40K: Where did the Emperor go?

Chapter 160 Heresy among the Inquisitors

Chapter 160 Heresy among the Inquisitors

On Cambridge, Liu Bi raised the Emperor's Sword in his hand, and the sword's blade ignited with golden flames. A picture appeared in the flames, showing a fat man working in the fields.

Guilliman: "Is this the next Emperor?"

Angron: "I know this person."

Guilliman: "Of course you know him. This is obviously our father."

Angron: "No, he is very famous recently, the Inquisitor Heretic, Liu Coin Nazriel."

Guilliman: "Inquisitor Heretic? Is he the Inquisitor Heretic?"

Angron: "No, the inquisitor is a heretic, which means he is a heretic among inquisitors."

Guilliman: "?"

Angron: "He is obsessed with justice, and therefore becomes hostile to a large number of imperial inquisitors, and even kills many inquisitors. Legend has it that people who see him will be like seeing their own father, and they can't help but want to get close to him. He was attracted by the empire. Commoners call him the loving father of the empire."


In the desert, two pedestrians were walking hard.

"Momo, can you walk slower? I can't walk anymore."

Liu Bin Nazriel was breathing heavily. He was a fat man with gray hair on his temples and a big beer belly.

A giant was wearing a white robe and carrying a giant scythe weapon. The exposed skin was extremely pale. Under the white robe was corpse-like white skin.

"Don't call me Momo" the giant roared unhappily.

Liu Bin Nazril took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat on his forehead: "Don't yell at me, your father. My blood pressure is not good. You know, you don't like me calling you Momo. How about calling you Tata?" ?”


Liu Bin Nazriel: "Lili?"

Veins popped out on the giant's forehead.

Liu Bin Nazriel suddenly pointed forward: "An'an, look, there seems to be a caravan in front. They must have food and drink there."

Mortarion: "You can create countless things to eat and drink by yourself. Does a pond mean anything to you?"

Liu Bin Nazril: "I can only change the most basic water and fruits, rice and the like. I can't change those delicious dishes. We don't have a pot to cook anything. I eat fruits every day. I feel I'm going to turn into a fruit."

Mortarion: "Do you have money to trade with them for food?"

Mortarion didn't say to use force to seize things. He would definitely not care about the money. He would definitely not have any psychological burden on using force to seize things. But the father in front of him valued justice and other things very important. He wanted him to go. He would definitely not rob people of their belongings, and he would not let Mortarion do it either.

They crashed in this damn place because Liu Coin Nazriel shot and killed that scumbag Inquisitor, and the two of them were hunted down by an entire Inquisition force in the local star field, so the spacecraft they were on crashed here. .

Liu Coin Nazriel: "I can exchange fruit with them. Please help me keep an eye on it so that no one can come over and see it."

Liubi Nazriel put his hand into the sand, and then asked Mortarion: "What do you think I can plant?"

Mortarion said impatiently: "Whatever you plant, plant it quickly."

Liu Bin Nazriel: "Grow grapes, grapes, grapes, grapes."

As Liu Coin Nazriel muttered, a bunch of small seedlings grew up, and then quickly grew into a thick grapevine, and then began to bear fruit, and bunches of large purple and crystal clear grapes grew out.Liu Bin Nazriel quickly picked a large handful of grapes, and then touched the grapevine: "Grapevine! Grapevine, you will be here from now on. If any pedestrians are hungry or thirsty, just invite them to eat grapes."

"Yes, the great and merciful father."

The vine strangely grew a mouth and said to Liu Bin Nazriel.

Mortarion frowned and said dissatisfied: "You are making something randomly again."

Liu Coin Nazriel: "Think about it, son! The desert is so dangerous! Once people enter here and have no food and drink, how pitiful it will be. Wouldn't it be nice to have a life-saving vine?"

Mortarion: "Can you stop being such a good person? Have you forgotten that we were hunted down by wandering merchants and planetary governors when you made wheat on the planet Kulu?"

Liu Bin Nazriel: "They maliciously purchased food and raised the price of food. The wheat I made was harvested every day. From then on, the civilians of Kulu Planet have no shortage of food to eat. This is a good thing."

Mortarion: "Yes! Those wandering merchants and governors have lost their high-priced food. They are eager to tear you apart and make soup for you."

Liu Bin Nazriel: "Hey, Xiao Mo, you are here. Even more than a dozen strong men can't get close to you. You can solve it in just a few strokes."

Mortarion: "That's why they came out with salamanders and attacked us later."

Liu Bin Nazrael scratched his head and said with a simple smile: "Then I will discuss it with you in advance when I build something in the future."

Mortarion: "I'll thank God if you save me a little trouble. Let's go."

The two exchanged the grapes in their hands for some dry food from the caravan. The juicy fruits were hard currency in the desert, so the caravan immediately accepted them.

The caravan owner's name was Blancheer. He asked Liu Coin Nazriel: "Where are you two going?"

Liu Bin Nazriel: "We are lost in this desert and want to go to the nearest city."

Blanchel: "The nearest hive city is Hive City No. 13, but you must have a middle-level resident card or a businessman's card to enter."

Liu Bin Nazriel: "Don't worry about this. I can go anywhere with a certificate."

Blancheer: "You are a wandering trader."

Liu Bin Nazriel: "Absolutely."

Blanchel: "I heard that the star region has been very uneasy recently. People from the Tribunal are arresting people everywhere. It seems they are arresting a man named Liu Bin Nazriel. There is a large bounty for his capture. There are many pirates and bounties. The golden hunters are all looking for him, did you know?”

Liu Bin Nazriel shook his head like a rattle: "I have never heard of this person. My name is Kakarot, and this is my son Sun Wuhan."

Blanchel's hand slowly touched his waist: "You are not from our planet, are you?"

Mortarion felt that everyone around him was sneaking weapons, and he narrowed his eyes slightly.

Liu Coin Nazriel dug in his arms and said, "Brother, we are not bad people. You will know after I show you something."

Blancheier had already grabbed the gun at his waist: "What?"

Liu Coin Nazriel took out the Inquisitor's rosette worn around his neck, which was a symbol consisting of a bunch of three horizontal lines and a skull.

All the people in the caravan put down their weapons, and then with a trembling voice, everyone took out all the finances they could find in the caravan and piled them at their feet. They knelt down in front of Liu Coin Nazriel: "Sir, you You can do whatever you want with us, but please don’t hurt our family for the sake of the God-Emperor.”

(End of this chapter)

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