I played the world alone

Chapter 408 The long-lost villain

Chapter 408 The long-lost villain (two-in-one)

"But there's a big difference between the two."

Lu Chen tried his best to add more reasonable explanations to the content he made up.

"As far as I know, angels are created by God and remain unchanged since birth. The city god is a priesthood achieved by humans after they accumulate merit."

"It's even possible that in the future, you and I, or other ordinary people whether they have practiced cultivation or not, may become gods as long as they do good deeds..."

"In that case, why do you still want to practice immortality?" Xu Xun asked curiously.

Anyway, you still have the chance to become a god whether you practice or not.

"Cultivation of immortality is not just to become an immortal, to be precise, it is to cultivate the Tao, to cultivate your own way. It may be immortality, or no regrets, or strong martial arts, or it may be to save the common people..."

"Becoming an immortal is just a means, not an end."

"Besides, rather than leaving the opportunity to become an immortal to others, it would be better to fight for it yourself, right?"

Xu Xun thought for a while and nodded slightly.

"Anyway, now that the spiritual energy has recovered, these gods will slowly begin to appear from weak to strong, right?"

"That's right. In the future, stronger ancient gods may appear, and similarly, some demons will also revive."

The other party's admission made Xu Xun feel a little stressed.

Fortunately, I have the previous city god as a reference. My local gods should be relatively easy to get along with, and they can be said to be strictly disciplined. They perform their duties and will not cause trouble at will.

Immediately, the topic turned back to this incident.

"What was that demon just now? Is it possible that it also appeared in our territory?" He expressed great concern.

"You can rest assured about this." Lu Chen said with relief, "Those demons are located in these Western countries, which is more in line with their myths and legends, and has nothing to do with us."

This made Xu Xun relieved, and then he asked some other related questions.

But while he was talking, Lu Chen suddenly felt something in his heart and glanced out of the car window.

"what happened?"

"I seem to have seen an old friend." Lu Chen looked away and smiled slightly.

"Do you need to stop for a meeting?" Xu Xun asked thoughtfully, and was ready to call the driver at any time.

"No, now is not a good time." Lu Chen shook his head, "If there is a chance, I will see you then."

"You immortal cultivators seem to like talking about these opportunities..." Xu Xun smiled. Such words are often heard in mythological TV dramas. He is very familiar with them after studying many similar stories.

He didn't ask any more questions and continued to study the matter of sealing the demon this time.

Although it has no direct relationship with him this time, the other party took the initiative to ask him for help this time, which can be regarded as an indirect flattery.

If this matter can be handled perfectly, it will also be of great benefit to the international image of our country and the extraordinary organization.

Someone from the embassy will come to help soon. He won't have any free time at all, and he will probably be too busy.



A bright moon hung in the sky, and the silver moonlight fell on the ruins of the church. A group of soldiers with live ammunition stood nearby to guard and patrol to prevent outsiders from entering.

A cold wind blew by, and a dark cloud passed by and blocked the moon.

The light that was still clear suddenly disappeared as if it had been sucked away.

Suddenly darkness fell, and everyone subconsciously squinted their eyes, slowly adapting to the suddenly dark environment.

Fortunately, I had already prepared a flashlight.

They were accustomed to peace and were really in a hurry when faced with this sudden change, so they didn't notice a small shadow flashing past them.

The iron door of the basement has been re-blocked, but the owner of the shadow quickly passed through the gap like liquid and successfully entered in the blink of an eye.


A flickering candle appeared out of thin air like a dexterous elf, illuminating a limited area around it.

Then there was the sound of high heels stepping on the stairs.

The shadow slowly swelled and expanded, like an inflated balloon, forming a human shape in the blink of an eye.

She was a lady about 1.6 meters tall. Her dress was noble and exquisite, even a little too grand for modern times. She was like someone who was invited to attend an upper-class dance and would be transported by a special carriage. of nobility.

It was the black witch Garnier whom I had met before.

She held a handy crutch in her right hand, and an ancient portable glass oil lamp in her left hand, which barely illuminated the way down.

"There is an aura of wizards and magic...and there are also special isolation magics deployed. Are you afraid that someone will take the opportunity to run in..."

She sniffed the air gently, but she didn't feel any nervousness. Instead, she chuckled, which seemed to be a bit sarcastic.

When she approached the isolating magic, she just tapped it lightly with her crutch and continued to pass through it without hesitation.

There was no accident, and the isolation magic did not have any expected effect.

"These are all leftovers from when I was young."

Garnier walked straight down and quickly entered the basement.

Looking around, his eyes showed some confusion.

"There are no special signs here, so why did the official people go to such trouble and completely blockade the place..."

"I even called a damn immortal cultivator from that Eastern country..."

Because of her ancestor, she still hates those damn immortal cultivators who insist on justice.

This time, it was precisely because I heard the relevant news and thought this might be a good opportunity for revenge that I took the risk and came here.

Unfortunately, there is nothing special about the scene.

To put it bluntly, this place just looks a little bloody and scary to ordinary people. Other than that, there is actually nothing mystical about it.

Looking at the costumes here, she even thought that this was just a boring farce by a semi-crazy guy for his so-called evil beliefs.

It even left her unable to find where to start causing trouble.

"Is it possible that this is actually a trap to lure me?"

She was a little wary subconsciously, but she felt something was wrong.

If you think that such a crude arrangement can deceive her, then you are looking down on her.

Not wanting to go in vain, she looked around, and finally her eyes fell on the angel sculpture on the table.

This sculpture obviously has traces of being touched, while other parts are covered with dust, indicating that this thing should be more important.

She took two steps forward, placed the portable oil lamp on the table, and was about to reach out and pick it up.

Suddenly, a sudden, slightly lazy and joking male voice came from behind.

"If I were you, I would never touch this thing."

Suddenly, alarm bells rang in Garnier’s heart.
She had checked carefully just now and was very sure that there was no other person here except herself. How did the other person appear? !

However, although he was frightened in his heart, his face remained calm. He slowly grasped the crutch with his right hand and slowly turned his body to look around.

Under the flickering yellow firelight, a small half of the basement was illuminated, but the edge of the circle of light dimmed until it turned into darkness again, and the other party was right at the junction of light and darkness.

So much so that the other party's figure looks a little blurry, as if it shouldn't be here and may disappear at any time.

She raised the oil lamp, but the other party did not dodge, and his face finally appeared in the light.

After seeing it clearly, Kanil's pupils suddenly shrank. "It's you?"

It was the pure-blood wizard I saw outside King's Station before!

The opponent's magic power was very powerful, so powerful that she had no idea of ​​defeating him before.

Only then did she remember that this was probably the only person in the world who had the ability to appear next to her without even realizing it.

"Nice to see you again, Ms. Garnier." The other party was still the same as before, her tone of voice was a little off-key, but at least the two parties were not enemies.

We even worked together once, and the relationship was okay.

"Why are you here?" She frowned.

"Such a big thing has happened here, so of course I have to come over and watch the excitement." The man chuckled, "Of course I can also save people on the way. Because if I hadn't reminded you, you might have taken this sculpture away."

Garnier did not deny: "Is this sculpture dangerous?"

As she spoke, she sensed it carefully again and was very sure that this sculpture was an ordinary mortal object.

"It's quite dangerous. If you take it away, the demon sealed in the ground will rush out in an instant and kill you and everyone around you!"

The man spoke in a joking and exaggerated tone that made her frown even deeper.

"Devil? Isn't that something the church uses to deceive people?"

"The original wizard is just a fantasy existence that exists in the movie." The man smiled, "Don't you and I exist here now?"

"It makes some sense. But I still can't believe it." Garnier shook his head.

"Believe it or not, it's up to you, even I would be happy to see a grand fireworks show." The other party still had the same smile, "But be careful, if there is too much noise, those pure-blood wizards will come. "

"Then it won't just be you who will die, but your family and all the dirty things hidden in the ditches of this city."

"It may even involve Mr. Rice, who might have been safe."

"Do you want to take a chance?"

Garnier stared at him closely, seeming to think seriously for a while, then shook his head slightly.

"Now that we've reached this point, there's no need for me to take any more risks."

Death was not scary to her, but the last warning did make her scruple.

"But you have to tell me, what is going on here?"

What she heard next was the same thing as the angels and demons before, but after all, she hadn't seen it with her own eyes and it sounded incredible, so she was still a little doubtful.

"This is the official explanation given to the empire by the Eastern immortal cultivator." The man shrugged, and then the corners of his mouth curved slightly in a strange arc.

"But as far as I know, there are quite a lot of secrets here."

"Perhaps it will also involve older wizard powers, maybe even pure-blood wizards..."

"I came here to find some clues."

"What you said has indeed aroused my interest." Garnier walked over gracefully and slowly.

"I hope I can see a good show in three days."

"Similarly, if you can gain something special, I'm willing to pay you some interest in exchange."

"No problem." The man smiled and nodded, watching the other person turn into a shadow and disappear into the darkness.

Wait until the surrounding becomes dead silence again.

He slowly breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes adapted to the darkness and seeing anything here was as unobstructed as in daylight.

His eyes swept over and finally landed on the sculpture.

He muttered to himself in a voice that only he could hear: "You almost took away the item I wanted to flash back to."

Lu Chen had already taken a liking to this thing when he came here during the day.

I just did the whole set for acting, so I didn’t take it away on the spot.

Can't be robbed.

"The time is almost here. Let's get ready to start..."

He took a few steps forward, grabbed the sculpture in his hand, and at the same time carefully arranged several defensive formations around it to prevent the opponent from returning.

These immortal cultivation formations are different from magic. If you don't understand them, you will never get out.

Even the stronger ones can only break by force at most.

At this time, the last hair-sized gap in the fairy world finally healed, announcing the perfect end of this real-life mission.





[Flashback is about to begin! 】


[Destination of this flashback: 496 years ago]

[Duration: 168 hours]

[Warning: This time, the possession method will be used to flash back, and all supernatural powers based on the physical body will be unusable]

【Ding!Props selected! "Notes on Creation of Superpowers"]

[The system has automatically generated the following three random tasks]

[1: Villains are also an integral part of a drama. Please play a villain role that scares most people again (0/1)]

[2: Convince at least 100 people to believe the outrageous lies you fabricated (0/100)]

[3: Leave enough legends to pass down to the current era]

[The above tasks are not mandatory, but each completed one can increase the quality of the final reward by one level]

【I wish you a pleasant journey】

The overall situation was not much different from the last time without flashback, but for the sake of safety this time, he still chose the "Superpower Creation Notes" as a prop.

Strictly speaking, this thing can be regarded as a snake oil.

If you really run into some trouble, then use this thing to create a power that can overcome the current difficulty.

The only troublesome thing is that this thing will consume a lot of spiritual energy depending on the strength of the created power, so you have to plan carefully.

While I was thinking about it, the countdown had ended and the flashback had officially begun.

Just like before, everything around him began to lengthen rapidly, and the whole world turned into a colorful oil painting.

Entering the flashback standby interface again, he was already somewhat familiar with everything around him, so he took this opportunity to study seriously.

After an unknown amount of time, the familiar feeling of weightlessness suddenly hit him, causing his body to twitch subconsciously after a long absence.

My ears slowly turned from a dead silence to a noisy one.

It seemed like countless people were surrounding him, shouting crazily.

(End of this chapter)

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