I played the world alone

Chapter 484 Don’t make trouble here

Chapter 484 Don’t make trouble here (Happy New Year!)

Back to the foot of the deep mountain.

The villagers continued their normal daily routine, but Lu Chen did not rush directly into the forest this time.

"There must be something wrong in those ruins. Maybe the mysterious strong man who killed me last time is hiding inside."

This time he decided to start with the surrounding residents.

But ordinary people like the woodcutter last time definitely have nothing to dig into, and they don't understand much.

So he went directly to the nearest county town, intending to look for files and records in the local county government.

The towns here were much more lively than the ancient feudal society he saw in his flashback. People were coming and going at the city gate, and there was an endless stream of traders carrying burdens and driving donkey carts.

And there is basically no bad situation of sallowness and thinness. It can be seen that life here is relatively affluent, so that the people at the bottom can also enjoy a normal standard of living.

But even so, there are class distinctions here.

She was sneakily dragging an ordinary person who was passing by who looked like he had a little money in his hands, trying to sell the product in a flashy and glamorous way.

Sure enough, when the other party saw his appearance, he guessed that he must be a rich fat sheep. He immediately narrowed his eyes and came up to him, and said mysteriously: "Young hero, look at you..."

"You are so powerful, why are you still selling your skills here?"

But what made him more concerned was that the spiritual energy in the opponent's body was only a very pitiful amount. It was estimated that even at the third level of Qi training, he was much stronger than her.

But unexpectedly, he had already found his target before he even came to the county government office.

"Hey, it's easy to talk." The girl obviously looked like she had bright eyes and white teeth, but her smile made her look like a profiteer, and she even rubbed her fingers.

But when he noticed her, she was in a corner of the street, eloquently selling immortality cultivation techniques.

Because according to his observations, this girl is indeed an immortal cultivator, but her level is very low, probably around the third level of foundation building.

"The Immortal Record of Death"...

"Show it to me. If it fits I'll buy it."

The difference between some elegant and wealthy young men who happened to be out of town for fun and the ordinary people next to them could be seen at a glance.

But these are not the point.

"Young hero, take a look. If you're not satisfied, I still have it here!"

"Uh, yes!" The woman choked and nodded subconsciously.

"My friend, do you want to become an immortal? You will live forever, have the unstoppable strength of thousands of people, can fly to the sky and escape from the earth, and can do anything..."

Although it sounds very tempting, this kind of behavior does not look like the legendary immortal cultivators at all, but more like the small dealers who secretly sold pirated and illegal CDs in the past.

And obviously, the passerby didn't believe her. Instead, he thought she was a lunatic. He waved his hand and pushed her away: "Don't bother me. I'm still cultivating immortality... Do you think I'm a fool?"

This is really too tragic.

Lu Chen found it a bit interesting.

Even when he entered the city gate, the two soldiers guarding the city were polite and had no intention of questioning him.

The name was quite prestigious, but after a casual glance, he found that it was only at the ninth level of the Qi training stage, and the quality was not very good.

"It just so happens that I have some techniques for cultivating immortals here. If you are not satisfied, I have several other techniques that I can teach you..."

"Okay, that's cool enough!"

The woman's eyes lit up. After waiting for a long time, she finally waited until the first business was about to open. She immediately happily took out three books from under the loose coat.

"Each of these secret books only costs two taels of silver...er, one hundred taels! Banknotes from the bank are also fine, so I don't have to choose."

A serious "immortal cultivator"!

And she was a little girl wearing a dark gray loose cloth and a plush felt hat, but she looked quite playful.

Lu Chen, who was brightly dressed, with a sword on his waist, and an extraordinary temperament, was obviously a "rich man" in the eyes of others, and others kept a distance from him.

Lu Chen nodded, casually took out a small bundle from behind and handed it over.

He pretended to be satisfied and nodded slightly: "How to sell it?"

Regardless of the bad guy following behind, the difference in clothing and temperament made the latter not even dare to block the former's path, nor did he lower his head to look more.

Lu Chen casually took it and took a look at it.

"Red Cloud Thunder Skill"

The gap between him and the kind of immortal cultivator that Lu Chen imagined was a little too big.

Obviously he has prepared money to "open up connections" and sneak in.

After saying that, he left without looking back.

With Lu Chen's current level, he could easily make up a bunch of more effective low-level techniques.

The girl didn't chase him, she just glared angrily and went to look for the next possible customer. She was obviously used to this kind of treatment.

After seeing that the other party failed to sell the second customer again, he stepped forward.

After entering the city, Lu Chen briefly inquired about the location of the county government office and then walked slowly over.

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted directly by Lu Chen.

"Are you selling secrets on cultivating immortals?"

The girl looked at him suspiciously, then took it carefully and took a look. She found that it was full of high-quality silver, and the weight definitely exceeded one hundred taels!

Her eyes suddenly widened, and she felt a little regretful in her heart.

"I knew I should have shouted a little higher. It's not easy for me to meet such a victim..."

However, his eyes rolled again, and he immediately became more enthusiastic than before: "Since the young hero plans to cultivate immortality, he can't do it without the resources for cultivation. It just so happens that there is an underground auction house nearby that specializes in auctioning materials for immortality cultivation!"

"If the young hero is interested, he might as well hire a little girl as a guide..."

Before she could finish speaking, the big fat sheep casually threw over another ingot of silver, which was quite substantial.

"Lead the way."

It felt as if what was lost was not money, but a stone thrown by the roadside and no one wanted it.


The girl's eyes were almost crinkled with laughter, and she was constantly glad that she came here today.

The so-called auction house is indeed as it says, very hidden.

If it weren't for someone in the know to lead the way, it would be difficult to find him through all the twists and turns.

During this process, Lu Chen simply spoke a few words and got a general idea of ​​the girl's situation from her mouth.

The girl's name is Bai Die, and her strength is indeed at the third level of foundation building. The strongest member of the Bai family where she belongs is said to be at the peak of the Golden Core stage, but he has not appeared for a long time.

According to her own words, she should be making a breakthrough in retreat, and she will reappear in a few days, leading the Bai family to the top!

As for whether it was true or not, she probably didn't have much confidence in it herself. Her eyes dodged when she spoke, and she felt very guilty.

But he said it loudly, as if to make others believe it.

As for the origin of these exercises, she said that they were all the Bai family's own inventory, and their origins were absolutely legitimate and there was no need to worry. Lu Chen didn't doubt this.

The only question is that these techniques are indeed real, but the most critical spiritual energy is not there at all.

I’m afraid no matter how powerful a genius is, it’s impossible for him to get started!

Soon, Baidie took him to the door of a relatively remote house.

There were two tall and thick men standing at the door. They seemed to be very skilled, and there was still a trace of spiritual energy in their bodies. Ordinary people could easily handle them.

With Baidie's identity authentication, the two of them entered successfully.

This is a manor bought by a wealthy businessman for summer vacation. It is very large, with pavilions, lakes and rockeries.

Baidie led him inside in a familiar manner, and met several acquaintances on the way to say hello, while introducing him quietly.

"This auction is run by a very powerful Nascent Soul Stage monk. It has been held regularly every day for ten years. Occasionally, some good things will appear. It's not bad to try your luck every day..."

"...You must not cause trouble here, otherwise you will be wiped out with just a snap of the Nascent Soul monk's fingers..."

Listening to her introduction, Lu Chen nodded thoughtfully, and at the same time, his eyes seemed to casually glance at the second floor of a loft by the lake in the distance.

There is one and only Nascent Soul Stage monk here.

He looked quite old, and even had age spots, as if he was about to step into a coffin at any time.

But the strange thing is that Lu Chen can clearly feel that the other party is not very old, far from reaching the life limit of 1500 years old in the Nascent Soul stage.

"So old..."

Lu Chen quickly discovered the problem.

The amount of spiritual energy in the opponent's body was also pitifully small, at most it was only the first or second level of the foundation building stage!

For a strong person in the Nascent Soul stage, this is almost the same as having no spiritual energy!

It's no wonder that he has become such an old man.

At this moment, many immortal cultivators who also came to participate in the auction had gathered in an open space by the lake.

After a glance, most of them were in the Qi training stage, a few were in the Foundation building stage, and there were only two in the Golden Core stage, and they were equally mysterious. They were sitting in a sedan chair that concealed their faces and consciousness, and there were special maids around them to serve them.

However, this low-level restriction could not stop Lu Chen, and he could penetrate it at will without him noticing.

As expected, these golden elixir stage powerhouses are also aging. The youngest one already looks like a middle-aged man, with some gray hair on his head.

Baidie was already very familiar with this place. She took Lu Chen and sat down in the corner. While introducing him to a few familiar people or people he shouldn't mess with, he told him the rules here.

"Remember, the items being auctioned here are all useful for cultivating immortals, so the prices will be relatively expensive."

"Is the currency here the same as that in the mortal world?" Lu Chen was curious.

"Of course."

"Are there any spiritual stones?"

"Lingshi? You actually know this..." Bai Die was startled, and looked at him with a strange expression, "But the spirit stones have been used up long ago, and there is almost no one still circulating in this world." Spiritual stone.”

"And compared to its actual value, it is more suitable as a symbol of the strength of a family or sect, and will basically not be traded."

"I see……"

Lu Chen somewhat understood the situation in this world.

After the spiritual energy of heaven and earth cannot be absorbed, these objects with their own spiritual energy become extremely precious.

But at this moment, Bai Die added casually: "But there are other treasures in the world that may contain spiritual energy. If you have a chance to get them, you can get them at this kind of auction."

"Those high-level monks really like it. With aura, they can use more spells and delay aging and death..."

"It can even increase the success rate of advancement..."

“The price will definitely satisfy you!”

"Of course, you can also leave it to me for consignment, which will save you the trouble of running errands and registration, and only requires a small handling fee."

She obviously didn't think that the young man in front of her would have such a treasure, so she just mentioned it casually, and soon turned to other topics, saying that a certain strong man in the foundation building stage had a bad temper, or that a certain old monster in the golden elixir stage liked kill……

Lu Chen was still thinking about what he said just now, and his heart skipped a beat.

Now that I think about it, the reason why I was killed so suddenly last time was because my unscrupulous use of spiritual energy was too conspicuous, so I became a living "spiritual stone" in the eyes of the old monster...

After all, normally speaking, as long as a monk dies, the spiritual energy in his body will not be wasted. The other party will definitely have a way to collect it and reuse it.

But I never imagined that he could come back from the dead!

His aura will return after death and will not be taken away and used by others.

"Sure enough, it is right to keep a low profile. We should try our best to avoid that place in the future..."

He suddenly remembered that Baidie might know some inside information, and immediately asked.

But it's a pity that this girl doesn't know much about the situation there.

"I only heard that there used to be a very powerful sect on that mountain. There was even an ancestor in it who overcame the tribulation and became an immortal. His strength is almost among the best in the entire world of immortality!"

"But they suddenly disappeared not long after the spiritual energy pollution. It is said that someone went to investigate and it seems that the entire sect was destroyed, and only ruins were left in the place. It is very miserable."

This is also the limit that low-level monks like Baidie can understand.

I heard that some monks tried to pick up the treasures to see if they could find some treasures that were not destroyed, but many of them never returned, and no one knew what happened.

In addition, there is indeed no good stuff there, so over time no one cares about it, as if it has been forgotten.

As he was talking, the auction was about to begin.

There were about a hundred people gathered in total, and the ratio of monk levels was almost the same as before. It was just that there was one more Jindan stage sedan, and the pomp was also quite large.

There was almost a long queue of servants around him.

They probably all came to see if they could come across any spiritual treasures being auctioned.

It seems that the three of them are still politely communicating with each other in secret, communicating privately, but if they really encounter some treasure that contains spiritual energy, they are guaranteed to be the first to fall out and fight!

In Lu Chen's eyes, the combined spiritual power of everyone present, including that person at the Nascent Soul stage, could not compare to that of a monk at about the sixth level of the Foundation Establishment stage who had practiced seriously.

This is the result of them frugally and slowly saving up, which is really pitiful.

The host of the auction is a mortal woman with a well-proportioned figure and outstanding appearance, but there are several foundation-building monks around her to protect her.

The contents of the auction are indeed similar to what Baidie said. They are basically some basic objects.

For example, there are some high-level exercises, and some magic weapons, talismans, etc. that lack the spiritual energy to be activated later.

And some old medicinal materials seem to be very popular here. A century-old ginseng can be sold for hundreds of taels of gold.

There seems to be an element of gambling involved.

Many people will bet on whether they will be lucky and contain some aura before the pollution.

Lu Chen could hear Baidie swallowing next to him.

I don’t know if I’m craving ginseng or gold.

(End of this chapter)

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