This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 258 Welcome Teacher Bai for random inspection

Chapter 258 Welcome Teacher Bai for random inspection
"Bai, Mr. Bai?"

The first person to discover Bai Anliang's "infiltration behavior" was actually Tang Yan. She had just seen Hu Ge and another person squatting in the corner like thieves from afar, and came over to take a look with curiosity.

Just glanced at it.

He actually recognized Bai Anliang from his back.

After hearing the sound, Bai Anliang and Hu Ge both turned their heads and glanced.

"Hey, Tangtang, come and sit down. Can you squat for a while?"

There was no place to sit, but after Tang Yan heard Bai Anliang's invitation, he hesitated a little and actually came over to squat with them.

It was originally two street guys, but now it has become two street guys and a spirited girl.

If someone holds a cigarette now, it will really smell like that.

Here comes~
Hu Ge is still very discerning, and he seems to feel that it is a bit wrong to squat here without lighting a cigarette.

He immediately took out a pack of Hibiscus King from his pocket, handed one to Bai Anliang, and then lit it for him.

However, Bai Anliang is not a martial artist. While smoking someone else's cigarette, he also scolded, "If you don't smoke until the girl comes, you are destroying my image in the girl's mind!"

Hu Ge:? ? ?
ah?Do you still need to smoke to destroy your image?
People all over the country will know about their carelessness.

No matter how hard you work, you will definitely be able to catch up with your elder brother in terms of fame.

I couldn't hold it back and almost laughed out loud.

Tang Yan thought Bai Anliang was telling the truth, so she quickly waved her hand, "It's okay, don't worry about me."

Bai Anliang held a cigarette in his mouth and glanced at her sideways, "Want one?"


Tang Yan suddenly became entangled, come on?Still not coming?
Neither can she.
But would it be rude to reject Bai Anliang?
Just when she was struggling, Bai An's conscience felt happy.

"I used to hang out in the martial arts world, and there were quite a lot of things to pay attention to when smoking. You have to learn to be "gentle, kind, respectful, frugal, and yielding." Especially the word "give". For example, I smoke now, and the person sitting next to me is someone I don't know. People, I also want to say, "Smoke a few puffs." Regardless of whether the other party knows how to smoke or not, he must accept the invitation, otherwise he will not be given face."

Hu Ge chuckled, "What if I really don't give you face?"

"Then you need to be more generous. There is a saying: if you treat someone with a cigarette to save face, you may have to get rid of someone."

"Mr. Bai, how about I have one?" Tang Yan said tremblingly.

Hearing this, Bai Anliang and Hu Ge looked at each other, and the two began to laugh.

Teasing girls is so fun!

"You're kidding, what age are you? You're still a girl. Who has such a bad mind that you have to force a girl to smoke? At most, I've only seen people at the wine table trying to persuade girls to drink, deliberately trying to get girls drunk."

"I've seen it too. Some people like to do this, but Brother Liang shouldn't need it, right?" Hu Ge continued to compliment him.

"Me? I usually like to force girls to kiss me."

Oh, you told me earlier!
Bai Anliang:? ? ?

Hu Ge:? ? ?
what? !

Are you serious?
After a sneak attack on Bai Anliang, Tang Yan's face turned red. Looking at the strange eyes of the two people, he panicked and then realized what he had done.

He quickly stood up, turned around and ran away.

After running a few steps, he stopped and said, "Mr. Bai, I have a scene to shoot, so I'll go over first."

Without waiting for Bai Anliang's response, he continued to run away.

At this time, Bai Anliang touched his face and found that there were some lipstick marks on it, and he fell into deep thought.


Hu Ge gave a thumbs up, convinced, really convinced!Is this okay? !
Bai Anliang was not shy at all. He waved his hand and said, "It's a small scene. By the way, is she from Shishi's side or Mimi's side?"

"She seems to be relatively close to Yang Mi."

"Quite smart. Not stupid and sweet~"

Bai Anliang shook his head. Silly Baitian was the only serious person he had ever seen.

Other girls who can make it in the entertainment industry are more or less clever.

Of course, you may not have much experience at the beginning, but you will always become "smarter" after staying for a long time.

After smoking a cigarette, Bai Anliang stood up and relaxed his muscles, "Let's go and see what's going on with our crew. I'll kill anyone who dares to cause trouble~"

Hu Ge also stood up, but the moment he stood up, his legs went weak and he almost fell to his knees.

"Fuck numb"

"You should exercise more, don't you have a membership with me? There are also stores in Shanghai."

"Brother, I'm busy, I really don't have time to go." Hu Ge shook his head helplessly. He would have liked to exercise and play with the cat and dog at home, but he is Tang Ren's pillar now, how can he have so much free time? time.

"Then find a girlfriend and practice in bed. The core training is better than anything else."

".What about the kidney?"

"I don't know about this. It depends on your personal talent~ You can try food supplements."


Men, when we talk about this kind of topic, we can’t stop talking.

It was an exciting text. Everyone expressed their opinions and fully exchanged their own experiences and insights. Everyone felt that they had gained a lot.

In the end, the discussion between the two guys was interrupted by Damimi, who hurried over after receiving the news.

"Brother Anliang!"

When Damimi saw Bai Anliang, her expression was bright and she rushed over and jumped into his arms.

Properly hit someone with the ball!
Typical offensive foul.

Fortunately, Bai Anliang reacted quickly enough and held him up in time.
Seeing this scene, Hu Ge touched his nose. After all, it was a bit strange that Da Mimi, who was a couple with him in the play, took the initiative to throw herself into someone else's arms.

Of course, he felt more that this was not "declaring sovereignty"!

Because Master Liu appeared out of nowhere, but he didn't get close and was peeking from a distance~
Junior sister, senior brother really can't help you right now. Look how brave he is.

She was still on the set at the moment, and there were so many people nearby. How dare Da Mimi make such a big fuss.

That's because I don't have to worry about some messy scandals spreading.

In fact, if there were fewer people around, Damimi would even dare to kiss Bai Anliang for a few minutes.

I'm still a little apprehensive~
"How old are you? Why do you act like a child?"

"She's not that big. She's just a little girl!" Damimi snorted.

Bai Anliang lowered his head and glanced, "You are just talking nonsense."

Why?Only then did she realize that what Bai Anliang said was different from what she understood.

Still such a gangster, it makes people feel at ease~

After lingering with Bai Anliang for more than ten seconds, Damimi reluctantly got off of him.

However, he still stayed close to Bai Anliang, "Brother Anliang, are you actually free to visit the class? I want to eat."

Oops!You are so rude~
Of course, Bai Anliang would not fail to satisfy her with this small request.

I called the person who went shopping and added the pile of snacks, milk tea and other things that Damimi requested.

At the same time, we should not worry about scarcity but inequality.Just like raising a cat.

If you have several cats at home, you can’t just feed one cat extra food.

Otherwise, what would you let the other cats think?
Da Tiantian did this before. Because the little tiger refused to let her hold her once, the little girl secretly fed her fat tiger an extra cat strip. As a result, her fat tiger was killed by the little tiger that day. Two beatings.

Little kitten, you are holding a grudge~
"Master, come here, don't you recognize me?"

Seeing Bai Anliang waving to him, Master Liu ran over a little embarrassed, but bowed slightly politely, "Hello, Mr. Bai~"


Bai Anliang is a little strange. They haven't seen each other for a while, why are they still different?
I couldn't help it, and glanced at Damimi.

Have you been bullied too harshly?
Damimi:? ? ?

Green tea bitch!She is a green tea bitch, brother!Pretending on purpose!

I really don’t believe it. Just listen to me explain it to you tonight~
Just in time, she saw Tang Yan peeping in the corner, hiding. She really didn't see anyone standing outside with most of his body, his head tilted to hide.

Are you an inappropriate modern version of hiding your ears and stealing your bell?

With those long legs, who wouldn’t know it’s you!

"Tangtang, Boss Bai is treating you to a treat, come here and pick up the wool~"

Hearing Damimi's call, Tang Yan came over a little embarrassed.

She had just "taken the initiative to attack" and was really a little nervous to be called here so soon.

"I know what she likes, so I asked someone to bring her a bag of Furong Wang~"

"Mr. Bai." Tang Yan lightly stamped his feet, wondering if he could not get over this problem?

And Damimi, who didn't understand why, was stunned for two seconds, "Ah? Tangtang, are you still smoking? Why didn't I see you smoking on the set?"

"I'm always joking if I don't smoke."

"Don't smoke. Smoking smells. Smell the smell of cigarette smoke on Lao Hu. It stinks like hell."

Hu Ge:? ? ?
You are riding a horse. Yang Mi, you kid.
It makes sense~ Doesn't Bai Anliang smell of cigarette smoke now?

You just posted it with him and didn’t you smell it?
He was at least three or four meters away from her, but she could actually smell the stench of cigarette smoke on his body?

This wave of true precision strikes.

Yang Mi: Brother An Liang has a faint smell of tobacco, but he has a masculine smell!

Hu Ge: Okay, okay, this is the legendary double standard. Junior sister, let’s go and don’t follow them!
Junior sister?Junior sister?

Master Liu glanced at Hu Ge curiously and wrinkled his nose, "Brother, please stop smoking. We have to film a movie later~"

Hu Ge: Blanch!

Tonight, he will definitely drag Bai Anliang to drink heavily all night. None of you damn girls can even think of having someone to sleep with!
Bai Anliang was very generous when he came to visit his crew and brought several carts of various fruit drinks.

However, this also slightly delayed the filming process of the crew, and it took an hour or two before the filming resumed.

The scene I filmed today was quite interesting.

It is the plot of Long Yang and Long Kui, the prince and princess of Jiang Kingdom, forging magic swords.

It’s a good idea to get the name Longyang.
Of course, what's even better is the plot.

Bai Anliang also deliberately caused trouble in advance. After reading the script, he secretly whispered a few words to Master Liu.

The other person's eyes lit up, and he laughed non-stop.

At the scene, when Hu Ge said, "Without that sword, I can still annihilate the enemy army," he actually felt weird in his heart.

Because Liu Shishi, who played Nightshade in front of him, seemed not to be emotionally involved in the character.
As a result, when Liu Shishi took the line, he said, "Don't brag, brother~"

The Northeastern voice with its smooth accents really confused Hu Ge.

Master, aren’t you from Yanjing?
The scene was stunned for two seconds and burst into laughter.

"This part is good. This part is good. I can put it in the behind-the-scenes later or use it when promoting the program."

If Liu Shishi, an unknown little artist, acted like this, the director would be glaring even if he didn't curse.

But since it was Bai Anliang who directed the director, he naturally followed behind and applauded~
The one who laughed the most at the scene was Master Liu, who transformed into a haha ​​monster. After a while, he hahahaha~
After laughing for a while, I suddenly realized something was wrong!

Bai Anliang is standing there~
Lady lady lady lady.

I recited it several times in my mind to calm myself down quickly and stop smiling with my mouth so wide.

Actually, Bai Anliang felt happy when he saw Master Liu opening his mouth and laughing: Ah, Master, you can open your mouth so wide, cough~
Da Mimi next to him tilted her head, huh?

It seemed like I noticed something strange, but it passed by quickly and I couldn't catch it.

But after she finished laughing along, she took the opportunity to pull Bai Anliang's arm, "Brother Anliang, how long will you be here to visit this time?"

"one day."

Upon hearing that it was this time of day, Damimi's face showed a regretful expression.

As a result, Bai Anliang, that bastard, was breathing heavily when he spoke, and then he actually added, "... to a month."

"Huh? A month?"

"What do I have to do now? There is Bai Jiaban's martial arts company here in Hengdian. I can stay as long as I want."

"That's great!" Da Mimi was overjoyed, but she didn't expect Bai Anliang to stay with her for so long, so she immediately said sweetly, "That. What you told me last time, I learned it from watching the video."

"Oh?" Bai Anliang's eyes lit up, "Really? Then I'm going to test your skills."

"Welcome Teacher Bai for random inspection~"

Spot check?

I also played with homophonic jokes, which was naughty.

It's just that, even though Damimi was very impatient in her heart, she really wanted to drag Bai Anliang back to her room.

But he just arrived today, and he wanted to treat the leading actors to a meal no matter what.

This can be regarded as a good opportunity for Hu Ge to find "revenge".

When they had dinner together in the evening, he took Bai Anliang to drink and never stopped from beginning to end.

The main one is one. Stay with the little girls. Brother Liang, this one is mine.

But unfortunately, Bai Anliang was not drunk, and he couldn't hold it back first.

He started talking nonsense while he was drinking, and then he sat down and drank on the table.

"Call his assistant to carry him back~"

After a few words of explanation, tonight's drinking party was over.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Damimi grabbed Bai Anliang's arm and said, "Brother Anliang, let me get you some sobering soup."

Bai Anliang:? ? ?

After being stunned for less than a second, he decided to pretend to be drunk.

There are advantages to pretending to be drunk at this time!

(End of this chapter)

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