I played the world alone

Chapter 490 Help me perform a play

Chapter 490 Help me put on a play (two-in-one)

Xu Xun did not expect that this case actually involved the tomb of an ancient legendary god.

And he’s also a household name—Zhong Kui!

When he first heard about it, he subconsciously felt that the historical story was passed down for some reason, either to exaggerate and show off or to ensure the orthodoxy of his sect, which would increase the sense of belonging.

This is not very uncommon and occurs in many similar sects.

However, when Old Man Cao took out the ancient book treasured by their sect, the contents inside made him suspicious.

The beginning of it records in detail a ghost attack that occurred in a certain year in the Tang Dynasty.

This incident is not recorded clearly in the official history. I wonder if it is because it feels disgraceful. It is more of a reason to classify this incident as an earth dragon turning over.

Rather, he praised the governor's fairness and wisdom.

Especially since this person, who had never been well-received in the past, later opened a warehouse to provide food relief and helped many people, whether it was because he had a new idea or because he couldn't bear it, he could be considered a credit.

As for this matter, the history books have just mentioned it in one stroke.

"Delusionally wishing to master the power of gods and regain the majesty of their ancestors, they chose to rob the tomb..."

Just looking at this painting, it feels like a fairy in a fairy tale who hides his true form in the human world.

Of course, the real key is the tomb of the immortal mentioned by the other party.

"Look, this is it."

This book even contains a portrait that was copied at that time.

"Our Witch Immortal Sect was the first to receive the inheritance from the Great Immortal Zhong Kui, so we have such miraculous abilities. After the Great Immortal completed his mission, his physical body died naturally, and he was eventually buried in this mountain before his death. in."

At that time, ghosts appeared throughout the city, people were in dire straits, and dangers abounded.

"I didn't expect that my uncle is quite poetic." Xu Xun said casually.

"That's tomb robbing..."

"I will send someone to investigate right away. Please ask Mr. Cao to come with us. We still need your guidance on the specific situation."

"Because of this, my father felt that the most dangerous place might be the safest, so he chose to settle nearby."

"You may not know, but our ancestors are very cultured." Old Man Cao said quite confidently and proudly.

Xu Xun asked: "You moved back here again after that?"

But he sighed again.

Old Man Cao also knew that the situation was urgent and had no excuse to refuse.

But after all, he had never seen it with his own eyes, so Xu Xun took photos and recorded them, planning to conduct further experiments later.

Xu Xun believed about 80% of the story so far, and the remaining 20% ​​still had to be proven by facts.

For example, how many people were saved by using magic to change the celestial phenomena in such and such a year, how many new disciples were born in such and such a year, how much stronger the Witch Fairy Sect was, etc...

And just a portrait painting can scare away ghosts and monsters. It does look a bit like Zhong Kui's majesty, and at least he is a relatively fierce ghost and god.

After spreading it out, it is obvious that this cannot be an original antique from the Tang Dynasty, but it can also be seen that it is at least an old imitation from the Republic of China.

And the person in this portrait does indeed look like an ugly old beggar dressed in ragged clothes.

It seemed that the whole city might have turned into a living hell because of this. Fortunately, the old beggar transformed by Zhong Kui appeared at this time.

"After that, he was afraid of getting involved in politics rashly like his ancestors, so he quietly wanted to find a place to live in seclusion, so he thought of this place."

"Yes, I'm ashamed to say it. In fact, although the leaders of our Wu Xian Sect are dedicated to their duties and work hard for the lives of the people, there are inevitably some people with wolfish ambitions."

"Tomb robbing?" Xu Xun didn't expect to be involved in this.

"If he really finds something left by the gods, and he is a person with evil intentions, I'm afraid the trouble will be really big..."

If someone really robbed the tomb of his ancestor’s master, how could he have the dignity to go see his ancestors!

It just so happens that there is a regular archaeological team currently working on this mountain, and they can be invited to help at this time.

Old Man Cao nodded: "This was my father's decision. As you know at that time, it was during the war. Although my father was not engaged in a serious job when he was young, he was still determined to use his own abilities to serve the country with patriotic enthusiasm..."

The above information is not very detailed, most of it is just a quick summary, and many of them are various disciplines and admonitions from the ancestors.

"It's just that the ancestors haven't seen it with their own eyes. I only know that the location is here. From now on, the ancestors will go there to worship regularly..."

In addition, this book also records all the key node information about Wu Xianmen over the years.

"We all feel that the current situation is different from before. The Witch Fairy Sect may disappear completely in the next ten years. Then we must have a beginning and an end. Since we started here, we will disappear here..."

"But people went there one after another, but all of them never came back, and no one knew how they died, so that this area has become almost well-known to everyone in our Wu Xian Sect. It’s a restricted area, don’t dare to approach it at will!”

Old Man Cao was afraid that he would not find it, so he pointed out the specific location with his own hands.

What follows is the much-loved story of gods casting spells to save people.

"But I am ashamed to say that as time passed and due to wars and relocations, the intervals between worshiping became longer and longer, and later it became even more abandoned..."

But the content in this book gives a different kind of history.

The painter should be a famous craftsman, and his paintings are quite charming. You can see the free and uninhibited demeanor from him, as if no matter how shabby his appearance is, everyone else seems to be shorter in front of him, and he has an inexplicable appearance. A sense of adoration.

"It's a pity that he didn't have the courage to go to the battlefield. At most, he just secretly rained a few times and blew a few winds, and it didn't play a key role. The people present at the time probably only thought it was an accidental change in the weather. If you look it up, you definitely won’t be able to find his name.”

"But really speaking, the reason why my father can still be reminded of this place after hundreds of years is another reason."

He said a lot in one breath, but in the end, Old Man Cao's voice became more serious: "If I guessed correctly, this person may also have this idea!"

Although the true information of the tomb was not directly disclosed for security reasons and they were only asked to help verify it, the entire archaeological team became excited when they learned that an older and larger tomb was likely buried here.

With almost no rest, further exploration began immediately.

The results did come out very quickly——

There is really a deeper ancient tomb underground, in the center of the mountain!

Although the specific age and the identity of the tomb owner cannot be determined yet, it is still a major discovery!

But the excavation is extremely difficult, almost equivalent to digging up half of the mountain.

Moreover, we must also consider that the tombs inside cannot be damaged, and large explosives or excavation equipment cannot be used.

For a moment, it reminded him of the earliest situation in Han Yun Mountain.

However, the current situation is even more complicated than the original situation.

Because even if you want to conduct a quick excavation, a group of archaeological experts and people from the Cultural Relics Bureau will never agree, and the main excavation work will be controlled by them.

By the time you really dig it out, the day lilies may have already cooled down. To make matters worse, when they conducted detection, they found that there were many traces of digging or robberies in certain locations in the mountain range, and they were all very close to the tomb. There were large stolen tombs. risk.

When they saw this, the experts took a breath and their hearts sank, but Old Man Cao sighed.

"In fact, these many robbery holes were probably dug by some of my ancestors themselves, just to seek the inheritance of the immortals."

"But there is no return..."

"The immortal's tomb?" Professor Chen and others were very interested in this statement.

"We have been digging the tombs of princes and generals all our lives, and this is the first time we have seen the tomb of a god! We must take a closer look to see how it is different from that of ordinary people..."

Formal excavation work still requires further preparation. Various high-tech means will be used to conduct exploration, and the overall approximate location and structure will be determined before proceeding to the next step.

The overall preparation work will take at least ten days and a half.

Before that, Xu Xun had set up blockades on all the surrounding mountain roads that could be accessed in order to prevent the man from robbing the tomb.

And we urgently transferred some extraordinary people from other places who were stronger and more suitable for this place, and decided to enter it first to check it out.

Of course, what they don't know is that there is a pair of eyes in the sky that are always watching their actions.

"Quite decisive."

Lu Chen watched Xu Xun arrange everything in an orderly manner. The progress was good and he felt quite satisfied.

However, it still feels a bit too slow, and I need to add more ingredients to them.

He thought for a while and then returned to his own little world.

Everyone from the Bai family was called.

The members of the Bai family had just been discussing the plans for building a new home, and they happened to be standing in a row here with some confusion, accepting the review of the new owner.

"let me see……"

Lu Chen walked past them and quickly observed everyone's faces.

Soon, three people were picked out.

The three faces are the most vicious, and the first impression given by others is that he is not a good guy.

The eyebrows are long and narrow, the lips are thin, and the complexion is sinister. If it weren't for the immortal cultivator's physique, he would have a few more scars...

Bai Zhenggong was a little strange. He hesitated and asked in a low voice: "Senior, although these people are also of the blood of my Bai family, if I want to go out to do something for you, will this look like..."

He was too embarrassed to speak directly.

He is still confident in the character of the descendants of the Bai family. Gentlemen who love money also get it in a wise way and will not steal it.

However, this person's appearance was born like this, especially for a low-level immortal cultivator at the foundation level. His face could not be changed and his temperament could not be cultivated.

If he was taken out, he was a little worried that it would damage Lu Chen's bright image.

Lu Chen waved his hand nonchalantly: "It doesn't matter, I just like their faces."

Afterwards, regardless of Bai Zhenggong, who was confused by Zhang Er, he let the other members of the Bai family go about their business, and then took the three specially selected people to the side and threw a pill to each of them. medicine.

"This is……"

The three of them carefully opened the porcelain bottle containing the elixir, and a strong fragrance of the elixir suddenly came from inside.

His face lit up instantly!

At least this taste is made from elixirs that have been refined for more than five hundred years!

Even at its peak before the disaster, it was definitely not something that the three of them could enjoy.

The three of them are not talented enough, and they have only been in the middle stage of foundation building for hundreds of years. They are the most mediocre group, and their bloodline is not the closest. It is estimated that even the head of the family may not be able to call them by name.

So even a sniff is unlikely.

Only by making great contributions can you be rewarded!

"These are all for you, just eat them yourself."

"Thank you, senior!" The three of them were a little flattered and thanked them repeatedly.

"I wonder what our senior wants us to do? Even if we go up mountains of swords and seas of fire, I will never give up and I will never even frown!"

They spoke in unison, speaking from the heart.

If this elixir is removed, their original cultivation bottleneck may be loosened, and they can reach higher levels!

The future suddenly becomes brighter!

"Help me put on a play."

Lu Chen told them what they needed to do and the rough script. Anyway, they were just doing a side job, so there shouldn't be any big problems.

Although the three of them didn't quite understand why this gentleman went to the trouble of teasing those mortals.

But then I thought about it, there must be a deep meaning for adults to do this, which is something that little people like them can understand.

Anyway, all they have to do is obey.


Xu Xun is making intensive preparations.

A group of extraordinary people have been summoned and arrived on a special plane in the afternoon.

Because this time it is likely that gods are involved, although it is not yet certain whether it is true or false, Xu Xun has taken it seriously, not only from his own side, but also invited some allies from the demon clan.

And even Zhu Qianqian came here as a special helper.

"I heard that there is Zhong Kui here?" Zhu Qianqian, whose body was controlled by Tian Fangrou at this moment, had a lollipop in his mouth and was quite interested in the tomb in front of him that was integrated with the mountain.

As a real ghost, she was very interested in the ghosts and gods who were in charge of them.

Especially the tombs!

The black and white impermanence she had seen before had already suppressed her and left her breathless. The legendary Zhong Kui would definitely be even more powerful!

Maybe I'm so talented that I can get Zhong Kui's inheritance from here?

Or even if you just go in and take a look, it would be good to admire the heroic appearance of a real immortal.

In addition to her, there were a total of more than twenty extraordinary beings gathered at the scene, six of whom had abilities related to soil, which allowed them to lead people through underground tombs.

But at this moment, three piercing sounds suddenly came from the sky.

Looking up, there were three completely unfamiliar figures coming with swords and staying above their heads!

(End of this chapter)

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