This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 281 Where did the blood supply go?

Chapter 281 Where did the blood supply go?

A worker must first sharpen his tools if he wants to do well.

Bai Anliang feels that he still has some say in the aspect of training. Of course, his main job is to practice martial arts and beat people, and he does not need to make his muscles big. It is definitely not the same as the training theory of a gym instructor. Too much the same.

What he needs is serious strength, speed, flexibility, coordination and a body that is more in line with public aesthetics.

When you look at the code, it seems to be much more complicated than the kind of training in the gym.

In short, different paths lead to the same goal, and practice is definitely indispensable.

So after practicing a lot, Bai Anliang can say that the material of the barbell plates will definitely affect the training effect.

For example, some relatively thin boys cannot carry a hundred kilograms of cement. You can see whether they can hold a hundred kilograms of concrete.

Bai Anliang used two at once.

Of course, it's not without side effects.

If the mind is not pure enough, the needed blood supply will go elsewhere.

All the blood was taken away by one muscle

Heart: Where’s the blood? I asked you where did the blood go? !

"Wow! The boss is so awesome! Oh my god!"

"Be careful, be careful. Oh my God~"

Obviously, while Bai Anliang was exercising, the two girls who acted as weight plates for him also endured certain tests.

After all, it’s not easy to sit firmly on a barbell. When sitting sideways on a smooth cylinder, you have to hold the bar slightly with your hands.

Fortunately, Bai Anliang's hands are really steady, and the girl's weight is indeed light enough. The total weight may be almost [-] kilograms. This weight is not strenuous for him at all, otherwise the blood would not be able to be flushed. Go to one muscle.

Of course, they were scared at first and yelled, but after Bai Anliang pushed a few times, they quickly got into the role.

Start cheering him on!

Needless to say, Bai Anliang was originally planning to make a few comments, but he was stunned by the cute cheering sounds of these two women, and he was inspired to form a team.

"Boss, this is fun! Let's do it again~"

Bai Anliang put down the barbell, but Qin Lan was still a little unfinished. She seemed to have found the fun of this kind of exercise.

But she now understood why some girls liked muscular men. The sense of power and momentum that hit her face made her heart beat loudly, especially since she was personally involved.

Of course, she still doesn't like the kind of muscles that are too developed and look like beasts.

If you really practice to that extent, you will basically attract only people of the same sex. You can refer to Cannon. Although this guy is lazy, when he is forced to exercise by Bai Anliang, every movement can attract all the men around him.

There are always people reaching out to touch his muscles. They are all men, not a single girl.

"Mr. Bai, you can actually lift the two of us up," Zeng Li was particularly amazed at this moment.

Because when she was jogging in the lobby, she heard someone chatting there. It seemed that bench pressing her own weight was very powerful.

Assuming that she and Qin Lan add up to [-] kilograms, Bai Anliang doesn't weigh [-] kilograms anyway, and he can push it so easily. How much strength does this have to have?

"You two are too young~" Bai Anliang shook his head with a smile, and didn't brag much because he was embarrassed. He has already degraded a lot now.

When he was at his true peak of strength, he looked a bit strong, and his muscle lines were not particularly star-shaped, but he was really fierce. Now that he has lost a lot of weight to keep in shape, he has also lost a lot of strength.

There are gains and losses, he looks so handsome now~ He looks slimmer when he wears clothes and takes off his clothes.

As for power, just one punch and the person will die.

There is not much difference between being killed by a punch of [-] pounds and being killed by a punch of [-] pounds.

Faced with the two of them who were still unsatisfied, Bai Anliang continued to "satisfy" them.

Forget about the bench press. If you don't hold it properly, you can easily get injured.

Change the equipment for leg training. That thing is fixed and much safer.

And you can play for longer.

"You two practice well. Later you can try to hold my hand and stand on your head. It will be fun too."

After Bai Anliang proposed some "advanced" gameplay, both girls were interested, but both found it difficult.

Forget about handstands, you still hold Bai Anliang's palms to stand in the air. That job feels like gymnastics or yoga, right?

Of course, in addition to formal innovation, this way of matching men and women to exercise without getting tired also has innovative models in other directions.

Such as clothing.

Her wrappings are still too tight, so it would be better to wear a short skirt.

After playing with Bai Anliang for a while, Qin Lan pretended to look at his phone, and then said, "Ah, I have something to deal with. Sister Zeng Li, you and the boss continue to practice here. Let’s go~”

Why? Stop~

Originally, Zeng Li could still be very normal, even a little playful, mainly because Qin Lan was here.

Obviously, Bai Anliang's image in her mind is not ridiculous enough to be exaggerated.

I don’t think he would do anything embarrassing during a “threesome”.

But as soon as Qin Lan left, she was the only one left. To be fair, Bai Anliang was so creative about exercise, he would definitely be able to come up with some awkward ways to exercise.

Therefore, when Bai Anliang watched Qin Lan flash away and turned to look at Zeng Li, he found that the sister's face was a little nervous and expectant, and he seemed to have seen her thighs rubbing against each other twice.

Bai Anliang:? ? ?

Interesting. He wanted to see what was going on! ——

More than an hour later, Bao Jianfeng, who had packed his things and was about to go home, was wondering whether he should say hello to Zeng Li.

My friends, of course I have to say something before I leave.

However, Zeng Li hadn't come out of Bai Anliang's private gym room until now, so Bao Jianfeng couldn't knock on the door.

Although I think it’s unlikely that someone would do anything messy in the gym, but just in case~

By coincidence, Zeng Li opened the door just in time and came out.

Her hair was wet and her face was red. It looked like she had taken a shower.

And the clothes he was wearing were not the same as before.

It's actually a very common thing to take a shower and change clothes after working out, but how can I put it~ Bao Jianfeng still didn't say hello after all, just touched his nose and walked away.

Zeng Li didn't know what was being imagined. She felt that her whole body ached, and she was afraid that something serious would happen tomorrow.

The two stocks are fighting.

This is how people who have not been exercising for a long time feel when their intensity suddenly increases.

He glanced back and sighed inwardly.

Many tricks

My boss is so young, how did he figure it out?

The gantry was so messed up.

I really just gave her a workout and enjoyed it at the same time. No, can it really be considered enjoyment?

Why can't we just enjoy it? We have to endure the hardship.

However, the method and angle are still very novel, and it can be regarded as giving Zeng Libo's perspective as the eldest sister.

I want to try it next time~

She was quite envious of Qin Lan's waistcoat, and she wanted it too. From another perspective, it also kills two birds with one stone. At least it allows her to ignore a lot of the hard work of exercise.

Just as she was walking and thinking, Qin Lan appeared out of nowhere.

"Sister Zeng Li, are you finished exercising?"

"Huh? You scared me." Seeing the smile on Qin Lan's face, Zeng Li felt a little guilty, "Yes, the intensity was a bit intense today, so I might just rest at home tomorrow."

"Is that so? Boss, are you still exercising?" Qin Lan seemed not to notice that Zeng Li was unnatural and asked casually.

"It's still there, but it should be over soon. Maybe I'm going to take a shower."

"Okay, you go back to rest early and exercise more in the future. You will have a lot of announcements in the past two years."

After the two chatted for a few words, Qin Lan watched Zeng Li leave, and the smile on his face was not as scary as it gradually disappeared.

He just curled his lips slightly, still somewhat resentful.

How to say~

Stinky man——


Taking a shower after a workout is really comfortable. It feels like your whole body is relaxed, as if every pore is breathing greedily.

After Bai Anliang rinsed away the sweat and other messy things on his body, and then went to take a dip in the bathtub with hot water, today's enjoyment had reached the level of perfection.

As for why it's not the peak?

Because there is now one less girl to massage him.

Wow~student card.

Hearing the sound of swiping the card and opening the door, Bai Anliang tilted his head and glanced out through the frosted glass. A slim figure was a little blurry through the glass, but he could still see it. Well, he couldn't see it, but he could come in like this. It’s just Qin Lan.

"Boss~ are you taking a shower?"

"Yeah, come in, you came just in time."

Qin Lan is not embarrassed or shy, she is actually used to it.

When she opened the door and looked at Bai Anliang who was taking a bath, her first reaction was to take out a rubber band from her pocket and bite it, then she stretched out her hands to arrange her hair and tie it up.

Five minutes later, the masseuse came online.

Originally, Qin Lan wanted to change into lighter clothes. It didn't matter if it got wet. She was very experienced in this area and would get wet every time.

But, Bai Anliang insists on saying that he wants to see how black stockings soaked in water feel like this time.

How could she, a weak, helpless and pitiful little secretary, refuse the request of her boss~

Of course, the result is that wearing black stockings soaked in water is extremely uncomfortable.

If you don’t believe it, you can wear socks and soak your feet to see how it feels.

However, although the stockings were not very comfortable after being soaked in water, Qin Lan enjoyed kneading Bai Anliang's muscles.

Yes, she pressed Bai Anliang and she enjoyed it.

A change in thinking only takes a moment.

This seems to be a service to the boss, but it is still a bit awkward, because Bai Anliang's hands are never honest.

But think about it for a second. The rich woman outside has to pay a lot of money to touch it!

My boss is very popular among rich women.

Qin Lan, as the housekeeper, knows this very well.

In the past, when I went out to discuss matters on behalf of the company, I was still worried that a beautiful girl like her would be targeted by some old gangster, taking advantage of her, getting her drunk, etc. Every time, she would bring three or five strong men with her.

But later it was gradually discovered that she did not have the aura of a star, and her main representative outside was actually Bai Anliang. The old gangster was rarely seen, but the rich woman who frantically inquired about her boss was often seen.

Those eyes are shining!

Some of them are really superficial, and they even ask for prices in a vague way. Of course, there are very few people who say how much money they will spend on a night's sleep, which is so outrageous. They usually just want to treat them to a meal or something like that.

Anyway, the price offered made Qin Lan quite stunned. Sometimes he felt excited when he heard it, and he wished he could bring his boss over to sell it at a good price.

After experiencing it more times, the way she looked at Bai Anliang was a little different from before.

When nothing happened, Bai Anliang would give him a few tugs with her little hands. Bai Anliang thought Qin Lan had become more mature and more proactive.

But in fact, she felt that others wanted to touch it with money, so she could make money by touching it without spending any money!

"Have you touched enough? Could you please use a little more force?" Bai Anliang opened his eyes helplessly and said.

He admitted that it was actually quite comfortable to touch, and the flag was raised.

But, he had really exercised just now. He had played something different from Zeng Li, which was very energy-consuming. His muscles were really sore at the moment.

As a result, Qin Lan just scratched his head, which had no effect on relaxing his muscles.

"I don't have enough strength." Qin Lan said with some embarrassment, while also increasing the strength on his hands.

"You are just lazy. When you gave me a massage in Xiangjiang for the first time, your hand strength was much stronger than it is now. Now you still exercise regularly and have muscle lines on your arms. But you said that your hand strength has become smaller?"

Qin Lan, who was ruthlessly exposed, simply threw herself into Bai Anliang's arms. After twisting twice, he changed the subject at the same time, "Boss, some senior members of our club often ask me when I can form a game with him. Let’s have a meal together”

"Female member, right? She's still very rich~" Bai Anliang said directly.

"hold head high"

"Wow~" Bai Anliang adjusted his posture slightly in the bathtub, and at the same time reached out and tore Qin Lan's stockings.

A minute later, the two changed their status and continued chatting~

"Just say that I'm very busy. You can whet your appetite appropriately. Well, don't give me any sweetness. Later, you can arrange front-row tickets for the road show of "John Wick" and invite them to watch the movie~"

"Just inviting people to watch a movie?"


Bai Anliang frowned, letting the water in the bathtub splash for a while, and then said, "You have to sell me, right? You little girl!"

"Boss, you are a boy, so you won't suffer~"

Qin Lan felt confident that she was going to have a meal, and she really felt that she would not suffer at all from her boss's carefree style.

But Bai Anliang obviously has a different view on this.


"What's different?" Unconvinced, Qin Lan began to dominate the splash and asked questions at the same time.

"What should I say? The mentality is different. When I pick up girls, I am a lustful person. I want to do that in my heart. I take the lead. What you said is the other way around. I will feel very unhappy. .”

"Some wealthy clients are quite beautiful."

"It's not a question of whether it's beautiful or not."

"What about Tiantian?!" Qin Lan raised his head, took a breath, and then threw the ultimate killing move.

Good guy!

She has understood the secrets of Baiwu Sect.

Not about martial arts.

(End of this chapter)

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