This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 412 The Ultimate Chapter Boomerang: Covering one’s ears and stealing the bell

Chapter 412 The Ultimate Boomerang: Covering one’s ears and stealing the bell

Damimi finally couldn't hold it any longer.

Unlike Fan Xiaopang, he can really just stay at home and not go out at all.

After holding it in for a period of time, Damimi directly took the task and went out to "sweep".

In addition to her own, she also had to buy a lot of things for Fan Xiaopang.

No one has any baby products, the main target is major luxury stores.

During the time they were holding back at home, the two of them had spotted so many things they liked and wanted to buy, so they had to spend a lot of money when they went out.

The two even discussed it and later sent the bill to Bai Anliang so that the child's father would pay the bill!
Of course, paying the bill is only a trivial matter, but the important thing is the clear sight of the people.

Even when Da Mimi went out, she did some simple covering up, but after all, the time was here. It was not that you couldn't tell it at all when you were just pregnant. There is always an angle to find something wrong.

She couldn't even put the blame on gaining weight.

After she got pregnant, only her belly got bigger, and there were almost no other changes.

This kind of physique makes Fan Xiaopang envious, because her arms are thicker and her legs are stronger. This is the result of controlling her diet as much as possible.

As a result, Da Mimi still has such thin arms and legs, how can she not be envied.

However, the comparison is there.

Other parts have not changed. Comparing her with the previous photos, her belly is so eye-catching!

I'm perfectly pregnant, I don't even need to wash myself.

Fortunately, the previous "layout" was for the sake of fairness now.

After this matter started to spread on the Internet, Damimi directly and generously liked a marketing account that said she was pregnant, and did not cancel it at all.

Then he changed his hands and issued a scarf, saying something to the effect of thanking the fans for their company, saying that he would be back soon, and hoping that his family life would not occupy too much public attention.

Literally, there was no mention of whether she was pregnant or not, but from every angle, she was acquiescing to it.

Fans of Damimi said it was okay ~ not particularly scary.

Because Da Mimi didn’t set up any pretty girl designs, she often said in previous interviews and interactions with fans: she wanted to fall in love and get married soon, have children early, and so on.

Regardless of the previous blogging period or the current meager period, she has always posted some pretentious copywriting of a young girl.

Fans commented that she is somewhat love-minded. It seems unexpected to suddenly do this, but it is actually reasonable.

Her base cannot be touched.

So under her Weibo, except for a small number of fans who were not in harmony, most of them posted their blessings.

What does Mimi want to be happy in the future?

But Damimi was so happy that after returning home, she showed off her cell phone crazily in front of Fan Xiaopang.

She said that even if she was "exposed", it would be fine, unlike her who was pitifully trying to hide it.

Fan Xiaopang:
I was quite speechless, but there was nothing I could do.

Unlike Da Mimi, who was attacked in a planned way, her attack was purely an accident and she had no time to do any "warm-up" in advance.

Moreover, Fan Xiaopang didn't want to take such a risk. It was more suitable for her to shrink back and act like a turtle.

After all, public opinion is not that partial or tolerant towards her. She might create some rumors, so it's better to stay safe.

Now that there was such a big target in front of her to attract all the firepower, she was happy to hide herself easily.

The two of them were happy hiding together, but for Da Tiantian and Liu Yifei who were far away in Yunnan, the news was a little bit...
How to say~
The relationship between girls is really a wonderful thing.

At first, when Da Tiantian and Liu Yifei met, they just ignored each other as if they were talking to each other. Later, it developed to the point of quarreling and taunting each other directly.

Fortunately, they didn't start a fight. Fortunately, neither of them were the shrew type. Even if their faces turned red with anger, they wouldn't do anything too outrageous.

From a certain point of view, the two of them are also a bit "same-sex repulsive", which refers to their personalities.


As Da Mimi's mutual best friend, after receiving the definite news of her pregnancy, the two just looked at each other, as if they had communicated with each other thousands of times.

Then he made a decision almost at the same time: He was going to trouble Bai Anliang!
At this time, Bai Anliang was preparing to continue hiding in the gym.

Especially after seeing today’s hot searches, I felt even worse and wanted to run away immediately!

One after another, the two girls blocked him.

"Huh? What's going on today? Are you two acting together?"

"Where are you going?" Liu Yifei asked first.

"I go to the gym. I feel a little weak recently. Maybe I am still too tired from filming two movies at the same time. I need to exercise more."

Bai Anliang's words had some meaning, which made the two girls a little confused as to how to answer.

After all, both of them put in a lot of effort to torment Bai Anliang.

However, after Liu Yifei temporarily lost her temper, Da Tiantian came forward regardless, "Do you know what happened today?"

"What's wrong? What happened to the crew?"

"It's not the crew! Something happened to Mimi!"

"She has terminated her contract with the company. Is there a personal safety issue?"

Standing in front of you now is the genuine Academy Award-winning actor-Bai Anliang!

There is no problem with personal safety, but there is a problem with pregnancy safety!

However, Bai Anliang's acting was so good this time, and the two girls who were not good at acting really didn't see any flaws.

This is the disadvantage of being a "student".

Especially Da Tiantian, she actually muttered: "There's no problem with her safety."

When Liu Yifei heard these words, she almost wanted to beat her up. Can you do that? Undercover? ! What about delivering a message to this guy?
As expected, Bai Anliang immediately took over the conversation, "As long as nothing happens to me, even though the contract has been terminated, we have worked together for so many years after all."

Liu Yifei couldn't bear it any longer and lifted the table directly, "Mimi is pregnant!"

As soon as these words came out, no matter it was Da Tiantian or Liu Yifei, they all stared at Bai Anliang closely.
At this time, whenever he showed any flaw, he couldn't hide it.

But to be honest, even if they don't hide it, the girls actually know it in their hearts.

Da Mimi's belly is probably caused by Bai Anliang.

And Bai Anliang's performance at this moment is still flawless.

He didn't pretend to be surprised, "Huh? That's actually like this?"

Instead, after hearing this, she was silent for two seconds, then shook her head helplessly, "So that's really the case, you two are besties, when her baby is born, please bring a red envelope for me."


Good for you!

Bai Anliang's answer can almost be said to be a perfect answer at this moment.

These two girls had no idea how to answer the conversation.

However, none of them asked, "Is the child yours?"

If you ask, there will be no turning back. The current status of this matter is that Bai Anliang knows that they can guess it, and they also know that Bai Anliang knows that they can guess it.

But the allusion of "hiding one's ears and stealing the bell" was learned in elementary school.

When I was still a student, many people laughed at this person and thought he was so stupid.

But some things are not as simple as students think.

At this moment, it is the ultimate boomerang.

Do they want the truth?

They were waiting for Bai Anliang to make up a good reason to deceive them.

Waiting until it's done is actually fine.

If I ask further, why do some things need to be so clear?
There is no benefit except adding trouble.

Unless you decide to leave.
As time went by, Damimi's enthusiasm gradually cooled down.

There are always various things happening in the entertainment industry to satisfy the public's attention and discussion.

For example, when Wang Fei officially announced her divorce, netizens immediately became excited again.

This matter has nothing to do with Bai Anliang. Although he is not filming for the time being, he is still very busy.

After returning to Yanjing, I went out early and came back late every day.

As a result, Xie Tingfeng bothered him and asked him to help set up a bureau to make an appointment with Wang Fei.
Bai Anliang decisively refused. Anyway, the two of them would hook up again sooner or later, and there was no need for him to be this month old.

Because he was so "unloyal", Xie Tingfeng even exchanged insults with him on the phone, but in the end he had no choice but to pick up girls by himself without a wingman.

After that, Wang Banbi and Zhang Niangniang’s happy event followed closely, and then someone cheated on someone, and someone got married.
Oh, yes, there was a very popular show that set off the screen this year.

It's called "Where Are We Going, Dad?"

"Baby, baby, where is daddy? Dad doesn't want us~"

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm here."

Bai Anliang was holding the bottle and studying it with a serious face as to how high it should be heated.

Hearing what Damimi said, she was quite speechless. What’s so interesting about this show? Where is dad going? It’s too boring to do this kind of show in China. You should go to Europe and the United States to do it. There are really a lot of people there who don’t want to do it. I know where my father is.

As for the bottle issue, after researching for a long time, I decided to give up and let professionals handle this kind of thing.

"I can't handle it~ Why do you think you, a grown man, have to do this?" Fan Xiaopang complained on the other side of the sofa.

“Participation is what matters”

"It's a waste of time to participate. You were almost late for the birth. You are an irresponsible man."

Bai Anliang:
By the way, when did the relationship between these two become so good?
Or is it the same experience as a pregnant woman?

Of course, I am no longer a pregnant woman now, but have become a mother.

Both little ones successfully unloaded.

However, one of the reasons why the two of them can maintain their current relationship may be because the gender of their offspring is the same.

Even though Bai Anliang doesn't favor boys over girls, sometimes people just have random thoughts.

It's good now, both are girls.

But in this case, Bai Anliang became somewhat unpopular.

The mothers of these two children were a bit resentful of him.

She disliked the fact that his hands were neither light nor heavy. When he wanted to touch the child, his eyes immediately followed him, as if he was worried that his hands were too heavy and would hurt the baby.

After all, as we all know, when there is danger, dad is the safest, and when there is no danger, dad is the biggest source of danger.

Although Bai Anliang felt that he had a strong ability to control force, he had previously felt that his baby was so cute because of his poor hands, so he used his hands to rub the other person's face, successfully making the baby who was sleeping well start crying.

That time, Fan Xiaopang almost thought he had injured the child, but Xuan didn't ride on him and hit him.

This girl has become more powerful after her confinement. After all, those twenty pounds gained were not in vain.

As for Damimi, who was unloaded more than a month late, her recovery is better and she has now begun to prepare for her comeback.

In Bai Anliang's words, this little girl gave birth as if she were laying an egg. She was full of energy after giving birth and didn't look weak at all.

As for her figure, she is not out of shape at all.

It can even be said that it is more beautiful.

There is a gentler feeling on my body than before.

At this moment, she was lying there looking at her child, with a smile on her face: "It's so cute! You deserve to be born to me!"


Hearing this cry, the two mothers suddenly became a little nervous.

Even though they all like the little tiger, the size of the little tiger is considered large among cats. Compared with human cubs, it has a size advantage. To put it harshly, if it goes crazy, the two children will be killed. None of it is difficult.

However, Bai Anliang was quite calm. He watched the little tiger hesitantly approach and meow several times.
I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but I always feel that this little thing’s screams are a lot softer.

Seeing it getting closer and closer with careful cat steps, Damimi looked at Bai Anliang and pulled his sleeve.

"It's okay, it won't hurt the baby."

With Bai Anliang's endorsement, although the mother of two children was a little worried, she still let the little tiger get closer.

The tiger cub who used to be a habitual criticizer when seeing strangers, jumped lightly to the sofa and looked at the baby in the cradle, but he didn't show his teeth at all, but just sat there and looked at the baby. For a while.

As if it was sure that Bai Anliang allowed it to come close, it slowly reached over and gently rubbed the baby's feet.

"It smells so bad, it's so well-behaved!"

Damimi finally let go of her nervousness and rubbed the little tiger's head.

But this little thing obviously hadn't completed its "mission" yet. After finishing this, he immediately turned around and went to Fan Xiaopang.

Never favor one over another.

"The cat you raise is really just like you." Fan Xiaopang laughed and cursed as he watched the little tiger's movements.


"He's very scummy and likes to be exposed to both rain and dew."

What can Bai Anliang, who was hit by an AOE for no apparent reason, say?
At times like this, just get scolded and that's it.

When Fan Xiaopang was born, even the eighteenth generation of his ancestors scolded him, and everyone in Baiwu Clan was scolded. After all, it was really painful.
After the little tiger finished rubbing the two babies, he finally jumped onto Bai Anliang's lap, raised his head and meowed at him.

Looking at this guy's eyes, Bai Anliang had a strange thought inexplicably.

Matched the brain waves.

Little Tiger: You only have two babies in one litter, so few?
He rubbed the guy's head vigorously and said, "You're a neutered cat and you're still pretending to be me?"


 Thanks to despot_sys for the five thousand reward.

(End of this chapter)

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