I played the world alone

Chapter 453 Another world?

Chapter 453 Another world? (-in-)

As for the specific truth, it is most convenient to directly ask the person involved.

But when Sweet led people to find the parents of the chosen ones, they were a little surprised.

"Huh? Isn't it natural for wizards to go to magic school?"

Sitting in the living room of the client's home, the young parents not only did not have any worries, but felt that it was a bit strange for people like them from the Security Bureau to investigate this fact, and even infringed on their right to privacy!

"Since my child has the gift of a wizard, isn't it normal for him to go to school?"

Sweet frowned and immediately advised: "But you must understand one thing. This school itself does not exist, and it has not been officially recognized by our country. We have not yet figured out what their purpose is. , this is very dangerous!”

However, the other party retorted naturally: "But Hogwarts has not received official permission, and even ordinary people have no idea about it! You want to control everything, but it will destroy the mystery of wizards, won't it? ?”

It made so much sense that Sweet didn't know how to respond.

Since the other party has not done anything illegal or criminal, no coercive measures can be taken. The only good news is that they have found a place to enroll.

That's where Pricia entered the station before.

Soon, the area around the wall was controlled by the police, and an isolation tape was erected within a hundred meters of the surrounding area to prevent tourists from entering by mistake.

Although it may affect some passengers taking the train, we can't control that much now and can only let them go around.

Many people began to gather around, curious about what was going on here.

At this time, Sweet was standing in front of the wall and touched it suspiciously.

The top is very hard, it must be just an ordinary wall.

However, according to a mother who had sent her child to the station herself before, she saw her child pass through here with her own eyes.

It is precisely because of this that she can be sure that this is not a prank but a real admissions process to a magic academy!

"Does it mean that only wizards can enter?"

He guessed, and simply asked one of his wizards to come here and let him try it himself.

"This wall? But I don't feel any magical aura on it."

This wizard is a young man who has also watched classic wizard movies such as Harry Potter.

"Although I admire the imagination of those authors, the magic of walking through a wall and entering another world like this does not exist as far as I know."

"I even tried the classic platform nine and three-quarters before, and there was no..."

The wizard warned in a low voice, fearing that the other party would cause trouble for him again if he was disappointed.

Then, under the urging of Sweet with a cold face, he hurried forward and touched the wall.

Sure enough, there was no way to get in.

"Let's see..."

The young wizard was about to speak, but the next second he saw Sweet's cold face, he was so frightened that he immediately shut his mouth.

Although this officer does not have any extraordinary powers, he is in charge of their wages and other conditions. He can be regarded as the bread and butter of them, so he has to be treated with care.

"Is it really a lie?" Fortunately, Sweet didn't argue with him, but frowned in thought.

"But if that's the case, what happened to the children who were actually sent out before?"

At this moment, he suddenly heard sounds coming from the outside, which seemed to be making a noise.

"What's going on?" He looked back with some dissatisfaction.

I happened to see a police officer running over in a hurry.

"A pair of parents outside sent their children over, saying they were going to a magic school..."

"But now this side has been blocked, so they can't get through. They are arguing with us and trying to break in!"


Sweet was stunned, not expecting it to be such a coincidence.

Immediately waved: "Okay, no need to stop them, let them come over."

It just so happens that he lacks an example.

Soon, the couple came nervously under the escort of several police officers, but their eyes brightened after seeing the wall.

He glanced at Sweet and others warily: "Can we go in?"

"Of course." Sweet nodded and added in his mind: "If you can."

After receiving permission, they immediately escorted the child forward.

I saw a very nervous child hiding behind them who had already put on a cosplay-like wizard student uniform in advance, and was holding a wholesale wand in his hand that he didn't know where it came from, maybe bought from an amusement park.

Of course, there is also a birdcage, in which is a chubby round-faced owl.

For those who didn’t know, they would have thought that he ran out of the studio, attracting the attention of many passers-by and marveling at him.

Even Sweet and others couldn't help but take a second look.

The young wizard next to him had a strange expression on his face, as if he wanted to laugh but was covering his mouth to endure it out of etiquette.

"Hey look at that wand, it's just a toy..." He muttered quietly, covering his mouth for fear of being caught laughing.

"And this outfit is too retro..."

The parents on the other side were very confident. While giving some instructions, they helped their children check if there was anything missing.

Finally, he waved his hands with a smile and watched the child enter the wall until he disappeared from everyone's sight.

It's just that although they looked like they were taking it for granted, the people next to them were dumbfounded and a little unbelievable.

Especially the young wizard just now!

He had just confirmed it a second ago, and swore in front of his superiors that this was just an ordinary wall.

But was slapped in the face the next second? !

This made him so embarrassed. At the same time, he turned to glance at Sweet uneasily. When he met the other person's cold eyes, he couldn't help but scratch his head and smile in embarrassment.

At the same time, he muttered in a low voice: "But I really didn't find any traces of magic on it..."

As he spoke, he stepped forward and touched the wall again to confirm again.

But still can't get over it. "If this is really the road to the Magic Academy, then a genuine wizard like myself should be able to get in!"

He really couldn't understand.

But it didn't matter whether he found out or not.

This matter has been confirmed, there really is such an unknown magic academy!

The official investigation of this place has not been completely hidden, and with the huge momentum of this unified enrollment, most people in the wizarding circle have noticed it and are also investigating it.

Sweet was not surprised by this, and also issued an announcement to collect clues and seek information from insiders.

It's just that even the oldest Veitch family has no idea about this. Novia said that she knew that the school existed not much earlier than him.

Similarly, even though several big figures in the wizarding circle have been invited to actively investigate, including checking this strange wall, there are still no results.

The next day.

"There is indeed no magic attached to it."

Slowly retracting the hand that touched the wall several times, Novia shook her head.

"This suggests that the way those children traveled through the wall may not have been through magic."

"What else could it be?" Sweet asked confused.

"It's not clear, but it shouldn't be something we are familiar with." Novia looked at it solemnly.

She was not speaking out loud, the reason why she was so sure was because the ancestor attached to her body also said the same thing.

In fact, they couldn't help but think of another mysterious possibility——

"Is it possible that the other side of this door is actually connected to another legendary world of pure-blood wizards?"

And this also had new results a few days later.

Because many children from wizarding families of the same age actually received an admission notice!

And it is also the magic school that has been recorded in the security bureau!

Even the children of Novia's two cousins ​​in the Wych family received the notice, which made her stunned.

Upon further investigation, I was shocked to find that almost all wizards' children had received admission notices!

And the key point is that this notice was not sent by an owl, nor was it sent by ordinary express delivery, but it just appeared on their child's bed out of thin air, leaving no trace of the sender at all!

This makes people a little uneasy and scared.

Especially those wizards who are not well-known themselves, such as wizards who are wanted by the authorities and dare not reveal their whereabouts.

If they can deliver the letter, it means that their whereabouts are exposed, and the police may come to them at any time.

Of course, in addition to these guys with guilty consciences, some well-known veteran wizard families also feel a little angry, annoyed that they are being slighted!

"Our children don't need to go to some inexplicable magic academy to study. We can give him a good enough education ourselves."

"And I have never heard of the name of the principal of this school. I don't know which unknown little wizard is so bold as to do such weird things."

"You'd better pray that we don't find you, otherwise we will definitely teach you a harsh lesson!"

What's embarrassing is that even though the entrance is right there, they can't get in at all.

Instead, you can see children who have received admission letters walking around freely, making them look like stupid Muggles in comparison.

Fortunately, Sweet quickly thought of a solution.

"Let a child who has received the notice go in with a body camera and take pictures of everything he sees inside. It is best to also bring a locator and use satellite positioning technology to see where this mysterious school is. !”

Once this decision was proposed, it immediately received high praise and support, and many wizard families were very interested in it.

Fortunately, there is no limit on the opening time of the so-called magic school this time, so some students did not set off to enroll immediately. Instead, they purchased various things they might need in advance and postponed it for a few days.

So with the abilities of Sweet and others, they quickly found a suitable candidate.

It was a girl whose parents were wizards, about twelve years old.

She was also chosen because her parents both worked in the Security Bureau and were members of the Wizards Association, making her easier to control.

His parents originally did not plan to go to this strange magic academy, but they decided to agree to it after Sweet's request.

"Anyway, just treat it as a publicly funded trip."

So this time, in addition to the magic equipment, she also had a variety of sophisticated electronic equipment to ensure that the entire process could be recorded.

And as the girl waved her hands to them, and then walked directly through the wall without any hindrance, this in-depth study officially kicked off!

However, this first investigation did not go too far. In less than five minutes, the girl returned along the original route.

At that time, he still looked shocked and shouted excitedly that on the other side of the wall was a strange and ancient train platform, and there were many people who were also suspected of being wizards waiting there.

The time she entered was also coincidental. The retro-style steam train slowly drove into the station with a rumbling sound, which made her even more amazed.

Fortunately, the camera captured the whole process faithfully.

After quickly copying all the video materials, the girl couldn't wait to run back to the other side of the wall to get on the train before it left.

Because it is said that the flight seems to be only once a day. If you miss this time, you will have to wait until tomorrow.

On this side of the wall, Sweet, the girl's parents, and other members were staring closely at the magical picture displayed on the laptop screen, and they couldn't help but fall into silence.

Even such a short five-minute video was watched several times by them before they finally came to their senses.

"This... is all true?!"

The architectural style of the platform on the other side of the wall is quite different from that here, and the huge steam train is extremely rare. Only freight trains specially used to transport large goods may exist.

But it is basically rare now, and every one of them is considered an antique.

Not to mention the various magical creatures that flashed through the lens, all of which should not exist in reality!

But now they all appeared in front of them...

It can basically be concluded that the world over there may be a brand new, unknown magical world!

Of course, there is another very important reason.

That is, after the girl passed through the wall, the locator that was always connected to the satellite failed!

As a military-grade positioning system, as long as the opponent is still on the earth and not underground or in the deep sea, it is basically impossible for him to completely disappear.

This discovery made many people look at each other.

Therefore, more people, such as Sweet and the empire's top officials, as well as the wizards who learned the news, paid great attention to this unexpected discovery.

That might be a whole new world!

Who can not be moved? !

(End of this chapter)

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