I played the world alone

Chapter 405: The resurrection of the gods?

Chapter 405: The resurrection of the gods? ([-]-in-[-])

"Who will go down and have a look?"

The rich man trembled and didn't dare to take another look. He just stood far away, but he couldn't just watch the construction site go into ruins, so he offered a large sum of money as a reward.

It's a pity that no one responded to him.

Making money is making money, but if your life is gone, you will have nowhere to spend your money.

The iron door in the basement looks really weird right now, and people can't help but think of those scary and weird rumors.

There might be some evil wizard or demon lurking here doing some terrible human experiments!What should I do if I fall into a trap or disturb the other party, get retaliated against, or get cursed?
The group of people present are just ordinary people. They don't even have a decent set of protective clothing. If they go down, they will die!
None of us are fools.

The rich man had no choice but to finally turn his head and look at the priest.

"This is your land. I bought this land and you must be responsible!"

After all, the only professional person in this group seems to be this priest. Although this priest does not seem to have any special powers, he is still a professional counterpart.

Father Bruce couldn't help shouting that he was wronged, but what the other party said was indeed reasonable. In addition, there were so many people there, and everyone was staring at him with unkind expressions, which made him a little frightened.

I always feel that even if I don't agree, they will force me to do it, so it's better to leave some dignity for myself now.

Thinking of this, he squeezed the Bible tightly in his hand again, feeling a little comforted in his heart.

I pray that even if there is something filthy hidden inside, faith can save me.

The big lock on the iron door of the basement had long been rusty. Although the key was nowhere to be found, the workers just knocked it open with a hammer.

The moment the iron door was opened, a stream of dusty air came to the face, carrying a strange smell similar to rot, and there were gusts of cold wind blowing by, causing the expressions of those who came close to change subconsciously. Almost vomited.

Under the urging of the rich man, the priest plucked up the courage and walked over step by step.

Although he always maintained a calm attitude on his face, his trembling legs actually betrayed him.

Under everyone's nervous gazes, he finally bit the bullet, held a flashlight in his hand, and walked down the basement stairs.

And gradually disappeared into the darkness.

Looking at the direction in which he disappeared, the rich man couldn't help but swallow his saliva, silently praying in his heart that nothing would happen.

However, about three minutes later, the priest suddenly heard a miserable cry from deep in the dark and cold basement, as if he had been killed.

The people above were so frightened that they immediately panicked and fled as if they had seen a ghost, without even bothering to save others.


"How are these children doing lately?"

In the small world, Lu Chen came back from a busy time in the fairy world, mainly providing medicinal materials and so on.

After he had some free time, he asked Niu Hao about the ten good seedlings who were cultivating immortals.

"Those children have been quite honest recently." Niu Hao scratched his hair, "When they first came here, they were so afraid of us that they didn't dare to say a word, for fear of being eaten by us."

"I've become a little more familiar with it recently, and I can learn from us obediently."

"By the way, they have been trying the task you ordered recently, which is to climb that mountain..."

He pointed at the peak in front of the village whose top was almost invisible.

"But the one who walked the farthest only walked 1 kilometer and was already exhausted. It will probably take some time to climb up."

"It's nothing. It can also train their temperament to make them calmer." Lu Chen thought it was good.

However, the progress of their cultivation surprised Lu Chen. All ten of them had absorbed spiritual energy into their bodies and reached the first level of Qi refining.

Of course it's because the environment here is good and full of spiritual energy, and there are simple and easy-to-understand introductory techniques in the fairy world for them to practice, but it's also indispensable for their excellent talents and hard work.

Let these children continue to practice here, anyway, nothing big will happen with this group of monsters.

But just after Lu Chen returned to the real world, Yueze's cell phone unexpectedly received a message from Xu Xun.

When I opened it, I saw that the other party had made several calls, but I couldn't get through because I wasn't here before. In the end, the other party sent photos and other information as a message so that I could see it when I was free.

He opened it and looked at it, and he was slightly startled at the first sight.

What I saw in the photo was a large iron gate embedded in the ground with a strange and mysterious pattern. It was engraved with some bloody and terrifying patterns, as if it were an altar for some evil ritual.

Surrounded by several blond and blue-eyed foreigners, wearing guard clothes, they seemed to be handling this thing cautiously.

Xu Xun's message asked him if he had seen anything like this.

"what is this?"

He recalled carefully to confirm that he had indeed never seen it.

But it's not a big problem, because he doesn't know about it through only this channel.

After Xu Xun got this photo, the first person he asked was not himself but White Snake, who was also the strongest and longest-lived person he could contact.

After making sure that White Snake didn't know, he turned to himself for help.

But Xu Xun never imagined that the two were actually a group.

As Lu Chen's puppet, White Snake could access the other party's memory at any time, and he already had the answer after a simple search.

After thinking about it for a while, he called Xu Xun back.

"Mr. Koshizawa!"

Xu Xun's voice on the phone was a little surprising. He hadn't contacted the other party in the past two days and had something urgent to do, which gave him a headache for a while.

"I wonder if you saw the photo I sent you?"

"Read it. If my guess is correct, it should have been dug out of a church in the Empire where the sun never sets."

"Not bad!"

Xu Xun breathed a sigh of relief.

From the tone of his voice, the other person seemed very confident. He must have met him before.

"The basement was discovered two days ago. At that time, a developer happened to be interested in this land and wanted to build an amusement park on it, so he demolished the church above..."

"It's just that they didn't expect that there was this strange basement hidden underneath. At that time, a priest from the original church volunteered to go down and check it out, thinking that it might be some kind of demonic conspiracy."

"As a result, when I went down, I found that the things inside were very scary, and I was frightened and fainted on the spot." "After that, the empire officials urgently stopped the construction operation and sealed off the surrounding area, and organized several wizards to go to check the situation."

"It's just that after the wizards checked it, they found no traces of magic inside, but it did seem like some kind of evil ritual had been performed inside, so they didn't dare to draw conclusions."

"Considering that there may be some mysterious power that they don't know about, the empire officially decided to ask us for help."

This idea is indeed correct, but it is based on the premise that they believe that there may be other unknown supernatural powers in the world.

Wizards are just one of the many supernatural powers they know about, and they cannot guarantee 100% that this is actually some kind of prank or a foolish sacrifice of an evil sect created by some mortals.

And this mysterious eastern country has mastered many secrets of extraordinary power that they don't even know about. Even the original wizards have a very close relationship with it, which is fascinating.

It’s natural to ask for advice at this time.

And Xu Xun didn't dare to be careless. He always wanted to ask Xian Xuanmen for his opinion on this matter. After all, what if it was the sealing place of some evil monster like before?
If we dispose of it casually, wouldn't it be a disaster for everyone?

In comparison, Lu Chen was much calmer.

Although he didn't know what this thing was and why the person who made it wanted to get it out, he was certain that anything that had not passed through his hands was just a mortal thing and would never contain any extraordinary elements.

In other words, although he has not seen the actual object, there is now a 9% probability that this is something made by ordinary people.

The remaining small probability is that there may be a very powerful wizard who used some means to cover up the past.

For example, Ms. Garnier, the black witch who is now "notorious" in the empire's wizarding circle.

With the opponent's strength, he should be able to do this, but Lu Chen felt that the opponent or his ancestors were still busy breaking the seal and rescuing their ancestors, so it shouldn't be that boring.

But when he saw this thing at this moment, a hint of inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind.

It feels like I have already thought of what to perform in the next flashback.

Thinking of this, he cleared his throat and replied pretending to be serious: "Mr. Xu, you are right, this thing does involve some kind of evil seal."

"It's just that I have to see it with my own eyes to know for sure what it is."

Xu Xun was surprised and a little happy.

Fortunately, this thing has not appeared in our country. In addition, I am worried that this thing will cause great harm.

"During this period, I suggest that the empire take good measures to seal off this land and the surrounding area, and do not let any ordinary people get close."

"I even suspect that there is a real sealed demon hidden inside. If it is released, even a wizard will not be able to resist its destructive power."

Lu Chen made it up casually, but Xu Xun believed it to be true. He wrote down what he said with a serious look on the phone, not daring to miss a word.

At the end of the sentence, he couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Yueze, do angels and demons like those in the Bible really exist in this world?"

"It should have existed a long, long time ago." Lu Chen felt that the skills he had made up were becoming more and more powerful, and it seemed as if they were true.

At this moment, he said so seriously that he almost believed it.

"Although I may not have been born yet at that time, I have seen some relevant records in the ancient books of the sect."

"It may not even be just these. All mythological systems recorded in inscriptions may exist in this world."

"It's just that in the past, due to the ebb of the spiritual contract, they lost their vitality and gradually disappeared in the long river of history. Now, after the spiritual energy recovers, it is possible that they will slowly recover and reveal their divine power to the mortal world."

Xu Xun listened with a solemn expression.

This is definitely bad news for today's human beings. The revival of the gods with advanced technology will bring more disadvantages than benefits to them!

After all, most people don't think it's a good thing to have such a great being above them who can control their own lives at will without taking any responsibility, and even humans can only obey orders or even worship.

Especially those Western gods who are moody and can even be said to have weird personalities.

Thinking of those terrible gods in some Western mythology, he couldn't help but feel a headache.

The only good news is probably that these ancient gods in their own land are still relatively well-behaved, just like the previous city god.

So far, the other party has no intention of intervening in mortal cases. It will only come under his control after death.

This made him feel a little lucky and at the same time sympathize with his friends in the West. Their lives in the future would not be easy.

Finally, Lu Chen and Xu Xun agreed on a specific time to go to the Empire where the sun never sets, and after discussing with the empire officials, they were ready to go.

The imperial officials were very welcoming to this matter, and even took the initiative to help them solve visa and other issues, hoping that they would rush over to solve the problem on the same day.

Especially after they heard about the possible involvement of gods and demons in this matter, and the serious consequences if not dealt with properly.

They did wonder if those Easterners were deliberately exaggerating the situation to scare them, but they did not dare to bet. If they lost the bet, it would be almost the same as destroying the country.


The next morning, a plane that was not on the schedule took off from the local airport.

This trip was regarded as Lu Chen's official trip to the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets. They even thoughtfully prepared a charter flight service for him in order to eliminate all possible interference and reach the destination as soon as possible.

After a brief sleep, when I opened my eyes, I was already in the empire.

The people responsible for picking up the plane were some local officials and several wizards.

Of course, the familiar old friend Mr. Sweet is also indispensable.

Although the matter itself seems to have nothing to do with the wizard, he can now be regarded as being specifically responsible for extraordinary events. Others have no relevant experience, so he can only be responsible.

"Mr. Yue, I have admired you for a long time. I am very happy to meet you!"

The other party had no idea that they had met before, and greeted him very enthusiastically in proficient Chinese.

"To make a long story short, there is no need to take a break to adjust to the jet lag, just go and see the scene."

Lu Chen nodded slightly. He couldn't wait to formulate a flashback script based on the scene.

The crack in the fairy world can no longer hold on for long, and a new flashback may start at any time.

"Okay!" Sweet was very happy.

What he was most worried about was whether the other party would put up some airs to embarrass them and refuse to do things immediately.

He was relieved to be so happy.

(End of this chapter)

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