I sacrificed the school belle and got the Magic Ji summoning scroll

Chapter 47 The Boss Existing in the Center of the Gate World (3 chapters)

Chapter 47 The Boss Existing in the Center of the Gate World ([-]-character chapter)
Just entered the world of Gate Seven.

The succubus Kajimi directly killed three monster beasts that had reached level [-].

And there is still no unexpected spike.

He looked at the three worms in front of him.

Because it was killed by Kajimi, it was a little bit explosive.

Fang Xiu felt sick for a while.

But in order to wait for this thing and see if something good comes out, Fang Xiu can only stay here.

Soon, a burst of blue light glowed on the body of one of the giant worms.

Gradually, the light disappeared, leaving behind a silkworm chrysalis-like thing.

"what is this?"

Fang Xiu walked over and picked up the silkworm chrysalis.

Anyway, something that exploded.

Naturally, Fang Xiu didn't have to worry about any danger.

[Great Mega Worm Pupa: One of the materials for making low-level armor. 】


Fang Xiu put it away in satisfaction.

This thing is of little use to Fang Xiu.

But it can be sold for money.

And the price is much higher than Scorpion Gold.

Besides, Fang Xiu doesn't have armor yet.

If it doesn't work, you can only scrape together the materials yourself, and then find a tailor to make one.

"Just when I came in, an item exploded. I'm lucky!"

Fang Xiu was very satisfied.

Just entering the world of Gate No. [-], something exploded.

Belonging is off to a good start.

"Kakimi, let's go!"

Of course, for Fang Xiu, the fifteenth-level gigantic bug was just picked up by the way, and his goal was not these.

Fang Xiu also has no destination, he just wants to go deep into the world of Door No. [-].

That unexplored area.

Maybe there is something special that can be used as a sacrifice.

"Master, there is movement ahead!"

At this time, Kajimi reminded.

"Is it a human or a monster?"

Fang Xiu asked.

"It's human!"

Kajimi replied.

"Go around!"

At this moment, Fang Xiu didn't want to get in touch with strangers.

In this world, in addition to dangerous monsters, people also need to be on guard.

Because you never know, whether the partner who just killed monsters back to back will suddenly stab you in the back.

"Master, why is there still an unexplored place in this world? In this city, there are also strong enough existences, such as the principal, why don't you come to explore?"

Kajimi took Fangxiu and avoided the crowd.

asked curiously.

"Leave a chance!"

Fang Xiu replied.


Kajimi was taken aback, not understanding.

"You think, if all the door worlds are explored by the strong, and the good things are taken away by the powerful, will others be happy?"

Fang Xiu explained: "If they are not willing, those awakened ones will resist, and it will be difficult to control at that time. Not only will they have to deal with monsters, but also the angry awakened ones. They will not be busy at all."

"I see!"

Kajimi nodded slightly.

Although I don't quite understand this approach, after all, if you resist, you will be killed.

But Kajimi knew that if he listened to his master, he would believe it.

Do not express your own opinion.

"Although it can be killed, there are fewer awakened people at the bottom. When there are really monsters, who will be the cannon fodder?"

Although Kajimi didn't say it.

But Fang Xiu still guessed Kajimi's thoughts.

The succubus is not such an easy to provoke existence.

Fang Xiu naturally knew what she was thinking.

"Cannon fodder?"

Kajimi seemed to understand.

"It's the group that rushed to the front during the battle."

Fang Xiu explained.

Kajimi nodded, understanding.

"Besides, powerful awakeners, they also have their level of gate world to explore, so naturally they come to this small instance to fight monsters."

Fang Xiu said as he walked, "The things that drop here are relatively low-level. Those awakened people with strong strength have what they need, so they won't come here to waste time."

"There are monsters, master, level [-]!"

At this moment, Kajimi saw, not far away, a group of level [-] monsters.

"I'll try it!"

Grade [-]?
It's the same level as Fang Xiu.

If that's the case, he wants to try the power of Pluto's true eye.


Kajimi nodded.

With her here, a monster of this level can't hurt Fang Xiu.

"Mysterious wood spider?"

Looking at the monster in front of him, Fang Xiu recognized it.

This is a level [-] black wood spider.

The attack skill is poison net restraint.

The attack range is three meters.

More than three meters, the power will be weakened by half.

They can use spider webs to trap enemies in them. The spider webs are poisonous and have a numb effect.

As long as it is in contact, it is difficult to break free in a short time.

And with more and more toxins, it becomes more difficult to deal with.

"There are not many of them, you should be able to kill them by chopping randomly!"

Fang Xiu didn't know how to control Thunder.

Targets appear to be random.

Fang Xiu didn't know if he could distinguish between the enemy and us.

"Ghost Thunder Falling!"

Fang Xiu raised his staff and used his skills directly.

In an instant, the dark clouds condensed, and countless black thunders fell from them.

Seemingly sensing the horror of the black thunder above their heads, the black wood spiders retreated one after another.

But at this time, the thunder has already fallen, so how can these black wood spiders escape?
The black thunder fell and struck the black wood spider.

Just a thunderbolt directly killed a blackwood spider that had reached level [-].

"Hiss, is it so powerful?"

Although Fang Xiu knew before that, the Nether Thunder Fall obtained by absorbing the magic core is very powerful.

Didn't expect it to be so powerful?
The blackwood spider of the same level as him was struck to death by a thunderbolt.

And the number of thunderbolts he summoned is huge, and the spiders underneath are simply not enough to chop!

"According to the power of this thunder, even if I encounter monsters of level [-] or [-], I can kill them directly!"

Fang Xiu felt a little excited in his heart.

This skill is very useful for a sacrificial priest like him who has no attack power.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as like a tiger with wings added.

Before, Fang Xiu felt that this skill consumes too much spiritual energy.

And it can't lock the target, and it can't control it.

A bit tasteless.

But now... chicken ribs are chicken ribs, and chicken ribs are the most beautiful.

With such a strong power, not to mention consuming half of the spiritual power, even if Fang Xiu was emptied in an instant, it would be worth it.

Although it can't be locked, such dense thunder, unless it is a monster of the speed system, it is difficult to avoid it.

When the last thunder fell.

Only the corpse of the black wood spider remained on the ground.


Fang Xiu counted, a total of seventeen black wood spiders whose strength had reached level [-] were hacked to death before they had the slightest chance to release their webs.

"Let's see who dares to look down on the attack power of the sacrificial priest in the future!"

Fang Xiu is very satisfied with this skill.

With a few rays of light appearing.

Fang Xiu also had this harvest, thirteen spider webs.

This kind of thing, like the chrysalis just obtained, is a material for making equipment.

But this spider web is better, because it is strong enough, and some weapons can also be added.

Afterwards, Fang Xiu and Kajimi continued to walk towards the depths of the world of Gate No. [-].

The deeper you go, the higher the level of the monster.

But there are fewer people.

After all, this is not an online game. If you die, you cannot be resurrected.

There are not so many awakened people who are willing to risk their lives to explore.

Hunting and killing low-level monsters in the periphery can also make a lot of money.

This is much easier to earn than ordinary people.

Fang Xiu was still a little worried.

If you encounter a powerful monster, can Kajimi solve it?

But when he saw two monsters whose strength had reached level 25 were instantly killed by Kajimi's skills.

He knew that the exploration mission of the seventh door world fell on his head.

It's a pity that the two level 25 monsters didn't drop anything.

And in the next hour or so, Fang Xiu never encountered a monster of this level again.

"Master, what is required to complete the exploration of this world?"

At this time, Kajimi was a little curious.

The door world is so big, how do you know if the exploration is successful or not?
It's normal to have some omissions, right?

"It is said that at the center of each door world, there is a powerful monster guarding it. If you kill that monster, you will complete the exploration of the entire door world."

Fang Xiu told Kajimi what he knew.

Because the monster in the center is the most powerful, the awakened ones also call this monster the BOSS.

As long as the boss is killed, the world will be explored.

Because no matter where the boss is, the front, the back, the left, or the surrounding area, there will be no monsters with a higher level than the boss.

In other words, the BOSS is the strongest in this world, and this can also know what the highest level in this world is.

In order to determine the specific level and degree of danger of this door world.

"It turned out to be like this, then I'll go directly to the center and kill the boss, isn't that all right?"

Kajimi got a little nervous.

"Go slowly, the BOSS is just one of my goals!"

Fang Xiu was not in a hurry.

The world of Door No. [-] has existed for a long time.

But it has not been explored yet.

He is not in a hurry, and he doesn't have to worry about the boss being robbed by others.

After all, there are tenth-level monsters in this door world, so this door world is not considered a high level.

Generally speaking, in the more powerful door world, there will be no tenth-level monsters.

According to the gate world that has been discovered so far, there is an existence that is positioned as a B-level existence, and the weakest monsters in it are all at level [-].

I have never seen a monster below level [-] in that world.

And the level planning of the door world is based on this.

As Fang Xiu walked, he explained to Kajimi some things that the awakened people knew, but Kajimi didn't.

"Huh? What is that?"

At this time, Fang Xiu suddenly saw a small mountain not far ahead.

Although it is not surprising that this is a forest and there are hills, what is strange is that there is a cave on the hill.

The repair is very complete, it seems to be man-made?
"Look at it!"

Now that everyone has come, Fang Xiu will naturally not let these places go.

Didn't he come to the gate world just to find something to sacrifice?

The things that appear in this kind of place are much more ordinary than those that burst out from monsters!
"Master, there seems to be a monster inside!"

A word of caution from Kajimi.


Isn't it normal that there are monsters in the hill that suddenly appeared?

"It seems... there are still people!"

Kajimi added again.


This time, Fang Xiu was a little surprised.

People and monsters, inside, don't fight?It's a bit strange!
(End of this chapter)

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