Martial arts: start from copying the root bone

Chapter 210 209: The Ancient One

Under the boundless starry sky.

A figure wrapped up and down by chaotic energy pulled out from a huge chaotic fog.

This is exactly Lu Changfeng who broke out from the mysterious realm and headed all the way towards the heart realm!

"It took half a year to pass through this area just now." Lu Changfeng withdrew from the chaotic fog, and looked at the large chaotic fog behind him with lingering fear.

In the fog of chaos, the line of sight is obstructed, and the spiritual consciousness will also be oppressed, which will reduce the scope of exploration, and it will easily give people a sense of restraint.

Although the body is covered by the power of chaos, the speed is still somewhat affected when flying in the fog of chaos.

There is a feeling of walking in mud.

Leaving the chaotic mist at this moment, Lu Changfeng suddenly felt his body light and agile, and the feeling of darting freely in the unobstructed vacuum was much more enjoyable than shuttling under the chaotic mist.

And Lu Changfeng always felt that in the depths of the chaotic mist, some creatures were watching him.

In the memory passed back by his avatar Lu Jun, Lu Changfeng knew that there were some special creatures in the chaotic world.

For example, the chaotic behemoth, a terrifying monster born in chaos, lives in the fog of chaos.

This sense of voyeurism is not groundless!

Now that he has finally stepped out of the fog of chaos, there will be a long-distance vacuum area in front of him. Lu Changfeng temporarily got rid of the oppression of the chaotic area.

In the vacuum area, the scene under the boundless starry sky is extremely shocking, with patches of chaotic and foggy areas Zexiang dotted with gray clouds.

Lu Changfeng maintained an idling flight at five times the speed of sound, and with the assistance of Tianjiao Gengu, the spiritual power in his body was always in a state of abundance.

In this way, Lu Changfeng traveled under the starry sky for another half a year.

In the chaotic world, because the space is stretched infinitely, traveling will take most of the time.

In the past six months, because it was in a vacuum area and had good vision, Lu Changfeng saw other people's activities several times.

For the sake of caution, Lu Changfeng kept away from him and did not come into contact with him.

But recently, Lu Changfeng found something resembling an ancient ship at the end of his sight, but this ship was able to fly across the night sky, so it was obviously not an ordinary thing.

What troubled Lu Changfeng the most was that after discovering Lu Changfeng, a lone traveler in the starry sky, the ship turned around and headed towards Lu Changfeng at high speed.

Star thief?Or just a regular star traveler?
Lu Changfeng pursed his lips slightly, and had no intention of contacting him.

It exploded at ten times the speed of sound, and quickly swept towards another direction away from the heart world.

Ten times the speed of sound, which is the fastest speed under Lu Changfeng's normal state. When it exploded, the psychic fluid in Dantian trembled slightly, and the spiritual power began to be consumed slowly.

"Huh?" Lu Changfeng looked back slightly, and found that the ancient starship was still chasing him.

The speed was even faster than Lu Changfeng's ten times the speed of sound.

Lu Changfeng was hesitating whether to activate the demon bloodline to increase his flying speed again.

The next moment, the ancient starry sky ship suddenly burst into bright light, and its speed tripled again, flying towards Lu Changfeng quickly.

"Grass, do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

Now, Lu Changfeng was not going to run away.

Lu Changfeng really wasn't worried about Star Thief, because now his annihilation value had reached a terrifying 15 points or more.

Coupled with the use of divine consciousness to stimulate the power of annihilation and cut off the power of counter-shock, in theory Lu Changfeng can hit 15 points of annihilation in one go.

At that time, Lu Changfeng felt that even if he was a human king, 15 annihilation points would be enough for him to drink a pot.

Moreover, after being promoted to Concentration Realm, the upper limit of Lu Changfeng's Primordial Chaos Bloodline activation was higher.

Lu Changfeng re-assigned an activation stage for his ancient chaotic dragon bloodline.

The first stage: The activation of the blood vessels reaches [-]%. In this state, the body completely becomes a ten-meter-high terrifying black half-dragon man, covered with hard dragon scales, and the chaotic energy around him is constantly churning like a cloud!Defense, strength, and speed are doubled. (With the current state of Lu Changfeng's initial state of concentration, he can maintain the first stage for a long time.)
The second stage: Bloodline activation reaches 20.00%. In this state, the body can reach [-] meters, maintain the half-dragon state, and the strength and defense will increase again. (In the initial stage of concentration state, this state can be maintained for a certain period of time).

The third stage: The bloodline activation reaches 30.00%. In this state, Lu Changfeng can freely switch between the half-dragon form and the real dragon form. The speed of the half-dragon form increases sharply, and the strength, speed and defense of the real dragon form increase to a certain extent. (This state can only be maintained for a short time.)
The fourth stage: In theory, 40.00% of Qunarbu's demon blood can be activated, but Lu Changfeng's body is currently unable to achieve this stage.

Not to mention anything else, Lu Changfeng only needs to activate the half-dragon form in the third stage, and he should be able to get rid of this ancient starship by virtue of his speed.

It's just that Lu Changfeng is not a person who just knows how to avoid blindly, so he chooses to see who is on the ship that has been trying to track him down.

The ancient starry sky ship obviously also found that Lu Changfeng was standing still, and the speed of the ship was a little faster.

The ancient starship was getting closer and closer to Lu Changfeng.

Lu Changfeng stopped at the spot in a leisurely manner, waiting to take a good look at the ancient ship.

In Lu Changfeng's line of sight, behind the ancient ship in the starry sky, there was another round of figures.

This is another ship.

However, it is completely different from the ancient starry sky ship, this ship is full of sense of technology.

It is more intuitive to call it a starship.

The popular ship body and textured metal shell are full of sense of technology.

There are shimmering lights on both sides of it, and they are constantly launching energy rays and other attacks towards the ancient ship in the starry sky.

And the energy shot and hit the ancient starry sky ship, causing waves to rise on the surface of the ancient starry sky ship.

Lu Changfeng recognized at a glance that the rune power of the martial arts formation was playing a defensive role.

The defense method of this ancient starry sky ship is the power of formation runes.

"Is this a starry sky version of Technology VS Furutake? It's too old-fashioned."

"The ancient ship in the starry sky was chased and killed, and you are looking for me to bring trouble?"

The corner of Lu Changfeng's mouth twitched.

Then slowly gather the power of consciousness.

Because of Lu Changfeng's deep background, the detection range of the power of spiritual consciousness reached thirty miles.

But the scope of controlling objects with spiritual sense is not so strong.

Within ten meters around the body, the strength of the divine consciousness is the strongest.

Within [-] meters is the second.

One mile is within 1000 meters, which is the limit distance for Lu Changfeng to use the power of divine consciousness to activate [Annihilation Knife Field].

If it was farther away, the power of spiritual sense control was weak, and it would not be able to support Lu Changfeng's activation of [Annihilation Knife Field].

At the beginning, Lu Changfeng killed the youth of Zhenxian with [-] points of annihilation point, and beat Mo Zheng's body to a lump of rotten flesh.

This shows that a thousand points of annihilation value can basically make a Concentrated GG.

Right now, Lu Changfeng has left the mysterious world and stepped into the boundless starry sky of the chaotic world.

Here, the state of concentration should not be counted as spitting out.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Lu Changfeng chose to directly condense an annihilation value of [-] points!
Shaking his head, since he spent [-] points, it would be better not to keep any.

Lu Changfeng directly used the power of spiritual consciousness to drive all the annihilation points of more than 15 points in his body. The annihilation points were ready to go, and when the two ships came, he would use the power of spiritual consciousness to cut them out!

The terrifying annihilation value of 15 points, even if it was just ready to go, caused waves to surge in the space a mile in front of Lu Chang, and terrifying black ripples continued to emanate from that area.

Feeling the terrifying power contained in it, Lu Changfeng felt a little certain in his heart.

Those two ships had better retreat in the face of difficulties, otherwise, Lu Changfeng would really cut this knife and let them see the power.

The big deal is to find a random place and retreat for hundreds of years to re-condense the annihilation value. Anyway, the most important thing Lu Changfeng lacks is longevity.

More than 50 years of longevity, no matter how you use it, it feels like you can't even consume a fraction of it.

Lu Changfeng only stared at the two ships. He noticed that the ancient starry sky ship paused slightly, but then it still rushed towards him.

Star warships farther away should also have their own means of detecting energy.

The speed of the starship battleship began to slow down, as if it was afraid of Lu Changfeng's Annihilation Knife Field.

The ancient starship was getting closer, but the starship stopped in place and did not move.

Lu Changfeng frowned slightly, wondering if he was going to kill Li Wei, the ancient starry sky ship, in the oven.

"Senior, thank you for your help!"

A female voice came from inside the starry sky ancient ship.

There are still more than a hundred miles away, and there is no way to transmit sound with spiritual consciousness. Obviously this is a more advanced means of sound transmission.

The distance of a hundred miles is less than ten seconds for the ancient starry sky ship.

Lu Changfeng's Annihilation Knife Field didn't land, and the ancient starry sky ship also slowed down wisely, and it circled around Lu Changfeng to hundreds of miles behind him before stopping.

Seeing this scene, the starry sky battleship in the distance retreated slowly, confirming that Lu Changfeng was the reinforcement of that ancient starry sky ship.

Seeing this, Lu Changfeng quickly swept towards the ancient ship in the starry sky with the [Annihilation Knife Field] still ready to go.

Traveling at ten times the speed of sound, and within a few hundred miles, Lu Changfeng was already approaching this ancient starry space ship that was parked.

Lu Changfeng's consciousness unfolded, and all the details of this ancient starship ship fell into Lu Changfeng's mind.

In appearance, the starry sky ancient ship is similar to an ancient cruise ship.

It presents a double-layer structure, and under careful observation with the spiritual sense, one can see the martial arts formation runes covered inside and outside the ancient starry sky ship.

At this time, a group of people were standing on the deck of this ancient starry sky ship, all wearing red robes.

Special runes are drawn on the robe.

The leader was a tall, black-haired woman with evil features.

Lu Changfeng sensed a little.

It was found that the martial arts realm of this group of people was mostly in the state of rebirth, while the leading female and a few of them were in the state of concentrating.

After being promoted to Concentration Realm, Lu Changfeng's interface exploration scope finally expanded.

Perhaps it was because of the power of the divine sense to control things, wherever the divine sense reached, Lu Changfeng could open a person's interface.

This greatly enhanced Lu Changfeng's ability to anticipate the enemy's opportunities.

Compared with those top talent roots that Lu Changfeng saw in Xuanjie.

The talent of this group of people on the deck is not enough.

The leading woman is just a top-grade bone plus a top-grade martial arts talent.

There were a few people who possessed the power of chaos and had a certain concealment effect, but under Lu Changfeng's spiritual training, the interface information was quickly opened.

Lu Changfeng's [Annihilation Knife Field] is still in a state of ready to go.

Therefore, the group of people on the deck were all nervous.

Seeing Lu Changfeng coming to pass down, the charming woman in the lead thought about it, and boldly invited: "Senior, why not come to the boat to rest for a while."

This kind of guy who can travel alone in the starry sky must be a powerful person, and he must be a martial arts master with outstanding strength.

Those guys in the world of science and technology have fragile bodies, but they can never fly naked in the starry sky like this. Once the starship they rely on for survival is broken, they will die directly in the vacuum without using their hands.

Lu Changfeng thought for a while, then jumped up and headed towards the spaceship.

Through interface observation, Lu Changfeng is confident that he can crush the group of people on board with his own strength.

Lu Changfeng has been slightly activating the blood of the demon, and the power of chaos enveloped his whole body, and the people on the boat couldn't detect Lu Changfeng's strength at all.

However, Lu Changfeng's strength of consciousness and the speed of controlling the sky are far beyond the level of the early stage of concentration. Coupled with the oppressive feeling of [Annihilation Knife Field], everyone speculates that Lu Changfeng may be a strong person at the peak of concentration, or even A person king.

"Junior Du Fangli, senior, I don't know how to address you." The charming woman stepped forward and said to Lu Changfeng respectfully. She is good at charming skills, but she dared not use them at all in front of Lu Changfeng.

Du Fangli's tone of voice is a little strange, it should be because it has evolved for so long, and the chaotic world is so big, and the ancient language has changed in the process of spreading.

But Lu Changfeng could still understand.

Lu Changfeng said slowly: "My name is Lu Changfeng, Du Fangli, I want to ask you about something, you answer it for me, it's my gift for helping you out just now, how about it?"

As soon as Lu Changfeng opened his mouth, Du Fangli was stunned.

This accent is obviously an ancient tone!

Could it be that this senior was a big shot from the ancient times?

After being promoted to a human queen, the lifespan can be extended infinitely. I don't know how many human kings have fallen asleep to this era through various means.

This senior Lu Changfeng should be such a senior boss from ancient times!
The problem with Lu Changfeng's accent made Du Fangli and a group of fighters on the boat firmly believe that Lu Changfeng was an ancient senior. Judging by the appearance of this senior, he might have just awakened somewhere.

In fact, the problem with Lu Changfeng's accent is entirely because after the Xuanjie was divided into small worlds, the human society did not experience a fault, and it was passed down from generation to generation, and the accent maintained the rhythm of the ancient accent without any changes.

For a human race like Du Fangli who lived in the chaotic world since childhood, the tone of voice naturally changed a lot.

"No problem senior, please follow me."

Du Fangli led Lu Changfeng to a tea room in the cabin.

The appearance of Lu Changfeng asking for his kindness, on the contrary, made her feel relieved.

Lu Changfeng carefully looked at the ship while walking.

The martial arts runes on the ship are new and old, and have a long history. Perhaps this ancient starry ship has been passed down for many generations.

The vitality of heaven and earth on the ancient starry sky ship is obviously much stronger. Lu Changfeng found a formation similar to the Yuan Jue Array on the ship, but the effect is much better than the Yuan Ju Yuan Array learned by Lu Changfeng.

This should be driven by the environment where the number of days is zero, the martial arts formation has to start evolution and transformation, and in this depleted world, grab the last trace of energy and use it for your own use. (end of this chapter)

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