This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 218 How will it end later?

Chapter 218 How will it end later?

Under Bai Anliang's "torture", he discovered that his junior brothers had really received many "benefits" from Fan Xiaopang.

No wonder Fan Xiaopang could easily read Bai Wu's script.

It's obvious that he has no defense against her at all!

In this regard, Bai Anliang's opinion is that he has no objection.

Fan Xiaopang voluntarily distributed benefits to his junior brothers, could he still stop him?
At most, it's just a slap on the face of these worthless guys.

If you want to get some benefits, just call her sister-in-law.
"Brother, I have never called her sister-in-law before. I just subconsciously called her sister-in-law. Several junior brothers have called her sister-in-law."

After being "tortured", the third junior brother Bai Wu complained to Bai Anliang with a depressed look on his face. He suffered because his senior brother picked up girls. What's the point of this~
Besides, he felt that he was still very ethical. His senior brother didn’t even announce it, so how could he call him sister-in-law?
"Ah Wu, logically speaking, you are now a screenwriter, how can your emotional intelligence be lower than this guy Huang Tu?" Bai Anliang asked with some confusion.

Bai Wu was confused, "How can I have a lower emotional intelligence than the fourth child? He just keeps a straight face and pretends to be cool all day long."

Instead of chatting with him, Bai Anliang waved to Huang Tu, who was explaining the filming moves to Liu Yifei.

"Senior brother, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Did Fatty Fan bribe you?"

"Ah? Bingbing's sister-in-law really takes good care of us." That's what Huang Tu said when he came up.

Bai Wu suddenly showed a look like "Big brother, look at him!"

"Where's Liu Yifei? Has she done anything good for you?"

"This sister-in-law is also very generous."

Although she doesn't buy things with the specific purpose of being rewarded like Fan Xiaopang, Liu Yifei is not stingy after all.

Although she didn't entertain the people in the Bai family class much, she did invite guests to the crew several times, which was very generous.

When he said this, the expression on Huang Tu's face did not change, and his tone was calm.

Bai Wu:? ? ?
Are both of them shouting like that? !

Are you calling me sister-in-law?

you ride a horse
What a dog!
Huang Tu: Are you really a man with facial paralysis who is indifferent to labor and management?Dude is pretending to be cool!
As a martial arts director, in addition to having excellent action design skills, he has been working on the set all year round. How could Huang Tu be really ignorant of the world~
Otherwise, Bai Anliang would not have handed over the entire Bai family class to him.

This guy looks cold and inaccessible, but in fact he is very sultry, and his eyes turn faster than anyone else.

As for Bai Wu, he really got involved in writing stories for himself, and now he really looks like a nerd.

Just like the current crew of "Zhu Xian", Huang Tu quickly found the best way to work smoothly.

Who would have thought that when a cool guy with a cold appearance calls "sister-in-law" seriously, he is deliberately trying to coax the other person~
Regardless of whether it was Fan Xiaopang or Liu Yifei, the level of cooperation with Huang Tu's work was simply outrageous.

He didn't have to do anything. He just went over and called his sister-in-law, and both of them would happily listen to his explanation and basically wouldn't have any objections.

How does he look like Bai Wu~
Usually there is a change of lines in the plot or something, and these two girls have to spend a long time with him.

Because sometimes it involves drama issues.
It was true that Bai Wu's treatment was extremely painful, and no one dared to offend him~ After all, they were all senior brother's girls.

And Huang Tu's operation seemed to open the door to a new world for him.

It turns out that as long as everyone calls sister-in-law, the problem can be solved?

Bai Anliang patted this kid on the shoulder, "Do you understand?"

"Elder brother, I still don't quite understand."

"It doesn't matter what you shout. Don't take it seriously. Don't say that she might not be the one. Even if there are some things that she shouldn't be shown, she still can't let her see them. Of course, it doesn't matter this time. I'm just giving you a reminder. "

Although he was giving a "lesson" to the boy Bai Wu, Bai Anliang also took this opportunity to "analyze" himself a little.

He finally understood what Brother Mao said when he was young. He was very similar to what he said when he was young.

It’s not just about being flirtatious.

The eldest brother Cheng is famous for being indifferent to women. He only trusts brothers and not women.

Picking up girls is all about picking up girls, and sleeping is all about sleeping, but the one he truly trusts is not the person next to him, but his brother.

This strong Jianghu style is the real similarity between the two.

No matter how many confidantes Bai Anliang had, how sweet his words to the girl were, or how obsessive he was when he was intimate, in the end, it was his group of junior brothers that he believed in the most.

The series of ideas he conveyed to Bai Wu were: do whatever you should do, keep it if it's beneficial, and be on guard when you need to be on guard.

Of course, Bai Anliang was just defensive, so he wasn't really suspicious.

So in this aspect, he is slightly stronger than his eldest brother Cheng.

However, it is quite outrageous that two scumbag men insist on deciding the outcome of the scumbag aspect.

None of them are good things!
"This flower is blooming beautifully, why did you break it?"

"When I picked this flower, it was the flower's blessing; when I smelled its fragrance, it was the fate that the flower had cultivated for three lifetimes. How could a layman like you know that?"

"If you break off this flower, you will lose your life. How can you be happy?"

"You're not a flower, how do you know it won't be happy?"

The people are beautiful, the scenery is beautiful, and the atmosphere is beautiful. The pictures taken can be used as wallpapers.

In this scene of picking flowers, Liu Yifei's performance was not annoying at all.

She is cute and charming, and her appearance is definitely no worse than those previous classic characters.

But in the smile on his face, that faint sadness is always missing half a point.

The director next to him frowned slightly.

Still no sense of performance.

This plot does not have high requirements for Zhang Xiaofan, played by Bai Anliang. After all, Zhang Xiaofan is still a "second fool" at this moment.

But Baguio's contradictions and the melancholy hidden under the innocence are the soul of this character.

He just lacks a bit of energy when talking about people.

The performance was repeated several times but it didn't work well, which made Liu Yifei feel a little depressed. She felt that her performance was quite good.
While Yang Mi watched this performance, she felt thoughtful in her heart.

Her mind is really focused on acting now, otherwise she wouldn't have been able to hold back her big move in "Ip Man" before.

One look almost surpassed Da Tiantian's efforts in all the scenes.

"If you were more famous, you would be more suitable for the role of Baguio." Bai Anliang said as if he was making casual remarks.

But such a sentence made Yang Mi's heart beat loudly. Of course, it was only for a moment. "Come on, Brother An Liang, are you kidding me~"

"I'm serious, the Guo Xiang you played before was a bit like that, not conventional."

"Don't let Sissi hear this. You are trying to sow discord between our sisters!" Yang Mi waved her fist.

"So, you didn't understand what I meant at all. Go teach her!"

Yang Mi: .
So you weren’t specifically praising her?
Sorry, she was the one who got it wrong.

However, she didn't act like a little girl at this time. After rolling her eyes at Bai Anliang, she went to give Liu Yifei a "class" with light steps.

Let’s not talk about the effect of good girlfriends’ drama.

Even if Liu Yifei can't really bring out the soul of the character Baguio, it's actually not a big deal.

For a TV series, it’s okay if the acting expresses that meaning. If it doesn’t work, we’ll just use the “lazy bad trick” that Bai Anliang used before and let’s edit it.

What really determines the quality of her character is the relationship with Bai Anliang.

The essence of this thing is still an ancient puppet show. Whether it can make the audience addicted to CP is the key to success.

It can be said that the level of appearance of this drama is already half the success.If you can keep improving, it's naturally better. If you can't, you don't have to force yourself.

"I'm going to force it!"

This is the stubborn answer given by Liu Yifei.

The main character is unconvinced!

She wants to prove to Bai Anliang: people can do anything when they are extremely angry!

Fortunately, she was just thinking about this in her mind. If she really wanted to say it out loud, Bai Anliang assigned her to find some math problems for her.

After this little girl aggressively expressed her "motivation" to Bai Anliang, she held the script and put it down with a frown on her face, trying to figure out how to get into the play.

But no matter how hard she tried to figure out the mood of the character Baguio, she still couldn't express that feeling...

This is obviously to embarrass her Fat Tiger!
Obviously, Yang Mi's "telling drama" to her cannot make her enlightened~
The "rightful owner" still needs to come.

Bai Anliang walked to the shed where she rested and walked around her several times.

This girl seemed to be angry with herself. She didn't look at Bai Anliang and buried her face in the script. She probably couldn't read a single word.

A bit like an ostrich with its head buried~
He sighed, "How about you find a way to find other emotions to substitute for yourself? If Baguio loses her mother, doesn't it mean that you don't have a father?"

"You don't have a father!"

One sentence can anger a little girl.

Bai Anliang can talk.

But if he dared to fart like this, he was naturally fully prepared.

"Well, I really don't have a father~"

"Ah, this is me."

It was obviously Bai Anliang who was the first to offend, but in the end, Liu Yifei was embarrassed and started to feel sorry.

After all, her parents just divorced, and Bai Anliang seems to be an orphan.
Parents sacrifice to heaven, their magic power is boundless.

Woohoo. I feel so bad for Pigeon, I really want to hug him~
Regarding the little girl's apology, Bai Anliang just waved his hand, "Let's think of a solution together. If you really can't think of it, I can provide some strange tricks, which should still be effective."

"What kind of strange trick is this?" Liu Yifei couldn't help but asked curiously.

Yang Mi had taught her the "Right Way Kung Fu" before, but the effect was mediocre. After all, everyone has different ways of acting, and she couldn't digest it.

And what Bai Anliang wants to teach is the "evil method"!

In fact, his acting skills are not very good, maybe a little better than Liu Yifei, but he can always come up with some weird ideas to make up for this shortcoming.

Raise your hand.

As soon as this action came out, Liu Yifei subconsciously moved her head closer, ready to be touched.


Boom boom boom!
"Oh, don't hit me on the head."

What sounds good is a good head!

Excellent skull, round enough, and the feel of knocking is quite good.

Bai Anliang spread his hands out after being rude.

"I'm hinting at you~think about it carefully"

"What does it imply?"

"Have you read Journey to the West?"


Obviously, Bai Anliang is following the example of Patriarch Bodhi and asking Liu Yifei to come to his room to look for him in the middle of the night~
Liu Yifei quickly understood the hint, but she said she didn't understand. What kind of evil technique was this?
Don't tell her that you can only practice with two people and you have to take off your clothes!

She is not a child.

Indeed, Bai Anliang also felt that it was a bit nonsense to take off clothes when practicing martial arts.

That guy Zhang Wuji doesn't need to take off his clothes to heal men's injuries, but he must take off his clothes to heal women's wounds, otherwise it will affect the spread of his skills.
I'm embarrassed to tell him, are you trying to influence the spread of your skills?Is it affecting the spread of body fluids?
However, questioning Zhang Wuji, agreeing with Zhang Wuji, and becoming Zhang Wuji.

Today, even if you say that you are coming to the big world, you still have to take off your clothes to teach your skills.

Of course, the only uncertainty in this matter is whether Liu Yifei will come?
"Of course I won't go! He will definitely bully me!"

After happily eating some midnight snacks with her little sister Yang Mi, Liu Yifei vowed.

Yang Mi: Beautiful!sisters!That’s it, that’s the end of it!

"Sissi, don't you like Brother Anliang?"

Liu Yifei blushed, "That's not the same thing!"

She doesn't want to go. If she goes, it will be for free. She still has some points for herself, so it's okay if she doesn't go. If she does, she really can't refuse... and maybe she doesn't want to refuse, so don't go.

Yang Mi: If it were me, I would definitely go anyway.

But, she always felt like something was weird. Why did Bai Anliang cosplay as Patriarch Bodhi?
He just likes eating grapes, but...

"Dong dong dong."

There was a knock on the door.

Liu Yifei suddenly became nervous, because the only person who could come at this time was either her mother or Bai Anliang.

And her mother left the crew yesterday, so...

But Yang Mi "breathed a sigh of relief" at this time, right? She still waited until midnight and gave a secret signal... Bah!
"Mimi, don't...wait a moment..."

Before Liu Yifei had time to hesitate, Yang Mi, the "little traitor", had already rushed over and opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, Bai Anliang seemed to be going home. He naturally said hello to Yang Mi, then turned to look at Liu Yifei, "What's wrong? You saw me looking so bad."

"You..." She suppressed her blush, looked at Yang Mi for help, and expressed her condemnation of Bai Anliang from the perspective of integrity, "You don't mean what you say, what time is it now?"

Bai Anliang didn't talk to her about this at all. He walked up to her with a smile, hooked her waist with one hand, and hugged her with a slight force.

"Ouch!" Liu Yifei snorted, burying her head in Bai Anliang's arms and closing her eyes tightly.

Seeing this scene, Yang Mi felt sour and felt aggrieved.

But his eyes widened in the next second, because Bai Anliang freed up his other hand and lifted her chin, "Hey."

It's hard to describe what kind of "combination" these three people are.'s really outrageous.

Bai Anliang's hands were so big that they could cover Liu Yifei's head, preventing her from turning around for a while.

And he actually took advantage of this moment to kiss Yang Mi...

Even he himself felt that it was a little ridiculous, and this was not a long-planned plan, it was just a blessing.

It just so happened that he was tall, Liu Yifei happened to be shy, and Yang Mi happened to be close enough... At this time, it would be a waste not to do something.

His arms are very broad and can accommodate two little girls at the same time.

As for more... then the probability of being discovered is a bit high. Bai Anliang is also a mortal, and his head will not be harder than others when facing a hatchet.

As for how it will end later...he hasn't thought about it yet.

Looking for help online, urgent.

(End of this chapter)

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