This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 234: Laughter, I’ve already fought it

Chapter 234: The joke has been dealt with long ago
"The boss is attending the Academy Awards today. It should be over now. I'll give him a call. Would you like to have a chat with him?"

"I'll make the call myself." Yang Mi refused Qin Lan's offer and took out her mobile phone to call Bai Anliang.

It's also a coincidence that Bai Anliang has just finished being interviewed by reporters and is now heading to the airport with the trophy~
After receiving Yang Mi's call, he knew what was going on with this little girl before the other party opened her mouth.

"Mimi, do you miss me?"

"Brother Anliang~ You will definitely treat me well, right?" Yang Mi said coquettishly while humming.

"That's not necessarily true. You don't understand me yet. You have to help me make money."

"How much money can I make? I can't even take a lot of commission~"

Yang Mi didn't think Bai Anliang would be interested in her. If he wanted her to make money, he had to make her famous first.

"Then try your best. If you really can't do it, you can still pay for it with your body. Okay, I'm at the airport. We'll talk about it later. If you have any additional requirements, you can edit it and send it to me via email."

It was just an ordinary phone call, and Bai Anliang didn't promise any substantial benefits to Yang Mi.

And Yang Mi has no problem with the length of the contract at all.

But after she finished the phone call, she turned to Qin Lan and said, "Sister Lan, when will we sign the contract?"

"Well, let's talk about the term and details first. Are you willing to sign a long-term contract?"

"You can sign a long-term contract, but I only have one requirement. Brother Anliang must be present when the contract is signed. I will only sign after he reads the contract."

This request sounds simply bizarre.

Bai Anliang is the boss. Even if there are some traps hidden in the contract, can he take the initiative to tell Yang Mi?

However, Qin Lan thought about it for a moment and realized in her heart that this little girl was not signing for a company, she was the "signing person".

The less conditions are discussed, the less likely the contract will be harsh.
All in all, this matter is considered appropriate.

Qin Lan smiled and extended her hand to Yang Mi, "Welcome to Baiwu Film and Television."

"Sister Lan, please take good care of me in the future~"

"By the way, do you want to talk to your parents?"

"I'm over [-] years old, so there's no need. Besides, my parents are a little prejudiced against Brother An Liang, so let's finish the signing." When she said this, Yang Mi felt a little guilty.

Qin Lan's expression became weird, "Tsk, tsk, there's probably a story here!" ——
Sign, fingerprint, take photos, and make an announcement on the official website.
A stingy guy like Bai Anliang would naturally not learn from others' Hua Yi. When signing a contract with an artist, he would have to hold a signing ceremony, which would cause a big scene.

Yang Mi's contract was signed in his office.

If there was a signing ceremony, he gave Yang Mi a trophy?

"You like it? I like giving it to you."

"Huh? This is the Academy Award trophy. Give it to me?" Yang Mi said in surprise.

"I came back in such a hurry that I didn't prepare any gifts for you. Since this thing is somewhat meaningful, wouldn't it be just right to give it to you?"

It sounds appropriate, but it's a bit strange to give the trophy you just won to a girl.

Yang Mi looked at the trophy in her hand, then at the cabinet behind Bai Anliang where the trophy was placed, and scratched her head~
"It's the same thing if I go back and ask someone to make a fake one~"

"Then I'm not welcome! Brother Anliang, I dried the flower you gave me before and put it in the dictionary. It's too difficult to preserve."

Oh, there’s saxifrage on the cliff, right?
Bai Anliang seemed to be eating three things at once, and gave away three girls at the same time.

Liu Yifei and Da Tiantian were already rotten.

He didn't expect that Yang Mi was still stunned and saved some of the beef!

Having said that, Bai Anliang felt that he was really frugal enough in picking up girls.

I used to give girls random flowers, but now I give them worthless broken trophies that cost nothing.

It seems a bit stingy to do this~
The girls gave him many gifts and they were quite valuable.

After a little reflection on himself, Bai Anliang decided not to repent. He should spend money when he should. Money is for women to see, not to spend.

"By the way, do you have any movies to shoot this year?" Bai Anliang asked a more important question.

Yang Mi shook her head, "Rong Xinda hasn't arranged a job for me for a long time."

Compared to last year's busy schedule of two TV series and two movies, this year Yang Mi actually faced a situation where she had nothing to film.

From this perspective, Rong Xinda's plans for artists are indeed a bit outrageous. How can such a gap period still occur?

Of course, the trick people use to fool little girls is to go to school first and sharpen their swords before chopping wood.

Yang Mi: I believed your lies!

They say you have to become famous as early as possible. If she really stopped filming for a year or two, she would fall into the ditch all of a sudden.

Of course, most young actors like her are in this situation, so it's not unusual.

The reason why Yang Mi made the decision to join Bai Anliang so quickly was because she felt that Rong Xinda was trying to draw a picture for her.

It was said that Zhou Xun left and treated her as a sister, but in the end, she had no work arrangements?

This is outrageous, no one believes Shabi.

"If you want to film a movie later, let Qin Lan help you find it. But don't expect other people's movies to give you a good role. Just treat it like it's filming. When will "Sword and Sword 3" start filming? Try your best. Shooting can start this year.”

As he talked, Bai Anliang suddenly felt that he was trying to impress others by riding on the horse!

After working on it for a long time, I didn’t immediately arrange any good roles or cast for them.
His work in the second half of the year is to complete the filming of "The Call to Action" and then work on the follow-up Sha Po Lang series. Of course, there is no problem in calling it "John Wick".

I really don’t necessarily care about this little girl Yang Mi.

"Brother Anliang, don't be embarrassed. It's okay if I wait."

However, for Bai Anliang, his company's production capacity really needs to be improved.

"Awu! Awu!"

"Senior brother, what's going on?"

Calling his third junior brother, Bai Anliang stared at him for a long time, "Do you want to try being a producer?"

"Ah? A screenwriter becomes a producer?" Bai Wu was not too surprised when he heard his senior brother's words. Instead, he smiled and said, "Senior brother, don't give me such a big say just because I am a screenwriter. Other companies It’s never been done like this.”

"I heard that you have a pretty powerful guy under you?"

"Yes, it can be regarded as annexing his entire studio. Now he is the second-in-command of my department. There are definitely enough people in the company's writing team, and there are a lot of books on hand. The script of "Sword and Sword III" has been completed The previous version of "Hurry Up" is almost done." "What's that person's name?"

"Yu Zheng."

It turns out to be this guy.
Bai Anliang suddenly felt that his company might have some inexplicable attraction to these jack-of-all-trades players?

Yang Tianzhen came before, and now Yu Zheng is the kind of person who has a strong sense of presence and doesn't talk about martial ethics.

It's very similar to Bai Anliang.

After getting to know the new "talents" in the company, Bai Anliang decided to really delegate power to his subordinates.

At least, as for the TV series, he doesn't have the energy to do it himself now. Anyway, with his junior brothers here, let's see if these people can make things happen.


After Bai Wu brought this news to the screenwriting department, to be honest, the effect was extremely explosive.

Especially Yu Zheng, the smile on his face is as bright as a blooming chrysanthemum on horseback~
The status of screenwriters in the film and television industry is generally very low, and few screenwriters can have much say in a drama.

To be honest, Yu Zheng is willing to come to Baiwu Film and Television mainly because the company respects the screenwriters enough and gives them a high voice.

In this regard, Baiwu Film and Television has a really good reputation. Screenwriters are not the yes-men of directors and producers. They can write whatever they are asked to do, and their income is not very good.

Most of the serious screenwriters who are successful in the industry are already blessed by being well-known writers.

Ordinary screenwriters sometimes can’t even get authorship rights.

Not to mention going one step further and participating in the production of film and television dramas and becoming part of the profit sharing group.

"Is our company going to make a big move?" Yu Zheng asked keenly.

"We have signed a new actress and Mr. Bai will praise her."

Big move?This is not a big move, right~
Bai Wu still knows his senior brother very well. He can feel that the senior brother simply wants to increase the company's production capacity.

After all, the more scripts you accumulate, the more scripts you accumulate. If you don’t shoot them, there’s no use keeping them in the box.

Keep it as a family heirloom?

Painting cakes for classmate Yang Mi and painting cakes for the company's screenwriting department. Bai Anliang's return to the company this time was really a guest appearance as a cake painting master.

Of course, what he used was Ma Liang's magic pen, and the cakes he drew were really edible.

It depends on whether they can grasp it themselves.

Anyway, Bai Anliang himself is not going to spend much energy on future TV drama projects. At most, he will take a look at it when he has time. If the people under his command are really such a waste, then consider yourself unlucky.

He is not a god. He can make movies and TV shows at one go. He comes up with four or five projects a year and participates in all of them.
This is not a sideshow, it doesn’t mean you can run away after filming.
The crew of "The Name of the Register".

For Bai Anliang, the life of filming suddenly became leisurely.

Of course, the filming of "The Proposal" was not particularly easy, but just focusing on acting and not having to worry about so many things was a rare leisure for Bai Anliang.

He even had time to have fun with Xu Jinlei when he had nothing to do, playing mahjong and so on.

I laugh every day watching my junior brother Huang Tu quarrel with director Chen Ker-sin.
It's funny, Chan Ker-sin has never filmed a big-scene fight scene, but the movie "The Legend" has a lot of big-scene fight scenes. This led to the fact that the first scene was originally scheduled to be shot in seven days. , Chen Ker-sin was surprised that it took almost a month to complete.

This guy is so painful that he wants to give up his job.

I don’t know if he was acting, but during the meal, Bai Anliang really heard what this guy said to the investors, "How about you change the director~"

In addition, his junior brother Huang Tu often complained to Bai Anliang, scolding Chen Kerxin every day for being a layman and commanding an expert.

"Brother, he wants the scene to be realistic. He doesn't want us to use coercion. All the moves can't be a little fancy. It doesn't matter if the moves are not fancy. Some scenes can't be shot without coercion. You can't just shoot one scene. A few will die or a few will be seriously injured."

"Bah! Stop talking nonsense like a crow, go and reason with Director Chen~"

Looking at his senior brother who was smiling like a horse-riding Maitreya Buddha, Huang Tu scratched his head helplessly.

Come on, senior brother really doesn’t want to care about it at all.
After understanding this, Huang Tu had no choice but to roll up his sleeves and continue to quarrel with Chen Kexin.

Bai Anliang gained more than ten pounds. Although he didn't have any fat on his body, he just made himself stronger, but now he had a little more flesh on his cheeks.

He doesn't look fat, but the edges and corners on his face are slightly rounded, and he's not as aggressive as he looked before.

In the past, just squinting his eyes would make people think he was murderous, but now he is much more "kind".

In Xu Jinlei's words, "Hey, you are much cuter than before~"

Yes, the word she used was "cute."

This eldest sister's greatest pleasure on the set is to tease the handsome boy Kim Sung-oh. Kim Sung-oh is a stoic and talks too little, so her greatest pleasure is to talk dirty to Bai Anliang.

He also nudged Bai Anliang to have a fight with Li Lianlian all day long.
I want to see who is more powerful, the new Kung Fu Emperor or the old one~
It’s a joke, it’s already been said.

On the first day after joining the team, before filming even started, Bai Anliang and Li Lianlian quietly found a place and started filming.

The results of this kind of competition behind closed doors will naturally not be known to others.

But after competing once, Li Yanlian no longer talked about "trying his hand" with Bai Anliang.

Even his attitude towards Huang Tu was a little different. When talking about action scenes, he showed enough respect, which made it much easier for Huang Tu, the action director, to work on the crew.

Li Yanlian is so polite, who else would dare to stab him?Not to mention that there was Lord Yama sitting next to him who was smiling all day long.
"Brother Jie, you are still very good at writing and acting. Did you hide your secrets from what you taught me two days ago?"

Looking at Bai Anliang's suspicious eyes, Li Lianlian had a headache. How could he teach others to act? He was born in a wild family.

But Bai Anliang asked for advice humbly, and he also felt that, hey, you are not as good as others~ He naturally agreed and gave me all his money.

However, the result is that people cannot understand what they are taught, and they cannot understand what they want to learn.

"How did you perform in acting before? I've seen your movies and your acting was okay." Li Lianyan said a little puzzled.

"She acted her true self. Of course she did a good job."

To be honest, if Bai Anliang were asked to play the role of Li Lianlian in "The Name of the People", he would be a little confident that his performance would not be too bad at least.

The main character is full of violence.

Is this still going to be performed?

But he really can't do anything else.

(End of this chapter)

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