Chapter 319
In Changle Palace.

There was a sense of murder in the air.

The standing attendants were even careful when breathing, for fear of causing too much noise.

When they were at their most restless, a caller came from outside the palace and said in a voice that was several degrees weaker than usual: "Your Majesty, Prime Minister Jia is here."

"Let the Prime Minister come in." Liu Heng nodded expressionlessly, his voice slightly hoarse.

"Wei." After the caller answered, he walked away quickly without even daring to raise his head.

What His Royal Highness the Crown Prince committed this time is really appalling!
He killed two princes and princes with a chessboard in a busy city. Liu Ming, the unlucky guy, was especially pitiful. You must know that he had officially held the title of "Crown Prince" for less than a month.

He hurriedly walked outside the palace and whispered to the calm-looking middle-aged man outside: "Prime Minister Jia, Your Majesty allows you to come in."

"How is His Majesty's mood now?" Jia Yi couldn't help but inquire before entering the palace.

The caller was silent for a moment and hesitated: "Well... when His Majesty heard about His Highness the Crown Prince, he smashed an inkstone and then had a cold face. Until now, after the Prime Minister entered, it is better to be more cautious in his speech. "

"Thank you for letting me know." Jia Yi thanked him sincerely, subconsciously rubbing his thumb back and forth on his palm several times, mentally adjusting the severity of the matter to a higher level.

His Majesty is usually so calm, but this time he actually showed a side of losing control of his emotions because of the prince's affairs. Although it was unexpected, it was reasonable.

And what kind of attitude should I have after I go in?
Jia Yi pursed his lips. He was no longer the stupid young man he was when he was just starting out.

In the past 20 years of struggling in officialdom, he has learned a truth.

Everyone in this world must act according to established rules.

No matter whether he is the head of Guizhou or the emperor, he cannot break through his own rules and regulations.

The rules for the common people are called criminal laws. If they violate them, they will be punished with rods at the least, and lose their lives at the worst.

The rules for ministers in the court are called etiquette. Therefore, even if they face political opponents, they must discuss with them calmly. No matter how angry they are, they must not punch the opponent in the face.

There are also constraints on the emperor, called the "Way of the Holy King". If you violate two or three of the rules, you will become a mediocre monarch like King You and King Li of Zhou. If you trample on most of the rules, you will be like Jie and Zhou. The tyrannical king of subjugation.

After Liu Heng came to the throne, he always acted within the rules.

Even those officials who were dismissed willingly admitted that they had made mistakes. No one thought there was anything wrong with His Majesty, not even slander.

So about the prince...

While Jia Yi was thinking, he had already walked into the hall.

"Your Majesty, sir." Jia Yi bowed respectfully.

Liu Heng nodded gently, the coldness on his face dissipated somewhat and said: "Prime Minister, please sit down first."

In the same year that Chen Luo rejected the conquest, Zhang Cang recommended Jia Yi to him, saying that he was his registered disciple and his talent was far superior to other direct disciples.

Still remembering that when he and Jia Yi met for the first time, the other person had a childish baby face and looked very unreliable, so Liu Heng was skeptical of Zhang Cang's recommendations.

But Jia Yi impressed himself with his talent.

In the end, the monarch and his ministers had a long chat in Changle Palace until dawn.

With Liu Heng's attention, Jia Yi's career was smooth sailing for the rest of his career, except for being squeezed out by the hero faction when he was still immature.

What's more, when the Marquis of Yangxia refused to conquer a conquest, he wrote "I am old and have no talent, not to mention that your Majesty has the talent of Jia Sheng now." In this way, even if Zhou Bo and others did not look at Zhang Cang's face, they would still respond to the Marquis of Yangxia. I mean, I didn't suppress Jia Yi too much.

Liu Heng asked lightly: "Why did the Prime Minister come to the palace this time?"

Facing the Prime Minister who has supported him so well over the years, he couldn't help but soften his tone of voice.

The original coldness in the hall also melted a bit at this time.

"What I did when I entered the palace this time was what the prince did yesterday." Jia Yi responded with a slight movement in his throat.

He knew that His Majesty was asking questions knowingly, but he had to answer honestly.

"Then what does the Prime Minister think about today's prince?" Liu Heng narrowed his eyes and his tone changed slightly.

Jia Yi paused for a moment and said: "The prince killed two princes and princes in the street, which shocked the government and the public. All the ministers wanted to speak up, please depose the prince."

He did not directly state his views, but stated the current facts and the current attitudes of the ministers.

The most important point is whether the prince should be deposed or not!

Liu Heng was silent for a long time, and then sighed: "But the prince has rarely done anything like this in his twenty years."


Chu Land, Yangxia Hou Mansion.

After Chen Zhi received the news from Chang'an, his eyes widened. After confirming it word for word twice, he trotted towards the study in a hurry.

After letting the attendant at the door enter with a brief announcement, he opened the door and entered the study. He saw his father sitting calmly in front of the papers, so he said in a slightly urgent tone: "Father, something big happened in Chang'an..."

Chen Luo waved his hand and said comfortingly: "I already know that the prince committed a crime. Don't be irritable when things happen."

If you want to get news about Guanzhong in Chu, the fastest channel is undoubtedly the Mohist disciples.

As for the priority of Mohist disciples in reporting news, Chen Luo was naturally higher than Chen Zhi.

Therefore, he had known about Liu Qirong's deeds of becoming the Great Han Chess Master half an hour ago.

" do you think His Majesty should handle this matter?" Chen Zhi scratched his head.

Affected by Chen Luojing's anger, he calmed down.

After coming back to his senses and thinking about it carefully, Chen Zhi felt that he had indeed seemed impetuous just now, but he was not as calm as his father, which was normal.

After all, my father has never seen anything like this. Isn't it the prince killing the princes and princes in the street?
My father-in-law and my father-in-law both ran into the palace, pulled out the princes and killed them!
"The possibility of the prince being deposed is roughly [-] to [-]." Chen Luo glanced at the pieces of paper on the slips. The description in the letter he received was from more than one perspective, and it was far simpler than the one in Chen Zhi's hand. The summary is more detailed.

Chen Zhi was stunned, and then asked: "Seventy-three percent? Is the possibility of the prince being deposed [-]%? Isn't it a bit low?"

You must know that the letter he just read recorded the reaction of the ministers. Those people were very angry and wanted to write a letter requesting that the prince be abolished.

And now His Majesty is a wise monarch. According to common sense, he should not condone the prince's misbehavior.

Therefore, many people believe that the crown prince's dethronement is already a certainty.

Chen Luo shook his head and denied: "When I said [-]% to [-]%, the possibility of retaining the crown prince's position is [-]%. Unless he makes some stupid operations next, that [-]% possibility will happen." "This..." Feeling that his father's conclusion was completely contrary to most people's inferences, Chen Zhi couldn't help but show hesitation on his face.

From a rational point of view, he felt that the possibility of Liu Qi retaining his position as prince was too low.

But from a perceptual point of view, he felt that his father could never make a mistake.

Seeing this, Chen Luo patiently asked the simplest question first, and said in a persuasive way: "Do you think the prince has been deposed, can he still live?"

After thinking about it, Chen Zhi shook his head and replied: "It's basically impossible."

You must know that as the deposed prince who once had the legal inheritance rights of the country, his position will be quite embarrassing when the new emperor ascends the throne, and he will become a thorn in the king's side and a thorn in his flesh.

After Liu Ying's death, those princes and kings who had the possibility of succeeding did not dare to behave in the slightest in the first ten years. Only after Liu Heng's position was stabilized did they relax a little.

They had only had the possibility of inheriting the throne. If it was really the deposed prince who once had a clear title, then no matter how low-key he was, it would probably be useless.

For example, Liu Ruyi in history, even if he only threatened the status of the prince, after Liu Bang's death, Lu Fei recalled him from Zhao to Chang'an and then killed him.

The struggle in the field of power is bloody, and the gentle and kind-hearted people have been defeated as early as the starting line.

Chen Luo explained aloud: "So your Majesty's deposing Prince Qi is undoubtedly equivalent to driving him to a dead end. No loving father would bear to do this to force his own son to die."

Liu Heng's political performance is almost perfect, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have ordinary human emotions.

He is a king and a father.

"Simply because of this reason, Your Majesty will not depose the crown prince?" Chen Zhi believed that his father's reasons were indeed reasonable, but he felt that they were not convincing enough.

Today's prince has made a big mistake. He only cares about the relationship between father and son. Will your majesty ignore the future of the country?

If it were a mediocre monarch, Chen Zhi thought it might be possible, but now His Majesty is a saintly monarch praised by everyone. How could he care about his small family and forget about the country?

Chen Luo squinted his eyes and said with a deep look: "Of course it's not just this reason, this is an analysis from a personal perspective.

Judging from the policies His Majesty has implemented in recent years, the mistakes Prince Qi committed this time are not enough to shake his status. "

"Why do you think so?" When Chen Zhi heard this, his head was filled with questions and a look of great confusion appeared on his face.

Killing two princes and princes in the street, such a shocking mistake, my father actually said it was not enough to shake the prince's status?

If anyone else had said this, he would have rolled his eyes in disdain, but with his father in front of him, he would be beaten if he did so.

Knocking on the document with his hand, Chen Luo reminded: "The policy in recent years has been to suppress the local princes and kings intentionally or unintentionally. Your Majesty does not like the existence of princes and kings. In fact, many people know this in private. matter.

Moreover, King Jing and King Changsha are not strong enough.

Both countries are located in the south and their national strength is not strong. Moreover, the King of Changsha was newly enthroned last month and has no say at all.

If this time the crown prince’s rebellion offends Brother Yu’s crown prince, then…”

"Then Prince Qi probably can't beat him." Chen Zhi interjected from the side. Even if the martial arts skills of his brothers-in-law are not as good as his and his wife's, they are still not comparable to the pampered prince in the palace, even with sneak attacks.

After a moment of silence, Chen Luo coughed helplessly and said, "That's true.

But what I want to say is that Prince Qi offended the princes and kings, which is exactly what Liu Heng always wanted to do, but did not do it directly in order to maintain face.

If Prince Qi is deposed for harming the princes and princes, then the newly appointed prince will inevitably favor the local princes and will not formulate policies to weaken the local princes after he ascends the throne in the future.

This is undoubtedly something that His Majesty does not want to see.

When the Han Dynasty was first established, the princes and kings could stabilize the situation in the world. Their existence did more good than harm to the country, and most of them had a good relationship with the emperor.

It’s just that nearly 50 years have passed, and there are very few bandits and rebellions in the Han Dynasty. Except for the border states of Dai and Changsha, the other vassal states seem to be "dispensable."

From His Majesty's point of view, the feudal princes and kings whose territories are thousands of miles apart and who have connected and merged counties are uncontrollable and unstable factors.

Suppression is the norm and support is rare.

Prince Qi's approach this time was a bit excessive, but his behavior actually coincided with Liu Heng's policy of governing.

Therefore, even at the risk of criticism and dissatisfaction among the princes, His Majesty will still ensure that Prince Qi's status is not shaken. "

Only in front of his son would he not hide it and tell the general content of his analysis of Liu Heng clearly and clearly.

Chen Zhi suddenly nodded suddenly, feeling that the chaos in his mind disappeared instantly.

As expected of my father!

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart.


During the reign of Xiaowen, Prince Xian of Jing Dynasty was in Beijing and played chess with Prince Prince of Changsha in the market.

It happened that the prince was out of the palace for a private visit. When he met him, he was playing a game of chess. He was at a disadvantage and was clearly disrespectful. The prince led the way and picked up the prince Jing and the prince Changsha to kill them.

When Emperor Wen heard about this, he sternly rebuked the prince and banned him for three months, intending to abolish the throne. However, Prime Minister Jia Yi led his ministers to persuade him, but to no avail.

King Jing said angrily: "I lost my son but the prince did not lose his position. How can this be so?"

As a result, King Jing lost the courtesy of his vassal officials.

The king of Changsha shed tears when he saw the mourning, remained silent, and refused to go to court, saying he was ill. ——"Historical Records: Biography of Jing Wang Bi and Changsha Wang Wu"


In the eighth year of Emperor Wen's reign, Jia Yi once suggested "building together the princes with less power", which was adopted by Emperor Wen. However, the implementation of "building together" would harm the interests of the current kings and the eldest son, and would easily turn the conflicts between the central government and the princes into princes. Conflicts between the king, his eldest son, and other princes easily led to confusion, and many difficulties were encountered in the implementation process.

Therefore, this policy was not promoted on a large scale, but was only implemented in Qi, weakening Qi, the most prosperous vassal state.

In the 17th year of Emperor Wen's reign, Chao Cuo repeatedly submitted letters to Emperor Wen proposing to directly reduce the fiefdoms of princes and kings. He believed that to eradicate internal troubles, we first needed to gradually reduce the fiefdoms of princes, take back the rights of feudal states, and strengthen centralization of power.

Out of consideration for the current situation, Emperor Wen did not adopt this suggestion, but the plan to reduce the vassal status was deeply recognized by the then crown prince Liu Qi.

Chao Cuo was then appointed as the prince's family magistrate.

Judging from this process, Emperor Wen obviously wanted to leave the task of reducing the vassal state to Liu Qi, so he did not depose him after "Liu Qi killed the second prince". ——"Study History with a Magnifying Glass"

(End of this chapter)

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