40K: Where did the Emperor go?

Chapter 127 Subway Station

Chapter 127 Subway Station

Perturabo controlled these machines to enter the tunnel, and the camera transmitted everything in detail to Perturabo's helmet visor.

The layout of the caves is not complicated. It is just a matter of expanding the dungeon, and most of them are excavated without considering the collapse of the caves. In some places, the soil has already loosened. The scale collapsed.

Perturabo was a little puzzled: "It is not difficult to capture here, why Skynet didn't capture here, and there are not many robots around, so it should not be difficult to find here."

This is the underground railway, and there is a road sign indicator not far away. Unless Skynet doesn't understand human characters, it is impossible to ignore this place.

There must be other reasons why this place has not been captured until now. Is it because Skynet thinks this road is not worth sending troops to capture?

Perturabo handed George a gun: "Take this, you stay here and help me watch my father, I will come out after I go in and settle the matter."

George looked at the firearm that was removed from the Skynet robot in his hand: "Can you do it alone?"

Perturabo didn't explain anything: "Wait here, if my father loses a hair, I'll take your head off and kick it as a ball, understand?"

George swallowed: "Understood."

Perturabo handed George a communicator, telling him that he could only take people in when he told him to go in.

Perturabo entered the subway station, his body began to shrink a large circle with the surrounding environment visible to the naked eye.

After being upgraded, Perturabo can enter any terrain to fight, and his size is no longer his weakness.

There are a few gangsters standing guard at the door, with colorfully dyed hair, and even guns attached to swimsuit models in magazines. They are completely unorganized and disciplined. These are a bunch of gangsters with guns.

Perturabo promised that he would pack up the subway station and clean up all these things.

Perturabo stepped forward directly. Although these gangsters stood guard and were sloppy, but seeing a giant as big as Perturabo appear, no matter how blind they were, they noticed it.

They immediately pointed their guns at Perturabo: "Who are you?"

Perturabo: "I am the master here."

These people didn't even pull the trigger, and Perturabo rushed up to deal with them.

Perturabo rushed all the way into the subway station, and there was no one who was his opponent. He also didn't need any weapons at all. A pair of iron fists was enough to slaughter the entire subway station.

"Damn it, robots have invaded here!"

"Its armor is too thick for my gun to penetrate him."

Of course Perturabo didn't slaughter the whole subway station, he refrained from killing as much as possible, because he needed enough labor and fighters to work and fight for him.

Perturabo recognized one of the leaders at a glance. He grabbed the guy by the collar and lifted him up: "Where's One-Eyed Sonny?"

The leader looked at the steel giant in front of him, his pants were wet with fright: "Sonny is in the house over the high platform."

Perturabo threw down the leader, walked quickly to the house on the high platform, and kicked open the door.

Zhengmei, the one-eyed sanni who dominated the entire subway station, was sleeping on the same bed with two naked girls, when Perturabo pulled her out of the bed.

Sonny opened his only one eye: "Who the fuck..."

Sonny saw that everyone was stunned, and he began to say nothing: "Hey, buddy, you said that if I give you information, you won't touch me."

At this time, Perturabo was wearing a helmet, and he looked like a steel robot. Perturabo: "Are you an informant from Skynet?"

One-eyed Sonny nodded quickly: "Yes, man, I just reported the location of the rebel army to you a few days ago, don't you remember?"

Perturabo: "So it's like this, is that why Skynet doesn't attack here?"

One-eyed Sonny sensed that something was wrong: "That man, you are from there."

Perturabo's visor opened automatically, revealing the metal and flesh-and-blood face: "I'm not there, don't worry, I'm just here to lend you something."

One-eyed Sonny hurriedly said: "Brother, you can take whatever you like, don't be cautious, just like you are at home."

Perturabo: "Thank you, you are very generous."

After speaking, Perturabo put his hand on the one-eyed Sonny's bald head, and twisted his head off with all his strength, so that the weak limbs of Sonny's corpse loosened.

The two women in the room screamed in horror at the sight.

Perturabo didn't care about this, he walked out straight away, when he stood on the high platform, all the residents and those gangsters were driven into a pile by the robot released by Perturabo earlier in the morning.

In order to prevent anyone from escaping, Perturabo controlled the robot to guard the exits early in the morning.

Perturabo looked around, and there were not many people, only about [-] people. Perturabo threw the head of the one-eyed Sonny in his hand into the crowd.

Perturabo's armor speaker amplified his voice: "Now that one-eyed Sonny has been killed by me, this subway station will be under my rule from now on, whoever dares to disobey my order will be punished."

It would be easy for a Primarch to take over a subway station. He asked all the gangsters to hand in their weapons, and then he would re-select people to take up positions.

Perturabo also sent a message asking George to bring his father in. George led people into the subway and saw many dead and seriously injured people along the way.

Perturabo was refraining from taking people's lives, but he had to kill some people to establish his prestige, and he used the most brutal way.

Inevitably, innocent people were injured, some were injured by Perturabo, some were shot by gangsters in the chaos, and hit by stray bullets flying everywhere.

A woman screamed and cried while holding a baby who had been bullet-pierced and gutted: "Save my baby, he is only eight months old, can anyone please save my baby?"

The woman's bloody hand took George's arm: "Save my child."

This woman, George knew, was Aunt Suzanne. In order to cover the refugees from entering the subway station, her husband led away the Skynet robot alone, allowing George and the others to hide safely in the subway station.

George looked at the baby whose stomach had been smashed to pieces. Even in peaceful times, this would be an incurable injury, unless God appeared in such a situation.

George and Sena looked at the injured people they used to be familiar with, and they lowered their heads in pain, and George began to blame himself for bringing Perturabo here.

Looking at the dead baby who was no longer convulsed, George knelt down and hugged his head in pain: "What have I done?"

At this time, Liu Bi came to the woman, and he stretched out his hand: "Don't cry, don't cry, you'll be fine if you blow it, you'll be fine if you blow it."

So Liu Bi blew on the bloody belly of the dead baby who had been beaten.


The baby's cry full of life rang out in the subway station.

(End of this chapter)

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