Chapter 340, Robbery

Jiang Nan fiddled with the gun in his hand.

This gun contains exactly the origin bullet.

The origin bullet is a magic bullet that contains the origins of "cutting" and "joining".

The "cutting and continuation" of Emiya Kiritsugu's origin will bring about irreversible "qualitative changes" to the object.

The origin bullet was made by taking out the first and second ribs on the left and right sides of Kiritsugu's flank, grinding them into powder and condensing them using spiritual engineering, then sealing them into 66 rounds of bullets as the core material.

Four battles ago, 66 of the 37 shots had been used, which indeed killed 37 magicians.

The bullet will materialize Kiritsugu's "origin" to the "hit" object.

If it hits a living body, there is neither wound nor bleeding, but the part where the bullet was shot becomes like a necrotic old wound.

The surface appears to be healed, but the nerves and capillaries are not properly regenerated and lose their original function.

When magic interferes, the target's magic circuits are once fragmented and cannot be restored due to their irregular connections.

The lethality depends on how many magic circuits are activated by the target at the moment it hits the target.

Because what destroys the body of the magician is the magic power of the magician himself.

Jiang Nan pointed the gun in his hand at Emiya Kiritsugu without hesitation.

His fingers were placed on the trigger.

Emiya Kiritsugu instantly became extremely alert.

Jiang Nan slightly shifted the muzzle of his gun and pointed it at Irisviel.

"Emiya Kiritsugu, you said that you killed your wife with a bullet polished from your ribs, are you crazy?"

Jiang Nan had a casual smile on his face, but no one thought he was joking.

Emiya Kiritsugu only felt immense pressure and danger.

The boy in front of him was a very dangerous guy.

"In the end what you want?"

Emiya Kiritsugu said coldly, not daring to move the sniper rifle in his hand.

On the other side, two beams of light soared into the sky.

The golden light is so dazzling.

Even Caster, who was inside the pile of tentacles, couldn't help but stretch out his hand.

"Joan of Arc, I finally see you again...".

"Sword of Promised Victory!"

Two beams of light fell simultaneously, and the violent power destroyed everything.

Two beams of light struck the sea demon's body.

In the endless golden light, Caster died.

Not even scum left.

The sky is full of dust, endless ruins, and a sword mark runs through the ruins.

This is the end of the battle.

"Use the command spell to bring Saber back!"

Just as Saber was about to breathe a sigh of relief, Emiya Kiritsugu's voice appeared in her mind.

The next second her body turned into little stars and disappeared.

Xiao Hei tilted his head and watched this scene.

"Brother Jiang Nan said that the father of this world is a man who will do anything for justice and can even kill the person he loves most with his own hands. Do you want to take this opportunity to kill brother Jiang Nan? Go over and take a look..."

On top of the cliff.

Saber suddenly appeared and stood in front of Irisviel.

"Emiya Kiritsugu, you are indeed more interesting than I thought. How on earth can you choose the wrong choice every time? It shouldn't be said that in this world line, the choices you make have already been made. It’s destined, because this is fate, how sad!”

Jiang Nan covered his face with one hand, and his body looked very distorted due to excessive excitement. This was the villain's JOJO stand.

Saber sensed the danger the moment she came here again, and then pointed the blade at Jiang Nan. "It's so despicable for you to betray your collaborators behind their backs."

Jiang Nan smiled lightly.

"Saber! Don't open your eyes and tell lies, okay? Don't you still know your master's character? It's obvious that he has always wanted to stab me in the back. His sniper rifle has been aimed at me since the battle started. My head, I was just forced to fight back, even using the current law, it was self-defense."

Jiang Nan defended himself without hesitation.

To him, nothing could stop him from what he wanted to do.

He doesn't mind doing things according to the villain's self-cultivation.

The first rule of self-cultivation for villains is to push harder before fighting.

When you are about to kill the protagonist, you have to be more aggressive.

"Saber, protect Irisviel."

"Understood, master."

The next second, Xiao Hei fell from the sky and came to Jiang Nan's side.

Kuro possesses all the knowledge of the Holy Grail War, so she knows Emiya Kiritsugu's origin bomb.

In the final battle of Magical Girl Illya, she killed Darius with the origin bomb.

"Brother Jiang Nan."

"Don't worry, I like the perfect finale the most. Although it's a bit cliché, I can't help but like it, but the process may be a bit tortuous."

Jiang Nan said with a smile, but the gun in his hand was still pointed at Irisviel.

Saber frowned in thought, then glanced at the sniper rifle in Emiya Kiritsugu's hand.

Saber knew her character as a Master, and Emiya Kiritsugu actually wanted to be an assassin in the Holy Grail War class.

The professional class of saber swordsman is a type of frontal toughness.

And the noble King Arthur cannot commit despicable assassinations.

"Jiang Nan, Emiya Kiritsugu is my master. I will not give up this life war easily, in order to save everything."

"Saber! You! It's so sad that it makes people feel cute. So far, you don't seem to know the real reason for the demise of your kingdom. In my country, there is a very interesting saying, the one who wins the hearts of the people wins the world. I don't understand How can the king of the hearts of the people win the hearts of the people?”

Jiang Nan spoke very calmly, but Saber's body trembled unconsciously when she heard these words.

King Arthur did not understand human hearts.

Blind dedication, being too perfect and noble will make the distance between the people and the king too far.

Such a kingdom is doomed to destruction.

"Okay, I won't chat with you anymore. After all, in addition to killing Caster, I am also planning to rob the Holy Grail, which is Irisviel. Madam, would you like to come with me?"

After saying that, Jiang Nan pulled the trigger.


The sudden attack left Emiya Kiritsugu with no time to react.

But King Arthur, who became a heroic spirit, was able to react.

It is not difficult for a heroic spirit to chop down bullets with a sword.

The origin bullet is only useful if it is shot into the magician's body. If it cannot be shot, what is the difference from ordinary bullets?
Saber quickly swung her sword and knocked away the origin bomb with one strike.

There is only one bullet in the origin gun.

"You're careless Saber!"

Jiang Nan's voice suddenly sounded from behind everyone.

At that moment, he came to Irisviel's side.

One hand covered Irisviel's mouth, while the other held her waist and slowly dragged her into the void.

Time seemed to slow down infinitely at this moment.

Irisviel is the Holy Grail, an indispensable presence in this war.

In the end, she dedicated her life to becoming the Black Holy Grail who was willing to fulfill Emiya Kiritsugu's wish.

(End of this chapter)

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