40K: Where did the Emperor go?

Chapter 129 Perturabo's Choice

Chapter 129 Perturabo's Choice
In the following time, Perturabo began to develop his own power. He selected men with the best physical fitness to form troops, and shaved off all those colorful hair.

Originally, Perturabo wanted to come to the [-]th to establish rules, but he thought that Kezi outside would come if he didn’t know what was suitable. There were so few people standing on the subway, and it was really impossible to waste manpower, so he gave up. This way of standing up.

But these people did not fall well in his hands, Perturabo squeezed all their physical strength and energy to train and arrange fortifications.

George then reported to Perturabo: "Sir, we are out of food and medicine supplies."

Perturabo frowned: "In terms of food, didn't I order the expansion of the plantation? We also have many previous greenhouse plantations."

George: "You have mobilized a large number of strong men to train soldiers, leaving only some old and weak women and children to produce. Our resource production can't keep up. Now the sun is getting less and less, and the weather outside is getting colder and colder. There is no way to grow it without a greenhouse."

Perturabo gritted his teeth: "Damn why this subway station was drained so quickly, this place is too barren."

George: "My lord, why don't your father..."

Perturabo grabbed George by the collar: "Damn it, do you mean that I can't pull a force without that guy?"

George quickly waved his hand: "No, I just think that if that adult can come forward, our construction and production will be faster."

Perturabo put George down: "I will lead the team out to find resources, and your task is to stay here and guard our base."

George saluted Perturabo: "Yes, my lord."

George is a young man who is very malleable, quick-witted and adaptable. After a few days with Perturabo, he can help him deal with many things in the subway station, and he is also quite obedient and loyal to Perturabo. , some things, Perturabo will let him do it.

Perturabo led a dozen people to a canning factory. They saw the gate of the canning factory opened, and there were piles of canned food inside. There were only a few Skynet robots wandering around.

The subordinates were eager to try, but Perturabo suppressed them: "Don't act rashly, can't you see that this is obviously a trap?"

There are only a few robots guarding such a pile of food, obviously to lure humans to grab it.

Perturabo put on his helmet and scanned the surroundings with instruments, and sure enough, he found a large number of robots hiding in disguise.

There are at least hundreds of mechanical high-energy reactions. If they ventured into the cannery, only Perturabo would be able to return in hologram.

After weighing the pros and cons, Perturabo decided to leave. Perturabo can solve this force alone, but Skynet controls all the robots, and they will definitely expose their whereabouts. For a little food, Skynet will focus on the strategy. On him, it's not worth it.

Perturabo left with his men who looked back at every step. They hunted in the nearby jungle and got a lot of prey.

Perturabo broke off a branch and threw it away, and a hare was nailed to the ground.

"My lord is amazing!"

"It's too bitter, Lord Perturabo, we just need to pick up the prey in the back when hunting with you."

Those around him cast admiring glances at the Primarch, and flattered him.

One of his subordinates pulled his collar: "The weather is getting colder and colder, damn it, doesn't it mean that summer is hot?"

Perturabo looked up at the sky: "Is there a low temperature already?"

The staff on the side asked suspiciously: "What did you say? Boss?"

Perturabo shook his head: "It's nothing, let's go back."

When one of his men went to pick up the prey, Perturabo suddenly heard a voice, and he quickly shouted: "Don't move."

The subordinate suddenly stopped when he heard Perturabo's voice: "What's wrong? Boss?"

Perturabo asked his subordinates to stay where they were, and he approached and knelt down under the subordinate, a knife popped out of the arm armor, Perturabo began to gently shovel away the surrounding soil, and a landmine appeared in front of him.

Perturabo's metal knife pierced the mine, and the tip of the knife turned into a metal tentacle to defuse the mine's fuse, and then Perturabo let his men lift their feet, and he pulled out the bomb.

Perturabo looked at the bat and skull logo on the mine, and his face became serious.

"There are landmines here!" Seeing what Perturabo was holding, the subordinate fell to the ground in fright.

Perturabo dropped the scrapped landmine: "Go, we can't stay here anymore, go back quickly."

Perturabo took the men out for two days, and when they came back they brought back some Skynet robot parts and some live young wild boars and hunted prey.

Perturabo was rewarded, but he was not very happy to return, for he found many traces of things that threatened him, and he found traces of Koz around the city.

Judging from the number of traps he set and the speed of his movement, he was not alone, and he must have gathered a lot of men.

George recorded the harvest and came to Perturabo to report: "My lord, we will save the food for a month or two, so it should be fine."

Moreover, the number of Skynet robots around is increasing, and it seems that a large-scale robot army is gathering here.

Apparently both Skynet and Koz were making moves against him, and he was far from ready to deal with these two opponents at this time.

Perturabo came to Liu Bi, and he said to Liu Bi, "Father, lend me your strength."

Perturabo took Liu Bi to the plantation that hadn't been sown yet: "Food, I need more than I can eat."

Liu Bi nodded, and he walked into the greenhouse field step by step. With every step he stepped on the field, a large amount of grain and vegetables would grow in the field, such as wheat, tomatoes, cucumbers, and rice.

When Liu Bi walked every corner of the plantation, the plantation was already full of fresh vegetables and food that could be eaten.

Perturabo led Liu Bi out of the plantation, and saw a large number of people kneeling on the ground. An old man in priest attire led the people to kneel and pray to Liu Bi, singing hymns praising God.

Perturabo looked at all this with a dark face. At this time, George had rushed over with someone, and he kicked the priest on the shoulder: "What are you doing here, go to work for me, no one can be lazy, There are no idlers in the subway station.”

During George's beating and scolding, after he led his men to expel the surrounding people, George hurriedly knelt down to Perturabo: "My lord, I'm sorry, it was my negligence that made them block your way."

Perturabo opened his mouth, but didn't say anything in the end, he knew that using his father's power to give birth to these miracles would definitely bring these things.

(End of this chapter)

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