I played the world alone

Chapter 418 The real witch!

Chapter 418 The real witch! ([-]-in-[-])

"Please stop your stupid behavior! You are now helping the devil to resurrect! We will never allow it!"

At noon, when the count went out, he heard someone shouting outside. The noise gave him a headache.

Immediately ordered the attendants to go outside to see what was going on.

After a while, I heard the attendant running back in a hurry. He lowered his head, not daring to look at him, and reported cautiously: "It's the poor people who are protesting today's action of burning witches to death, and they are asking for it to stop!"

"Stupid! Are they crazy?"

The Earl was a little incomprehensible and roared with his eyes wide open.

"The ghost of the witch is already trying to kill us, but they still dare to speak for it? They are simply crazy! Drive them away quickly. I want to personally watch today's execution process, and no one can make trouble!"

After getting dressed, he walked out aggressively. Sure enough, he saw dozens of people gathered outside the gate of the manor, and soldiers were driving them away.

However, these guys who are usually very weak and dare not take action are now very determined and refuse to leave no matter what.

Especially after seeing the count come out, this group of people shouted excitedly: "Your Majesty the count, we are all citizens of this town, you can't summon demons to kill us all!"

"Yes! We have to survive! You are not qualified to do this!"

"We have lost our fields, we cannot destroy our last home as well!"

Everyone yelled crazily, and even kept attacking the soldier's defense line with their bodies in an attempt to get closer to him.

Seeing that the scene seemed to be getting out of control, the count immediately took the sword from the attendant, waved it twice in front of him, and pointed the tip of the sword at the group of civilians.

"Go away! You stupid things! I don't know where your rumors come from, but if you dare to stand in front of me again, I will chop you to death with my sword now!"

As soon as the words fell, the soldiers immediately drew their weapons and showed fierce looks.

Seeing this scene, the civilians who were still attacking were a little timid for a moment, and subconsciously took two steps back.

They had no doubt that the count would really chop him down!
After they all backed away, a prepared carriage slowly came and stopped in front.

"My lord, please get in the car. It's time to go and deal with the witches early." The door of the carriage opened, and the exorcist Clement was sitting inside, waving in welcome.

The count nodded with satisfaction, glanced at the group of people still surrounding him, and got into the carriage.

The carriage drove slowly, passing through the crowds of people, and soon arrived at the scheduled execution site, which was the center of the wide square.

At this time, the high platform, torture rack and numerous flammable firewood needed for the fire have been prepared.

The group of witches were also ready. They were now locked in a cage, trembling and accepting the various looks from the surrounding civilians.

Some of the witches' family members were also present at the scene. They originally followed the group of people who came to protest to see if there was any chance of improvement.

However, now that the earl arrived in person and there were a group of soldiers, their hearts suddenly felt cold.

Looking at their tortured appearance, they couldn't help but cry softly. Some people simply turned around and left, not wanting to see their final miserable appearance.

Although there were still some people shouting at the scene to stop, but before they could shout a few more words, soldiers rushed over and grabbed their heads and arrested them.

The reason is that he is suspected of being associated with a witch and he needs to be taken back for further investigation.

If some clues are found in the end, or if the officials are in a bad mood, they may be directly sentenced to death!
With this commotion, everyone who originally wanted to try it immediately became afraid and shrank their necks.

After all, the devil is still illusory, but now that these soldiers are in front of him, it is self-evident which one to choose.

Simmons, who was hiding behind the crowd and watching, couldn't help but feel nervous.

"Oops...why don't these nobles believe it at all?"

I would have known that I should have taken the risk to go to their home to perform a miracle, but the distance requirement for this skill was very close, so it was difficult to get close.

If you were not careful and you might get caught, you would really be doomed.

"It's almost time, Mr. Clement. Because of the previous incident with the witch's ghost, you will be responsible for igniting the fire this time."

The count looked at the exorcist standing next to him and showed a fake smile.

Clement was stunned for a moment, seeing that the other party didn't seem to be joking, and then nodded after hesitating.

But there is still some slander in my heart: "A group of cowards don't even dare to light a fire, but they want me to do such a rough job..."

But it didn't matter, he just wanted to see what these people were doing.

The so-called witch's ghost caused a lot of trouble before. He has been here for so many days without seeing any shadow, and he has never heard of such a thing before. There must be something fishy behind it.

"Hmph, let me see what you plan to do."

The soldiers had already tied the witch to the torture rack and poured some alcohol on the firewood to aid combustion. Then they quickly backed away with an uneasy look on their faces, leaving him with only a torch.

"What are these people afraid of?"

Clement couldn't help but feel doubtful about their fearful looks, and he looked at them suspiciously.

The reaction was as if these tied up women were some terrible evil spirits.

But with the sun so big above his head, and with holy water and a cross on his body, he would never dare to show up in front of him even if something strange happened!
Thinking of this, the timidity that arose in his heart gradually disappeared, he straightened his chest again, and his eyes became arrogant.

"May the Lord forgive your sins after your death..."

While reciting words from the Bible, he came to them with a torch, and then lit the firewood at the feet of the first witch amid the exclamations of everyone in the audience.


With the help of alcohol, the firewood burned at an astonishing speed. Amidst the crackling sound of burning, the flames jumped as high as half a person in a blink of an eye, and almost submerged half of the witch's thighs.

Just when he subconsciously turned around to light the second person on fire, he suddenly noticed something strange.

The witch didn't seem to scream just now.

He immediately looked back and saw that the flames were indeed burning. However, when he looked carefully, he was surprised to find that the flames avoided the witch's body, as if there was an invisible layer of air protecting it.

He couldn't help but be stunned. It was the first time in his life that he saw such a strange sight.

And the woman was looking down at her feet with a strange look in her eyes, as if she didn't understand what was going on.

Clement suddenly realized something, and his expression suddenly changed. He was so frightened that he immediately dropped the torch in his hand and held the silver cross on his chest in front of him, trembling all over.


This move immediately attracted the earl's attention.

He had been wary of this scene for a long time, but he didn't expect that this would happen when he burned the first one. He was so frightened that he immediately jumped up and hid behind the attendants around him, still shouting. "Quick! Those are witches! We must kill them!"

All the soldiers immediately raised their weapons, but none of them dared to be the first to step forward.

It wasn't until they were urged by the count and a reward was posted that anyone who could kill a witch would receive a heavy reward, that they plucked up the courage to rush forward.

But at this moment, another exclamation came from the crowd.

"Look above your head! Someone is flying!"

Clement, the Earl and others subconsciously looked up, and sure enough they saw a woman's figure flying above them on a broomstick, flying towards the execution frame at a very fast speed!
"what is that!"

"Real witches! Those are real witches! They are coming for revenge!" Someone shouted in fear, and then tried desperately to run out.

But now the square is almost crowded with people, and even if they want to escape, they can't leave immediately.

The most terrifying thing was Mr. Exorcist who was standing on the stage at this moment, watching the witch on a broom flying toward him.

He has told many lies and deceived many people in his life, and among them, there are definitely not a few people who were killed by lies such as witches.

The reason why he can continue so confidently, and even has the courage to point out someone he doesn't like and call it a witch, is because he knows that witches actually don't exist at all.

Or that witches with mysterious powers don't exist.

The closest thing the church caught to those unlucky people was to do some treacherous conceptual research, or to use some strange bottles and jars to research special potions.

All were arrested and sentenced to death for reasons that might threaten the church's dominance.

However, he knew very well from personal experience that those witches had no supernatural powers as rumored at all and could only let them do as they pleased.

That's why he came here so confidently and was sure that these people were acting.

I even think they are too stupid and ridiculous, as if they are a group of lunatics who are afraid of something that does not exist at all.

But it wasn't until now that he suddenly realized that these people might not be lying.

Witches really exist, but they have never encountered them before!

Seeing that the opponent was about to fly in front of him, he took a step back in fear, and happened to bump into a soldier wearing armor next to him, and he came to his senses instantly.

"By the way, I still have this group of people around me!"

He immediately waved his hand and shouted: "Kill this witch quickly... at least stop her!"

It's just that the evil and terrifying existence that the church said is right in front of them, and they are not those who are tied up waiting for execution, but real witches who can fly. These soldiers themselves are so scared that they want to turn around and run away, so how can they care about so many things? .

But it was too late for them to escape now. The witch flew extremely fast and was in front of them in the blink of an eye.

Under tremendous pressure, but also with a sense of luck, thinking that if they could really cut down the witch, they might become famous. Several soldiers had already swung their spears towards the opponent, trying to stab her down.

However, just when she was about to be stabbed, the witch suddenly flew higher, and then chanted a difficult spell that they couldn't understand at all.

Then the opponent raised his hand, and two huge fireballs appeared out of thin air on his palm, and rushed towards them the next second!

The soldiers had no time to react.


Several soldiers in the front row were directly knocked out by the huge flames and impact. They fell under the stage and accidentally hit a few unlucky ones, causing screams of pain one after another.

The splashing sparks caused the clothes on their bodies to burn, and in a blink of an eye they turned into a burning man screaming in agony.

The people around him turned pale with fear and ran away faster.

The witch riding the broom finally slowly stopped in front of the exorcist who was sitting on the ground.

"You can't attack me!" Clement's face was full of fear, and he held the cross tremblingly in his hand and pointed it at the opponent, "I am an exorcist...you..."

Before he finished speaking, he was kicked in the face by the opponent's foot. He rolled out like a ball and fell to the audience with a scream.

The witch looked back again and saw that the Earl, whose legs were weak, was being helped to escape. The other officials who came to the scene were also about to flee.

"It's so simple?"

Flair is incredible.

After what happened in the cell yesterday, she originally thought that there would be a fierce battle today, and maybe half of her life would be lost here, but she was already determined.

However, today it simply caught her off guard.

"Could this be a trap?" She was a little worried and looked back at the witch teacher beside her.

But when he turned around, he discovered that the witch teacher who had been by his side was nowhere to be seen.

"Forget it!"

Although she felt uneasy, she gritted her teeth.

We have reached this point and there is no turning back.

She took out the knife she had prepared long ago and untied all the ropes from the tied girls. A girl with facial features somewhat similar to hers couldn't wait to throw herself into her arms and cried "Sister".

"With me here, it's okay!"

With a choked voice, she patted her sister's shoulder to comfort her.

"Sister, why did you suddenly become a witch?" The sister wiped away her tears and snot, and touched her robe and the magical broom in surprise.

"I'll tell you this when it's safe. Follow me first."

Although the soldiers were now defeated, Fryer was still worried about what might happen, so he pulled his sister and sat on her broom.

As for the other women, she was too weak to do anything, so she could only let them run quickly, and soon she was flying towards the sky with her sister.

Because there was one more person, the flying speed was almost halved and became even more awry.

Fortunately, there were no archers arranged at the scene in advance, otherwise it would have been a terrible time.

In order to prevent anyone from chasing them, she deliberately fired a few fire missiles into the open area of ​​the crowd, and the smoke screen that immediately set off did a good job of hiding their whereabouts.

Among the people who were fleeing, only Simmons stood there blankly, watching their departure.

(End of this chapter)

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