I have lived forever since the end of Qin Dynasty

Chapter 165 The Inner Logic of the Enfeoffment of the Great Han and Liehou

Chapter 165 The Inner Logic of the Enfeoffment of the Great Han and Liehou
If you want to analyze a thing, it is natural to dig slowly from the outside to the inside.

Start with the most basic data, then deeply understand its internal connection, and finally analyze its core logic.

After listening to the content of his seal, Chen Luo has been silently remembering the situation of other people in his heart, and compiled a rough table in his mind.

Liu Bang awarded a total of 160 five Chehous and three princes.

The difference is that "princes who confer titles as lords are called vassals; officials with different surnames are called marquises for meritorious service, and they are called Chehou".

However, there are only three Prince Marquises, Liu Xin, Marquis of Gengling, Liu Bi, Marquis of Pei, and Liu Guang, Marquis of De Ai, and the rest are Chehous with different surnames.

Among the Marquis of Che, there are only Marquis of Merit and Marquis of Foreign Relatives for the time being, and Marquis of Guiyi, Marquis of Eunuch, and Marquis of Prime Minister have not yet appeared.

There are only three foreign relatives. Among them, Zhou Lvhou Lu Ze and Jiancheng Hou Lv Shizhi followed Liu Bang to fight, from Peixian to Chang'an, and they never left.

Therefore, the remaining 150 nine people are basically all Chehou who were granted military merit.

Compared with the original history, this value has increased by 12 people.

This change is mainly due to the addition of Chen Luo and Xiang Yu's children and generals in the letter presented by Xiang Yu, a total of 23 people.

However, the lords in the latter two overlap with the original history, and some people who should be lords in the original history died quietly in this troubled world.

For example, Chen Ying, who was supposed to be named Marquis of Tangyi, chose to support Xiong Xin because he was on the wrong team in Pengcheng, and died at the hands of unknown soldiers under Xiang Yu's command when he broke the city.

I can only sigh with emotion that everyone has his own life.

But Chen Luo's focus is not on this.

There are slight differences between the feudal lords conferred this time and those of the Han Dynasty in history, but the impact is not significant.

The top-level liehous are still those people, which proves that the political structure of the Han Dynasty will still maintain the original inertia.

"The 160 eight princes, the location of their feudal kingdoms... well, it's interesting." Chen Luo murmured, his inaudible soliloquy in this noisy environment, so don't worry about being heard by others.

Because of the experience of fighting in the past few years, he traveled all over the world, and he has been to almost most of the counties and counties with names. He basically has a general orientation in his mind about the locations of the more than 100 princes awarded by Liu Bang.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Luo really saw some rules about the feudal kingdom in the early Han Dynasty.

First, the internal history of the Han Dynasty means that the Gyeonggi area was not named a lieutenant.

This belongs to the heart of the big man, and even the prince will not be entrusted here by Liu Bang.

The reason is very simple. Liehou can have private armed forces in the fiefdom. If they take advantage of the turmoil in the court and lead troops to revolt near Gyeonggi, the consequences will be disastrous.

Second, none of the seven counties in Kansai was granted a Marquis.

Chen Luo clearly remembered that in the list that Liu Bang read out just now, except for Chengguhou Fan Zeng, no one else was entrusted to the seven counties of Kansai, that is, except for Nei Shi, the seven counties of Shangjun, Beidi, Longxi, Shu, Guanghan, Ba, and Hanzhong in Kansai.

And Fan Zeng's Marquis of Chenggu is more likely to be conferred, because he has no heirs, and the number of households conferred is also symbolic, and it is used to guard the mausoleum.

Thinking of this, he raised his head slightly, and felt as if he had thought of something.

Scratching his head lightly, Chen Luo continued his analysis.

Third, the Kwantung Han Dynasty directly governed nine counties, except for Nanjun, which had feudal lords.

It is easy to understand that Nanjun is not a Marquis.

The current level of development in South County is extremely low, no different from the barren land, almost all of Chehou are heroes, and enfeoffing them there is like exile.

However, Henan County is a bit special among them, only three Chehou were entrusted.

The number of their households is between [-] and [-], and they are all located east of Xingyang.

Between Hangu Pass and Yiluo Basin, there is no Marquis.

At this moment, Chen Luo's eyes were a little dazed, and his perception of the turbulent environment around him was reduced to the lowest level. He only kept asking questions in his heart and guessing the truth one by one.

Why is there such a situation in Henan County...

Because Luoyang is there.

Luoyang is the base of the Han Dynasty in Kanto, and Xingyang is the gateway of Luoyang.

If the Marquis were enfeoffed near here, in case there was a change in the Kanto, and Che Hou led the way to break through Xingyang and seize Luoyang, the big man would lose control of the Kanto in an instant.

"Liu Bang's enfeoffment does have his own intentions."

Taking a deep breath, Chen Luo continued to summarize the rules.

The number of feudal lords in the area directly under the Han Dynasty is less than half, and the rest of the vassal states are all within the territory of the vassal kings.

This is not a rule.

The real law is the distribution of post-states in the kingdom of princes and kings.

Fourth, there is no marquis in the Han border area.

Like Yan State, Dai State, the southern part of Changsha State and the southern part of Jing State, there are no Marquis States.

It is probably because these places belong to the frontier, the degree of development is low, and they are often invaded by foreigners, so they are not suitable for the princes to pay taxes and go to Beijing to face saints.

Chen Luo pursed her lips, but Liu Bang was thinking about the princes.

And the fifth point he concluded is probably that Liu Bang was considering the princes and kings with different surnames, and used the principle of "avoiding princes and kings with different surnames".

In the territory of Han, Wei, and Yan, there are no vassal states.

After all, the enfeoffment of a vassal state means that the administrative rights and financial and tax revenue of a county will belong to the lords, and the enfeoffment of a vassal state within the territory of a vassal state is tantamount to depriving them of the rights and interests of princes and kings with different surnames.

As for Changsha and Chu, there are feudal states.

However, the four princes enshrined in Changsha are all Wu Rui's old subordinates.

In the same way, apart from Han Xin, the Marquis of Huaiyin, the ten or so Marquises enshrined in the Chu State were all descendants of the Xiang family and generals like Chen Luo and Long Qie.

This is based on "avoiding the enfeoffment of princes and kings with different surnames" and eliminating the princes who are close to "vassal princes and kings with different surnames".

As for the rest of the Marquis, they were basically piled up in Qidi, Liangdi and the northern part of Jingguo.

These three places belonged to the princes and kings of the Liu family. Liu Bang naturally didn't have so many worries about enfeoffing the princes on their territory.

According to various laws deduced step by step, the map of the world gradually unfolded before Chen Luo's eyes.

The territory of the Han Dynasty and the territory of the princes and kings are like a broad chessboard.

Each Hou Guo is one chess piece after another, falling on the chessboard.

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

As the 160 eight chess pieces are exhausted, the pattern of the world is formed.

Perceiving the picture in his mind, Chen Luo was slightly taken aback.

Immediately, he loosened his clenched fists, and slowly let out a breath.

"I see, that's what happened."

Chen Luo smiled, opened his half-closed eyes, and heard the noise from the surroundings again, and the light wind touched the corner of his clothes, blowing away the dust all over his body.

 There will be an update tomorrow, the next chapter will be here soon
(End of this chapter)

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