40K: Where did the Emperor go?

Chapter 153: Outrageous things happen one after another 2

Chapter 153 Outrageous things happen one after another

Angron saw the legendary imperial hero political commissar, Caiphas Kane, sitting on a chair being guarded by several World Eaters.

Angron walked towards him, and the pressure of the Primarch's huge and brave body came over him. The World Eaters on both sides immediately fell to their knees under the pressure.

Kaifas Kane, on the other hand, was sitting calmly on his chair, seemingly not caring at all about the aura brought by a Primarch.

"Such a strong willpower, he is indeed a heroic political commissar of the empire!" Angron praised.

Kahn stepped forward and pushed Caifash Kane: "Sir, he seems to be asleep."

Angron: "..."


Commissar Kane suffers!Inexplicably, the Emperor thrust a gun into his hands and asked him to shoot the Emperor. How could he have the courage?

He tried to escape but was caught by Leman Russ. He stayed with Leman Russ and followed the wolf king through life and death. He survived the battlefield by relying on luck and the will to survive.

He was caught by a group of Primarchs and traveled through the subspace on a Titan. When he came out, all the Primarchs were gone. When he opened his eyes, he found himself on a ship.

Surrounded by Astartes wearing blue and white armor, I asked the World Eaters of the 30K era.

He had just stepped out of the wolf's den and into the tiger's den again. Thinking that it would be better to stay by Ruth's side, he joined the rebel camp in a daze.

Commissar Kane sat on the bed, holding his stomach and feeling hungry as soon as he woke up. It was really unlucky.

"Dong dong dong."

The door was knocked.

"Please come in."

The door opened, and an Astartes walked in with a plate of fried rice.

"Sir please have dinner."

Kahn brought the fried rice in front of Commissar Kane.

Political Commissar Kane looked at the fried rice: "Is this rice with decapitation?"

Kahn: "..."

Kahn: "No."

Commissar Kane couldn't control so many people, and his stomach was already growling with hunger.

Political Commissar Kane took the fried rice from Kahn's hand, grabbed a spoon, scooped the fried rice in front of him into his mouth and ate it. Years of war experience told him that when you can eat, eat as hard as you can, because this is probably you. Last meal.

Kahn stood quietly and waited for Commissar Kane to finish the food, and thoughtfully offered him a cup of tea.

Commissar Kane took the drink and ate it smoothly, lying on the chair contentedly.

Commissar Kane: "Oh! It would be better if I had a cigarette."

Kahn took out a pack of Huazi from the pocket of his armor's tactical belt and handed one to Commissar Kane: "Please use it."

Commissar Kane's eyes were full of differences. For a moment, he felt that the considerate man in front of him was probably his adjutant Jurgen in disguise.

Kahn: "The Primarch told me to work under Mr.'s command from now on, and you will be my officer from now on. If you need anything, tell me, and I will try my best to do it."

Commissar Kane: "Your primarch is Angron, right?"

Kahn: "Yes."

Commissar Kane: "What does he want from me?"

Kahn: "The original body hopes that the commander can serve as a political commissar in the World Eaters and manage the military discipline of the Twelve Legions."

WTF?Commissar in World Eaters?Don’t you believe in Khorne?Do Khorne's followers need a commissar in their army?

Kahn touched a data pad: "This is the list and documents of the Twelve Legions."

Political Commissar Kane took over the list, good fellow Astartes from Wanwan, now leave it to me?I only managed a regiment of Astra Militarum?

In the duel cage, the two primarchs were sparring, Fulgrim used a long sword, and Angron used a battle axe.The two of them exchanged dozens of blows in an instant.

Fulgrim: "You simply handed over the army to that mortal to manage."

Angron: "I searched Caifas Kane's memory. He is timid, but he does have real abilities."

Fulgrim swung his sword across, and Angron stepped forward to get close, but was forced back by the gorgeous sword flowers of the purple phoenix.

Fulgan stood still: "It seems that the mortal is indeed very good."

Angron circled Fulgrim looking for opportunities and flaws: "I am severely short of manpower. There are not many people who can really use their brains, and even fewer who can use their brains and have decent character."

Fulgan: "We seem to be in the same predicament. My legion also has a lot of problems. I also need a political commissar to discuss something."

Angron: "If it's a matter about Commissar Kane, then there's no need to discuss it. The person I just found is useless and there's no way I can give it to you."

Fulgrim: "Didn't he fall out of the subspace? Why did you find him?"

Angron: "He fell into my boat. I have the ability to recognize people. I didn't find him as a political commissar. Who did he find him?"

Fulgan: "Don't you think it's too coincidental? It seems like someone specially arranged it."

Angron: "You think so too."

Fogg: "You mean this is my father's arrangement?"

Angron smiled: "It seems that my father cares about me more. He knows what I need and gives it to me."

Fulgan: "Don't be happy, this is just a guess."

Angron: "Come on, you have to trust brother, I am my father's favorite son."

Fulgrim: "Isn't my father's favorite son Horus?"

Angron: "In the past, and now that he has done so many wrong things, do you think he can still get his father's love? No, his father must hate him the most now."

Fulgan: "Shouldn't it be Luo Jia who is most annoying to my father? By the way, speaking of Luo Jia, he has called me many times recently."

Angron: "Luojia? That Luojia? Why is he looking for you? Looking for you to preach?"

Fogg: "The one who believed in Chaos asked me if I remembered the contents of Imperial Truth. He wanted to reorganize Imperial Truth into a book."

Angron: "What medicine did he take wrongly?"

Fogg: "I guess Lorgar, who believed in the Emperor, drove him very hard. I heard that the other one was preaching hard on his ship, and many Word Bearers began to believe in the Emperor again."

Angron: "Luojia plans to defeat himself with the truth of the empire?"


Wearing a red robe and holding the Emperor's Book of Truth, Pope Luojia was giving a sermon. Under the stage were the heirs of the Seventeenth Legion who had returned to the embrace of the Emperor devoutly.

They confessed their sins in front of Luojia, and Luojia explained them one by one. This grand ceremony was originally planned to be completed quickly.


The door was opened heavily, and another majestic Luojia was seen, wearing a considerate earth suit and a pair of glasses. All the prayer tattoos on his body had been completely removed by laser, leaving behind new skin.

Behind him were followers who wore suits and leather shoes like him, and they carried briefcases. Although they did not carry weapons, Pope Lorgar could smell the strong smell of gunpowder in this battle of faith.

Luojia came to his other self with his briefcase, and he took out a document and handed it to Pope Luojia.

Pope Lorgia: "What is this?"

Luo Jia: "A summons from the court."

Pope Lorgia: "For what?"

Lorgar took out a book from his briefcase, on which was written [Imperial Truth]: "I am here for this battle of faith."

(End of this chapter)

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