40K: Where did the Emperor go?

Chapter 146 Father and Son

Chapter 146 Father and Son

"what is that?"

The two Lorgars were stunned for a moment, and after seeing the person in Alpharius' arms, they felt the blood gushing out of their hearts.

The two Lorgars rushed towards Alpharius at the same time, Pope Lorgar roared: "Give back your father, you traitor is not qualified to touch your father!"

Chaos Lorgar screamed, "Give me the Emperor, Alpharius, do you want to betray?"

Alpharius was stared at by two hideous religious fanatics, both of whom looked like they were going to tear him to pieces.

Alpharius turned and ran away upon seeing this.


The time and space storm dissipated, and a huge golden psionic energy surged into the sky, and all the Primarchs instantly sensed the father's position.

Horus immediately ordered: "Arrange Thunderhawk, no, just give me an airborne pod."

The Avenger Spirit has been moored above Earth, and the Sons of Horus are the closest force to Earth.

Immediately, Horus took the airdrop pod and sent it down to the earth, and correspondingly, Horus's most elite Gastarin troops also came down in the airdrop pod.

One after another, the airdrop pods landed towards New York like dense hailstones, smashing straight into the urban battlefield.

A noble and majestic figure slowly walked out of one of the largest hatches. When he appeared, his momentum stirred up the entire battlefield, as if the sky and the earth were changing.

Horus stepped out of it, holding the Hammer of the World Breaker in his hand, and the huge charisma of Horus made the surrounding battlefields quiet as soon as he entered the battlefield.

Horus roared, "Where is the Emperor?"

The warmaster's roar seemed to be an irresistible order from the king, and the people around could not help but subconsciously obey his order, and all looked inside the city walls of New York.


A blue-green figure rushed out of the city with something in his arms, and Alpharius immediately contacted his troops and ships to cover himself from escaping.

Before Alpharius could feel the joy of winning the Emperor, a psychic lightning struck Alpharius.

Alpha's hands and feet were numb from the shock and he couldn't move. He let go of the Emperor he was holding and fell to the ground. At this moment, a flash of light flashed, and three figures came to the scene.

The tall Magnus saw Alpharius's eyes light up, and Angron and Magnus rushed towards Alpharius together. The psychic energy surged in Magnus' hands, and the power ax in Angron's hand "Buzzing".

At this time, two Lorgar, Omega, and Perturabo also rushed out, and they surrounded Alpharius and the emperor on the ground.

Angron glared at everyone around him: "Father is mine, I will chop anyone who dares to stretch out his claws first."

Chaos Luojia: "You have to hand over your father to me, I can show him the truth of the universe, I can let him meet the true god, and then we can serve Chaos together with my father."

Perturabo looked around at the people around him, thinking about how to get his father back, and then escape.

Omega thought about making a breakthrough from there to help Alpharius escape from here.

Pope Lorgar angrily scolded the crowd: "What do you guys think of your father? You actually gathered a crowd to snatch your father as if it were a thing. Quickly kneel down and confess your mistakes to the God Emperor."

Chaos Luojia looked at Pope Luojia with disdain: "Religious idiot, the false emperor is not a god."

Pope Lorgar refuted Chaos Lorgar: "Then what do you say He is?"

Chaos Lorgar: "Our father made it clear that he is not a god."

Pope Lorgar: "Only a true God would deny his divinity."

Chaos Lorgar is furious!I secretly swear in my heart that I will burn a copy of the emperor's holy words in the future, and see a church that worships the emperor as God burn a church.

Only the two of Lorgar cared about the topic of whether the Emperor was a god or not, and the other people's attention was completely competing for the Emperor himself.

The demon Angron on the side first raised the blood father and blood son to slash at the nearest Magnus.

Magnus blocked the attack with his staff, and cursed: "I knew you had to do it, but I didn't expect you to be so impatient."

Angron sneered: "Whoever has the toughest thing in his hand will belong to his father. I'll hack Magnus to death first to prevent him from using any tricks."

The battle began in an instant, and all the Primarchs swung their weapons at each other.

The battle was triggered in one place, and this battle between the demigods was definitely the most intense and exciting in the entire battlefield.

This is the first time in history that so many Primarchs have come together to fight each other.

The battle between the Primarchs shrouded the battlefield, and the surrounding mortals could not intervene in this century war. The battlefield of the Primarchs vacated a large area of ​​no one.

At this time, Erebus, the Hand of Chaos, came here, and Chaos Lorgar gave Erebus the command of the Word Bearers when he attacked.

He raised the staff in his hand and issued an order. A large number of weapon-controlling believers on the Word Bearer ships in the orbit aimed their weapons at the unconscious emperor in the center of the battlefield and started bombing. The bombing lasted for more than a minute. bell.

A large number of super weapons enveloped this area. After the roaring explosion, the site sank and formed a huge abyss. Dust and smoke were everywhere, and the ground was surrounded by dust that had been burnt into crystal glass.

Erebus looked at the scene with satisfaction and solved the emperor. This credit will definitely be rewarded by the four gods.

At this moment, Horus and his Castalin also approached slowly from a distance, Erebus smiled and saluted Horus: "Congratulations to you, Warmaster, now the false emperor and those who oppose you You are all dead, and you are now the Lord of Humanity."

While Erebus was courting him, he suddenly felt something penetrate his chest, it was the claw of Horus.

Horus provoked Erebus: "Who told you to be smart?"

Erebus spat out a mouthful of blood: "You can't...you can't kill me...I'm the messenger of the gods...kill, killing me will draw the wrath of the gods..."

Horus smiled disdainfully and said, "You are a clown at all, and I don't care about your masters at all. Anyway, sooner or later, I will turn against them. Now is the time."

Horus gutted Aribadon, and the gutted body fell from Horus' claws to the ground.

Horus flicked his sharp claws, disassembled the stand, smashed the viscera on top, and then scattered them on the ground.

Horus didn't put his mind on these at all, what he really wanted to obtain was below this passage.

Horus descends into the ditch, and the next thing he sees is a sweet but ironic scene.

All his brothers, those Primarchs, they were all hugging each other, and they were killing each other a minute ago, and they did the same thing the moment the bombing started.

When the emperor was bombed, they all rushed forward to protect their father.

(End of this chapter)

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