40K: Where did the Emperor go?

Chapter 163 How to Cook the Emperor

Chapter 163 How to Cook the Emperor
"Is it ready?"

Big Scar shouted impatiently.

An orc boy wearing a dirty chef's hat ran over.

Chef boy: "Boss, isn't that thing you brought back cooked?"

Brother Big Scar: "Add more fire, let the water simmer, and then add the meat. Do you know how to cook?"

Chef boy: "Three pots of water have been boiled, but the shrimps are not cooked enough."

Brother Big Scar: "I'll go take a look."

Brother Big Scar came to the open-air kitchen. In front of him was a big pot. There was a big fire under the big pot, and the grunt was adding everything that could be burned into it.

The little baby was sitting in the pot, and a man scooped up the water in the pot with a spoon and poured the soup on the little guy. The soup in the pot was bubbling.

The little guy was swimming on his back, grabbing a vegetable in the soup with one hand and stuffing it into his mouth to eat. Big Scar stretched out his finger and dipped it into the soup.

"Hey! Ouch!"

Brother Big Scar immediately felt the heat and retracted his hand, blowing on his red fingers: "How come these shrimps are not afraid of being stewed in an iron pot?"

Chef boy: "He's not afraid of stewing in iron pots. How about just skewering him and grilling him?"

Brother Big Scar: "That makes sense. You guys should quickly get these little shrimps out and tie them up for barbecue."

The Goats got the baby out, removed the big iron pot, found a pole behind the car, tied the baby's hands and feet to the pole, and then put the little guy on the fire to roast.

While roasting, the farts mash mushrooms and all kinds of plants into a sauce.

While turning the little guy to bake, I smeared various sauces on it. After baking for a whole day, the baby was still smiling and nothing happened.

Brother Big Scar lost his patience. He untied the little guy from the pole and said, "If you can't kill it for a long time, I'll just eat it."

Brother Big Scar grabbed the little guy and put it in his mouth and bit it with a "cluck" sound. Brother Big Scar took the little guy out of his mouth. This little shrimp was fine.

Brother Big Scar felt something in his mouth, so he spit it out into the palm of his left hand, and the two bloody teeth in his back groove fell out.

All the boys and bastards exclaimed, "What are these little shrimps made of? They are not afraid of boiling or roasting. The boss's teeth can break steel. He broke his teeth when he bit this little shrimp."

Big Scar is chewing his teeth. Can't he eat this?Then this thing is useless, Big Scar threw the little guy on the ground casually.

A fart came close to the baby and hit the baby on the head with the soup spoon in his hand.

The little baby swiped the iron spoon out of Grotto's hand, and then imitated Grotto's behavior and hit Grotto on the head.


Blood, flesh and bone fragments flew into the air, and this blow directly knocked the bastard's head open.

Brother Big Scar's eyes lit up when he saw this scene. After thinking for a while, he came up with a good idea.

Brother Big Scar asked Fart to go find a green paint squirrel and get a bucket of green paint, and then paint the little guy's whole body with a layer of green paint.

Then he took the little guy painted green to the direction of the orc's tavern. The orc's place was dirty and messy, it was like a garbage dump.

The little guy was lifted up by the neck by Brother Big Scar. The little guy looked at everything around him with pure and curious eyes.

In the tavern, the greenskins drank mushroom wine and boasted about cowhide. The most lively place was a sandy area surrounded by iron plates and wooden boards in the center, where two farts each held a stick or an iron rod and a knife to fight in it. .

The green-skinned boys around them took out their teeth and were placing bets. Those who won were happily rewarded with a lot of teeth, while those who lost were dejected.Brother Big Scar said a few words to the green-skinned boss who was hosting, and the host immediately took out a broken casserole and banged it.

Host: "Brother Big Scar brings his new fart to the competition! Welcome Brother Big Scar's fart to the stage."

The little guy was thrown into the fence by Brother Big Scar, and the iron spoon he used to knock the shit out was also thrown in.

The little guy grabbed the iron spoon from the ground and looked at everything around him blankly. The green skins around him all made a fuss when they saw the little guy. This little guy was so small that he was even smaller than Snotlout, and he looked stupid.

The host asked Brother Big Scar the name of his fart. Brother Big Scar looked around and found an imperial coin on the ground.

Brother Big Scar said to the host: "His name is Little Coin."

Host: "Everyone, the warrior brought by Big Scar is called Little Coin. He is indeed small, but I don't know if he will be hard or not."

There was a faint sound from the surrounding greenskin group, and then a one-eyed greenskin who was as tall as Brother Big Scar also got in. He was carrying a cage, and in the cage was a goblin with red eyes and drooling.

When the host saw the green-skinned boss appearing, he immediately shouted: "It's One-Eyed and his big red shark. Let's welcome this undefeated legend."


The greenskins let out a waaagh!cheers, it's obvious that the one-eyed boss and his fart are the big stars here.

The one-eyed boss looked at the little babies in the field with disdain, and then looked at Big Scarface: "The things Big Scarface brought are getting worse and worse. What is this? He is so thin and small, and he can't even give it to me. It’s stuffed between teeth.”

Brother Big Scar hit the table with his fist, causing the table to jump with a loud bang: "One-eyed, do you dare to bet? The two of us bet all our teeth."

Brother Big Scar waved as he spoke, and the two farts carried a large bag of teeth and placed it on the table.

One Eye laughed and said: "Scarface, if you want to give me flowers for your teeth, of course I will. I made a bet with you."

One-Eye also asked his subordinates to carry a large bag of teeth. The two of them did not count the exact number. They exchanged one bag for another. Both greenskins thought it was fair.

The host quickly knocked on the casserole: "Hurry up and place your bet! Hurry up and place your bet! Big Red Shark vs. Little Coin, can this little guy defeat our ten-game winning streak champion?"

The greenskins began to place bets one after another, but they all placed their bets on the big red shark. Obviously, this little coin was not as big as any greenskin thought he could win.

One-Eye released the Big Red Shark. This fart called Big Red Shark. This Big Red Shark had obviously undergone some kind of transformation. Blades had been transplanted into the joints of its limbs, and its red eyes were obviously mentally abnormal.

And as soon as he came out, he screamed at the little guy in a low voice, and couldn't wait to tear the little guy into pieces.

As the host banged the casserole and said something, it started.

The big red shark immediately pounced on the little guy, and everyone was excitedly waiting for the next bloody scene to happen.

The big red shark stabbed the little guy's skin with its sharp claws, then started to tear it, stretched out its head and bit the little guy's neck.

But soon everyone was stunned, and saw that no matter how hard the big red shark bit and scratched, or cut with the blade of its joints, it could not damage the oily skin of the little guy in front of them.

After biting and scratching for a while, the big red shark lost its strength and let go of the little guy, sticking out its tongue and panting.

The little guy raised the iron spoon and hit the big red shark on the head.


Red, white, and green splashed all over the floor.

(End of this chapter)

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