Chapter 3 State Solidification

"Chopping firewood is considered martial arts?"

Gu Sheng was taken aback for a moment, and then he was pleasantly surprised.

Regardless of the reason, since chopping firewood is also considered a martial art, and it is displayed in the proficiency panel, it is easy to handle!

"According to the development settings of my previous life, as long as the proficiency level reaches 100%, you can be promoted to the next level."

"Splitting ten sticks of firewood is exactly 1% proficiency for beginners, so according to the ideal situation, chopping a thousand sticks of firewood can be promoted to Xiaocheng!"

"In fact, there will be fluctuations according to the state and level of comprehension, but the difference is not bad."

Gu Sheng thought about it, and gradually understood why the firewood was displayed on the proficiency panel.

"Chopping firewood with an ax in hand actually pays attention to force, and it can also enhance arm strength. To a certain extent, it can indeed be regarded as the crudest martial art."

"If this method of chopping wood and ax is given to others, it is estimated that chopping wood will be more agile, but I am different. If I practice wood chopping to a small level or even a big level, the power will definitely change."

"The most important thing is that the level of chopping wood has increased, and I can earn more money every day!"

Gu Sheng couldn't help but licked his dry lips, and took another sip, his eyes sparkled.

The most urgent task is to solve the problem of survival.

Earning two pennies a day, and even subsidizing it from his savings, made Gu Sheng very insecure.

But now, with the hope of making more money, Gu Sheng's heart is filled with enthusiasm.

He looked at the piles of dry firewood, as if he saw piles of experience and copper coins.

"Open your liver!"

He stood up and set a log in place.

He raised the ax with both hands above his head, and immediately chopped down with all his strength.

this time.

Gu Sheng obviously felt the difference.

He had chopped wood dozens of times before, with different physical states and different degrees of concentration, and naturally the strength and accuracy of the chopping were also different.

but now.

As soon as he went down with the axe, he clearly felt that under the blessing of some kind of power, his condition was better than ever!

If he remembers correctly, the smoothest and most labor-saving chop just now was this feeling.

"No mistake, this is one of the functions of the panel. The state is solidified. As long as I have reached the optimal state in this martial art, it will be remembered by the panel, and I will maintain this optimal state every time thereafter!"

There was joy in Gu Sheng's eyes, he slashed down with two axes one after another, and solved it with a piece of firewood.

At least [-]% of the effort was saved!
The boring work of chopping firewood actually gave him a feeling that he couldn't get enough of it.



The two voices interlaced and sounded in the courtyard, with a sense of regular rhythm.

The more Gu Sheng hacked, the more he enjoyed himself.

Mixed with the rest time, a quarter of an hour later, another ten pieces of firewood were chopped.

Gu Sheng glanced at the proficiency panel, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, and it turned out to be 2% of beginners after chopping firewood!

Exactly the same as he had guessed before.

"The effect of solidifying this state is so good!"

"If there is no panel, my physical strength will drop, and my arms will be sore. It will take more than a quarter of an hour to chop the next ten firewoods, let alone a quarter of an hour! By then, I may not be able to chop two hundred firewoods before the sun sets."

"But now, there may be more!"

Gu Sheng tasted the sweetness, and after taking a regular rest for a while, he continued to chop wood.

time flies.

It was noon in a blink of an eye.

The sun was high and the sun was shining brightly. Gu Sheng was sweating profusely. He had already taken off his clothes to avoid being soaked in sweat.

After rubbing his already numb arm muscles, Gu Sheng sat down on the ground, eating rice bran pancakes with the well water he brought in.

Although it is unpalatable, you have to eat it. The physical exertion is too great. If you don't add more, you might faint.

Fortunately, the results in the morning are remarkable.

More than 120 logs of firewood were split and stacked neatly on the other side.

The proficiency of chopping wood on the panel has also successfully reached 12%.

The 12% proficiency made Gu Sheng more labor-saving, and he was even more convinced that if there was no panel, he would not be able to split a hundred logs of firewood in a morning.

"Even if the physical strength is not as good as in the morning in the afternoon, another [-] or [-] chops will be more than enough. Today's task is completed, and you can slowly gain a foothold in the future!"

Gu Sheng bit the pancake, silently feeling the slight pain from the friction between the rough pancake and the esophagus, his eyes became firmer.

After a moment.


Gu Sheng endured the soreness in his muscles and began to chop wood.


A log of firewood had just been erected, when Gu Sheng swung his arms in a circular motion, and in a strange way, he slammed down the axe. The ax was not embedded in the top of the log, but went directly past the top, stuck in the center.

"This is?"

Gu Sheng stared slightly, a little surprised.

Just now he felt that his arms were too sore, so he simply raised them higher, but he didn't know that this happened.

He recalled carefully, his eyes lit up.

"I just... used the strength of my waist and abdomen!"

Open the panel, and the proficiency of chopping wood jumped from 12% to 16% in an instant!

The corners of Gu Sheng's mouth curled up.

Proficiency is not mechanical repetition of actions, purposeful summary and epiphany will make the effect of liver proficiency better.

After learning how to rely on the strength of his waist and abdomen, Gu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief, and his speed of chopping wood was greatly improved.

The rhythmic sound of crossing and cracking sounded in the firewood room in the backyard, which surprised the servants of the master's family who occasionally passed by.

Gu Sheng was immersed in the rhythm of chopping firewood.

Time flies.

Jin Wu slanted westward.

Gu Sheng looked at the five piles of split firewood on the other side with a joyful expression.

The work of the first day was finally successfully completed.

250 three pieces of firewood, [-]% more than the [-] pieces of firewood previously thought, all thanks to the proficiency panel.

At this point on the panel.

The proficiency of chopping wood has reached 29%!

"According to this trend, if it is fast, it may take three days to raise the firewood chopping level to Xiaocheng!"

Gu Sheng was excited, and took his belongings to go to Gu He to settle the wages.

A other courtyard.

A dozen or so tenant farmers dressed in commoner clothes were queuing up to settle their wages, each of them looked humble, and showed a grateful smile to Gu He after receiving the money.

Naturally, it is impossible for the owner of the Gu family to have only Gu Sheng as a part-time job.

It's Gu Sheng's turn.

Gu He raised his head and saw that the skinny young man was covered in sweat and his arms were trembling. He lowered his voice a little and asked:

"How much firewood did you chop?"

Gu Sheng said:
"If you go back to the management, there are a total of 250 three."

Gu He was stunned, and then looked Gu Sheng up and down a few times. In his heart, he admired the perseverance of the young man. With the physique of the young man in front of him, it is very difficult to be able to chop two hundred, let alone more than 250. This is definitely determined by perseverance.

As for Gu Sheng deceiving himself?

There is basically no such possibility.

"Calculating from a hundred pieces of firewood, if you chop two hundred pieces, you will get two cents, and if there are too many pieces, it will not be counted." Gu He said lightly.

Gu Sheng showed a shy smile at the right time. The 14-year-old peasant boy was handsome, and he was very friendly with his smile.

"I can get this job because of the kindness of the steward. If I can do more, I will do it naturally. You only need to give me a few cents."

Gu He smiled, shook his head and said:

"You little guy, take it, I'll give you three Wen this time, and I'll make up for the rest of the firewood in the future."

He counted three thumb-sized copper coins from the small cloth pocket next to him and handed them to Gu Sheng, then waved his hand to signal the next part-time worker to come forward.

Gu Sheng was kind and kind, and after thanking him softly, he turned and left.

It's just that I have a good feeling for this Gu He steward in my heart.


At this time, the sourness of chopping firewood hadn't come up, Gu Sheng just felt a little tired, and his arms and waist were a little sore.

In addition, he just got three Wen, which is enough to buy more than half a catty of rice bran. With a happy mood, he walked a little briskly.

It's not much, but it's a good start.

Stepping on the fine spots of the setting sun, Gu Sheng walked towards the outskirts of the village.

(End of this chapter)

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