40K: Where did the Emperor go?

Chapter 149 Traitor Alliance

Chapter 149 Traitor Alliance
May I ask what cell can hold the eight Primarchs including Koz, two Angrons, two Lorgars, Magnus, Omega, and Alpharius?
The psychic energy in Magnus' hand flickered, and his gravitational device suddenly failed, and Magnus fell from midair.

When Magnus opened the cell door, he saw Koz, Alpharius, Perturabo, Omega, Angron, Lorgar and others standing in the entire aisle.

Magnus rubbed his wrists: "What do you guys think?"

Ke Zi laughed and said, "What else can I think of? Of course I'm thinking about our war commander. His move of praying mantis catching cicada and oriole followed, but he became the biggest winner."

Angron touched the butcher's nail that had become a decoration on the back of his head: "Now Horus is the most powerful among us, we are no match for him alone, let alone get the emperor if we stumbling each other. "

Alpharius: "Let's form an alliance, and kill Horus first no matter what."

Pope Lorgar pointed to another self: "I can't conspire with this heresy, he doesn't even want to believe in the essence of the emperor."

Chaos Luojia: "The emperor is not a god, you idiot, I have told you what happened in the Perfect City, don't you understand?"

Pope Lorgar: "Father must have his own reasons. You can't betray your faith for such a trivial matter."

Chaos Lorgar: "Small matter? He made me and my legion kneel before Guilliman, trampled our dignity..."

Pope Luojia: "You should believe in your own god, and you have the emperor in your heart. If you don't know who to kneel to, we are all kneeling emperors."

Chaos Lorgar: "..."

Chaos Luojia: "I suddenly understood how other people looked at me at that time, and I suddenly understood why my father didn't choose to explain to me, but chose to burn the city directly."

Angron: "Okay, everyone, be rational, think about the important things first, and don't discuss other things now, are we on the Vengeful Spirit now?"

Alpharius pulled out a note from the crack of his cell, which contained a message from his informant.

Alpharius: "Horus knew that there was no cell in the world that could hold us, so he just threw the entire cell into space, and he wanted us to fend for ourselves."

Koz: "Gain should have let us live, he should have known that Magnus among us could use his psionic spells to teleport us to safety."

Perturabo: "Where shall we go now?"

Angron: "Call our troops to find Ferrus and the others."

Alpharius: "What a good idea. We killed so many of them in the Isstvan galaxy. Now we go to them. They will definitely choose to kill us as soon as possible."

Angron: "That depends on his choice. If they think revenge is more important than finding their father, then we will not form an alliance with them and we will do it ourselves."

Perturabo looked at Angron with a smile: "So you forgive me for killing your heir?"

Angron took a deep breath: "Perturabo don't let me choose to kill you here, and find my father first, the debt between us will never end."

Perturabo: "I come from the future, and now my legion should still be in my hands in this era, but I can go to Earth to gather the troops I have established."

Magnus: "Everyone, we have to hurry up. I feel the power of my father surging. I don't know what Horus is using my father now."

"Father" Perturabo's eyes were in a trance. He subconsciously touched the bar of chocolate in the waist pocket of the armor. television. "Father" Angron thought of the days when his father was lying on the bed feeding and talking to him, and wondered how his father was doing now.

"You guys, is this the time to recall the sweet past?" Magnus punched the cell door, leaving deep fist marks on the door.

For the first time, Magnus hated that he could read minds. He read the superficial memories of the two guys in front of him, and it really made people angry.

Alpharius: "Magnus, use your power to get us out of here, we have to act quickly."

Magnus: "Wait a minute, I feel a special signal, it is the breath of Horus, no, because it should be the future Horus, and Fulgrim is with him."

Angron: "Future Horus! Where is he?"

Magnus: "On Earth, in the city we fought before."

Angron: "Very good, now Magnus, please send us there quickly."

Magnus: "Aren't you going to find the Loyalists?"

Angron: "I suddenly thought of an idea. Maybe we don't have to praise the stinky feet of the Loyalists. Let's go to the future Horus. With him, we can easily turn many Horus troops."

Magnus: "Stay closer, we're going to cast a spell."

Angron looked around at his brothers: "Now I don't care about any grievances between you, let's put it aside for now, wait until the Warmaster is dealt with, and I will talk to my father after meeting. If you have any objections, speak up now."

Perturabo joked: "It's amazing. When I listened to Angron's transfer arrangements, I actually felt very reasonable and comfortable with what he said."

Angron glared at Perturabo.

A group of people entered the subspace under Magnus' spellcasting, and they couldn't help but feel a strange sense of connection when they entered, but they quickly exited that place.

When they regained their vision again, they saw houses and construction sites being rebuilt.

The sudden appearance of a group of giants made everyone around them startled and vigilant.

"Contact your lord quickly, another giant is coming."

"Who are you?"

Angron looked at Magnus: "Can you read any useful information?"

Magnus easily read the messages in the minds of the people around him. Magnus said to Angron: "The Dark Angels solved the Skynet robots here, but they did not occupy this place. They left, because they should pay attention All power is concentrated on Warmaster Horus, and the future Horus and Fulgrim hid here to rule and accumulate strength."

Soon everyone saw a handsome and unique man with white hair wearing purple power armor appearing in front of them.

However, the purple phoenix has inevitably changed greatly from its original image and temperament. His armor no longer pursues the ultimate perfection, but is more suitable for actual combat. It looks without makeup, and it doesn't have that strong aroma that is almost unbreathable.

(End of this chapter)

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