This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 268 You are so perverted!

Chapter 268 You are so perverted!

Bai Anliang didn't know much about the book called "Lost in Yanjing" that Fan Xiaopang came into contact with. Oh, it was later renamed "Apple".

The main reason why he was unclear was that this project was undertaken by Fan Xiaopang Studio itself.

In Qin Lan's words, Fan Xiaopang is not an artist of Baiwu Film and Television at all. Her studio only has some relationship with Bai Anliang personally.

But Bai Anliang can't do everything in his own company, so he has no time to pay attention to this kind of low-cost literary film.

To put it bluntly, he doesn't make art films.

Lose money and earn money.

The main way to make money is to win awards to gain popularity and then sell copyrights. If it relies on box office, there are few literary films that can recover their costs or even make money at the box office, and some of them cannot be released.

Fan Xiaopang also knew this, so he didn't introduce this project to him.

I know that Bai Anliang, a guy with all eyes on "money", doesn't like the somewhat "niche" stuff like literary and artistic films.

But she felt she needed it.

People always want to prove themselves. Fan Xiaopang thinks that his acting skills are not bad, but being called a vase every day will definitely make him feel uncomfortable. Who wants to be just a vase in appearance.

There are even comments like "As long as Fan Xiaopang appears in a movie, it must be a bad movie."

To be honest, it makes no sense and is embarrassing.

She has acted in many movies, and they are not all bad. The main reason why she is said to be so is because she has taken too many roles.
How much?
Fan Xiaopang himself doesn’t think so, but the more the merrier.

If your reputation is low, then find a way to improve it!

Bai Anliang: When you step on a horse, isn't it just a headache and a pain in the head and feet?

But one of his great advantages is that he rarely gives any advice on other people's plans.

Looking at the problem from God's perspective, it seems that it is always very simple, just do this and do that.

This is really not true.

Maybe after pointing out and changing someone's trajectory, it will become worse.

Therefore, except for some obvious big pitfalls, he may make a few remarks and ignore the rest.

Just like Bai Anliang, he never thinks that he will continue to succeed if he replicates some successful projects. The world is ever-changing, and so is development.

Otherwise, when he first filmed "Ip Man", he wouldn't have had to create such a huge program effect for promotion.

In the words of many people, Bai Anliang's outrageous behavior in Xiangjiang was essentially much more influential than his movie. It was purely putting the cart before the horse.

Of course, it was only used to promote the movie, and that behavior also brought other benefits and benefits.

Therefore, it is up to Fan Xiaopang how she wants to mess with her. Bai Anliang doesn't care about her.

Cover her in a broad sense, just think about her when it's useful, don't sleep in vain
No, what does it mean to not sleep in vain? It's obvious that this woman slept with herself, and Bai Anliang was younger than her.

From this perspective, Bai Anliang is the one who suffers.

There is nothing wrong with the young wolf dog being missed by the royal sister!
Zhou Xun: "Would you like some drinks tonight? Come to my place."

Bai Anliang: "Do you want to take advantage of me? Do you want Bai Lao?"

Zhou Xun:? ? ?
There is something wrong with this man!
We are all adults. We feel like making a date when we come here. Are you still at a disadvantage?

But Bai Anliang's remarks almost made Zhou Xun angry. Yes, she is still very into the role now~
Taking on the role when filming, and even in daily life, is the magic weapon for many experientialists to win.

Some of them are so outrageous that they can even cause schizophrenia in themselves.

Zhou Xun is not to that extent, but because the character loves the house and the crow, this is quite normal.

Anyway, she now has the urge to bite Bai Anliang on the shoulder and let him masturbate her like a little fox.
Even the conflict with Fan Xiaopang was transformed into the jealousy between Xiao Wei and Pei Rong.

However, Wang Sheng would not say such nonsense as "You want to take advantage of me"!
Do I still want to give you a red envelope?Consider yourself a virgin?

Fortunately, Bai Anliang just made a joke with her, but immediately responded with an invitation "I'm drinking, do you want to come?"

What a little virgin. Although he used the term "old gangster" to tease himself, some people may not really think so.
After many people come into contact with him, they will naturally ignore the fact that he is actually only in his early twenties.

It doesn't work if you don't ignore it. For example, Deng Chao. If he didn't ignore this, how could he say "Brother Liang" so naturally.

She even brought Sun Li to shout this together, and Sun Li, who was one year older than Bai Anliang, thought it was okay.

During the days she spent on the set, she really didn't realize that Bai Anliang was young. She always felt that he and Zhou Xun were of the same generation, and that he was a powerful senior in the industry who was in their thirties.

"Actually, you are quite suitable for the role of Pei Rong. You should be better than Fan Xiaopang."

Be bold!The following guilty?
But if Bai Anliang said this, then it would be fine.

"I can't do it, I don't have enough aura." Sun Li waved her hands in embarrassment.

Don't you have enough energy?You are the empress.
But now Sun Li may be just a little bit off. Her relationship with Deng Chao is sweet, and the eyes of the two couples have become a bit similar.

A clear sense of stupidity.

It is hard to imagine that in a few years she will be called "Empress".

"Brother Liang, please stop teasing her. She is my girlfriend, so you can't use your usual tricks to flirt with girls now!"

Hearing Deng Chao's outrageous remarks, before Bai Anliang had time to be happy, Sun Li became anxious and almost kicked him, "Don't talk nonsense!"

While Bai Anliang was laughing, he also said, "Why am I so outrageous in your mind? Husband? You are so perverted! Sun Li, you have to be careful with him, this person is full of pornographic waste."

Hearing this, Sun Li actually nodded seriously. It was obvious that she wanted to reach out and pinch Deng Chao's ears, but since Bai Anliang was still there, she held back and just said, "It's really a bit perverted. Take it." My girlfriend is joking”

"Hey, I was just joking. I have a good relationship with Brother Liang."

"No, it must be what kind of image you have imagined in my mind?" Bai Anliang came back to his thoughts and looked at Deng Chao with evil eyes.

Deng Chao:.
Ahem, what kind of image could it be? Brother, have you forgotten that we worked together on the crew of "The Best in the World"?You are a ruthless person who can flirt with two or three girls at the same time!
Oh no, more than two or three, four or five?
It seems like there was some cheating, but he didn’t want it himself.
To be honest, at that time, Bai Anliang was not as famous as he is now, but Deng Chao was already very convinced.

On the one hand, he is effective in speaking on the set and has the aura of a big brother. On the other hand, it is obvious that he is a scumbag when it comes to flirting with girls.

You can find ways to work hard to become famous, and you can even find ways to improve your status in the crew, but you can't really learn this.
Before coming to the crew, Deng Chao had actually thought about the situation where his girlfriend was flirted with by Bai Anliang.

Ahem, it’s not that the “prejudice” is really that big.

The main reason is that the eldest brother is so cruel that everyone is afraid of him.

But after arriving, he found that Bai Anliang was still very "brotherly". According to Sun Li herself, she never said more than twenty words to Bai Anliang on the set.

Then he excitedly shared his experiences with Deng Chao about the crew.
There is no way, Zhou Xun and Fan Xiaopang are fighting each other every day, it is too effective for the show.

Sun Li sometimes wanted to move to a small bench and sit there, cracking melon seeds and watching.

However, in order to avoid being harmed by Chi Yu, she could only "watch" the battle secretly, feeling excited in her heart.

"Brother Liang, why are you here alone today? This is not your style~ I have never seen you without a girl around you." After the "misunderstanding was resolved," Deng Chao began to wink and wink again to make the show more effective.

Men, what can we talk about when we drink and chat together?

The political scientist is possessed to point out the country, the economist is possessed to see flowers in the mist, the historical witness Yi Xiaochuan is the myth, and the car door is welded so that no one can get out of the car. Oh yes, there is also the Akina mountain car god Takumi-kun.

After all, many people chat about "sad past" when drinking. There are quite a few cheated brothers in this world.

Deng Chao was "greened", and Bai Anliang often used large-scale movie clips of his ex-girlfriend to entertain him.
To be honest, it was a blessing that they broke up, otherwise they would all be friends. Bai Anliang might have felt a little guilty when he saw it.

"Who said I came here alone? Do you think all girls are as nimble as your girlfriend? I am a very naughty one~"

"Egg, she is also annoyed, I have waited for her"

Excited, right?
Before Deng Chao finished speaking, his ears were already strained.

It can be seen that Sun Li seems to be very talented in the aspect of "charioteer"
Bai Anliang: The person I am complaining about is not around anymore, so I can say this. Do you dare to follow suit?

After drinking for almost half an hour, Bai Anliang's "female companion" finally arrived.

Deng Chao and Sun Li were shocked.

In fact, both of them thought it would be Fan Xiaopang. After all, the relationship between Bai Anliang and Fan Xiaopang was not a secret in the industry.

It can even be said that the first person in the entertainment industry to have the title of "Bai Anliang's Girlfriend" was Fan Xiaopang. She used this title to gain power in Xiangjiang, and it can be said that she has personally verified it.

But today, it’s Zhou Xun who comes.

Unexpected, but also reasonable.

How should I put it? Anyway, Deng Chao felt that there was no problem. Who is my brother Liang? Just take it and that would be it!

Zhou Xun?What's up with Zhou Xun~ Even if news comes out one day that Bai Anliang has collected all the stamps from the Four Danshuangbing, he won't think it's too outrageous.

Four days of double ice?

Bai Anliang: It seems to be coming soon. The only ones missing are Zhang Ziyi and Zhou Xun. Besides, Zhang Ziyi should be the only one missing soon.

"Sorry, I'm late~"

"Hello, Sister Xun"

"Hello, Sister Xun~" Bai Anliang also joined in the fun.

After Zhou Xun greeted Deng Chao with a smile, he raised his eyes and rolled his eyes at him.

How can I put it? The more I look at this woman, the more interesting she becomes. She obviously starts with three characters, but the feeling of a little girl is not inconsistent with her at all.

It's really amazing that two styles, mature and immature, can appear at the same time.

Of course, Zhou Xun is not a very traditional beauty. At least Bai Anliang, who has seen many beauties, has never been surprised by her appearance. It's just ordinary. He can pick two out of his "circle of friends" Can compare with Zhou Xun in appearance.

But almost none of them can taste like her. Well, how should I put it, it has a very atmospheric feel.

The last person who could make Bai Anliang feel this way was Yuan Quan.

One thing these two girls have in common is that when emotions are brewing in their eyes, it is particularly easy for people to take it in and have an emotional impact.

"You still call me sister?"

"Instead of calling me sister, calling me aunt is a bit too much."

"You are a man who cannot spit out ivory from a dog's mouth!"

Anyway, Zhou Xun discovered that Bai Anliang also had two sides.

When filming or acting cool and imposing, he is really handsome and masculine. That kind of aura is really not something ordinary people can learn.

Just for this reason, she thought it was okay for a gringo to call Bai Anliang "the godfather of Asia".

But when this guy flirts with girls and acts like a bitch, he really wants to be beaten up by his godfather. He is just Wei Xiaobao.

He can say any dirty talk.

Of course, it’s not really annoying.

At least the "auntie" just made Zhou Xun want to beat him, instead of turning his back and leaving.

However, if it were anyone else, Bai Anliang would not make such a joke about age, because some girls really care about it and would jump at it.

But Zhou Xun actually doesn't care much about this.

So what if she's in her early thirties?She can do whatever she wants~
So she was very generous at the moment, almost sitting close to Bai Anliang.

The performance was very intimate, not covering up at all.

Deng Chao was seen secretly giving Bai Anliang a thumbs up.

But Sun Li was a little strange because when she was on the set before, Bai Anliang usually stuck with Fan Xiaopang.

Once she even saw two people kissing in the RV~
Of course, she was discovered and the RV door was closed.

But in the crew, the male and female actors get into the same RV and close the door, which speaks volumes.

Generally, even if you get into a trailer for a scene, the door will be left open to avoid suspicion. Otherwise, there must be other people present, such as assistants or staff, otherwise rumors will easily spread.

Of course, these two people shouldn't be afraid of any rumors, because they have already existed.

So the question is, Sun Li has never seen Zhou Xun and Bai Anliang so close. What stories and gossip happened in the middle that she doesn't know about?


So, after the meal was finished, Sun Li took Deng Chao, who was already three-thirds drunk and had just gone to pay the bill, and said anxiously, "Quick, let's follow secretly."

"Who are you following?"

"Bai Anliang and Zhou Xun! Let's see if they will stay together at night."

For a moment, Deng Chaojiu was a little frightened and woke up.

"Ah? Baby, don't do it."

"I'm just a little curious. I won't go out and talk nonsense. I just want to take a look. Okay~"

There's no point in acting coquettishly or coquettishly!

Deng Chao didn't want to be caught and beaten by Bai Anliang's junior brother. This was all done in vain. What if they didn't recognize the two of them and treated them like paparazzi?
"I'll tell you the answer directly. We will definitely live together."

Make a strong statement and make a strong vow!
This is Deng Chao's absolute "trust" in Bai Anliang!
If the two of them hadn't had sex after they left together, he would have torn off his own head and used it as a ball for his girlfriend to kick!

(End of this chapter)

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