40K: Where did the Emperor go?

Chapter 10 Assassination

Chapter 10 Assassination
The Thunderhawk transport plane landed, and the five interstellars were wearing yellow power armor, and their shoulder armor was a pattern of a red heart dripping with a teardrop.

Kane, in his fullest uniform, awaited the arrival of the Astartes with Colonel Kasteen.

Commissar Kane and Colonel Kasteen saluted the five soldiers, and the squad leader took off his helmet to reveal his handsome face.

These sons of Sanguinius have inherited their father's good looks and great strength.

Colonel Kasteen: "Welcome to you and your team, Lieutenant Kersu."

Colonel Kasteen introduced Commissar Kane beside him and said, "This is Commissar Kane."

Political Commissar Kane stretched out his hand: "This is Caphas Kane."

Kersu stretched out his armored hand and shook Commissar Kane lightly: "I have long respected your name, Commissar Kane."

This may be the politeness of the other party, or it may be that Kane's reputation has spread among the Astartes, but no matter what, both parties have expressed respect for each other, and this is what Kane wants.

At least in the next tasks, there will be a lot less unnecessary friction between the two sides, and shaking hands is the beginning of a good future.

Lieutenant Kersu pointed to the people around him: "This is Lieutenant Barus and Second Lieutenant Doom."

At this time, under the introduction of Lieutenant Kersu, Colonel Kasteen and Political Commissar Kane discovered that the shoulder armor of two space warriors and the Legion of Lamenters were not a sign, but a drop of blood and wings, which meant that they were from the mother regiment of the Blood Angels.

After that, Lieutenant Kersu introduced his two subordinates one by one.

Lieutenant Kersu: "My team and I hope to complete the mission quickly. Our regiment is engaged in fierce battles. My team and I hope to return to the battlefield as soon as possible."

The fighting style and luck of the Wailers left them often severely understrength, and they were attacked by Chaos warbands on the way before they were sent to this planet by the Inquisition.

If it hadn't happened to be supported by a squad of the Mother Blood Angels' squad to repel the incoming enemy, this three-member squad would have been wiped out on the spot.

Colonel Kasteen: "Please don't be impatient, the materials for this mission have been prepared, please follow me."

Colonel Kasteen led a group of people to the warehouse reform office temporarily found by Political Commissar Kane.

The size of the Astartes was too crowded to fit into their small office, so Political Commissar Kane asked Jurgen to find a large warehouse, and thoughtfully prepared special seats and chairs.

Colonel Kasteen: "Please wait a moment, sit down casually, I'll get the materials."

Lieutenant Kersu and his team did not sit down. Instead, two Astartes from the mother regiment of the Blood Angels sat down and chatted with Commissar Kane.

These are two veterans, and they must be old and very qualified. Political Commissar Kane recognized them immediately.

Although it can't be seen from the outside, the calm and easy-going attitude of veterans shown by them and Lieutenant Kersu has already explained everything.

Only this kind of veteran fritters can quickly relax in a safe environment, and know how much vigilance to keep and adjust their state, instead of wasting energy in a state of mental collapse all the time like the lieutenant at the side.

And Captain Barus and Second Lieutenant Doom took the initiative to chat with Commissar Kane, talking about daily trivial matters.

Political Commissar Kane got here by groping, and of course he knows the tricks in the veterans' question.

Although it is just some recent daily chores, the two veterans have actually controlled most of the current situation on the planet from their daily chats with Commissar Kane.

This is the real veterans, they will start to do things after getting through the important information, and they will not be as reckless as young people.

Political Commissar Kane arranged a room for everyone to rest, and the judge will come to lead them in person tomorrow morning.


Speaking of which, Liu Bi and the two younger ones hurried home to get the documents. Everything started because of this document. This was the only bargaining chip for Ye San. If the documents were lost, then the three of them would really have no chance to sing.

The third father came home and opened the door to see his own home, and felt terrible. The house was turned into a mess, and things were scattered all over the place.

Liu Bi and the others hurried back to the bedroom and lifted the floor of the bed, and took out the documents taped behind the door from behind.

Liu Bi: "It's okay."

Just as Liu Bi finished speaking, he suddenly felt pain in his hand. Liu Bi turned his palm and saw that there was actually a needle on the document. As soon as he took the needle, it pierced into his palm.

Liu Bi exclaimed: "No, there is an ambush."

As soon as Liu Bi finished speaking, he fell to the ground, his body lost a lot of water, and his whole body suddenly turned into a human body.

Several figures flew out from all over the room and attacked Xiaosheng and Xiaohe. The ingenious timing and the precise timing made the two little ones exclaim in awe.


The Assassin Chamber Grand Master flipped through the file, his face became darker the more he looked at it, and the more angry his veins bulged, followed by deep fear.

He was not angry with others, but with himself. He didn't even know that nine assassins under him were sent out to carry out assassination missions.

Who actually has such abilities? Nine of Terra's top assassins. Such terrifying power is enough to set off a shocking wave. If they want to assassinate anyone, it is impossible for anyone to have the ability to resist.


The nine assassins were tightly bound and knelt on the floor, and Xiao He was playing with the spoils he had seized from them.

Xiaosheng poured a glass of water and handed it to Liu Bi. Liu Bi drank a big mouthful of water and died after being drained of water from his whole body. This was the first time he died in such a strange way of death.

The assassins knelt on the ground, their eyes full of disbelief, what happened just now?What kind of monster is this family?

(End of this chapter)

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