Chapter 29 Encounter
After learning about Silver Fox.

The frequency of hunters entering the mountains in Gujiazhuang has obviously increased a lot. Everyone is lucky, what if they are lucky?

At least twelve gains.

No matter who it is, it is a huge asset!

And without taking a big risk.

Although the silver fox is fast, it is not very aggressive. It is not rare for Gu Jiazhuang to be able to hunt the silver fox.

So go into the mountains next.

Everyone unanimously chose not to form a team. After all, there is only one silver fox, and it can obviously hunt alone, so there is no need to cooperate with others, and it can save some unnecessary quarrels.

Gu Sheng also went hunting in the mountains with a tinge of enthusiasm.

If the silver fox can be hunted, even if the money is really abundant, the resource preparation for martial arts can be relieved.


Silver foxes are not so easy to hunt.

Ten days passed in the blink of an eye.

So many hunters from Lijiabao and Dahe Village entered the mountain intermittently, but they didn't realize that it was not so easy for the hunters from Gujiazhuang to join in.

The silver fox is extremely fast and vigilant by nature, and will run away immediately if there is any sign of trouble.

If someone hadn't found some traces of the silver fox, everyone would even wonder if the hunter in Dahe village was deliberately fooling everyone.


into the night.

Gu Sheng took a deep breath and frowned as he counted the harvest from the previous few hunting trips to the mountains.

"The state is not right. The number of prey caught these days has dropped by at least [-]%."

"I've always thought about hunting the silver fox, but ignored the traces of other wild animals. It will greatly affect my hunting harvest. This is not acceptable."

"After today, lower the priority of hunting silver foxes and let nature take its course. Otherwise, the loss will be even greater in the long run, and the focus will still be on other prey. As for silver foxes, it depends on luck."

After realizing that some of his greed had affected his hunting income, Gu Sheng immediately made adjustments.

At the same time, I secretly warned myself not to be too greedy, or sometimes it would have a counterproductive effect.

Even if I am like this, others are even worse.

Many hunters walked through the mountains and forests, their heads were disheartened, and they had little harvest. Fortunately, Cangshan Mountain was big enough to accommodate so many people, but there were also many conflicts and frictions among the hunters.

After figuring it out, Gu Sheng suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.


A few more days passed.

Several hunters from Gujiazhuang entered the mountain again, and Gu Sheng and Gu Erniu were among them.

A group of people walked out of Cangshan Mountain together, said goodbye with a smile, and each chose a direction to leave.

Although Gu Sheng has made up his mind not to take the silver fox as the main target, but the others have no such plan, the temptation brought by ten taels of silver is too much!

Even Gu Erniu couldn't hold back, he wanted to save resources for Gu Wan to practice martial arts, so naturally he wouldn't let go of this opportunity.

"Brother Erniu, be more careful."

"You too."

Gu Sheng and Gu Erniu said goodbye and chose their own directions to leave.


Walking in the jungle of Cangshan Mountain, Gu Sheng felt relaxed all over. Without that kind of excessive expectation, he was able to focus more on hunting other wild animals.


Gu Sheng has gained something.

The wind of the arrow was fast, nailing a fat hare to the root of the tree.

Gu Sheng put the hare into the leather bag with a smile on his face.

That's right!

He had rediscovered that sense of the hunt.


As Gu Sheng continued to go deeper, he could occasionally find some traces of wild animals, but most of the time he missed them. After all, it was difficult to track wild animals with just a few traces.

Sometimes it may be the traces left by wild beasts some time ago, and too many hunters flooded into Cangshan at the same time, and many wild beasts became more alert.

But it was hard for Gu Sheng.

He went to the mountains many times, practiced constantly, and was able to summarize scientifically, so he grew extremely fast.

After fluttering a few times.

Gu Sheng's eyes lit up, and he found some traces on a tree root.

One grain is about the size of soybeans, black oval particles.

No need to get close to smell it, Gu Sheng knew it was the excrement of a wild deer, it was fresh!
"There's a wild deer around here!"

Gu Sheng felt hot in his heart. The value of a wild deer is also not low. Antlers, deer blood, venison meat, deer bones, etc. are all valuable.

Moreover, a wild deer is not heavy, only a few tens of kilograms, so it can be carried by one person without too much influence on the movement.

Definitely one of the best options for the solo hunter.


Without the slightest hesitation, Gu Sheng walked through the jungle nimbly, and was able to catch some traces of this wild deer from time to time.

Excrement, gnawed leaves and turf, hoof prints, and the special smell left behind...

These signals are undoubtedly obvious to a good hunter.

"It's a doe."

Gu Sheng made a judgment.


Gu Sheng verified his guess.

In the distance, there was the faint sound of deer singing, and he deftly pushed aside the clump of leaves in front of him, and a small deer without horns came into view, happily eating the twigs in front of him, making cheerful chirping sounds from time to time.

Gu Sheng's eyes gradually became serious, he drew out an arrow and placed it on the bow, aiming at the prey.

The doe seemed to sense something and became restless.

But it is already late.

The taut bowstring suddenly let go, making a trembling sound, and the arrow shot across a distance of nearly a hundred meters in an instant, bringing out a sharp sound of piercing the air.

The bow is like a full moon, and the arrow is like a shooting star!
The doe only had time to let out a whine before the arrow pierced through her heart, and she fell to the ground under the powerful force of the impact.

Gu Sheng's archery skills are approaching perfection now, and he can shoot in front of his eyes from a distance of [-] meters.

If it weren't for the lack of power of the hunting bow in his hand, this arrow would be even faster!
Seeing the dead deer, Gu Sheng was delighted.

After letting go of his obsession with finding the silver fox, he immediately gained something, which made him firmer in his thinking.

Instead of imagining the illusory silver fox, it is better to grab the one in your hand and it will be real.

Gu Sheng put away his longbow, and walked towards the female deer cautiously.

Pull out the arrow to make sure the doe is dead.

The female deer weighs about forty catties by visual estimation. Fortunately, Gu Sheng is now in a strong figure, and his stature has grown rapidly. Although it will affect some movements when he lifts it up, it is not a big problem. If he encounters a crisis, he just put it down.

He looked at the sky, and it was still early in the evening, but he had already decided to go down the mountain. Carrying a deer on his back would affect the hunting, and it was easy to fall into danger, so it was better to go down the mountain.

"Today's harvest is good. With this deer, I have already made enough money. I will go to the mountains next time!"

Picking up the doe, Gu Sheng prepared to leave.


A cold shout came from a distance:
"Boy, put the deer down!"

Gu Sheng's spirit was shaken, he had just hunted a female deer just now, so he relaxed his vigilance.

Looking up at this moment, I saw a familiar young man with scarred eyes appearing in the distance of the jungle. Behind him, three hunters got out of the jungle together, all looking at the wild deer on Gu Sheng's shoulder with fiery eyes.

The scar-eyed youth has already begun to bow and shoot arrows.

"It's Li Yan! Orion from the Li Family Fort!"

Gu Sheng's heart trembled, and without any hesitation in his movements, he rolled on the spot and fell behind a redwood tree together with the dead deer.

There was only a swoosh, and an arrow was firmly inserted in the place where he was standing just now, the arrow feathers swayed, domineering.

Li Yan's gloomy voice sounded:

"Boy, this is just a warning! If you don't put down the deer, the next arrow will hit your head!"

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(End of this chapter)

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