40K: Where did the Emperor go?

Chapter 144 Fort Defense Battle

Chapter 144 Fort Defense Battle ([-])
Perturabo received word from the Iron Warriors ahead that they had located the invaders, but no trace of the Primarch.

Perturabo looked at the progress bar on the reality screen, and he knew that he had to play for a while in person.

Perturabo came to the Iron Throne, and he said to the golden figure sitting on the throne: "Father, I have to leave for a while."

+Where are you going? +
Perturabo: "A bunch of bad guys have invaded our home, and I'm going to get rid of them."

+ Will it be dangerous? +
Perturabo reached out and patted the hand of the golden figure: "I will be careful, don't worry father, when I come back, we will leave here and go to a place where there are no pregnant people."


Coze and Alpharius enter the metro station that Coze prophesied, and to their surprise they are spared any traps and attacks by Perturabo's men.

Alpharius: "This is not normal, are you sure this is Perturabo's location?"

Ke Zi: "There is no mistake, we are walking on the path of destiny."

The two came all the way to a tram, which was specially made, and the two Primarchs didn't look crowded at all.

Alpharius looked at Ke Zi: "Sit down?"

Ke Zi didn't say anything, he stepped forward and sat on it, and Alpharius saw that Ke Zi had already sat on it, and he had nothing to fear, so he got on the tram as well.

The tram was self-driving, and after the two Primarchs got on the car, it carried the two Primarchs all the way into the depths of the tunnel, and stopped not long after.

The tram door opened automatically, and Koz and Alpharius walked out of it. What they saw was not the dangerous trap they expected, but an elegantly decorated restaurant.

There are three glasses and a whole bottle of red wine on a large dining table. The three glasses have been filled with red wine. Smelling the aroma of the wine is just a good time to sober up.

Alpharius: "Perturabo figured we'll come."

Ke Zi picked up a glass of wine from the table and drank it: "Father is in his hands, and he can use his father to do many things."

Alpharius was not as bold as Koz, who dared to casually drink what Perturabo gave him. He carefully observed the surrounding layout, while Alpharius was thinking about the weapons and traps that Perturabo had set up there.

At this time, there was a sound of heavy footsteps, and a steel king wearing heavy Terminator armor came out, behind him were a large number of guard robots.

Perturabo was holding a warhammer. He sat on the main guard of the dining table with a smile and raised his glass: "Welcome to you, my brothers."

Perturabo's words made people feel like they were bathed in spring breeze. It seemed that he was not an enemy who came to fight Koz and Alpharius, but to attend a brotherhood gathering.

"The clothes are beautiful! Master Perturabo" Kozi pulled a chair and sat down, taunting him with a strange tone.

The chair creaked, but it was surprisingly able to withstand Koz and his heavy armor.

Perturabo: "Koz, you were a monster in the past, and you still haven't turned into a human being."

Facing Perturabo's ridicule, Koz was surprisingly not angry, but looked at Perturabo with a smile without saying a word.

Alpharius said to Perturabo: "Perturabo in the future, I think you know why we are here."

Perturabo sneered: "Of course I know, you are the lackeys of that fellow Horus, and you came here to take my father away from me."

Alpharius persuaded: "At this time, the outside of this city has been surrounded by our people. Even if you can bring your father out of the encirclement of this city, you will still not be able to protect your father when the Warmaster personally brings the army. lives will be lost.”

Perturabo poured another glass of wine and looked at Alpharius: "Should I show a scared expression?"

Perturabo looked at Kezi again: "Did you see the prophetic vision that you took my father away from me?"

Koz showed a bloodthirsty smile: "We will definitely get our father, and it seems that you and I haven't fought much? And in a one-to-many situation, do you think you can win?"

Perturabo was silent for a while: "I think I can try."

Koz sneered and showed the power claws of both hands, and Alpharius clenched the double-ended spear in his hand.

Following Perturabo's killing intent, the surrounding guard robots also slowly raised their weapons.

The guard robot fired first, but Koz moved faster. He rushed in front of Perturabo first, and Perturabo raised the hammer in his hand to fight back.

The collision of the hammer and the claws produced glaring sparks. Although Perturabo had the help of a large number of escort robots, what could not be changed was that he really needed to devote a lot of attention to controlling the actions of the robots.

This is not the result Perturabo wanted, but the development of reality is beyond his control.

Perturabo glanced at the reading bar connected to the computer on the armor, it was already 86%, just a little bit more.

Perturabo's slight distraction made Koz seize the opening, he grabbed Perturabo's hands with his horizontal claws and was about to cut off Perturabo's wrists.

But Kezi underestimated the defensive power of Perturabo's armor and Perturabo's reaction power. His claws only cut through the outer layer of protection on Perturabo's arm, and Perturabo let go immediately. Warhammer withdrew his hand, and grabbed Kezi's wrist with his backhand.

Perturabo suddenly stretched out two heavy bolters from behind and aimed at Koz's face. At this time, Koz's hands were caught by Perturabo, and Koz struggled to break free but was caught by Perturabo. Can't get out.

At this time, Alpharius was restrained by the robot, and Koz was caught with both hands and could not dodge the weapon on Perturabo's back. Perturabo was about to deal with a hostile brother.

Perturabo sneered at Koz: "It was tricked, you monster, die here, your father's most failed and twisted work."

Ke Zi grabbed Perturabo's hand with his backhand: "On the contrary, you are the one who got caught."

A spear pierced Perturabo's chest from Perturabo's back and protruded out. Perturabo looked at the spear point on his chest in disbelief.

Perturabo: "This...how is this possible? It's Omega, I missed you, but how could you sneak in here by bypassing my surveillance system?"

Omega pulled out the tip of his spear, and Perturabo fell to his knees. Omega: "It's not sneaking in, but teleportation. The armors on Koz and Alpha have flashing systems. I teleport directly behind you through psionic power." of."

Perturabo looked at his festering wound: "It's actually Nurgle's virus, you guys are well prepared..."

Saying that Perturabo passed out, from his last perspective, Kezi and Alpharius and Omega cleaned up the puppets that had lost his direct control, and walked towards the back where his father's secret laboratory was.

(End of this chapter)

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