40K: Where did the Emperor go?

Chapter 131 Summoning Ceremony

Chapter 131 Summoning Ceremony
Lorgar couldn't understand why things had turned out this way, and he continued to seek answers from the gods of the Warp.

After sacrificing the souls of several psykers, a demon answered him, a red demon with blue wings in a dim blue light.

"I am Hampton, a servant serving the Lord of Change, what do you want me for, mortal?"

Lorgar: "I want to know what happened to that Perturabo, that Perturabo from the future? How did he come to our time?"

"That is the mighty power of the subspace. This kind of thing has happened many times. Many people shuttle back and forth between the past and the future because of the torrent of the subspace. It's just that this kind of crossing is uncontrollable, and the time and place of crossing are random."

Lorgar: "There are two Perturabos in this era, what does that mean?"

"That means there are two Perturabos."

Lorgar: "Will the universe and history be affected by this?"

"The universe and history are constantly changing and affected by all people."

Luo Jia: "It turns out that the future Perturabo followed the Emperor to this era, so the future me has nothing to do?"

"Of course there are. It's just that you in the future lack interest in the study of spells. He can't locate this era, and it's easy to get lost in history after entering. It's not that you in the future don't want to come, but you can't come."

Luo Jia: "Is there any way to help the future me come to this era?"

"I have a spell that can help you."

Lorgar: "Tell me."

A blue ray of light sank into the center of Luo Jia's eyebrows, and the construction and casting methods of the altar of related spells and rituals appeared in Luo Jia's mind.

"Use this ritual to guide people from the future to your time and place."

Lorgar: "Thank you, Magnus."


Luo Jia: "Just now the Lord of Changes told me your identity and plan."

The devil prince Magnus showed his true face, "Brother, let me come and help you. In the future, I have already ascended to the devil. I am not the same as the false emperor, and we live together in the realm of chaos."

Lorgar: "Brother, you are the demon prince of the Lord of Change. Change, betrayal, and deceit are necessary qualities."

Magnus' face was gloomy: "Did the Lord of Change also tell you how this spell points to key people?"

Lorgar: "Yes."

Magnus: "Let's discuss, how about one and half of us?"

Lorgar: "Don't take me for a fool, my brother, you'll find a way to take them all in the end."

After Lorgar finished speaking, before Magnus could say anything else, he terminated the ceremony on the spot, and the projection of the demon Magnus disappeared immediately.

Lorgar immediately ordered: "Prepare the ceremony immediately. I will summon my future self, two Lorgar Aurelions who serve the gods. This will break the balance of the current battle."


Perturabo's method of summoning the Earth of other universes also summoned its star and an entire moon.

After the investigation, Lorja decided to set up the ceremony site on the moon where their legion was defending. The earth is surrounded by space-time turbulence, and people who enter it will be lost in the turbulence, but the moon does not have these turbulence, so the rebel legions arranged their troops. Here it is.

With the strong religious enthusiasm of the Word Bearers, the sacrifices and altars required for the ceremony were quickly erected.

What no one noticed was that a black shadow sneaked in here quietly. He reversed the position of the rune designating the time on the ceremony platform, and the rune designating the future is now designating the past.

The black shadow left quietly after finishing these tasks, but no one present noticed this, and continued the summoning ceremony.

Luo Jia stepped onto the stage to lead the ceremony, and the surrounding believers knelt down and chanted scriptures containing spiritual power, and the huge power of faith drove the ceremony.


On the Rhythm of Loyalty, Luo Jia was writing the [Emperor's Holy Words] in his hand. After meeting his father, Luo Jia undoubtedly had a fanatical worship of the god-like emperor.

In the following days, Lorja spent a lot of time writing the Holy Words in his hand.

When the skull of the meditator at the side made a "didi" time bell, Luo Jia stopped the work in his hands, and the time for preaching and preaching came.

Next, he will go to the hall to give his heirs and crew believers to pray every day, and every Sunday he will give sermons to the believers.

Luo Jia came to the aisle and saw a group of warriors who had just completed their mission coming in front of him. The leader of the warrior team, Angel Tai, led the Word Bearers team and saluted Luo Jia: "My lord."

Lorgar blessed his heirs: "The God-Emperor bless you, my children, is everything going well?"

Angel Tai: "My lord, we have successfully spread the glory of the God Emperor in another world, and another world has been bathed in the grace of God."

Lorgar nodded: "Children, I am proud of you, and my father, the Lord of Humanity, is also proud of you."

While talking with his sons, Luojia suddenly felt some force pulling him, and his body floated up.

Angor Tai immediately grabbed Lorgar, but his strength was not enough to resist this force, and he was also dragged away by the huge force.

The Word Bearers team behind them immediately extended a helping hand, rushing forward one by one to hold back their comrades and the Primarch.

"What is it?" Lorgar turned his head and saw a big crack opened behind him at some point, pulling him with a huge force.

Angel Tai roared: "Hold on, sir, don't let go."

Lorja watched a group of heirs being slowly pulled into the crack together with him, Lorja shouted: "Let go, you will be pulled in too if this continues."

Angertai blushed and squeezed out two words between his teeth: "Never."

The attraction suddenly increased, and Lorgar and his brood were sucked into the rift.


Luo Jia was carrying out the ceremony, and suddenly found out why the ceremony load was so heavy?It seems that there is more than one person.

The wizard at the side said to Luo Jia: "My lord, the ritual load is too heavy, the altar will explode if it continues."

Luo Jia: "Quickly terminate the ceremony."

"My lord, the energy is out of control, and the altar is about to explode."

Luo Jia: "Evacuate, everyone who can evacuate should evacuate here as soon as possible."


The cracks on the altar released dazzling light, engulfing everything around it. Lorgar escaped from the range of the core at the fastest speed, but was also knocked to the ground by the huge impact.

There was a sudden explosion at the moon base, a massive explosion that nearly destroyed a tenth of the Word Bearers base.

At the same time, a group of unexpected visitors also appeared on the earth wrapped by time and space wandering.

(End of this chapter)

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