Chapter 134 Holy War
George patrolled the troops, making sure all preparations were complete, trenches dug, and supplies mobilized before the attack.

George found that some people did not immediately return to their combat positions, but gathered together. An old priest in black robes was confessing to the soldiers with a Bible in his hand.

George recognized the old priest, his name was Frenza, he was a Christian, and he kept his faith after the war. When he saw Master Liu Bi performing a miracle, he immediately knelt down and prayed to Master Liu Bi. He also respected Master Liu Bi as the descendant of God.

In the days that followed, he preached everywhere in the steel fortress, preaching that Master Liu Bi and Master Perturabo are the saviors and gods of the world.

Mr. Liu Bi said that he is not a god, but George didn't believe it, but Mr. Liu Bi must have a reason for him to say that, as a director with the best performance and the most favored in the company.

George knows that when the boss insists on a proposition, he must not confront the boss. As long as it does not affect his salary and normal life in the future, if the boss points at a deer and calls it a horse, you have to flatter him and say that the boss is wise.

George had to stop this guy's speech. Usually he preached that George just turned a blind eye and closed his eyes. Why did this guy come to interfere with the military on the eve of the war? No, when did this guy come here with the army?

"Lucky children, you are by God's side, following God and launching a holy war with the Son of God, this is an incomparably sacred glory and glory, after death you will ascend to the kingdom of heaven..."

"Father Florence."

A voice interrupted Frenza's sermon. Seeing George's arrival, the soldiers immediately stood up and stood aside nervously, like children who were discovered by their parents playing games at night.

Frensa didn't seem to notice this, he bowed to George and saluted: "God is with you, Sir George."

George looked around at the soldiers around him with stern eyes: "What are you all doing here? There is going to be a war soon, don't you know? Go back to your posts."

"Yes, sir."

The soldiers dispersed and hurried back to their posts.

After George finished solving the soldiers' affairs, he looked at Father Frenza: "Father, why are you here?"

Father Frenza: "I have been serving God all my life, Sir George, how can we not participate in the jihad of salvation led by God himself."

George's pupils widened: "You? Who else but you?"

Frenza: "All the faithful of God are here."

George picked up the binoculars hanging on his chest and looked at the rear position. A large group of priests and nuns dressed in clergy clothes appeared in the land requisition, either preaching and evangelizing, or helping the soldiers organize their equipment, carry ammunition, deliver food, and dig trenches.

George glared at Father Frenza: "Father, tell your men to leave our position quickly, you will interfere with the work of our soldiers."

Father Frenza: "We just want to help."

George: "You guys are doing a disservice. If you let civilians who have not received military training enter the position, there will be serious problems. Father Frenza immediately organizes your people to withdraw from the front line and go to the logistics department."

Under George's resolute and stern eyes, Father Frenza had no choice but to go to the rear to explain to the servants of God he had brought, and lead them away from the trench.

George scolded his mother angrily: "If Master Perturabo knows that this kind of thing happened in my position, he will definitely pull out my skin."

The cannon fire flew, and the shells exploded on the Skynet bunkers one after another. The artillery shell technology brought by Perturabo, the brutal firepower hit the Skynet bunkers that did not have the shield technology.

"Advancing another five kilometers, we not only have to attack the factory, but we also have to arrange our defensive strongholds around the factory. If the opponent fights back after we hit it, then our fight will be meaningless."

Perturabo arranged and mobilized the deployment of troops on the battlefield, and a series of orders came from his mouth.

Colonel Merkel received the news and led the artillery to continue to move closer to the front line. This step also meant that the infantry must also rush into the front line quickly.

But the firepower of the Skynet robot army is very brutal. It is reasonable to say that the metal will indeed be exhausted, and the chip will be burned if it is overloaded, but the willpower and physical strength of ordinary people will definitely collapse first before the hardware of the Skynet robot is scrapped.

The mortal soldiers on the battlefield were shot through by the plasma beams because they charged too far forward, and fell on the way of the charge.

The Skynet machine suppressed George's troops with huge frontal firepower, and dispatched a large number of Terminator robots to press towards the position.

George looked at the battlefield ahead with a telescope: "Damn it, it's different from what was expected. Their strength is at least five times that of ours, and our front line can't push up."

George connected to the communication: "My lord, the enemy's troops are too strong, our people can't rush up at all, we need support, if you or the Iron Warriors can help us..."

Perturabo: "The Astartes forces have entered the eastern gate, you hold the line, and the war will be over in five hours."

George looked at the terminators who were coming towards their position in the distance, five hours?It would be good if such a difference in troop strength could last for two hours.

"The great God protects us, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, Hallelujah! God is by our side, we fight for the King of Kings, God's servants vent our wrath on these demons!"

Father Frenza walked ahead with a wooden cross in his hand, plasma beams flying past him, but he didn't care if he lived or died.

Just when a particle beam hit his face and was about to take his life, the particle beam was suddenly bounced away by an invisible thing.

Father Frenza's eyes shone with white lightning, and all kinds of plasma shots disappeared mysteriously in front of him.

According to the Star Language Hall, the state of the priest at this time is spiritual awakening.

At this time, the miracle that occurred on the priest undoubtedly boosted the morale of the human side, and they rushed out of the trenches one after another.

"The gods are watching us! For God, for the Lord of Mankind!"

At this time, the human side erupted with extraordinary combat power and morale, and the soldiers even dared to rush to the Terminator and shoot their guns down their chests.

A soldier was pierced by the beam and fell to the ground. A nun rushed forward and used a bandage in the box to stop the bleeding.

The nun trembled and pressed the opponent's wound hard, "The lord of mankind bless him, the lord of mankind please bless him."

The wound that the nun's hand pressed began to emit a dazzling light, the nun moved her palm in a daze, and the wound disappeared without a trace.

Perhaps it was the psionic awakening of these humans in a moment of despair, or the spiritual power of a large number of beliefs in these purebred humans at this time stirred up the subspace and distorted reality, or the Emperor was indeed not far from them, responding to them prayers.

(End of this chapter)

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