Martial arts: start from copying the root bone

Chapter 273 Chapter 272 My grandson turned into a monster

The black god of death fell in a small town in Xuanxing.

According to information on the Internet.

This sword city is a historical and cultural name.

Legend has it that thousands of years ago, the Sword Immortal left a legacy in Sword City. Everyone in Sword City practiced swordsmanship and left many poems about swords.

The legend has naturally evolved to pieces.

A complete history cannot be pieced together.

This is all because after the number of days reached zero for thousands of years, ordinary people felt that the vitality of heaven and earth had completely disappeared.

The path to martial arts is completely cut off.

All the warriors in the Xuan Realm lost their original strength at that moment.

Meng Fanxing walked on the streets of Jiancheng.

It was quickly discovered that this was not the original location of Sword City.

The original Sword City should have been destroyed.

The current Sword City was rebuilt at a nearby location.

Meng Fanxing was circling nearby in a black reaper.

Soon, the old site of Sword City was found in a desolate wilderness.

Through Black Death's radar detection, it can be found that there are indeed many ruins of ancient buildings underground here.

It must have been destroyed by an earthquake or tsunami.

Meng Fanxing stayed in front of the Jiancheng ruins for a while.

Then he took steps towards the cities in his mind.

Just like when he led the Holy Demon Sect's military government to ancient cities one after another.

Kirin City.

Legend has it that a unicorn that could control fire once appeared here.

Meng Fanxing bought a red-furred puppy from a dealer.

This kind of dog is called a Kirin dog, and it is said that it has Kirin blood.

The faint sense of familiarity convinced Meng Fanxing that this was indeed the descendant of Fire Qilin.

"Kirin turned into a dog?"

"That's all, maybe this is how your ancestor lives."

Meng Fanxing touched the little red dog's head and put it on his shoulder.

Flower City.

The area is famous for its park filled with giant flowers.

No matter what kind of flower it is.

After entering the park, the volume can increase several times, even dozens of times.

Once outside the scope of the park, this effect will disappear.

Relevant scientists have studied a lot, but have not found the relevant reasons.

"Because this is the place where an ancient demon clan died. The essence left behind by his body is enough to nourish the creatures on this land for thousands of years."

Meng Fanxing was walking in the park, and the place was filled with the faint scent of the Hua Lian Demon.

Meng Fanxing traveled alone in Xuanxing for a month.

When I returned to the Holy Kingdom Palace again.

The puppy that Meng Fanxing bought a month ago has turned into a two-meter-long giant dog.

The reason why Meng Fanxing feeds well is more of the genetic influence of the dog itself.

"Oh, Kirin dog! This kind of dog is very popular in our Xuanxing!"

"Kilin dogs are resistant to cold and heat, and most importantly, they are extremely loyal!" Sheng Kong, the emperor of the Holy Kingdom, said.

Meng Fanxing smiled slightly and said, "You are right, this unicorn dog is your Xuanxing's treasure."

The results of the test have come out. Sheng Kong and Meng Fanxing have no blood relationship.

This is completely a family that has stolen the holy surname.

Although the royal family of the Xuanxing Holy Kingdom will not be suppressed because of this, Meng Fanxing's business cooperation with the Holy Kingdom is completely free of personal emotions.

Meng Fanxing looked at Janis and Walker beside him.

These two guys led a team of 200 people to Xuanxing three days ago.

"How did the conversation go?"

Janis, Walker and several technical backbones all looked excited.

"It's the same as what you surveyed, boss! We basically determined that the obsidian under the coordinates is probably worth [-]%," Janis whispered softly.

"Ahem, the agreement with the Holy Kingdom should have been signed successfully."

"The Holy Kingdom gives free mining rights to the mines here for 100 years."

"But we, Fanxing Mining, have to help the Holy Kingdom build an interstellar channel. The channel can lead to the nearest level three civilization 'Tuivasa'."

Tuvasa? Meng Fanxing was slightly startled. Thousands of years ago, this Tuvasa was only a second-level civilization.

The identity of this deity has also been obtained by some kind of identity certificate.

Thousands of years later, it has been promoted to the third level of civilization, which is good.

"In addition, we have to help Xuanxing build an interstellar academy, and then help them build a starship manufacturing plant."

As complicated as it sounds, there are three requirements.

But in fact, these three requirements are just a piece of cake for Fanxing Mining, which comes from a fourth-level civilization.

These things can all be purchased by level [-] civilizations.

Although the salary of miners in Cologne town is only [-] to [-] black coins a year, which is pitiful, the purchasing power of black coins is definitely top-notch income in other countries.

"Okay, just reach an agreement." Meng Fanxing nodded slightly.

Janis thought of something and said again: "But there is something that the boss may have to do personally."

"What's the matter?" Meng Fanxing asked curiously. If he was asked to take action personally, it would basically be a matter of combat.

There should be nothing near Xuanxing worthy of a legendary mecha warrior.

"It's a giant interstellar beast." Sheng Kong came over at this time.

Shengkong said slowly.

It turns out that after Xuanxing also had preliminary interstellar navigation capabilities, he once tried to open up his own interstellar route.

However, the way was blocked by a giant starry beast that was swimming near Xuanxing.

The people from the Xuanxing Space Department call this giant beast in the starry sky 'Ming'.

Because when this giant beast in the sky is angry, it always makes a "Ming" cry.

Meng Fanxing frowned slightly.

Star behemoth?

In the age of the Chaos Starry Sky, the Chaos Behemoth was indeed terrifying and powerful.

But in the interstellar era after the fog of chaos disappeared, all the chaos beasts had disappeared.

Occasionally, there are so-called behemoths in the sky, but they cannot be stopped for long by high-tech weapons.

"That guy is very scary. He will be fine even if he takes over 100 nuclear bombs."

"And he can destroy our aircraft with just one slap." A staff member of the Holy Kingdom's Space Department said with lingering fear.

He was the only pilot to survive the war against the Chaos Behemoth.

The Holy Kingdom organized several wars to eliminate the starry beasts, but they all ended in failure.

Instead, manpower and material resources were wasted, causing public dissatisfaction.

Therefore, until now, the Holy Kingdom no longer dares to organize people to launch war.

The starry sky beast just hovered around Xuanxing and didn't go anywhere else.

"Do you know where the starry sky beast is now?" Meng Fanxing asked.

"Yes, we have tracked his coordinates. He should have been dormant in the past few months, but he will wake up soon."

"At that time, all our space activities will have to stop! Because this guy is going crazy and will really eat everything!"

Meng Fanxing followed a Space Ministry personnel to an electronic screen.

As expected, it showed that this starry sky beast was sleeping on the back of a meteorite.It is huge in size and at least [-] meters in length. It can indeed be called a giant beast in the starry sky.

"I'll go meet him."

Meng Fanxing summoned the Black God of Death.

The Black Death erupted with a sonic boom and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

Meng Fanxing drove the Black Death soaring in the starry sky.

Not long after, I saw where the meteorite was.

Go around to the back.

Meng Fanxing saw the whole picture of this starry sky beast.

It was completely black and curled up on the surface of a crater on the meteorite.

The body undulated slightly, and the entire small meteorite vibrated slightly with its ups and downs.

Although it looks like a monster, with all kinds of abnormalities all over its body: barbs, indescribable things, and unknown organs, it still has a vague human shape.

Especially the familiar source of power.

"[Devil's Body]."

"Could it really be the Holy Borer?"

Meng Fanxing looked at the huge monster in front of him and couldn't imagine that it was his eldest grandson.

In ancient times, there may have been many warriors with the extraordinary talent of [Demon Body].

But in recent times, except for Meng Fanxing, he synthesized a [Devil God's Body] by himself.

He has never seen other warriors possess the talent of [Demon God's Body].

If it is really a holy borer.

Then all unreasonable things have explanations.

Why is he wandering around Xuanxing? It's because he was born here.

After thousands of years, why did the eldest grandson turn into a giant starry beast?

I wonder if you still have your sanity?

Meng Fanxing didn't know any of this.

Originally, Meng Fanxing thought of killing this starry sky beast with one shot.

Now it seems that not only cannot he be killed, but he must also find a way to save his eldest grandson.

"[Demon God's Body] absorbs the unknown energy in the universe to strengthen the body. Even if the number of days reaches zero, this talent will still be effective."

"However, I have felt something unusual about the energy that makes up the [Demon God's Body] before. Without the spiritual power to suppress it, or encountering some special circumstances, it is also true that Xie'er loses his mind and eventually evolves into a monster. very likely to be."

Not everyone can be promoted to a human king and have a human king-level consciousness.

It is very likely that the Holy Borer will only break through to the Concentration Realm at most, and then encounter the huge zero time of thousands of years.

Due to this impact, he lost his rational human form.

But because of his strong body, he did not die.

As a result, it became a starry beast.

"Let's try first to see if we can awaken Jian'er's consciousness."

If it is really the [Demon God's Body], after so many years, the [Devil God's Body] must have evolved to a terrifying level.

The [Demon Body] of my body is also extremely terrifying. Even if Meng Fanxing is now driving the Black Death, he dare not say that he can definitely defeat my body.

Meng Fanxing drove the Black Death forward.

After approaching a certain distance, Meng Fanxing turned on the radar shouting function.

Send sentences towards the head of the holy borer.

Meng Fanxing specially adjusted his own voice.

"Hey, dear grandson, why are you sleeping? Get up and come! Your grandpa is here to see you!" Meng Fanxing shouted to the Holy Borer.

The brow of the Holy Borer moved in his sleep.

After a moment, he suddenly opened his eyes.

He slowly climbed up, his [-]-meter-tall body shocking.

He looked carefully at the little fly several meters tall in front of him.

"Do you still recognize your grandpa Huang's voice?" Meng Fanxing asked again.

Saint Borer was stunned.

In his mind, there was originally an endless darkness, with no place to come in life, and no place to go in death.

And when he heard this voice, Saint Borer suddenly felt moved in his heart.

This seems to be where he comes from.

Thousands of years of endless darkness were released at this moment, and a ray of light was slowly born in his heart.

Although he didn't know who he was yet, he couldn't remember anything.

But he knew that there would be nothing wrong if he followed this voice.

The Holy Borer roared angrily, and the invisible sound waves caused the energy shield of the Black Death to set off waves.

Then, he made a kneeling gesture toward Meng Fanxing.

"Although I have lost my original consciousness, is there still some residual influence?" Meng Fanxing quickly made a judgment.

At this time, the upper body of the Holy Borer was standing upright, and Meng Fanxing could clearly see his shape.

Some look like a winged Godzilla, but with longer limbs and more of a human look.

The head part is very similar to the head of a dragon. It should be that after becoming a monster, the blood of the ancient chaotic dragon in the body of the Holy Borer also took effect.

"Can you become smaller?" Meng Fanxing said slowly.

Holy Borer shook his head.

Meng Fanxing also had a headache when his grandson became like this.

The Black Sea Civilization is a fourth-level civilization that is good at mechas, not a fourth-level civilization that is good at biological genes.

Otherwise, you can try to change the genes of the holy borer to restore its human form.

After thinking about it, Meng Fanxing connected to Johnny's communication.

"I have already made an agreement with this giant starry beast. He will not attack the humans in Xuanxing."

"However, a piece of land must be set aside on Xuanxing for them to live."

"Go and settle this matter with Shengkong."

After a long time, Janis's voice came over: "Shengkong said that as long as you, boss, can guarantee that the starry sky beasts will not riot, he can immediately divide a piece of land."

Meng Fanxing thought for a while and said, "Tell him that this starry sky beast is his ancestor."

"The current textbook of the Holy Kingdom is that there is a legend of three masters and five emperors."

"This guy is the great grandson of the first Holy Lord in myths and legends, Holy Borer."

"He is the ancestor of their Xuanxing people."

Meng Fanxing's words contained a huge amount of information.

Shengkong, who received the news over there, smiled awkwardly: "Mr. Meng's imagination is really rich. He actually brought out characters from myths and legends."

Janis looked serious: "My boss never jokes."

Shengkong scratched his head: "What does Mr. Meng mean, let me shape him into a god and let people around the world worship him?"

Janis passed the words to Meng Fanxing.

Of course, Meng Fanxing shook his head and rejected it. That was not what he meant.

As for whether to do this, it depends on Shengkong himself.

"No need, just ensure the safety of the Holy Borer in Xuanxing."

"As long as you have a good relationship with the Holy Borer, he will be your protector. Ordinary second- and third-level civilizations will not be the opponent of the Holy Borer." Meng Fanxing replied.

If Sheng Kong had a brain, after seeing that the Holy Borer could indeed be controlled through communication, he would definitely hold the Holy Borer in his hands.

Moreover, Meng Fanxing currently has no place to place the Holy Borer, which does not mean that there will be no place to place the Holy Borer in the future.

After reaching an agreement, Meng Fanxing said to the holy borer: "Come home with me."

Sheng Chan shook his head and followed Meng Fanxing carefully.

For Shengbo, Xuanxing is really his home. (End of chapter)

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