40K: Where did the Emperor go?

Chapter 151 The 8th original body begs for thieves

Chapter 151 Eighteenth original body fights against thieves

Horus said to all the primarchs: "It is actually a coalition expedition, so we should divide the positions to avoid confusion in command. What do you think?"

Angron thought for a while and agreed: "This is indeed true. Then we actually recommend you to take the position of leader of the alliance, so you can carry out the enfeoffment duties."

Horus: "Three days later, I will send people to build a platform to carry out the enfeoffment ceremony. Let's worship the heaven and swear an alliance."

Three days later, in order to unite the alliance, a group of Primarchs built a high platform and began to gather their own troops.

Horus burned incense and worshiped: "The empire is unfortunate, and the imperial line is lost. The traitors and war commanders take advantage of the provocation to cause harm, bring disaster to the supreme, and abuse the people. We, the primarch, are afraid of the loss of the country, so we gather the righteous soldiers and go to the national disaster." All our allies must work together to achieve integrity for our ministers, and we must have the same ambition. If we have this alliance with Chongqing, we will suffer the consequences of our fate, and we will not be able to overcome our legacy. Terra Luna, the Emperor’s bright spirit, will learn from this fact!"

Angron asked Fulgrim quietly: "What kind of ceremony is this?"

Fulgrim whispered in Angron's ear: "Recently, Horus has been reading a book of ancient Terran literature called The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. He liked it very much. According to the coming ceremony, he was here a few days before you came. I also lamented that Sanguinius is not here, otherwise he would have taken me to a nearby peach orchard and we would have a peach orchard where the three of us would become sworn brothers."

Angron: "..."

After Horus burned the sacrificial text, he brought a bowl of white wine, grabbed a chicken, cut off the chicken head and dripped bowls of blood wine on it.

Then bowls were handed out. Angron looked at the chicken blood wine in the bowl and asked Fogg, "Is this also from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms?"

Fogg: "He has recently been watching gangster movies like Young and Dangerous. He may have learned it from those movies."

Angron: "Can't you find something serious to do here?"

The other primarchs didn't matter. Anyway, I just drank a bowl of blood wine. I wasn't afraid of getting chicken plague, so I drank it all in one gulp.


Horus smashed the porcelain bowl on the ground and smashed it into pieces. The other Primarchs looked at each other and dropped the bowls to the ground.

Horus: "As the saying goes, before the soldiers and horses are moved, the food and grass go first. Who will manage the logistics position."

All the primarchs look at me and I look at you. It is obvious that they don't want to do logistics work. Those who work on the front line will definitely get in first and contact their father first.

Don't look at these people who are now beheading chickens to form an alliance. In fact, they are all for the emperor. One person cannot defeat Warmaster Horus, otherwise who will come to form an alliance with these guys.

Angron sighed and stood up: "I'll handle the logistics."

Fulgrim's eyes widened and he asked Angron, "Do you know how to handle logistics?"

Angron: "Otherwise no one would do it! You see, none of them obviously want this position. Alas! It would be great if Guilliman was here."



Guilliman rubbed his nose, and Ferus, who was sitting at the head of the table, asked, "What's wrong with you, Guilliman?"

Guilliman: "Nothing. My nose suddenly felt a little itchy. You continue."

Ferus: "Now our crusade against Horus cannot be hasty like last time. We must have a solid organization and discipline. The logistics will be managed by Guilliman."

Ryan: "What about the position of the Warmaster? We must have a commander-in-chief who commands the overall situation."

Ferrus: "We will discuss this matter later. The White Scars, Space Wolves, and Blood Angels have not arrived. We cannot ignore their opinions. After they arrive, we will hold a vote. What do you think? ?”

Vulcan: "Agree."

Corax: "Agreed."

Robert Guilliman: "Agreed." Dorn: "Agreed."

After the old lion king on the side pulled Ryan, the two lion kings stretched out their hands to make a choice: "We also agree."

After the meeting was dissolved, Ryan said to the old Lion King: "When Sanguinius comes back, they will definitely choose Sanguinius."

The old Lion King put his hand on Ryan's shoulder: "Do you still remember what my father said to us in private when Horus was elected Warmaster?"

Ryan: "I didn't forget, I just."

Old Lion King: "Don't let things like reputation and status affect our loyalty to our father. What we should be thinking about is how to better serve our father's great goal. Horus may have cared too much about these things and thus embarked on the journey of When you go astray, remember that loyalty is the reward.”

Ryan's eyes sparkled, and he nodded to the old Lion King: "Yes, I understand."

Old Lion King: "But we also need to prove ourselves as Warmaster and let other brothers see what we can do."


Angron looked at the letter in his hand. Fulgrim was sorting out data for him. Angron raised his head and glanced at Fulgrim: "Fogg, you don't need to come here to do this hard work with me."

Fulgrim: "Anyway, I don't have any troops right now, and I don't have anything important to do."

Fulgrim handed the data sheet to Angron: "Look at this, this is what we can gather now."

Angron: "So few?"

Fulgen: "Any more will deprive the local people of their lives."

Angron: "It's just that one earth really can't support so many of our troops. We can't hold on to just one sheep. Otherwise, if the sheep dies, we will also starve to death."

Forgan: "We have to have more sources of resources."

Angron: "If I had Guilliman's Five Hundred Worlds, we wouldn't have to worry so much."

Fulgrim: "Guilliman is better than us in the allocation and management of logistics materials. What about you, what do you think of the political and logistics theory books I brought recently?"

Angron: "I've benefited a lot. I'll go there soon. I plan to let everyone in my legion take a look and learn from it."

Fulgrim smiled and said: "You are trying to change the tradition of the World Eaters! Instead of using an ax to eat the world, you use a pen to rule the world."

Angron and Fogg have become very good friends through their interactions and interactions these days, and they often make some jokes.

Angron raised the bill in his hand: "It was the nails that gave me a headache before, but now it's these bills. If I had known better, I wouldn't have stood up to deal with this matter."

Fulgrim: "Now you know it's not easy. Let's see if you can hold on next time."

Angron picked up the coffee on the side and took a sip: "Kahn, pour me a cup of coffee, Kahn?"

Angron found that no one answered after shouting for a long time. Angron and Fulgrim looked at each other. They walked out of the door and walked to the next room. Angron saw piles of information and books.

At this time, a Kahn wearing World Eater power armor was holding a pen and doing some calculations. Angron and Fulgrim picked up a book from the side [On Logistical Warfare], [Logistics Military Encyclopedia] , [Agricultural Planning Research], [On Protracted War], [Military and Civilian Dual Use Manual]...

Fulgrim looked at Angron: "You have a good son."

Angron whispered: "You still have to tell us, let's keep our voices down and leave."

(End of this chapter)

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