I played the world alone

Chapter 498 Damn Immortal Cultivator

Chapter 498 Damn Immortal Cultivator (Two in One)

"Sure enough, as Master Bai said, these low-level monsters are very weak. They are probably only equivalent to strong men wearing armor."

The man made his own assessment and came to a conclusion.

Of course, the so-called weak is compared with these masters in the foundation building period.

It is quite difficult compared to ordinary people who have not practiced.

And even though the number was small at the moment, if corpses came rushing towards them like a tide, they would have to avoid their sharp edges and fly up to hide.

As for the reason for so few...

They observed it and found that there were many black holes on the ground, as if they had been bombarded by some kind of extremely powerful fireball.

Especially the stumps and broken arms around them. If you don't look carefully, you might think they are some burnt charcoal.

While they were observing, two complete iron wagons were driving towards them in the distance.

Soon we arrived near the target location.

"This thing is quite strange. It doesn't have any magic fluctuations, so we never noticed it just now. We just thought it was some kind of decoration."

However, it was the first time they met, so they still retained a bit of vigilance in case the other party suddenly got into trouble and couldn't cope with it.

It was this thing that noticed their appearance.

But it would be best if we could make as few sacrifices as possible.

Unfortunately, it seems that it still needs some supporting equipment, which should not be used in my own world.

Several people communicated softly and nodded tacitly.

"I'll ask some immortal masters to help!"

It's just that the animals originally used for experiments have mutated and are more dangerous, and weapons of mass destruction cannot be used, so that the attack teams sent repeatedly have been pushed back, and even several people were injured.

This is not unfounded worry, but the lessons of blood and tears they have accumulated while struggling to survive in the virtual god world.

After all, he and others can fly on flying swords or use various magical weapons. A tin box running on the ground is nothing.

It can help them observe the enemy's situation and prepare in advance for possible zombie riots.

Hong Yu and others came here to kill monsters, so they agreed directly without further explanation.

When he said this, Hong Yu glanced at the sky, where there was an eagle-like thing they called a drone flying there.

Although these sacrifices are worth it compared to the gains, after all, in reality, many of these things are high-end goods that are not allowed to be exported under foreign blockades, and are even high-tech that even foreign countries have not yet mastered!
Basically impossible to get.

"We were still having a headache a few days ago. After all, there are a lot of precision instruments and materials stored in some places. It doesn't matter if ordinary places are bombed, but those must be preserved..."

Here, you can use it with confidence and boldness.

And these military people also explained the situation here.

So these are very helpful for the country to break the blockade and regain the opportunity.

They did not get in the car, but followed these people in a low-altitude flying attitude, and let them lead the way to the place where they and others really needed to take action.

"But there are a lot of high-level zombies in that kind of place. If you try to attack them, there will be unnecessary casualties."

Although they couldn't see what the thing was, their intuition told them that the thing might be dangerous and should be the weapon of this group of people.

Hong Yu found it quite novel and took the initiative to borrow one to play with.

So far, once you are injured by a zombie, it means you have been infected with the virus. Unless you cut off the contact parts immediately and conduct all aspects of disinfection, it will mutate sooner or later.

Anyway, what he said is indeed correct, aren't they just "mercenaries" of Xianxuanmen?

The location where they had just landed had been bombed in advance because there was nothing of much value. The zombies were almost dead.

So the defense is okay at the moment, but the pace of advancement is quite slow.

"They must be the indigenous people here. Be careful not to talk nonsense. Get some useful information about this place from them first."

Many military vehicles have been parked near here and several temporary tents have been set up.

In the face of the temptation of spiritual energy, even blood relatives are not completely reliable.

I've been stuck on this problem for a week now.

Hong Yu and others were about to speak when they suddenly heard one of the other party say warmly and friendly: "You are the immortal masters sent by the Xianxuan Sect to support us! Mr. Yueze has already told us in advance, please come Come with us..."

If you encounter a large research institute or a high-end factory that stores high-precision machine tools, it will take a lot of manpower, material resources and time, and you may even lose many soldiers.

"somebody is coming?"

Several people were stunned and quickly accepted it.

So when Yue Ze mentioned this matter before, the military was very happy and wished they could come over soon.

The only thing that made them wary was that there were several dark iron poles mounted on the opponent's car, with a hole in the middle as diameter as a fist.

As for the big iron box being able to run on the road like a carriage, this didn't surprise them too much.

I just feel that the operation is simple and interesting, and it is more convenient than flying in the air to observe by themselves, and the functions are richer.

The vehicle slowly stopped not far in front of them, and then a few young men jumped out of the vehicle. They were wearing yellow and green clothes that looked weird and uniform, and they were also carrying some other inconspicuous things. Equipment that knows its purpose.

The next thing they have to attack is a laboratory of a pharmaceutical group, which seems to contain some key secret information.

Some soldiers with live ammunition were busy preparing for battle, and from time to time, the sound of small-scale firefights could be heard from a distance.

In addition to the smell of gunpowder smoke, there was also a trace of blood in the air, as well as suppressed cries of pain.

It seems that there are many wounded here.

"Damn it! Our lives almost had to be handed over there again..."

Just when a few people arrived, several soldiers with colorful bodies supported each other and temporarily retreated from the front line.

The most serious part was that half of the hand was missing, and the others also had more or less scars on their bodies, and some were suspected of having broken bones and serious injuries.

The speaker was a young soldier with a dark face. His bulletproof vest had a deep gash. Fortunately, there was no direct wound, otherwise he would have been in big trouble.

Hong Yu and the others who came with swords also immediately attracted their attention.

"Damn it, Immortal Cultivator..."

"A living flying sword! So handsome! If only I could become an immortal..."

"It turns out that immortal cultivators really have to fly on swords. I thought they were flying in the clouds..."

"Okay, you go down for treatment quickly. Don't delay here. You also need to check carefully to avoid being infected..."

An officer interrupted the shouting of the group and urged them with a serious face.

After Hong Yu and others confirmed the target that needed to be solved, they took their magic weapons up together and came directly to the front of the building. I saw a white rat that was as tall and powerful as a bear suddenly jumped out, with a ferocious face, and a fishy smell coming from its open mouth, as if it had just seen blood.

When bullets fired by others landed on its body, its fur was extremely tough and difficult to completely penetrate.

Although it's not completely bulletproof, it's almost there.

Several warriors gritted their teeth and were about to pick up their close-quarters weapons for melee combat when an unexpected flying sword came in an instant.

Before they could react, the flying sword penetrated his head, leaving a thin bloody hole in the middle of his forehead, then circled around and flew back.

The white rat that showed off its power just now didn't even scream, it just died and it couldn't die anymore.

Hong Yu held the flying sword and carefully recalled the feeling just now, feeling a little more confident.

Although it is a bit tricky, it is not impossible to deal with.

While he was stunned, several other people were already eager to take action. In the blink of an eye, flying swords flew by and slaughtered all the zombies pouring out from the door.

And those soldiers who were still fighting fiercely just now suddenly found that they didn't seem to be needed anymore.

The speed at which these people kill monsters is really outrageous.

Especially those large mutated animal zombies, which may not be killed by a single cannonball, but in their hands they can chop melons and vegetables with ease.

Even faster than the previous superpowers.

The officer who was still stationed in the distance slowly put down his telescope and smiled at the people next to him, as if the heavy burden in his heart was finally relieved: "It seems that it won't be long before we can completely capture this place..."

And they are not the only ones who have come here.

Others were taken to other places by other teams.

Especially in several places that have not been bombed by shells, the number of zombies is still astonishing, which is perfect for these immortal cultivators to slaughter wantonly.

This allows them to avoid casualties and save ammunition, and the cultivators can also earn a lot of points, a win-win situation!

Three days later, Lu Chen came to the small world again, and everything he had arranged before was on track.

With the unremitting efforts of Bai Die and others, the current permanent population in the small world has reached 500, of which the number of young adults with combat capabilities is approximately 300.

The rest are the elderly, children and ordinary people who have no talent for cultivation.

These ordinary people themselves were also members of the tribe with these surnames, but they were just unlucky enough not to have awakened their spiritual roots, so they were brought along with them.

Anyway, this place is sparsely populated and is in a period of rapid expansion. It would be okay to have more residents.

Of course, Lu Chen also considered another issue.

"Currently, the number of humans is already greater than that of demons, and I'm afraid there will be even more in the future. We have to find a way to increase the number of demons as much as possible..."

The solution is quite simple.

The essence of the monster race is that it actually starts from animals. It develops spiritual intelligence by chance, and then slowly begins to practice. After decades or even hundreds of years, it can be regarded as a monster.

If it were in the outside world, the probability under such natural conditions would be very low and almost impossible to happen.

The previous demon species were prepared for this.

But here, with abundant spiritual energy and the help of people from various demon clans, it is completely possible to consciously cultivate some suitable seeds.

Supplemented by the elixir he specially refined, the time for the demon clan to take shape can be greatly reduced.

At least it would prevent them from becoming unbalanced.

While he was thinking, Bai Liangzhe respectfully reported to him the situation of the past few days.

In addition to the current population situation, it is the matter within the Light Gate.

“Currently, the person with the highest points has exceeded the 20,000 mark.”

So fast?
After Lu Chen asked, he found out that he was one of the little masters who was just one step away from the golden elixir stage.

In order to exchange for the thousand-year elixir, he worked almost day and night, almost until his eyes were red.

The daily process is to kill, kill, kill, then meditate to quickly restore spiritual energy and recuperate the body, and then go to kill, kill.

The magic weapon is almost curled up!
In addition, he went to the small fairy world, and the difficulty of those evil beasts was also higher, so he earned points quickly.

According to his regulations, the exchange price for the Millennium Spiritual Pill is one hundred thousand.

The price is definitely not high, but I thought it would take a long time to earn it. But looking at the current situation, I didn't expect it to be available in a few days.

Out of loyalty, Bai Liangzhe chose to speak after much hesitation, suggesting whether to raise the price a little more, lest people think that obtaining this elixir is too easy.

Although saying this was a bit like a scab, he was indeed a little worried.

When he thought about it, it was not like cabbage could be picked up anywhere. No matter how plentiful the current inventory is, if anyone can exchange it, sooner or later it will all come out empty-handed!
They don't just live here for a year or two, but they want to live here for a long time or even for generations. Naturally, they have to think about future generations.

Lu Chen thought for a moment and shook his head.

"No need, it's just a thousand-year elixir. As long as they want it and the way to get points is regular, what's the harm in giving it to them?"

If it were normal, Bai Liangzhe's worries would be reasonable.

But in his hands, the thousand-year-old elixir is really just like cabbage, and he can cultivate a lot of it if he wants.

That is to say, there is no need for it at the moment, and he himself has no need to practice. Otherwise, even if he could even plant the entire small world with thousand-year-old elixirs.

I can’t finish it, I can’t finish it at all!
Of course you can't say that.

"You don't have to worry. No matter how precious these thousand-year-old elixirs are, the ones they refine are only golden elixir-level elixirs. Our Immortal Xuan Sect is currently short of manpower in this world, and the best you can do now is to practice Qi and build foundations. His strength is not enough."

"As long as you become a master of the golden elixir stage early, you can barely be used by us."

"As long as you can form the elixir as soon as possible, these elixirs will be fully utilized."

It can be regarded as a small benefit from him.

Bai Liangzhe was moved in his heart and couldn't help but have a deeper understanding of the strength of this Immortal Xuanmen.

"What do you mean by elixirs that are only at the golden elixir stage..." He sighed secretly in his heart.

This thing is really worth a thousand dollars in your own world! Even the old monster Yuanying is greedy!
Let alone after the disaster.

At the same time, I couldn't help but feel a chill in my heart.

"It seems that for the Immortal Xuan Sect, only disciples at the Golden Core level can be considered useful after entering the sect. You must continue to work hard, and you must not be outdone by others!"

After enjoying the good times now with abundant spiritual energy, he never wanted to go back to the miserable days before.

A trace of spiritual energy breaks the flower into two halves, which makes me sad just thinking about it.

After dealing with all this, Lu Chen began to truly prepare to "attack" the new small world.

(End of this chapter)

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