I have lived forever since the end of Qin Dynasty

Chapter 137 Counting the crimes, Xiong Xinwen

Chapter 137 Counting the crimes, Xiong Xinwen
As the north wind roared past, the climate suddenly turned cold, and snow began to fall in the Jianghuai area.

This light snow seemed to be a rest in the music score, causing the continuous flames of war to be extinguished suddenly, and the war that lasted for half a year stopped temporarily, entering a rest period before another storm.

"I'm afraid this is God's will. I want that bear heart to live into the next year." Xiang Yu stepped out of the tent, palms up, and caught a snowflake, feeling the slightest coolness seeping into it.

After capturing Qidi, he prepared to lead his army southward.

Unexpectedly, the day before the expedition, a heavy snow fell overnight earlier than in previous years. The road outside the city was paved with a thickness of two inches, and pedestrians trampled on it, making it very slippery.

Under such circumstances, going south will have to wait until the beginning of spring next year.

Chen Luo shrugged his shoulders: "This heavy snow is not a blessing from fate, but at most it allows his head to stay on his neck for a while longer.

This year, the whole land has a good harvest. Even after the war, we still have enough food and grass, and we will not withdraw our troops. The king of Han also captured Jiujiang and surrounded us.

The heart of the bear is no different from the beast that fell into the trap that the hunter dug in the mountains.

If he is really blessed by destiny, he probably needs a meteorite to smash Linzi down, and another meteorite to level Shouchun. "

Facing the heyday of Xiang Yujia, Zhang Liang, Xiao He, and Han Xin's Liu Bang gathered together under Xiang Yu, presenting a situation of being caught between two sides.

In the absence of dimensionality reduction strikes such as Xiuxian, Gundam, and Meteor Killer, even if Xiong Xin was replaced by Li Shimin, Chen Luo felt that this was still a dead end.

Xiang Yu smiled and said with emotion: "Jiang Ning, you are right. In fact, Hanwang's contribution is also not small. Without his help, I am afraid I would be blocked outside Linzi City."

When the northern princes were being defeated, the reason why Xiong Xin was like a puppet, sitting idly by, was because most of his army was entangled by Liu Bang.

After all, Xiang Yu left Hangu Pass to attack Wei land first, and then go to Yanzhao land. The threat to Xiong Xin's basic situation is not obvious.

But Liu Bang came out of Wuguan, and according to a relatively broad definition, he had already entered the land of Chu.

According to the priority, Xiong Xin naturally sent troops to encircle and suppress the Han army who was closer to him and more threatening.

What's more, he really went to crusade against Xiang Yu, it was an expedition, he felt guilty, and then he was defeated by Han Xin, and he was no longer able to distract Xiang Yu.

Chen Luo rubbed his chin: "Yes. Another year has passed in a blink of an eye, and the world has been in chaos since March and April. This year, we spent more time on the march than we spent stationed in one place to develop."

Xiang Yu squinted his eyes, and after thinking about it, he said: "Jiang Ning said so, it has indeed been delayed for too long. In the next spring, we will make a quick decision and end it earlier, so as not to delay the spring plowing."

Hearing this, Chen Luo gave him a slightly surprised look.

I really didn't expect that Xiang Yu would actually consider people's livelihood.

It really changed a lot.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Luo nodded: "However, during this period of time, we don't have to be completely idle, we can build momentum and pave the way for the next attack on Xiongxin."

Xiang Yu asked puzzledly: "Build momentum? What kind of momentum?"

He really didn't understand what Chen Luo said.

According to Xiang Yu's thoughts, as long as you ensure that the grain and grass are sufficient these days, when the snow is melted, he will make Ma South and hit Pengcheng.

Chen Luo shook his head: "Victory on the battlefield is the most fundamental victory. But we can't just have victories on the battlefield. In terms of public opinion, we also can't leave any excuses."

The war of public opinion is a war without gunpowder.

They use demonization to discredit their former opponents.

Da Mao suffered all kinds of attacks from Western propaganda during his lifetime. Only 30 years after his death, some people tried to change the turning point of World War II into the Normandy landing to add credit to themselves.

They confuse the masses with rhetoric.

For example, public knowledge fabricates stories and takes them out of context to create a world where the atmosphere is sweet and sweet, and there can be a big house when washing dishes, making people disgusted with the environment in which they live.

They will force internal divisions and provoke conflicts.

For example, there are no two races in the history of Rwanda. It is the western imposition of characteristics to distinguish them and provoke confrontation, which finally led to the tragic incident in 94.

If you don't occupy the high ground of public opinion, the enemy will stand on it and point fingers rampantly.

Then the next time they shake their fists, all the swearing at you will ring in your ears, and you can only bear it helplessly with your head down.

On the Internet in his previous life, Chen Luo had seen too many similar incidents. A certain type of people turned black and white upside down, muddied the water, and then turned up the volume in order to gain privileges.

After a pause, he continued: "Brother Yu, have you ever thought that if we rushed directly to kill Xiong Xin, and he was revered as Emperor Chu in name, how would the future history record us?
Will some literati scold us with their pens, calling us regicide traitors?

Will there be folktales that weave us, that you and I love to eat babies and kill women? "

Xiang Yu's expression gradually became serious, and he said slowly: "Jiang Ning, please elaborate."

After Chen Luo said what was in his heart, he added: "This matter needs to be done together with the King of Han, so that the hearts of the world will stand with us in the future."

"Good." Xiang Yu nodded lightly, "Jiang Ning, just let it go and do it."

a few days later.

As flakes of snowflakes fell from the sky, a call to action was brought out from the city of Linzi by an envoy.

Not long after, it was spread by the Han army and the Xiang army at the same time, like an avalanche, and the momentum grew.


At the beginning, he searched for Xiongxin among the fields for Xiang Gongliang, and then alienated the Xiang family, and used villains more, which was a crime.

Xiong Xin forced Xiang Gong Liang Yudong to attack Qin, but there was not enough food and grass, resulting in a major defeat, the second crime.

Destroying houses and building palaces, pursuing one's own selfish desires, imitating what the tyrant Qin did, the three crimes.

General Xiang and Pei Gong were ordered by Xiong Xin, saying that Wang Zhi was the first to enter Guanzhong.

Xiong Xin is not good at meritorious generals. There are only a few kings and no more than two thousand households. The crime is five.

Xiong Xin likes a person who has no meritorious service, so that he has a land of thousands of miles, and his virtue is not worthy, and he has six crimes.

Song Yi was defeated by Qin several times, and the Chu people complained a lot, but Xiong Xin still ordered him to be Ling Yin, with seven crimes.

Jinbei was fighting with Qi, and Xiong Xin invaded Qi without any reason, the eighth crime.

King Xiang and Duke Pei went out to settle the chaos, Xiong Xin didn't know loyalty, and issued an edict to the princes to attack, nine crimes.

A husband who acts as a ruler and does not think of kindness, uses a villain, is far from loyal and good, behaves unfairly, disbelieves the Lord's promise, and the world will not tolerate it. Ten crimes!

The King of Xiang and the Han King used the couple of the soldiers, destroying the remnant thief, so that the world was clear, and the people were born with Xian'an Er.

Mencius said: "I heard that a husband was punished by Zhou, but I didn't hear that he killed a king", so it should be so. ——"Counting "Ten Crimes" Xiong Xinwen" [Han] Chen Luo

 There is a power outage at home today, and I may not be able to code next time

(End of this chapter)

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