai Anliang is not as good as his "good brother", but he wants to face another Beep King head-on.
right!Zhou Jilun, I’m talking about you~
The movie "Initial D" in which he stars will compete head-on with "Slaying the Wolf 2".

The two films were released almost immediately.

It always feels like someone is up to something here. After all, the movie market this year is not crowded, so they all bumped into each other inexplicably.

However, Bai Anliang didn't have time to catch whoever wanted to mess with him.

Because there are many people who want to mess with him.

When the opportunity comes one day, just give each one a "beat", why bother working so hard.
But he also had to admit that Zhou Jilun was too popular now.

Kind of tricky.
Bai Anliang and Zhou Jielun can be regarded as "good friends for a long time."

I don’t know which boring media has made something. The entertainment industry’s new beep king ranking list.

Naturally, Xie Tingfeng is the leader in the Hong Kong circle, and he will still hold the title of King of Hong Kong for many more years.

Zhou Jiulun, the king of Wanwan Beep, has a very pretentious tone when he speaks.

It's been a good day all day, and I'm still squinting at people~
As for the Mainland Bee King Huang, there was originally hope for him, but he still doesn't have the temperament of a bully in the future. Although filming has started to gain momentum, the public's main impression of him is still that he is handsome.

So...well, the king of Mainland entertainment industry is Bai Anliang.

In his opinion, those unscrupulous media used a very outrageous statement to slander him.

If you like to wear a suit and tie, you are the King of Beep?

Fuck your motherfucker!
This is called paying attention to image, and it is also the consciousness of being a public figure.

These bastards even include the scenes where Bai Anliang likes to take his junior brother with him when traveling.

Said he loves to show off
Damn it. He usually only takes a cannon and Zhang San with him when he goes out for a walk.

Normal artists will also have assistants, managers, etc. to follow them, right?
Is this just pretending to show off?

It's simply embarrassing.

Is it possible that the size of the cannon is a bit exaggerated, so that one cannon is really used as if it were ten?

Bai Anliang originally didn't want to recognize the title of "Beep King" and was ready to find an opportunity to defend himself.

People in the world misunderstand me too much!
Then, ask someone to investigate. Well, such a gimmicky thing was actually made by "our own people".

Reporter Zhou from the Southern Department~
This damn fat guy is quite imaginative.
The key is that Bai Anliang is not easy to beat him, because this guy is getting paid from him to hack him.
If you think about it from this perspective~
This dark angle is quite interesting!
It’s not really a bad thing, it’s just that he complained about how he acted sternly from dawn to dusk and was very pretentious.

That's not impossible.

Bai Anliang just told Qin Lan to remember to tell him if the fat man would do any new work this week.

If you get a vaccination, you won't get angry when you see this thing.

In response, Qin Lan covered her mouth and snickered, "Boss, you are really good at that~"



It's still a long tone, right?

Bai Anliang: Let you draw a long sound, let you draw a long sound, let you draw a long sound!
Are you going to put it off any longer?
Qin Lan: If it’s this kind of “punishment”, don’t you dare to do it next time!
The movie "Initial D" is indeed very popular.

Not only is Zhou Jielun, the king of music, but besides him, there are many starring actors in this movie that Bai Anliang is quite familiar with.

For example, Yu Wenle and Edison Chen are the new generation of Xiangjiang. They are all popular fried chickens that are currently very promising.

Oh yes, there is also Pheasant Brother~
Put these people together, plus Zhou Jielun, and you don't need to watch it to know that the overall tone of the movie must be very exciting.

I estimate that everyone’s chin needs to be lifted up by two centimeters.
Zhou Jielun is the King of Bee?

Tsk tsk, this crew is all over the place and is the King of Beep!

One is holding more food than the other~
It feels like there is really a missing Xie Tingfeng, otherwise the beep kings in Hong Kong and Taiwan would almost be together.

But the effect is also very good, handsome and cool, isn't that the tone that racing movies have to have.

The casting was really good.

Anyway, from the perspective of Bai Anliang, who has watched the original Initial D anime, there is nothing wrong with it.

""Initial D", what is that?"

When Wu Jing was asked a question on the show and had a confused look on his face, Bai Anliang almost laughed out loud.

real or fake?Are you pretending?

My acting skills are good!
However, Wu Jing's reaction later told him that this guy who didn't seem to be pretending really didn't know.

Wu Jing: I have been practicing boxing all the time when I have free time recently. I am afraid that I will be easily fucked by Zhen Zi on the stage. How can I have the time and energy to pay attention to this~
Don't talk about sex or sex, he has been chatting with Xie Nan much less frequently these days.

All the other girls went home and asked their father, and got a definite answer.

But even with the beauty in front of him, Wu Jing still made up his mind to quit sex for the time being!
Compared with this little pain, the beating he received on stage was even more intolerable to him.


But obviously, Wu Jing's words "What is "Initial D"?" are considered arrogant in the eyes of others!

Bai Anliang had to give his good brother a thumbs up.

You are so brave!

In the future, he said "boy or girl", which offended the popular foreign wine group at that time, and the post bar was flooded.

Now, there is no need to give in. The leading actors in "Initial D", especially Zhou Jialun, are in a sense the top stars of this era!

You've offended the top people, and you still want to leave?Fans can be so petty!
Fortunately, Bai Anliang is still next to him and can help him to complete the sentence, "You must know Zhou Jilun, right~"

Wu Jing nodded, "Of course I know, King of Heaven."

Who said martial arts practitioners are careless? !These two bastards sitting here are full of evil intentions.

After saying this, there is basically no need to worry about being criticized by Zhou Jilun's fans.

At this time, Bai Anliang also gave Wu Jing a little science knowledge about what "Initial D" is.

First of all, it's not a cup size.

Secondly, it is the name of a racing anime.

And then. Then there will be no more.

Why does Bai Anliang talk so much about other movies?

Let's all focus on "Slaying the Wolf 2" where real men go head-to-head.

Racing?What's so fun about that?

So what if you drive faster?I still wouldn’t give tender tofu to an old man.
Takumi, I’m going to the countryside to have fun for two days.
Just for this line, "Initial D" is not good enough.

Why do you have to take pictures of that bullshit escort girl?Doesn't this just add to the confusion for the audience?

Wait, does this line exist?
(End of this chapter)

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