I played the world alone

Chapter 402: Cultivation of immortality benefits the common people!

Chapter 402: Cultivation of immortality benefits the common people! ([-]-in-[-])

As Qian Weifeng was the first to step onto the highest step, colorful rays of light bloomed all around him, spreading in all directions like splashing ink. There were even bursts of Sanskrit chants, as if congratulating him on his success.

This scene is as beautiful as a painting in the hands of a famous artist, making people reluctant to look away.

At this time, sharp-eyed people suddenly discovered that in the long river-like glow in the sky, gorgeous petals of various colors began to fall, floating down as light and beautiful as snowflakes.

The adults just looked at it with curiosity. After all, no matter how beautiful it is, it is just a flower petal. It is often seen in many large-scale performances, so it is not that novel.

Some of the more active children could no longer sit still and stood up on tiptoes, eager to catch the petals.

One of the little boys jumped the highest and grabbed the petal that happened to be floating towards him.

What's strange is that when I pick it up, I don't feel like I've caught anything. Instead, it's like catching a snowflake. It melts as soon as I pick it up and disappears without a trace.

But just when he was doubtful, he saw a ray of white light flow into his body along his fingertips, and then a warmth filled his body, as comfortable as soaking in a hot spring.

Agitated, he seemed a little frightened. He lowered his head and stared blankly at his hands, unable to react for a moment.

At this time, other people also received the petals one after another, either passively or actively.

Without exception, the petals turned into an inconspicuous white light and blended into the body as soon as they touched it.

Afterwards, everyone who absorbed the white light immediately felt that their bodies, which might have been a little tired before, instantly improved.

Especially those students who had worked hard because of studying hard and answering questions, their whole bodies were full of energy again at this moment, as if they had had a good sleep.

I even have the motivation to study ten more sets of papers, I feel full of confidence!

And the various body functions that adults originally felt were gradually declining due to age are gradually recovering at this moment, and they are somewhat as energetic as they were when they were young!
The soreness in the body's muscles dissipated, some of the joints that had been aching a bit recovered again, and even a few hairs became darker.

Aging actually begins to disappear at this moment!
At this moment, the way they looked at those petals was completely different. They were all as eager as hungry wolves after seeing meat!
These things are more effective than the various medicines prepared by so-called expert doctors, and they work instantly!

This is my treasure that regains my youth!

After realizing this, some people even began to ignore their status and image in the eyes of others and began to stand up like young people and try to grab the petals falling from the sky.

"Auspiciousness descends from heaven! This may be a reward from the gods!"

If you grab a little more, your health will improve a lot!

There were also some experts in charge of scientific research. After seeing this scene, they felt that all the content they had originally studied had become a joke.

"This is too unscientific. How on earth is it done..."

"Is this the power of immortal cultivators... Can human beings really achieve immortality through so-called cultivation like in the novels?"

They suddenly felt that those novels about cultivating immortals were not without merit, and maybe they should study them carefully.

It's a pity that these magical petals will disappear when touched, and they have not found any way to preserve them.

Even if there is no physical contact, just use the container and it will disappear at the touch of it.

At this moment, Zhou Manyin also joined in the fun and reached out to touch the falling petals, feeling the wonderful changes in a novel way.

"Come and try it too. It really feels amazing. I even feel a lot better."

She held Lu Chen's hand, and of course she didn't forget her grandpa.

Grandpa's physical condition needs these petals more than they do.

Fortunately, by coincidence, a large number of petals floated in the wind, and happened to escape the grasp of the people next to them, falling on the three of them, saving them a lot of effort.

Grandpa was a little drowsy under the sunlight, but now several petals floated down in succession, and his eyes gradually regained their clarity.

She couldn't help but feel even more grateful for her decision to bring her grandfather.

Soon, this wave of petals gradually scattered, and everyone felt a little regretful.

Especially when there were some people present who missed the opportunity because they didn't react, they couldn't help but sigh.

Fortunately, after the second child successfully reached the summit, the second wave of petals also fell.

There was another burst of surprise cheers at the scene, and people continued to stand up and pick up the petals.

However, this is really a bit difficult for the leading teachers in those schools.

While they wanted to catch the petals themselves, they did not dare to forget their responsibilities and stared at the students for fear of something happening.

Especially in this somewhat chaotic scene now.

"Everyone, don't fight! Sit down, it's too dangerous to stand up! And don't quarrel!"

"sit down!"

Several people held up loudspeakers and shouted, but unfortunately they could not contain the burning mood in people's hearts.

It's good enough that they didn't fight over the petals.

Xu Xun also tried to reach out and pick up a petal by himself. He closed his eyes and felt the magical effect. He was secretly surprised and looked forward to the journey of cultivating immortals.

"Cultivation as an immortal should not be about being alone and forgetting all emotions and six desires in order to strive for hegemony..."

"Cultivation as an immortal should be something that can bless all living beings and benefit everyone!"

I hope these children can bring greater surprises to this land in the future.

At this time, although the ten children were slow, they had all reached the top.

The god's eyes briefly glanced at a few of them, then withdrew his gaze and nodded slightly in appreciation.

"Still some talent and perseverance."

"But even so, you have only passed the second level and can only be regarded as handy disciples of the Immortal Xuan Sect. In the next year, you will only be able to officially become outer disciples after you meet the requirements."

"If you don't want to endure hardship, you can leave now."

Several children were a little nervous and excited, nodding their heads repeatedly, but no one wanted to leave.

"it is good!"

The god nodded again, and then glanced at the people in the gym below.

"Today is a great day for my Immortal Xuan Sect to accept a disciple, and the whole world should celebrate it!"

After he finished speaking, he waved his sleeves casually.

In an instant, countless stars flew out from his sleeves and scattered in the sky like the Milky Way.

Everyone looked up at this stunning scene infatuatedly. The entire sky seemed to have turned into a galaxy of stars, and the sunlight dimmed a lot in conjunction with it, making people subconsciously indulge in it.

When Xu Xunzheng also looked up and admired, he suddenly heard a rapid sound coming from the Bluetooth headset.


"What's wrong?" He was a little strange.

This communication was from the left-behind observers in the headquarters base of the Operations Department, but the other party should know that they were busy here, and they would not have contacted them unless there was something important.

"Did something special happen in the gym?" An anxious voice came from the headphones.

"Just now, the sky over the entire Jintan City instantly turned black, and the sky was filled with stars!"

Xu Xun was stunned for a moment, then his expression suddenly changed, and his narrowed pupils stared at the sky.

And that doesn’t just cover the stadium, but the entire city? !
While they were talking, such strange celestial phenomena had also attracted the attention of ordinary citizens outside.

"what is that?"

The driver of a car waiting at the traffic light at the intersection was yawning when he suddenly noticed that it was getting dark outside. He thought there was a sudden thunderstorm, so he couldn't help but look up in confusion.

As a result, he saw this strange scene and was stunned for a moment.

The rest, who were walking on the road, working in the office, or eating, were all attracted by this magical sight, and they all looked up in shock.

Some people were stunned for a moment and then quickly picked up their mobile phones to take pictures and uploaded them to the Internet.

"Fuck! Am I still dreaming..."

"Is this the end of the world or something..."

"Shocking! Suspected aliens have landed on Earth!"

Compared with ordinary people, some monsters hidden in the crowd feel it more clearly.

Feeling the vast power of heaven descending suddenly, they were so overwhelmed that they almost couldn't breathe. They were so frightened that they trembled and wished they could find a hole to bury themselves!
Some people with relatively shallow skills were frightened out of their prototypes and their hair exploded. They left a pool of scattered clothes on the spot and fled frantically between buildings in an attempt to escape.

Such a strange sight actually frightened other ordinary people, and they suddenly screamed one after another.

I'm afraid no one thought that these monsters would be hidden around them...

At this time in the gymnasium, Xu Xun heard anxious shouts coming from his headphones.

"Minister, this situation is too weird. Should we evacuate the people urgently and let them find a place to hide?"

Xu Xun hesitated.

"No. If I'm not wrong, this should be a good thing..."

What's more, it's too late to evacuate now.The only choice he can make is to believe in the other person's character.

Then the next second, he saw the stars in the sky falling quickly towards the ground.

The speed was extremely fast, so fast that no one even had time to be afraid or run away. As if in just a blink of an eye, the starlight had scattered across the earth and fell on everyone here.

Even the non-human creatures, animals, plants and monsters are no exception, they have all been rewarded by the starlight.


The driver suddenly became excited and felt a sour feeling all over his body.

I don’t know how to describe it properly. If it’s a bit crude, it’s like being constipated for a week and then all of a sudden spurting out...

Or maybe you suddenly get a bottle of cold beer in the desert on a hot summer day...

He was still a little sleepy and even yawning. He suddenly became more energetic, his whole body was full of strength, and even his eyes became clearer.

Everyone else was no exception, and they were all pleasantly surprised or shocked to feel the wonderful changes that had taken place in their bodies.

A young man wearing glasses first wiped his glasses with some doubts, then subconsciously took them off and breathed a sigh of relief. When he was about to put them on again, his eyes suddenly glanced and he was stunned. .

"What a clear world!"

It's even clearer than when he wears glasses!
He was so excited that his fingers holding his glasses were trembling.

And this is just one of many people.

Such scenes are happening across the city at the moment.

Whether they are standing outside or sitting inside the house, the starlight can accurately enter their bodies, making them feel like they are reborn!

Although the flowers, plants and trees that have also received awards have no particularly obvious changes in their appearance for the time being, if you look carefully, you can vaguely find that their colors are more bright and beautiful, and they are more energetic than before.

Even some trees that were almost dead are slowly sprouting buds again and glowing with life!

The whole city became vibrant at this time, and everything grew vigorously.

As for those monsters who were still running away in fear, they soon realized that the starlight did not seem to be dangerous. On the contrary, since the starlight entered the body, their spiritual power has become faster, and they can't help but be a little surprised.

It's a pity that each of those starlights only has one, and they have no chance to pick up the second one.

Starlight also has a positive influence on all types of extraordinary beings.

Although it doesn't have as big an impact as it does on ordinary people, it still improves strength to a certain extent.

Xu Xun heard the shouts of surprise coming from the headphones and the cheers around the stadium, which made him slowly smile.

All this proves that his decision was right!
At this point, the apprenticeship ceremony is officially over.

The god waved his hand and the ten children entered another world together.

Accompanied by bursts of mysterious Sanskrit chanting and the escort of colorful rays of light, the figure gradually moved away and turned into a black dot again.

Immediately afterwards, the cracks in the world began to heal rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the blink of an eye, only a gap remained until it completely disappeared.

And those stairs also gradually dissipated, turning into little golden lights and disappearing into the air, making the people around them feel a little regretful.

If this thing still exists, maybe people like them who have no spiritual roots can try the experience of climbing the ladder to seek immortality.

However, with the harvest just now and the eye-opening experience, it can be regarded as a worthwhile trip.

The sky outside has also regained its light. The citizens who were just immersed in the wonderful taste of rebirth have not yet recovered. It is a pity that they did not take more videos to commemorate.

What's even more pity are the people in surrounding cities who have received the news and are rushing to drive or buy tickets to come.

At this moment, they are extremely envious of the local people in Jintan City, who can actually have such good things like pie in the sky.

And just when the crowds in the stadium began to slowly evacuate.

Zhu Qianqian suddenly felt that something was not right.

He looked around suspiciously, and finally stood there blankly, feeling something bad.

"Where's Miss Tian?"

(End of this chapter)

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