40K: Where did the Emperor go?

Chapter 155 The Emperor is here

Chapter 155 The Emperor is here

Efreni touched the scar on her back: "You used the Emperor's Sword to help me drive away the poison."

Guilliman: "There is nothing I can do except burn my wound with the flame of my sword."

Evelyn: "I owe you my life."

Guilliman: "Why are you here?"

Evelene: "It was my god's oracle that sent me here to save you when I was still a baby."

Guilliman: "You relied on your strength to get here, so how did Mortarion get here."

Everene: "Did you know that the Four Gods were missing in the subspace?"

Guilliman frowned: "Missing?"

Efreni: "The Demon House of Nurgle, the wasteland of Khorne, the labyrinth of Tzeentch, and even our family's great enemy, the dark prince Slaanesh. Even if we directly call his name now, there will be no such thing." The feeling of being watched by darkness.”

Guilliman: "What happened?"

Everene: "My god's revelation, in addition to asking me to come here to save you, also asked me to help you find your father."

Guilliman: "Find my father?"

Efreni: "Your brother Horus forcibly used your father's power, turning him into twenty parts and falling in various places on the timeline. If we cannot find and restore your father in time, your father Instinctively, it will swallow up the entire world and time, and by then the entire universe will become your father’s meal.”

Guilliman drew his sword and pointed it at Evrene: "You want me to betray my father and harm him according to your wishes?"

Efreni: "It is not our will, but your father's will. Your father's power has grown too strong. Horus foolishly used rituals to force the Emperor to become a god. He is now being affected by Devouring the entire world in a controlled manner is something he himself does not want to see, but the ethnic group he protects will be eaten by himself."

Guilliman: "How could you possibly know what my father was thinking?"

Everene: "Because this is the letter your father ordered to be delivered to me."

Efreni took out a letter and handed it to Guilliman. Guilliman held the letter. The powerful and holy golden power contained in it made Guilliman feel as if his father was standing in front of him.

Guilliman: "How did you get this letter."

Everene: "It was given to me by a human prophet in gray robe. He covered his face with gray robe and I don't know his true identity."

Guilliman put away the Emperor's Sword: "I believe you for the time being, but if you let me know that you have even the slightest hint of evil towards my father, even if we have an alliance agreement, I will kill you without hesitation."

Evelyn: "Time will prove what I say."

Guilliman: "So what do we do next?"

Everene: "Of course, to find your father."

Guilliman: "How to find him? You said he turned into twenty copies and were distributed throughout the timeline."

Everene: "You have your father's weapon in your hand. This sword is a symbol of your father. Combine the letter with this sword. If you hold this sword in your hand, it will guide us to find your father."

Guilliman brought the letter close to the Emperor's Sword in his hand, and the letter turned into a golden stream of light and merged into the Emperor's Sword.

Guilliman raised his sword: "Please guide me to my father."

Guilliman closed his eyes, and then he felt nothing.

Guilliman opened his eyes and looked at Evrene: "I didn't feel anything."

Evelene couldn't believe it: "How is it possible? How could my god make a mistake? This method should be able to find your father."

"Dong dong!~" Guilliman: "Who?"

"Hello, sir, I am the house servant. Does your room need cleaning?"

Guilliman: "No, thank you."

"Okay, then you can always tell me if you need anything."

Liu Bi pushed the sweeping trolley and started walking towards other rooms before he could take two steps.


There was a huge crash, and the door to the room just now was pushed open by a huge force. Liu Bi turned around and saw a huge flaming sword rushing towards him.

Liu Bi collapsed on the ground in fear, and the flaming sword was suspended in front of him.

Guilliman and Everene in the room also rushed out and saw a twenty-year-old mortal slumped on the ground, with the Emperor's Sword gently spinning in circles around the mortal.

Efreni looked at this scene and couldn't help but ask: "What's going on?"

The golden flames on the Emperor's Sword began to shine brightly. As the Emperor's Sword shone with light, the appearance of the mortal man began to change flickeringly in the vision of Guilliman and Efreni.

One moment he was an ordinary mortal servant, and the next moment he was transformed into a giant warrior wearing golden armor.

Guilliman exclaimed: "Father!"

The light of the sword converged, and the illusion disappeared. The mortal was still the same mortal, thrust directly in front of the servant, and Liu Bi was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat.

Liu Bi stood up tremblingly and wanted to run away, but Guilliman grabbed him and carried him back.

Liu Bi struggled with his limbs flailing: "This gentleman, I have offended you in some way. Please forgive me and can you let me down."

Guilliman held Liu Bi in his arms and said happily: "Father, it turns out you are here. Why can't I feel it? It turns out you are here."

Liu Bi was held in the arms of the giant in front of him, his face was buried in the huge pectoralis major muscles, and he had difficulty breathing.

"Guest, please let go...me, I can't breathe..."

Efrenie hurriedly said: "Let him go quickly, or he will be stewed to death by you if you don't let go."

Guilliman quickly let go of Liu Bi, patted Liu Bi's back and helped him calm down: "Father, how are you?"

Liu Bi took a breath and said, "Sir, I think you have misunderstood something. I am still married, so why do you keep calling me father?"

Guilliman looked at Liu Coin carefully, and then looked at Evrene: "What's going on? Father doesn't recognize me anymore?"

Evelene: "This is just a part of your father. After arriving in this time and space, he automatically formed an identity and integrated into this time and space. He has no memory of the emperor period now."

Guilliman: "So how do we restore his memory?"

Evelene: "Find the other fragments. When the two fragments merge, they will return to their origins, and his past memories will come back."

Liu Bi was completely confused. What were these two people talking about?There must be something wrong with these two people, so I'd better run away first.

Liu Bi slowly turned around and sprinted towards the door at the corner, only to be pulled back by Guilliman's big hand.

Guilliman waved his hand towards Liu Bi and said: "Father, don't run around. There are people everywhere outside now who want to kill you. It's safer for you to stay with me."

Liu Bi cried with a sad face: "Brother, you are my father, please just treat the little one like a fart, I am just a cleaner."

(End of this chapter)

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