I played the world alone

Chapter 435 The truth of the year

Chapter 435 The truth of the year (two in one)

By the time Sweet and others rushed to the bar, the entire bar and several surrounding houses had been turned into ruins. There were dozens of injured people affected, and some were buried under the ruins. It's probably more bad luck than good.

A large number of police officers and ambulances have also gathered at the scene, all of them are cordoning off the scene and rescuing the injured.

After seeing the chaos at the scene, Sweet slapped his head in pain.

"Damn, where are those three bastards?"

The policeman wiped his sweat: "We can see from the restored surveillance footage that one of the people turned into ashes in just a few seconds because he came into contact with the sun after the ceiling was broken."

"The remaining two people took advantage of the chaos to escape. They turned into bats and burrowed into the shadows, so it was difficult to catch them."

"It's really troublesome..." Sweet frowned, turned around and asked, "Does anyone know about those people who came to attack?"

"We are investigating. It should belong to some illegal supernatural organizations that have been formed privately recently because they think they are saviors. These guys are just like rats in the sewers. They are well hidden. Once they smell something, they will swarm And it’s coming.”

"A bunch of trash! How can a country as big as ours be messed up by these low-life guys without any countermeasures?"

Sweet felt a little unreasonable.

"In fact, there have been more and more such things recently."

The police chief was also a little helpless.

"You know, there are a lot of superhero movies in Hollywood now, and young people like to watch them. They all yearn to do this kind of thing of punishing criminals and eliminating evil on their own."

"It's just that they didn't have superpowers before, but now that they have them, they really dare to do this..."

"It would be fine if they really learn from superheroes to fight criminals and maintain law and order."

"In the past month, the number of reports we have received has more than tripled compared to before. And the vast majority of them are complaints about people with supernatural powers messing around!"

"Those young and energetic people only judge problems based on their own likes and dislikes, and directly intensify all kinds of things that are just minor conflicts. They even intervene in simple quarrels between some friends, and beat people half to death and send them to the emergency room. …”

"If someone dares to resist, they will be more violent..."

He spread his hands.

"And it became more and more serious. There were many small-scale organizations that claimed to be righteous and committed crimes. Several of our police officers were injured during the pursuit, which was a lot of trouble."

"If this happens again in the future, please report it to our Wizards Association, and I will arrange for someone to deal with it."

Sweet waved his hand.

The vast majority of superpowers themselves have not acquired superpowers for a long time, and their strength is not too strong. Wizards can already handle it.

"Next, you continue to investigate the movements of these people, and the bats..." He emphasized one point, "Mark every bat around, I don't believe they can escape..."


Lu Chen looked at a group of people below who were busy, and his eyes looked directly through the ground to the ground.

I saw two surviving vampires lingering in the sewer.

They were Norton and his friend Okomen.

Another Bob has become the first vampire to die in the sun, incidentally confirming the legend that the vampires are afraid of the sun.

"It seems that he has some brains and knows that the most dangerous place is the safest place."

Lu Chen glanced at them.

"I'm afraid everyone else thought that these two guys were scared out of their wits and ran away. They never thought that they were hiding under the feet of this place."

It's just that the two people are not in a good condition at the moment.

Norton had many wounds on his body, some of which were even burnt by fire, which meant that even with his vampire physique, he could not recover quickly. The severe pain made him frown from time to time, and his face was distorted, but he did not dare to scream. Come.

Okomen's condition was not good either. One of his hands was broken and his right leg was lame. He was crying and biting the rag in his mouth to keep from screaming.

"These two are really unlucky..." Seeing their miserable state, Lu Chen couldn't help but shake his head.

Not only was he being hunted by various forces, he was also seriously injured at the moment, and due to the lack of blood supply, he probably wouldn't be able to recover for a while.

I guess they are all a little desperate now.

"But don't worry, you are the troublemakers here, I won't let you be taken away so easily."

"The longer you live, the more you can become a catfish that stimulates the activity here. Maybe it can also increase the promotion motivation of other extraordinary organizations."

He casually sent something over.


"Norton, why don't we surrender! I feel like if this continues, I will die of lack of blood!"

Okomen couldn't help it. He covered the wound and struggled to spit out a few words through his teeth.

"I'm still young and I have other relatives at home. I don't want to die like this..."

Norton gritted his teeth: "No! Do you think we can live a normal life if we surrender?"

"Those people simply take a fancy to our identity as vampires! When we fall into their hands, they will lock us in a cage like wild beasts and use syringes to draw our blood every day..."

Okoman was so frightened by the scene he described that he could not help but tremble.

"Then what should we do? There is nothing here, and we dare not go out..."

"Wait, what's the sound?" Norton suddenly raised his hand to signal for silence.

Okomen immediately closed his mouth again and looked into the dark depths of the pipe with a look of horror.

Their senses are very sharp and they can hear sounds from great distances.

At this moment, they heard some rustling noises in the distance, which made them tense up again after just escaping from death.

"No, it doesn't seem like the enemy..." Norton's nose twitched slightly.

"Kind of like... blood food?"

Sure enough, several fat rats soon ran along the pipe in front of them.

But after seeing it clearly, both of them couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"so big!"

I saw that each of those mice was almost the size of a five or six-year-old child, and their hair was shiny black. They seemed to have been raised with excellent food.

The two of them had never seen such big rats before. Seeing that they were not afraid and ran towards them, they almost subconsciously felt that their hair was standing on end and wanted to escape.

But as soon as he moved, he suddenly remembered that he was a vampire now, so there was no need to be afraid of these things.

It is estimated that these mice have mutated to show such strange forms.

His heart suddenly moved.

"Suck their blood!"

"Ah?!"Okomen was suddenly shocked: "But...but these are mice!"

The thought of eating them made him want to vomit.

"Death or blood-sucking, you decide for yourself!"

Norton was already almost starving to the limit, and he couldn't care less. He pounced forward and his whole body turned into a bunch of bats, and a "swish" sound enveloped the mouse closest to them.

The mouse squeaked and then stopped moving after a few seconds.

After the bat left, only a skinny rat corpse was left on the ground.

At this moment, the other mice were also frightened and did not dare to get closer, so they fled in all directions.

But Norton was not willing to give up the blood food he had obtained, and immediately pounced on it again.

Okomen swallowed, finally unable to resist the temptation, and followed closely.

As the number of rats decreased one by one, their injuries also recovered rapidly.

In the shadows, Norton's transformed bat hung upside down on the wall, its claws dropping the last mutated mouse that had been sucked away.

"It actually tastes pretty good... It's a pity that there seem to be only these mutated rats left."

He searched around and found that the other mice in the area were all the normal size. The largest one was only the size of two palms. They also exuded a stench and had no appetite at all.

But it doesn't matter, now his injuries have been completely healed, and his strength is obviously stronger than before.

He slowly revealed his fangs, his eyes flashing with hatred.

"Sooner or later, I'm going to suck all the blood out of the guys who are chasing me today!"


On the other side, in the manor of the Wych family.

Novia returned home directly according to the instructions of her ancestors, but she didn't quite understand the intention for a while.

"Ancestor, I see that the ritual to suppress the demons over there seems to be still being completed. We can take the opportunity to investigate further, and at least talk about the extraordinary content with the Eastern Taoist priest. Why do you want to come back first?"

Fryer had no intention of explaining to her in detail. Instead, he quickly floated out of her body and then looked around, as if he was looking for something.

"Ancestor, what's wrong?" Novia looked at her expression and felt something was wrong.

"The ghost of the witch... maybe I have found her. Or she has found me..."

Novia was stunned for a moment, and then heard Fryer continue: "When I saw the other person in that aperture just now, I had a deep feeling."

"I saw her, and she saw me... and she will definitely come to find me..."

Just as he was talking, Fryer suddenly floated and stopped in front of the portrait of himself on the wall, his eyes solemn.

"Come out."

Novia suddenly realized something and immediately turned around to look.

The next second, he saw "Fryer" in the portrait slowly turning his head, looking at the ancestor in mid-air, and then smiled.


There was only a slight sound like water coming out, a ripple spread across the surface of the oil painting, and a completely unfamiliar ghost actually flew out of it!

Both her appearance and outfit are almost exactly the same as the witch in the circle of light!

Novia's eyes widened instantly.

"Is this the ancestor's teacher? The origin of my own lineage of wizards?!"

My ancestor has lived for more than four hundred years, so how long has this one lived?

She recalled what the pure-blood wizard had said before, and she felt more and more that this kind of existence was really unbelievable.

"Hey, it's been so long and I see you again, Flair."

Fryer stared closely at the ghost in front of him, who looked and sounded exactly the same as he had hundreds of years ago.

She will never forget the night when she first met the other person. Even until the end of her life, the nightmares she had were filled with the other person.

Perhaps she should thank the other party, after all, she saved herself, but the fear of the unknown always lingered in her heart.

"I didn't expect that after so long, you would be in the same state as me. Do you think it's very strange?" The witch didn't have any hostility, but was very close to her.

It seemed as if the time between the two reunions was not hundreds of years, but just a few hours.

"No, please forgive me. In this state, I only feel helpless and fearful. I even think that maybe it would be the best outcome for me to die when my normal body dies."

Flair shook his head.

"This is not good news. With your qualifications, you are in your current situation. I don't know how many people would envy you."

"But I always doubt one thing, am I really a witch?"

Flair finally asked the question she'd been pondering for hundreds of years.

This sentence made Novia next to him stunned for a moment.

If the ancestors are not witches, then who are the others?

Fryer continued to speak slowly: "After I left that year, my sister and I lived in seclusion together. Later, I also wanted to find other wizards, and even took the initiative to sneak into the church to see those poor people who were arrested..."

"But without exception nothing came of it."

"Later on, I also tried many times to teach magic and spells to others, so that I could have someone of the same kind, at least no longer so alone."

"But it also failed."

"Even the descendants of myself and my sister!"

"For more than three hundred years, I have tried countless times, but none of them have succeeded."

Her expression was a little gloomy.

"I was thinking at that time, who am I? A witch or a mutated alien? Or did you use some special method on me to make me a wizard?"

But the witch didn't answer, just looked at her quietly.

Flair continued.

"It wasn't until a hundred years ago, during the Great Fog Disaster that was hidden in history, that I finally learned the clues about other wizards in the world."

"It's just that when I arrived at the scene, the so-called ancestor of wizards, Rice, had been sealed, and the other wizards were also missing."

"In the following decades, I tried every means to successfully find several wizards, and used various benefits and threats to bring them into the family, and used their genes to successfully bring about the emergence of our family. Got a new wizard..."

"Fortunately, perhaps because of me, a small number of descendants of our family have the opportunity to possess strong spiritual power. After becoming wizards, their magic is also particularly powerful."

"But it does confirm my previous speculation."

"Maybe I'm not a witch, I'm just a puppet specially created by you to complete your evil plan. It's just a coincidence that I'm lucky enough to survive until now in a soul state..."

Novia next to her was a little stunned and didn't dare to say a word. She even wished she could cast an amnesia spell on herself to forget those words she just said.

(End of this chapter)

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