I have lived forever since the end of Qin Dynasty

Chapter 315 Communication with old friends

Chapter 315 Communication with old friends
Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

After Xiang Xian's sword dance reached its climax, the atmosphere at the banquet began to gradually decline.

After all, the average age of the banquet guests is over 40 years old. After a certain threshold, physical energy begins to decline significantly and cannot be stopped.

Chen Luo looked around the audience.

Another guest was drunk and staggering, lying on his desk as if he was unconscious. Without his own instructions, two dedicated attendants helped him down and took care of him.

There were not many people who stayed awake. Almost all of the younger generation were drunk. Many people gathered around Xiang Xian and asked for advice on swordsmanship.

As for those of my peers who can stay awake, there are very few.
Xiang Yu was not drunk simply because he drank little.

There were only six drinks during the entire banquet, one of which was drunk slowly and secretly while Yu Ji was not paying attention.

This amount would have been enough 30 years ago to say that he drank it all in one sip.

Therefore, if you want Xiang Yu to get drunk now, you won't be able to do it without having enough energy.

Han Xin was not drunk either and belonged to the category of people who drank less.

In addition to punishing himself with three drinks, he only took the initiative to drink one drink. According to his living habits, he needed to write a military book every afternoon. Even a little bit of wine might affect his correct thinking.

Therefore, Han Xin basically abstained from drinking on a daily basis, but when he came to Yangxia, he planned to stay at home for a few days, so he drank some.

When the banquet was over, Chen Luo got up and sent away those guests who were still able to leave on their own. As for those who were too drunk to wake up, Chen Luo arranged for them to stay in guest rooms in the mansion and asked his attendants to take care of them. Avoid accidents.

After doing this, he returned to the area where the banquet was held, passed through the porch of the inner courtyard, and walked towards a pavilion.

The lively banquet just now was to cope with everyone's enthusiasm for welcoming me back to Chu land, and also to meet those old acquaintances and reminisce about the past.

If you want to talk to a true friend, you certainly won't drink and drink at a noisy party.

Chen Luo was separated by dozens of steps, with several clumps of bamboo blocking the way, but he could still hear the voices of Xiang Yu and Han Xin, which seemed to be mixed with a few words of argument.

He walked closer and saw that the two were playing chess.

When they saw Chen Luo coming, they simply said hello and continued to return their eyes to the chessboard.

Chen Luo knew that the two of them were fighting fiercely and his mind was entirely on chess, so he ignored the details of the common etiquette and sat on the edge and watched with interest.

Han Xin holds red and Xiang Yu holds black.

At this time, Xiang Yu was driving and using horses, constantly attacking Han Xin's camp, killing his opponents and retreating, and everything he passed was a white field.

Han Xin sent his prime minister and horses to restrict the situation, but it seemed to have little effect and he was still retreating step by step.

After Xiang Yujing swallowed two chess pieces and occupied an area in the red area, Han Xin's guards beside the commander's tent began to face the front.

But Chen Luo found that the situation was not that simple.

Han Xin'an's artillery on the edge of the river and the only vehicle that attacked Xiang Yu's territory formed a faint killing array.

Sure enough, the situation began to reverse after a moment.

After Han Xin's cannon knocked out the bishop, he immediately started to draw stones in conjunction with the rook. After ambushing a knight and firing a cannon, he also forced Black's veteran out of his position.

This time, Xiang Yu's early lead disappeared.

However, he was not anxious. Instead, he changed his previously reckless and aggressive style of play and chose to be more steady. Afterwards, when faced with Han Xin's ambush, although Xiang Yu did not see it, he was vigilant and did not fall into it.

At the end of the fight, neither party could go any further, and finally chose to shake hands and make peace.

Chen Luo, who watched the chess game from the sidelines, breathed a sigh of relief.

He almost died from suffocation here.

To put it in a more advanced way, the game of chess just now was about meeting an opponent and a good talent, and the two sides had a good fight. But to put it in a simpler way, it can be said to be a fight between novices, leaving the spectators with a mouthful of blood in their throats. Almost squirted out.

Chen Luo felt that he was full at the banquet, but if it was paired with this game of chess, it would be no problem to have two big bowls of rice now.

Unexpectedly, after more than 20 years, Brother Yu’s chess skills have not improved at all!

You must know that Yu Ji was so good at playing chess back then that she could kill herself to the point of losing her armor. However, after all this time, she still hasn't taught her husband the lesson.

Han Xin's chess skills were ordinary and average, which did not surprise Chen Luo.

After all, he stayed at home writing military books every day, and no one came to him to play chess. Maybe this game of chess was the first he had played in the past few years.

"Alas, it's a pity that I couldn't maintain the initial advantage." Xiang Yu tugged at his beard, his tone a bit annoyed.

I started the game according to the formula taught by my wife, and gave me such a huge advantage, but I couldn't maintain it.

Han Xin reviewed the story with great interest: "Now that I think about it, I should have left the car earlier, and there were a few omissions in the middle that failed to trap your horse, and..."

Chen Luo was sitting on the edge and couldn't help but interrupt and point out: "Brother Han, instead of taking this step, wouldn't it be better if you put the cannon behind you, so that you can block all his carriages and horses? I couldn’t move, and then I jumped out..."

"Wonderful, wonderful."

Han Xin thought for a moment, then smiled and praised loudly.

Xiang Yu, who was on the opposite side, broke out in cold sweat. He was just glad that Chen Luo didn't say it during their chess game, otherwise he would have lost his chance to keep the tie.

The three of them are like the old men at the entrance of the village in later generations, sitting in front of the chessboard, leisurely enjoying the tranquility that belongs to them, without any sign of the power of the superiors.

After another game of chess was over, Xiang Yu changed the topic and said, "Jiang Ning, you should not leave when you come back this time. I see that the higher-ups want to conquer you."

"I'm not leaving." Chen Luo nodded, then smiled and laughed at himself, "I'm already this age and my brain is slow. If I go to Chang'an again, I won't make those young people laugh."

Han Xin rubbed his chin and said: "Judging from the performance on the chessboard, Jiang Ning, you said you are old, so can I bury you?"

Just now, Chen Luo double-killed Han Xin and Xiang Yu on the chessboard, and he played a one-sided fast chess game.

Every time Han Xin finished the long exam, he would choose a step that he had carefully considered, but Chen Luo immediately followed him, as if he didn't have to think at all, so Han Xin fell into a new round of long exam.

Many times he wanted to set a trap, but he hesitated, thinking that the other party had dared to move so quickly and must have guessed what he was thinking, so he got entangled in it and made the situation worse.

Han Xin then added: "Besides, Dr. Zhang is almost a year older than us, and he can now work in Chang'an."

"I have only been back for a few days, but it seems like you are urging me to leave." Chen Luo laughed, then waved his hand, "I will stay in Yangxia this time. Lao Zhang is a special case, and I guess this He will retire in two years, so let the juniors handle matters in the court, and I will not interfere in them blindly."

Xiang Yu's eyes brightened slightly and he said, "I'm not leaving now. Okay. I was worried that you would only come back for a year and a half and then run north again. Since you won't leave after that, nothing will happen." I have been wandering around for a long time, you know, I can't find an opponent when I'm hunting."

Han Xin also echoed: "Huaiyin is closer. I have several boxes of military books. Before, you couldn't send them all in Daidi. Now it's easier for you to look through them."

"Absolutely." Chen Luo replied. After returning to Chu Di, he had nothing to do. He didn't visit his friends. Is there anything else he needed to be busy with?

"But let me tell you, not many of the younger generation in Chang'an can compare with their fathers." Xiang Yu tapped the chess piece in his hand a few times and couldn't help but comment, "A fierce warrior like Wuyang Marquis, I didn’t expect that those sons are quite incompetent, and together they are no match for Qi’er.”

The last time he entered Chang'an, he stopped by Wuyang Hou's house to pay a visit, intending to give some advice on the martial arts of Fan Kuai's sons.

Unexpectedly, everything from their moves to their footsteps was a complete mess. Xiang Yu felt that he could beat them even if he was ten years older.

After thinking for a while, Han Xin said again: "I see that the current army of the Han Dynasty is very well-equipped, but if we really fight with the soldiers from the beginning of the founding of the country, I am afraid that we will lose consecutive battles."

Chen Luo answered with a smile: "Who was training troops back then, and who is training troops now, can this be compared?"

Even with the same source of troops, the soldiers Han Xin was responsible for training were usually far superior to others in terms of fighting spirit and discipline. What's more, the people who were compared with Han Xin at the beginning were generals like Zhou Bo and Cao Shen. Now the generals in charge of the Han Dynasty are probably only It's second-rate.

"Among these younger generations, I'm still most optimistic about your two sons, Jiang Ning." Xiang Yu said cheerfully, "It's a pity that Zhi'er was not born 30 years earlier, otherwise it would be easy to make contributions in the late Qin Dynasty."

"If he was born 30 years earlier, I would have to call him brother." Chen Luo rolled his eyes at Xiang Yu.

But when his son was praised, he actually felt happy.

Han Xin coughed and said, "It's a pity that Aru is not willing to learn my art of war, otherwise his level in military strategy would not be lower than Zhi'er's."

After hearing Xiang Yu's words, he was not to be outdone and began to praise his son-in-law.

Xiang Yu curled his lips and retorted: "How can you see that? Zhi'er is proficient in bow and horse, and his ability to lead an army to kill is not much weaker than mine back then, about [-]%, which is better than Long Qie.

If he leads an army in battle, Zhi'er can lead three thousand elites and defeat at least ten times the number of enemies. "

Speaking of this, his tone was quite proud.

You must know that Long Qie was once the second most capable general under his command. The only traitor who was higher than him was Ying Bu. Chen Zhi's ability to reach that level proved that he could be called a leader in this era of dim generals. stand out.

Han Xin shook his head and said: "It's just a defeat. If Lu'er follows my path, in a war with less than 10 people, it will not be a problem for him to annihilate the enemy with the same force."

This is the difference between him and Xiang Yu.

In Han Xin's view, annihilating the enemy's effective forces has a higher priority than defeating the enemy.

Therefore, to win every war, more methods of encirclement are used to strangle the enemy bit by bit. This is a different approach from the charge of battle that Xiang Yu is good at.

After thinking about it, Xiang Yu asked again: "Less than 10 people? Then we meet on the battlefield. I will give you and Aru 1 people, and Zhi'er and I will lead 1 people. What do you think of the result?"

Han Xin touched his nose.

The reason why he just said less than 10 people was because he didn't know whether Chen Lu had military talent.

For those without talent, even if they teach carefully, commanding [-] to [-] soldiers is already the limit.

Therefore, Han Xin did not speak too fully.

Unexpectedly, this actually allowed Xiang Yu to take advantage of a logical loophole!

According to the saying of "less than 10 people", if it were to go to the extreme, the two of them would be considered as "less than 10 people". When the time comes, Xiang Yu will take Chen Zhi to come and fight between himself and Chen Lu, even if they fight One hundred games, Han Xin felt that he had no chance of winning.

After realizing this, Han Xin became much more cautious in his words.

He changed the topic and said: "Blindly charging into battle is not suitable for all situations, such as complex terrain, confrontation between two armies, and city assaults. These cannot be solved by leading the army forward."

These are indeed where Xiang Yu is relatively weak on the battlefield.

Every time they encountered a siege, the casualties and time consumed by Chu soldiers doubled.

Faced with doubts, Xiang Yu frowned slightly and said: "But according to your explanation, how can I use 3 people to surround 30 Qin soldiers in Julu?"

This really bothered Han Xin.

However, he simulated the terrain near the giant deer in his mind and began to simulate it.

Half a quarter of an hour later, he began to deduce with Xiang Yu, trying to find another way to solve Julu's dilemma.

Looking at the two people arguing endlessly, Chen Luo on the side just remained silent.

Although I can roughly understand what they say, but if I really want to participate in the discussion, I will definitely show my timidity.

However, he was so happy in his heart that if he wasn't worried about his image, he would have been smiling from ear to ear.

After all, no matter how Han Xin and Xiang Yu argue about how outstanding their son-in-law is, they are still their own sons.

No matter who wins the fight, they will not lose, they will win.

Of course, when the two talked about it, they no longer simply argued about who was better, Chen Zhi or Chen Lu, but further argued about the military situation and military strategy.

You must know that they are all representatives of their respective fields and have arrogance.

So their fight was endless.

Chen Luo, who was sitting next to him, was smiling and holding a cup of hot tea. He had gained a lot and became the biggest beneficiary.

Is it possible that in the military field, can we find stronger mentors than the two in front of us now?
As for the outcome of the argument between the two, it was not important in my eyes.

Neither Han Xin nor Xiang Yu convinced the other party.

After all, soldiers are unpredictable, water is unpredictable, and the battlefield is ever-changing. Both tactics can work wonders and bring victory under specific circumstances.

By the time the argument between the two ended, the night was approaching dusk.

Looking at the sunset, Chen Luo rubbed his chin.

On the first day back in Yangxia, I felt a long-lost sense of comfort.

Really good.

(End of this chapter)

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