This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 279 The conscientious Master Bai

Chapter 279 The conscientious Master Bai

"Boss! The premiere has exceeded three!"

(The data is pure nonsense. After checking a lot of information, I still can’t decide how much to write. Please don’t take it seriously.)

Although it was late at night, after the ratings came out, Bai Anliang kept beeping.

Some made calls and sent messages.

It was also his skill that after getting the first broadcast ratings data, he sent it to the starring actors in bulk.

He had already posted it, and naturally others would not react without it.

Someone who knew something, like Hu Ge, responded to the message, expressing his happiness and asking Bai Anliang for a drink.

But the girls were making a lot of noise. They were so busy talking on the phone that Bai Anliang's head felt a little numb.

Apart from being happy, I was also quite emotional.

Mango Channel is still awesome, and it deserves to be the best among the provincial satellite TVs.

There are several provincial satellite TV stations that have a good relationship with Bai Anliang. The reason why they chose to cooperate with Mango Channel for this premiere is precisely because of this.

However, because of this, Bai Anliang will definitely have to go to the Golden Eagle Festival next year, and he should not miss out on the role of helping out, and if nothing else, he should be able to bring some trophies or something with him.

The Golden Eagle Awards are great, they have gold cups and crystal cups, the Audience's Favorite Actor and Actor Award and the Golden Eagle Festival's Most Popular Actor and Actor Award.

Anyway, after taking it, you can say that you are the emperor and the queen.

As for the former, which is the Audience's Favorite Actor and Actor Award, four awards will be given out at once. Bai Anliang feels that he can get one no matter what, as face is given to each other.

For example, Bai Anliang goes to the Academy Awards almost every year, and he gains something every time he goes.

The Academy Awards are very sensible and won't let him go away empty-handed.

But Bai Anliang's appetite is gradually increasing, and there is really no way for him to tell lies and give him the best actor trophy.

Logically speaking, there is actually a bit of hope in "The Call to Action". This is a relatively profound film that Bai Anliang rarely stars in. His performance is also very good and does not overwhelm him at all. In addition, his role can also be said to be the protagonist. Maybe if he points hard and makes fist gestures, the Academy Awards people will pinch his nose and give it to him.

But...who let Li Lianlian cheat on the spot and give the best literary and opera performance in his career?

He and Bai Anliang overlapped for most of the track, so there was no need to think about it. Even if it was given to the best actor, it could only be given to Li Link.

This was very helpless. Bai Anliang couldn't even take the opportunity to get angry.

However, the best actor nomination was given to him.

But although Bai Anliang is shameless and shameless, he doesn't like to brag about his nomination as an honor.

It's just a nomination, but I didn't get it, so it's useless.

There are no nominations for Best Actor here.

It can be regarded as a bad habit of martial arts practitioners. Only one person can stand if they use their hands, and the others are losers.

Wouldn't it be the biggest loser to nominate someone to accompany him?

If the Academy Awards hadn't always given him face, Bai Anliang wouldn't even want to participate in the accompanying race next year.

But before the Academy Awards next year, there is actually the Golden Horse Awards at the end of the year.

As the Academy Awards become more and more self-contained, with a lot of nomination requirements and over-protection of Hong Kong films, and the atmosphere of the Mainland’s Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers is too strong, the current Golden Horse Awards can really be regarded as the leader in Chinese film awards. , high gold content.

However, Bai Anhao seems to have only been nominated for the Golden Horse Award once, and I forgot which movie it was for the best action choreography.

Didn't go directly.

That movie was not a movie he made by himself. It was a movie he made by himself, and it was not even registered for the Golden Horse Award.

The Chinese language film awards?

Sorry, in Bai Anliang's eyes, if you don't give him any benefits, it's just a pheasant award.

It can be said that before, he and the Golden Horse Awards were in a state of "Who are you stepping on the horse?" and they were at odds with each other.

But now the invitation from the Golden Horse Awards is much more enthusiastic.

Chan Ker-sin also understands very well, and helped Bai Anliang to apply for Best Supporting Actor. Naturally, he was successfully nominated.

"Nomination" has been nominated for quite a few awards, a total of thirteen, making it one of the most popular movies of this year.

Normally, Bai Anliang should have to cheer for others this time.

But he gave Chen Keyin a message: Not sure if he can go, we will see what the arrangements are.

Chen Kexin: What does "see arrangements" mean? Translate?

Bai Anliang: Even if I don’t go this time, I can still get the prize. I’ll go next time.

Although he is preparing to release the Golden Horse Award pigeon, Bai Anliang is still very busy now.

Two days after the premiere of "Zhu Xian", compared with the blowout ratings, the popularity on the Internet is even more amazing.

The scandal between Bai Anliang and Liu Yifei dominated the charts before it was broadcast, and it became even more outrageous after it was broadcast.

Otherwise, why do we say that TV dramas are a powerful tool for flattering people? If we only look at popularity and popularity, ordinary movie actors can rarely do as well as TV drama actors. Of course, this must be in their own country.

But it is a pity that the three leading actors are not newcomers, otherwise they would really take off and come out with a "money-attracting weapon".

For Fan Xiaopang and Liu Yifei, the success of this drama is the icing on the cake. They are already very popular.

On the contrary, the advantages of Bai Anhao may be more obvious. Except for the original "The Best in the World", the audience basically had to spend money to buy tickets to see him, but now they can finally do it.

And Baiwu Film and Television also took advantage of the popularity of the TV series and helped Damimi receive a lot of announcements. This little girl just happened to have finished filming "Sword and Sword III", so she was panicking.

"Sword and Sword III" will be aired next year, but now she has gained a lot of popularity due to the popularity of the female supporting role in "Zhu Xian".

The company also helped her with a lot of marketing in this regard, and by the way, it also promoted the "Sword and Sword III" starring her.

Therefore, I originally planned to go back to the company after filming the TV series to see if I could block Bai Anliang's big honey, but I had no choice but to make money by doing announcements in order to have a good year.

After all, you can’t give up money for a man, right~

Similarly, Bai Anliang will also start preparing for the global release of "John Wick".

Zhen·Globally released, North America has already started promoting it. After he finished his guest appearance in "The King of Kung Fu", he had to fly over immediately to record some promotional content in advance. Basically, running on both sides was indispensable.

"Boss, Mimi has complained to me, saying that the workload has been a bit heavy recently."

"Did she vomit blood?" Bai Anliang asked without raising his eyes while listening to Qin Lan's work report.

"Uh, how can it be so exaggerated to vomit blood?"

"Just listen to her complaining to you. If you withdraw a few notices to her, she will immediately become angry with you. Having said that," Bai Anliang knows Damimi well. What he says is one thing, but what he thinks in his heart is the same. Another set.

How could she not seize it if it was hot? The so-called complaints were all for Bai Anliang.

Let giegie feel bad~

Bai Anliang had seen this kind of little thinking from Fan Xiaopang countless times. "By the way, I feel like I haven't seen Zeng Li for a long time. Has she terminated the contract?"

Finger caressing Qin Lan's stockings, while the conscientious Master Bai was checking the quality of the stockings, he suddenly had such a doubt.

There is no way, Zeng Li's sense of presence is really low for him. This sister is not as enthusiastic as the little girls, and she is not as shameless as Fan Xiaopang. She rarely dances in front of Bai Anliang to make her presence felt, and He wandered among the flowers all day long, and it was quite normal for him to ignore the other person.

Hearing this, Qin Lan rolled his eyes and said, "Boss, do you really not care about your artists at all?"

"No, I care very much about my physical and mental health, not just my career," Bai Anliang said honestly.

"Then don't you know Sister Zeng Li is famous?"

"Ah? Why is she so angry?" Bai Anliang asked with a confused look on his face.

"I helped her negotiate a drama before. It was produced by Mango Channel. It happened to be the honeymoon period between our company and Mango Channel. It was also thanks to you, boss, that we successfully won the drama with high ratings. You all Don’t you care?”

"Uh, which drama?" Bai Anliang said a little unreasonably.

He really didn't notice this.

Qin Lan was really a little helpless. She originally thought that the two female artists she signed were getting better and better, and she was waiting to be praised by Bai Anliang~

In the end, this unreliable boss didn't even notice.

It's too outrageous!

""Another Dream" is a remake of "A Dream" from Wanwan. I don't know what the people at Mango Channel think. Last time we talked about it, they actually asked me if I wanted to act in something. Wang Luping"

Listen to the story. Listen to the story.

Bai Anliang could see Qin Lan's strong desire to talk and express at a glance. After all, she was already beaming.

Naturally, he immediately acted like he was listening carefully.

His reaction made Qin Lan very happy, and he spoke even more enthusiastically, "This drama is produced by Mango Channel. Last year, they even made a talent show for casting, called "Looking for Ziling", a A girl named Zhang Jiani won the championship and the role. Then they found another female lead and said my temperament suited her very well."

The pause came.

Bai Anliang naturally knew what he should say at this time, and nodded gently, "You are naturally suitable to be an artist. It is normal to be favored by others for acting."

A bright smile appeared on Qin Lan's face, "Ah, I have never acted before. I did have ideas before, but they gradually faded away. Now if I am asked to act, what will the company do?"

"Indeed, the company can leave me now, but it cannot leave you. You are the housekeeper."

"What kind of housekeeper? It's so ugly. People may just praise it casually, but I'm so clever. I pushed Sister Zeng Li over with my backhand. Of course, it didn't go so well at first, but then one of the male protagonists Bao Jianfeng happened to be a friend of Sister Zeng. He helped her say a lot of good things and praised her, and then she successfully auditioned. The show was aired some time ago, and the ratings were so high. I feel like it might be on Mango Channel this year. Where is the drama king?"

"Drama king?"

"Oh no, he is the drama king besides our drama, okay~"

Bai Anliang didn't know if it would work, but he suddenly realized that Fan Xiaopang might not have lied to him.

Qin Lan seemed to really want to babble and couldn't control his "nature". His words were so confidential that Bai Anliang just couldn't get a word in.

"So, can she make money for the company now?" Bai Anliang concluded.

"You know how to make money. Of course you have to strike while the iron is hot and help her take on more dramas!" Qin Lan said scornfully.

"Please help her find more modern urban dramas. Her costumes are relatively ordinary." Bai Anliang made a very pertinent suggestion.

He had seen Zeng Li's costume in ancient costume on the set of "Zhu Xian", and he felt that it was more than one level worse than modern costume.

This sister is not suitable for ancient costumes. If she insists on it, the effect will be counterproductive.

Therefore, she has absolutely no role in the ancient puppet show, and it is a helpless choice because she has no role to play in it.

It is quite good to play the role of a royal lady with that kind of temperament, and Bai Anliang has a special say in this.

After all, I've tried it, and I can't lie.

In response to this, Qin Lan thought for two seconds, rolled his eyes, and said with a smile, "Why don't you tell her yourself?"

"Isn't she famous? Is she still in the company?"

In fact, the reason why Bai Anliang almost forgot about the company and the artist Zeng Li was because he was about to start working with him with five insurances and one housing fund.

At that time, the company did not have a suitable book to support her, so it could only temporarily play soy sauce. Zeng Li happened to have a very good relationship with Qin Lan. When he had nothing to do, he followed her to handle some company matters. Bai Anliang was still joking at that time. She said that Qin Lan had found a secretary for herself.

Everyone thought that Zeng Li had lost his temper and wanted to work behind the scenes.

That's good too. Bai Anliang doesn't mind having another Royal Sister secretary at all.

This is what you have to do when you are looking for a secretary, it’s great!

As a result, someone got lucky, and now I can play happily in the entertainment industry again.

In a drama with high ratings, even if she still has no achievements in the future, she can be in it for several years without being too stretched.

It can also be regarded as fate.

"In fitness, after becoming popular, you have to pay attention to body management. She was a little bit careless the past few days. She gained a few pounds. I was going to join her today. Isn't this boss, you are back~"

"You still need to work out? Your butt is so cocky."

"Ah! You act like a hooligan as soon as you come back."

Since the girls have sent out invitations, Bai Anliang naturally wants to hang out at the fitness club.

He felt that Qin Lan had made some achievements "behind his back" and wanted to show off.

As the boss, Bai Anliang naturally wants to satisfy his little vanity of "selling the best".

Of course, it may not be just vanity, she may be a little "anxious~"

If nothing unexpected happened, Fan Xiaopang probably took a photo of the key to the house that Bai Anliang gave her and sent it to Qin Lan.

Maybe he even took photos of the structure and decoration inside the house and sent them to her.

This bitch can do this.

She wouldn't play like this with others, but she was serious about Qin Lan.

With such an "advantage", it would be crazy if you don't express your anger~

You live in a big villa, right? You don’t live alone in the big villa~ I have my own secret den, I’ll make you so angry!

He had already imagined Fan Xiaopang's face, and Bai Anliang was also looking forward to how Qin Lan planned to "recover the disadvantage."

Come on, show.

(End of this chapter)

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