I played the world alone

第488章 1生1世都用不完!(2合1)

Chapter 488 You can never use it up in a lifetime! (-in-)

Although Baidie said that this young man was an old man who should be respected even in the Nascent Soul stage, everyone in the Bai family still found it hard to believe it.

If they didn't believe that Baidie wouldn't joke about such a big thing, they would probably throw up their sleeves and leave.

Even so, there were many elders at the scene who had to come here because they had temporarily left what they were doing, and were dissatisfied with Baidie's somewhat reckless move.

Not to mention that the other party also proposed that it was closely related to the retreat with the ancestor!

There were some sarcastic remarks at the scene. Baidie almost got into a fight with some young people.

However, when Lu Chen showed off the power of his divine transformation stage, everyone immediately fell silent, not daring to say a single word of complaint.

The second uncle I met when I first came in was even more stunned, as if he had seen a ghost.

In this day and age, there is such a young old monster in the transformation stage?

At the same time, his eyes couldn't stop wandering back and forth between Bai Die and this god-transformation stage, as if he was thinking carefully about the relationship between the two people.

Maybe it is a new hope for their Bai family?

But these are still secondary. What they are more excited about is that since this old monster in the transformation stage takes action, there should be more hope for their ancestor to break through!

Immediately, Bai Liangzhe, the current head of the Bai family and the second floor of the Jindan stage, was respectful and excited, wanting to send a message to the ancestor who was in retreat, explaining this great happy event.

In the end, it was Lu Chen who spoke out to persuade him.

From the beginning to the end, everyone in the Bai family was in a state of confusion.

While other monks are unable to use spells due to lack of spiritual energy, the Bai family can use them endlessly as they please...

But at the same time, there was a look of surprise and uneasiness on his face: "Ancestor, your strength..."

"Ancestor...really, really has a new world full of spiritual energy?!" Bai Liangzhe's voice trembled.

A loud noise was heard, and Bai Liangzhe was blown into the courtyard, and a wall was smashed. Suddenly, flying dust was flying, and a burst of smoke filled the air.

"This is my grand plan to revitalize the Bai family. How can I risk failure because of you selfish juniors?"

If anyone else had told them such outrageous things, they would have kicked him out a long time ago.

Bai Liangzhe's eyes suddenly lit up, and his expression was ecstatic: "This is a good sign for the great prosperity of my Bai family!"

However, such movement may seem scary, but in fact, for the Golden Core Stage, it is basically the same as scratching an itch, so others were surprised but not too worried.

They might have deceived themselves before, believing that their ancestor was still in retreat. As long as they persisted, they might be able to see new hope.

But what shocked them was that the ancestor was only left with a slightly illusory soul!

"It's over...our Bai family is going to be over..."

Bai Liangzhe didn't dare to resist, and he felt that the ancestor's strength must be weak due to the current environment, so he thought that standing and letting him fight would be a way to calm down.

They all know what this situation means——

If such a good opportunity failed, how could they have the dignity to go see their ancestors? !

"You bastard, what did you say?"

The head of the family, Bai Liangzhe, who was overjoyed just now, turned pale instantly and staggered.

But now this person is the ancestor of their Bai family, and he speaks so convincingly that they can't help but believe him.


It's a pity that Lu Chen couldn't let them leave on their own. After all, no one could tell whether they would leak the secret due to some coercion or inducement.

Of course, it is inevitable that there will be those who disagree. Those who would rather be an ordinary person from now on than become someone else's slave.

Unexpectedly, he was faced with an astonishing force. When he sensed something was wrong but had no time to react, he was instantly blown away!

But Lu Chen suddenly spoke out to dissuade him: "There is no need to send a message. Let your ancestor come and tell you in person."

Isn’t this invincible? !

These words made the others confused, and they couldn't help but look at each other.

After all, what you lose must be what you gain. Compared with what you get, this little effort is not worth mentioning.

The ancestor’s breakthrough in seclusion failed and he has fallen!

But now this hope has been shattered, and their next fate may be very bleak...

The other juniors showed fear and despair.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and before they could react, they suddenly saw the figure of their ancestor appearing in front of them.

Just thinking about it made him flush with excitement, and he felt even more comfortable than when he first succeeded in cultivation and faded away from his mortal body!

In contrast, the matter of confessing the Lord has become a trivial matter that receives little attention.

Bai Zhenggong nodded: "Can I still lie to you?"

Bai Zhenggong's eyes widened and he slapped him directly.

Bai Zhenggong stroked his beard and wanted to show off, but he quickly came to his senses after catching a glimpse of Lu Chen beside him. He must not miss the important matter and quickly explained the general situation.

Immediately, Bai Liangzhe asked for orders to clean up the house.

In fact, not only him, but everyone in the Bai family, especially the ancestor Bai Zhenggong, was the first to disagree!

"Isn't it just that my ancestor failed to break through and fell? Why are you so frustrated here?"

Bai Liangzhe had forgotten to mourn and asked cautiously: "Ancestor, do you have anything else to tell us before you leave? Don't worry, we will do our best..."

On the contrary, when Bai Zhenggong saw his descendants looking so helpless, he felt that he had lost face in front of this powerful man. He couldn't help but his face darkened and he flicked his sleeves: "You incompetent things!"

Sure enough, Bai Liangzhe, who had just been buried by the broken bricks in the next second, had already returned to the house in a flash.

"It doesn't matter even if you don't recognize the Lord, but from now on you will definitely not be allowed to act in the outside world. Just stay in that world and be ordinary people who keep their peace."

The few people who were lucky enough to escape and did not want to recognize their master could only agree.

After all, there is no third option.

As one of the most loyal people to the family, Bai Die immediately swore the oath without any hesitation, which can be regarded as setting an example.

Later, after everyone in the Bai family took an oath, and the few who were left were under control, Lu Chen officially opened the light door to his own little world.

They looked at each other, but no one was the first to raise their feet.

It was Bai Zhenggong who took the lead to pass through, and the others followed cautiously.

After passing through, everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them.

"Aura...Aura...so much aura! I can't use it all in a lifetime!"

Some with poor moral character knelt on the ground in excitement and roared to the sky, while others used their noses to sniff around like dogs. Although the aura could not be sensed by the five senses, this made them feel more at ease.

The pores all over the body were stretched, and it was a hundred times more comfortable than soaking in a hot spring!

Even Baidie is no exception.

The little girl ran around excitedly, but was a little restrained at first, for fear that the spiritual energy would be used up. But when she discovered that no matter how she used it, the spiritual energy would continue to flow out, she immediately began to excitedly experiment with the various spells she knew but had never been willing to use.

And there are many young people like her.

Most of them were born before and after the disaster, and have not yet experienced how wonderful the world was before the disaster.

At this moment, I suddenly felt so wonderful, and I suddenly felt that the fairy world after ascension would be nothing more than this!

The other older elders also lamented and sighed.

They originally thought that they might have to live such a useless life for the rest of their lives, and that they might even die of old age early due to lack of spiritual energy before reaching half of their life span, and they were extremely depressed.

Who would have thought that there would be a sudden turn of events!

"Sure enough, my Bai family's life should not be cut off!"

At the same time, they are also hurriedly absorbing spiritual energy to replenish their strength, trying to restore themselves to their peak state.

As for the few high-grade spiritual stones that Bai Zhenggong used to treasure as if they were immortal treasures, they are no longer valued by them now.

Although it can still be used, it has little meaning in itself. It is better to keep it and maybe use it for other transactions.

Even Bai Zhenggong looked down upon him.

Because Lu Chen had already promised him to turn into a ghost cultivator and transform all his previous cultivation as soon as possible.

The other party can also provide a large amount of elixir assistance to speed up the progress.

As long as he can successfully break through the Nascent Soul stage, his future treatment will be absolutely generous. The elixir refined from the thousand-year-old elixir cannot be eaten as jelly beans. At least he can take one occasionally when he needs it for practice!

Pills of that level really can't be bought simply with spirit stones!

Financial and material resources, as well as the most important connections, are indispensable. It also depends on the right time, place and people.

In comparison, no matter how good the spirit stone is, it is nothing more than worthless.

After their excitement had subsided, Lu Chen said slowly: "Although your oath to recognize the Lord is true, accidents will inevitably happen, so when you enter here, your bodies have been automatically marked. My mark.”

"If there is any situation that betrays me in the future, I will know about it and can detonate it at any time to annihilate your souls. But as long as you don't do anything wrong, this brand can actually help you practice here. I hope you can take care of yourself."

Everyone in the Bai family was suddenly shocked. Even if anyone had any evil thoughts, they would have given them up long ago.

Then he led them to meet Niu Hao and other people from the demon clan who had already been stationed here.

"From now on, you can also be regarded as my outer disciples of the Immortal Xuan Sect. You can freely expand this village. You can build houses and lay foundations, or you can farm, raise fish and raise meat and livestock..."

Lu Chen, who could be regarded as the first "aboriginal people" in the world, patiently explained the rules to them.

"You should try your best to live in harmony. If there are any conflicts, you can ask Niu Hao and Bai Liangzhe to judge what is right or wrong, or sign a life and death certificate for a duel under their supervision. However, no private fights to the death are allowed. Otherwise, regardless of right or wrong, you can directly Kill..."

Ordinary quarrels or fights cannot be completely prohibited. He has already thought of this, so there must be an official responsible for supervision.

At present, the number of people is still small and easier to manage. The total number of demon clan and Bai family is only a few hundred but not more than a thousand, which is equivalent to a small village.

Although Bai Zhenggong was nominally at the peak of his golden elixir strength, that was during his lifetime, and his current soul strength was almost non-existent, so the family leader Bai Liangzhe still had to take charge.

This little old man will first practice hard to regain his strength.

In this way, the strength of the demon clan and the human clan will be relatively close to balance. In addition, there will be one of my own puppets in the early stage of becoming a god, so there will basically be no problems.

"By the way, now that the area is getting bigger and bigger, we have to arrange for people from the Bai family to patrol the surrounding area to avoid possible trouble..."

What he was most worried about was that while he was working hard outside, his home would be robbed.

By the way, this group of people from the Bai family can also teach a few children serious immortality courses, which is considered to be a good use of their resources.

When Bai Zhenggong saw the ten children, he couldn't help but froze for a moment, and immediately his breathing became faster.

"Genius...these are the best seedlings! Where do they come from?"

"If this were placed before the disaster, it would definitely be a good seedling that all the major sects are rushing to get. If they enter, they will be at the level of true disciples of the powerful elders!"

But in front of me, there are actually ten of these children!

Moreover, the clothes they were wearing seemed a bit strange, and they felt out of place.

Lu Chen just explained: "They are similar to you, they are all selected from another world."

"Their world is also polluted by spiritual energy?" Bai Zhenggong was startled.

With this small world in front of me as a foreshadowing, and the Xianxuan Sect where immortals are stationed, it seems that it is easy to accept that there are thousands of other worlds.

Lu Chen smiled hoarsely and said vaguely: "That's not true... just tell them whether you are willing to teach them."

Bai Zhenggong nodded quickly: "That's natural. I'm afraid that my skills are too low and I won't be able to teach them..."

He was indeed a little panicked, afraid that he would delay these good seedlings.

Lu Chen didn't care.

He asked the other party to mainly teach these children how to practice before reaching the golden elixir stage, and not to rush after that.

At present, the Bai family's knowledge reserve plus the immortal cultivation textbooks collected before are completely sufficient.

"By the way, there's one more thing. You pick a few smart ones from the descendants of your Bai family and return to your world to help me collect the information I need."

Bai Zhenggong immediately agreed.

Soon someone was found.

There are five people in total, all of them are outstanding young people who look between 20 and 30 years old and are in the foundation-building stage of strength.

What was a little surprising was that Bai Die was not one of them.

A little embarrassed, she was taken aside alone, bowing her head shyly and saying nothing.

Bai Zhenggong chuckled: "Senior, Bai Die has been the smartest and most sensible child since she was a child, and she is also pretty. Why don't you let her follow you as a personal maid? No matter what you ask her to do, yes."

Lu Chen couldn't help but look a little strange.

Could it be that this little old man was mistaken and thought that he took care of the Bai family because he fell in love with his granddaughter.

However, looking at Baidie's appearance, she didn't seem to have any objections. On the contrary, she was very willing.

Lu Chen was very sure that the two of them had only met for half a day, and there would be no love at all. The other party was probably habitually attached to strong people, and this idea was obviously taken for granted in the eyes of these people.

Although he didn't intend to change their traditional concepts, he also didn't want to keep a dragster by his side. If the other party is also in the God Transformation stage, it can be said differently.

Right now...

He declined the proposal, pretending to be serious and said: "This little girl Baidie is really smart, so I asked her to bring some pills and spiritual stones to help me recruit more suitable reliable people or down-and-out geniuses to test their character. And bring him here after taking an oath.”

"Be careful to keep a low profile. Of course, you can also wait for the willing ones to take the bait like you did when you sold me the secret book."

When talking about this, Baidie's little face suddenly turned red. She was afraid that she would not be able to get through this. When she was lying on the bed in the middle of the night, she probably had this embarrassing incident in her mind.

(End of this chapter)

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