I have lived forever since the end of Qin Dynasty

Chapter 162 Entrusting the Han Princes and Kings

Chapter 162 Entrusting the Han Princes and Kings

After Liu Bang's words fell, the eyes of all the ministers became excited.

This is the highlight of today!
What did they expect when they came here today?
Isn't it just that he wants to exchange for a title that will be stable for the rest of his life by virtue of several years of fighting.

During this period of time, countless people have learned a lot of "inside information" from Xiao Hequ.

After the establishment of the Great Han Dynasty, it will not continue the Qin Dynasty's policy of no territory.

This gave them peace of mind.

If Liu Bang learns from the first emperor, only father and son like Wang's combined military exploits in destroying the five kingdoms can win the title of Marquis.

Among the nearly thousand people who participated in the ceremony, except for Xiang Yu, no one could get the reward.

However, there are not such strict requirements, and they still don't know how far they have relaxed.

After all, when they went to ask Xiao He, the other party bit him to death, and said, "This is all arranged by His Majesty, and I don't know anything about it."

The palms of most people's sleeves are slightly sweaty, and their lips are a little dry, just like the graduates who will check the time-sharing of the college entrance examination in front of the screen in the future.

Even those people in the back row had eyes filled with anticipation.

In case I have done something before, let Liu Bang remember it in my heart, remember to add their names this time when I seal the title.

Under the attention of everyone, feeling their eager eyes, Liu Bang unhurriedly took out the list he had prepared.

He glanced around the group of officials, then raised the corners of his mouth, and began to read: "I embrace the world because of the help of heroes and sages; the Tyrant Qin lost his position because there were no clan children to support him.

Now that I own the world, I am rich all over the world, and I don't hesitate to reward, so I will do the reward today. "

Hearing the exact news from Liu Bang, many people who had doubts at first breathed a sigh of relief.

A word from the emperor makes it hard to chase after a horse.

Political promises made in front of everyone are costly to backtrack.

When the voice of Liu Bang announcing the reward fell, the servants beside him would repeat it so that the news of the reward would not be misheard.

For a time, the suburbs of Chang'an resounded with all kinds of glory.

"Xiang Yu, who had the merit of destroying Qin, was of great help when I conquered the world. He was named King of Chu in the Han Dynasty."

The king title that Liu Bang read out first was Xiang Yu's king of Chu.

This is a certainty, and basically everyone is quite convinced in their hearts.

"Liu Fei, my eldest son, benevolent and magnanimous, filial to his relatives and respectful to his elders, is named King of Qi in the Great Han Dynasty.

Liu Jiao, my brother, has the ability to attack cities and fortresses, and has made many military exploits in the army. He is named King Jing of the Han Dynasty.

Liu Jia, my elder brother, has beheaded generals several times and led his army to defeat the enemy.

Liu Xi, my elder brother, has a reputation of benevolence, and he was named the king of the Han Dynasty. "

After Xiang Yu, the four princes and kings surnamed Liu followed suit.

Among them, Liu Jiao and Liu Jia were named kings, and everyone has no opinion.

Because they have indeed made military exploits in the army, although they are not prominent, but with their surnames, most people are still convinced.

As for Liu Fei, getting the most fertile Qi land as a reward made some people feel angry, but there was nothing he could do about it.

After all, he is Liu Bang's eldest son and the only adult son.

They can only hold back if they are not convinced.

And when Liu Xifeng was announced as acting king, many people showed surprise expressions.

This is not right!

When they were having dinner in the military banquet before, they clearly remembered that His Majesty himself sneered at this brother, thinking that he was timid and fearless, with no ambitions, and his life ambition was only to hope for a few more acres of Susukida.

Why Liu Xi can still be crowned king.Obviously we were the first to come, with illustrious military exploits and His Majesty's appreciation, these two advantages added together, we should have been the ones to reach the sky in one step... But why is it him, Liu Xi?

Peeking at the unbelievable expressions in the eyes of many people behind him, Chen Luo shook his head lightly.

Many people can't understand this for the time being.

It is true that Liu Xi has no ability and is looked down upon by Liu Bang.

But is this important?

After Liu Bang became the emperor, he could no longer blindly act according to his personal preferences. What he needed was the stability of the world, and what he needed was the stability of the position under his butt.

Even if Liu Xi is a waste, he is also a member of the Liu family. If he is placed outside to guard one side, he can help the Liu family stabilize the world in a short period of time.

If it wasn't for Liu Bang's remaining sons who were underage, then there were far more than these four named Liu surnamed king today.

Chen Luo turned his head and found that Zhang Liang and Chen Ping had thoughtful expressions on their faces. Knowing that their mentality was gradually changing, he was a little surprised.

Is this the speed at which top smart people adjust their thinking?
When others are still upset, they have accepted the facts and began to analyze the future situation.

It's terrifying.

On the stage, the voice of announcing the award continued.

"Lu Wan, who is like a brother to me, and has made military exploits in the army, was granted the title of King Yan of the Han Dynasty.

Ji Xin, in the past Han Wangcheng was innocent and lost his country and was killed. I feel pity for him, so I named his cousin the King of Han.

Wu Rui, who made great contributions to the death of the Qin Dynasty, and never rejected the Han Dynasty, is quite famous in Wu. I hope that he can defend the border for the Han Dynasty, so I named him the Changsha King of the Han Dynasty.

Ji Yu, the son of former King Jiu of Wei, thought of his father's past friendship with the tyranny of Qin, so he was named the King of Wei of the Great Han Dynasty. "

After the words fell, there were four more princes and kings with different surnames on the territory of the Han Dynasty!

For these people, everyone has no complaints.

After all, Lu Wan and Liu Bang are really "brothers". Even if the accumulation of military achievements is not enough, the land of Yan that can be sealed off is not a good place.

In the same way, the country of Changsha where Wu Rui was entrusted to go was really, as Liu Bang said, going to guard the border for the big man.

You must know that when the Han army marched from Wuguan and passed through Changsha on the way, even though it was the end of September, it was as hot as summer but humid, and there were many mosquitoes, and the soldiers fell ill during the march.

This is just passing by.

Staying in the undeveloped southern Shonan area for a long time may really be no different from exile.

Therefore, they are not too envious of the treatment of Lu Wan and Wu Rui.

As for Ji Xin and Ji Yu, this is the Yu Ze of Han Wangcheng and Wei Wangjiu.

In addition, there is Liang Wang Liu Jia, and their fiefdom is at most one county, which is much worse than before.

Liu Bang put away the silk book in his hand, and said calmly: "These are the nine princes and kings sealed off by our great Han. I hope that you will treat the people well, resume production, and resist the enemy outside."

Nine people stepped forward to thank each other.

During this period, the others looked at each other in shock.

Why are there only nine princes and kings?
Could it be that the other heroes have no objections?

They looked at Han Xin, Chen Luo, Xiao He and others, and found that their expressions were calm, as if they didn't care that their names were not mentioned.

So he couldn't figure it out, Lu Jia stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, I dare to ask General Han, who has done countless feats for the great man, but is not crowned king today, why?"

(End of this chapter)

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