Lao Shen is indeed a man of faith, spitting and nailing.

In less than ten days, nearly one million silver coins arrived.

In the Hou's mansion, cars and horses came in and out every day, bringing in cart after cart of money.

Fortunately at first, the government was supportive of Zheng Xiong's decision and didn't say much.

Even if he saw it was money, he didn't take it seriously. After all, Zheng Xiong could no longer treat him as a hairless person.

However, cartloads of money were delivered every day, which really blinded the eyes of the whole family.

With 10 taels and 10 taels being brought home every day, it would be great if Zheng Xiong's family could remain calm in the first two days, which is enough to show that they have a big heart.

In the following days, he no longer dared to remain silent, and quickly found Zheng Xiong and asked about the reason for the incident.

It's a pity that Zheng Xiong didn't tell you, so you don't believe in yourself. Anyway, you just keep doing things, which makes you scared.

It saves me from having no sense of crisis every day, it’s too leisurely.

The more Zheng Xiong behaves like this, the more afraid the family becomes, fearing that Zheng Xiong will pull him back directly from the government treasury.

Not to mention, in the whole world, only the government office of Yingtian Mansion can get back so much money.

Other places, forget it, can’t even think of it.

The family was in panic all day long. If Zheng Xiong didn't say anything for a day, it would be like a sword hanging over his head, fearing that it would fall and make the whole family's head roll.

I don’t even go out much, and I stay at home all day without going out.

With such a large number of people coming in and out and transporting goods, how can one just want to be an ostrich?

More than ten days passed, and no money came in or out. The Hou Mansion just breathed a sigh of relief and went out to wander around.

Then the bad news hit, and in more than ten days, the news of the Yihou Mansion spread throughout the capital.

Everyone, from adults in their fifties and sixties to children as young as several years old, knows this.

The news spread like crazy, and everyone was speculating about the whereabouts of the money.

Just like the news, the news is explosive, and someone must know the origin, but there is no information to indicate it.

It left a lot of suspense.

Zheng Xiong didn't care. He was neither greedy nor corrupt. What happened if he partnered with others to invest in some breeding? He wouldn't die.

With such a huge public opinion, Zheng Xiong also believed that someone must be manipulating it.

When it comes to public opinion, Zheng Xiong is even more indifferent. Later generations will have more fun than this.

But what the heck, we can't just live our lives as usual and wait for the public opinion to pass and everything will stop.

Without responding or replying, Zheng Xiong accepted the strange looks from some people calmly.

There is no intention to create another focus and shift the conflict, and everything is business as usual.

On this day, the money finally arrived, and Zheng Xiong took the manpower of the government office to count his own bank account.

No more, no less, a total of 100 million taels of money, which dazzled Zheng Xiong's eyes.

It's all the amount!

"Who is that? Go and call Tieniu for me."

"Yes, little one, let's go."

Without much effort, Tieniu arrived and quickly saluted Zheng Xiong.

"Master Hou, you are looking for me!"

Zheng Xiong nodded, stood up, left the living room with Tieniu, and arrived at the warehouse in a blink of an eye.

He quietly took out a key and opened the door to the warehouse.

It was full of packed boxes, stacked in piles, and there were so many boxes that they were almost crowded to the door.

Zheng Xiong casually opened the box in front of him, and a white light hit him. Before Tieniu was shocked, Zheng Xiong quickly closed the box.

Zheng Xiong did the same operation several times in succession, but it was fleeting every time.

After several times in a row, Tieniu finally came back to his senses.

To say that Tieniu handled a lot of money, the amount of money coming in and out of Yi Jian was not to mention numb, at least it was immune.But Zheng Xiong is so mysterious that it leaves people with endless reveries.

Like Zheng Xiong's family, Tieniu's first thought was that Zheng Xiong had moved the government money back home. Based on the rumors, he was probably inseparable, and he didn't know why Zheng Xiong called him here!

I even showed it to myself!

Have you seen something you shouldn't have seen?
Seeing Tieniu stunned, Zheng Xiong patted Tieniu's shoulder directly with one hand, startling Tieniu.

"What are you thinking!"

"No, Lord Marquis, if you have anything to do, just ask me!"

After seeing everything that needed to be seen, Zheng Xiong led Tieniu outside and locked the warehouse.

Wandering casually, Zheng Xiong then revealed the reason why Tieniu came here.

"There are 100 million yuan here. Later you can bring some people to take 20 yuan and send it to the first-building warehouse to be accounted for."

"Master Hou, this is it?"

Doubt, I don’t know what it means, Tieniu really can’t figure out what Zheng Xiong is going to do.

Since you got the money at home, why did you send it to First Construction?
"I am going to build a fattening site and plan to raise more. The money is~~"

"By the way, do you know who I am, the richest man in Ming Dynasty?"

Birdman, just keep telling the truth.

"Shen Wansan?"

He nodded, although he was a little surprised that Tieniu knew about it, but Zheng Xiong didn't think much about it.

"Yes, it's Shen Wansan."

"I came out of the house and arranged everything. He gave the money to the members. This money was sent by him."

"Since he has courage, I can't be stingy. I won't be sorry for the money. I asked you to come here so that you can take the money to Jiangning to build a nice place for me."

"This is the blueprint drawn by me. You should build according to this."

After hearing the whole story, Tieniu finally understood what happened.

Reflecting on Zheng Xiong's words carefully, there is always a feeling that it is a public tool used for personal use.

"Master Hou, is it not good for Yi Jian to intervene? It can easily fall into someone's trap. Please think twice."

Tieniu's sincere expression landed on Zheng Xiong's face, which was quite surprising.

Looking at Tieniu in surprise, Zheng Xiong continued walking.

"What you said will naturally come to my mind. For this construction, you will get [-]/[-]/[-] as remuneration. This is after your own expenses."

"Public utensils cannot be used privately, but the accounts are clear, and from now on, you can't just limit it to this, you can take over both public and private matters."

"But for all the projects we take on, in addition to the own expenses, we have to prepare a budget for the government in advance, leaving a [-]% profit. Do you understand?"

After a pause, Zheng Xiong turned to look at Tieniu, staring closely at him.

Tieniu scratched his head, half understanding.

"I understand, but I'm afraid it's not easy to collect the money."

Frowning slightly, Zheng Xiong asked Tieniu.

"Why, there are still people who don't want to pay?"

"That's not true. Since the establishment of the establishment, we have taken on all the tasks given by you, Lord Marquis, and there has never been any default."

"Even if His Royal Highness and His Majesty ordered several projects to be carried out, they didn't mention the money, so we didn't dare to ask."


Well, you Zhu Biao, Lao Zhu can just use it, but if you do the same thing, you are going too far.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Biao, who has thick eyebrows and big eyes, also learned bad things!
"Remember, don't do projects that don't pay you, and don't take on projects that don't bring in profit. No one can do it. Do you understand?"

Tieniu hesitated a little, did he dare to say no?
(End of this chapter)

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