I have lived forever since the end of Qin Dynasty

347. Remarks at the end of the volume [Raising books can be slaughtered]

Remarks at the end of the volume [Raising books can be slaughtered]

This volume is called "The Late Hero".

The word hero does not refer to a certain person, but to Liu Bang, Xiang Yu, Han Xin, Chen Luo, Xiao He, Zhang Liang, Zhou Bo, Xia Houying... It is the collective name for this group of people who created a great era.

Therefore, from the death of Liu Bang at the beginning of this volume, to the death of many Chehous in the volume, and finally the death of Xiang Yu at the end of this volume, there is a certain echo, which is also what was originally set in the outline.

When I wrote about "The Banquet of Hongmen", I had already thought that Chen Luo should withdraw from the stage during the Rebellion of the Seven Kingdoms. But before Liu Bang's death in this volume, I lent Chen Luo to serve as the Prime Minister of the country in the early morning. Details such as leaving the center of power, Liu Ruyi's happy death, and Liu Heng's succession have been set.

With a complete outline and detailed outline, logically speaking, the writing should be as fast as flying. However, writing this volume was actually more painful.

This is different from the second volume, which requires a lot of information to be consulted. As the plot advances, familiar characters leave one after another in this volume, which requires too much emotional investment and is very difficult to write.

As for the problems that arise in real life, I won’t go into details here. For example, if my computer breaks down twice in a month, I can only ask for leave and go to an Internet cafe to code... Since I am not full-time, I hope you will read the update. My friends are very considerate.

However, I am quite satisfied with the content and quality of this volume.

When writing, I clearly feel that my writing skills have improved.

In terms of the overall plot, I have found my most comfortable writing rhythm, that is, daily interaction with the main line. Pure daily life and continuous advancement of the main line will make the plot too monotonous and boring.

I will maintain this rhythm in the next volume. If you feel that certain chapters of the plot are too routine, then it may belong to the "calm before the storm", and the big one is coming soon.

The overall style of the main plot is actually not special. I deliberately avoided many places where knives should be issued.

Tragedy and regret are indeed impressive, just like little monsters are to "The Dragon", Qu Sanren is to "The Great Gatsby", family disintegration is to "A Dream of Red Mansions" and "One Hundred Years of Solitude", Jiangnan Old Thief made me I have been thinking about it for so many years. Isn't it because the eunuch went to Kyushu and tried his best to issue knives?However, what I am writing is this article. What I want is for you to read it every day before going to bed (I am not saying this because the update is stuck at 23:59). After reading it, you can fall asleep easily, suffer less and write more. Relaxed and everyday, more in line with the tone of this book.

As for the deaths of Liu Le, Xiang Yu and others, they are only temporary and will be resurrected in the extra chapter to complete this stage, but the main text should only live in the mouths of future generations.

The protagonist himself still needs to check in to maintain the state of immortality. If any other person is added to the immortality, then if Liu Le is added, it seems inappropriate not to bring Xiang Yu and Han Xin. Xiang Yu and Han Xin are both here, what about Yu Ji? manage?You can't follow Tang's example and not take care of your cousin, and let your brother regret it for half his life.

If these people are allowed to accompany them in the form of souls, there will be basically no room for other historical figures to play in future wars. Only Han Xin and Xiang Yu will be needed to help fight each time.

Therefore, in the extra chapter after the completion of the book, I will say "Resurrection, my ()" again.

As for the side plots, I tried to expand them, such as the investigation of the Huns in China. I wanted to write the effect of suspense and investigation, but I was a little bit short of meaning and did not fully express the feeling. Of course , but other foreshadowings were laid in this plot, and some experiences were learned.

In short, this volume is officially over. I expected to write 20 words in the previous volume, but I didn’t expect that I ended up writing nearly 30 words. This word count is still the rhythm I am most accustomed to, and this is true for all three volumes.


The next volume is called [Huanghuang Holy Dynasty] and ends at around 30 words, which is 120 million words.

How can a man be proud of himself if he comes from a wealthy family?

In this glorious civilization, we are all lucky to be born at this moment!
(End of this chapter)

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