40K: Where did the Emperor go?

Chapter 166 The war begins again

Chapter 166 The war begins again

Following Brother Bi's roar, a large number of green-skinned orc bosses and boys behind him rushed towards the Chaos at the foot of the mountain.

The orcs raised the big guns in their hands and fired randomly into the sky. For a while, the sky was filled with the noise of guns and the war cries of the orcs.

Holding two awesome chain swords, Brother Bi jumped into the chaotic crowd and waved the weapons in his hands wantonly.

A giant weird weapon like a city gate, and it can also rotate like a chain sword. It will kill you if it touches it, and it will be smashed into pieces if you touch it.

Demons and traitor Astartes died in droves, and blood and body parts were scattered on the battlefield. What frightened the demons even more was that the souls of the demons killed by Brother Coin would be devoured by him, and then emit a golden glow. The stream of energy was injected into the bodies of the surrounding green-skinned orcs.

As these golden rays of light entered the bodies of the greenskins, they fought more and more smoothly, and they gradually learned to cooperate with the greenskins around them.

Some of them used various scrap parts and materials to modify the big guns on the spot as soon as they had an idea. The accuracy and safety of use of those guns were greatly improved when they were picked up again.

An orc boy modified the firearm and actually produced a bolt pistol in his hand, and he suddenly knocked down several of the Emperor's Children.

Brother Big Scar caught a Slaanesh Succubus and was able to use an anti-joint technique to directly destroy one of the opponent's crab claws.

Even One-Eye has learned extremely smooth and superb weapon-using skills. He can dodge and escape three consecutive attacks from the Keeper of Secrets. You must know that the agility of the Slaanesh Demon is supernaturally fast and graceful.

Fulgrim was stunned, what happened?
Fulgrim grabbed four weapons and rushed towards Brother Coin. He roared: "Father, what's wrong with you!"

He couldn't allow his once perfect father to become so barbaric and vulgar, without any sense of beauty, just like the former goddess turned into a vegetable seller.

The bubble of fantasy was instantly popped by the needle of reality. This is how Fulgrim could allow such a thing to happen.

Luojia, what on earth did you do to your father?
Fulgrim roared and rushed towards his father, and was chopped to the ground with his sword. It was too fast and too strong.

Even if the Emperor is mad, he is still the Emperor, and his power is far beyond Fulgrim's level.

The Emperor casually slashed Fulgrim down with his sword, and then continued to slash at other demons around him without even looking at him.

Fulgrim couldn't tolerate it. He could be killed by his father, but he couldn't tolerate being ignored by his father like an unimportant passerby.

Fulgrim struggled to get up and rushed towards the emperor: "Father, look at me, it's me! I am Fulgrim! Don't you remember me?"

Brother Bi felt something coming from behind, he turned around and kicked Fugen away.

Fulgrim rose from the ground, most of his bones shattered, and the Emperor's attacks seemed to have a special power that slowed the recovery of his daemon body.

One of Fogg's arms was broken, but he still struggled to crawl towards the emperor. His eyes were full of tears. Such a father could not bring him happiness at all. The perfect creation turned into a boring beast and killing people. machine.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Fulgrim looked up to the sky and roared. He screamed at the unfairness of fate. The originally perfect historical drama of father and son fighting and emotional entanglement was ruined.

Brother Bi swung his sword and killed a secret-keeper demon on the spot and devoured its soul. The demons around him were afraid of fighting the emperor. When he approached them, they quickly committed suicide with the weapons in their hands and wanted to kill the emperor. The Emperor sends himself back into the warp before killing them.But they soon discovered that even if they committed suicide, they could not escape the fate of being devoured. As long as the soul left the entity, it would be sucked into the emperor's body by invisible forces. Throughout the battlefield, all dead souls would enter the emperor's body and be devoured by him.

Now the only way to escape here is to open a portal. The demon wizard opened a rift leading to the subspace. A group of Emperor's Children and Slaanesh Succubi dragged Fulgrim's limp body like a dead snake towards the portal.

We can't let Fogg die here, otherwise the soul of a demonic primarch will belong to the false emperor, and the consequences will be tragic if the Lord of Joy finds out.

Fogg was dragged into the subspace, and the Slaanesh army retreated. After all, there was no way to fight. The green-skinned orcs became stronger and stronger as they fought. There was also an Emperor in the middle, and there was no being of the same level as him. Many troops were given to Him to eat.

The demons exited, but the greenskins and Coin didn't intend to let them go. Obviously they were not happy about killing them, and followed the Slaanesh army into the subspace of the portal.

After entering the subspace, a sudden storm blew Brother Big Coin and his orc troops back to the real universe.

Brother Dabi opened his eyes and looked around and found that there was no enemy left. Brother Dabi was very angry.

The surrounding greenskins simply didn't have a fight, so they all relaxed. After all, the greenskins were very excited and sleepless when there was a fight, and very lack of energy when there was no fight.

Big Coin Brother was very dissatisfied with the orcs who suddenly became lazy in front of him. He felt that these boys were the enemies who let go because they were too weak and did not work hard.


Brother Big Coin roared, causing all the green-skinned boys who were resting on the ground to get up from the ground.

These guys are unorganized and undisciplined and must be trained, otherwise they won't be able to fight at all.


The four gods sent down the oracle, and all the gangster pirates in the subspace united and entered the real universe.

Although Abaddon disappeared mysteriously, there was no one who could take charge of the overall situation. A guy who claimed to be the Primarch Warmaster Horus from thousands of years ago came forward to re-gather most of the warbands in the Eye of Terror, and asked Cadia launched an attack.

It only took five days to successfully capture Cadia and capture all the Cadian people.

It is said that Warmaster Horus received support from a powerful Necron in this battle.

In return, the entire Cadian population on Cadia was imprisoned in stasis and given to the Necron as a collection.

After obtaining the important front line of Cadia, the Warmaster entered the Empire's star system unimpeded and began to occupy and invade the Emperor's territory.

The Holy Council of Terra immediately mobilized all its forces to fully support the Eye of Terror, hoping to push the forces of Chaos back to the Eye of Terror.

Among them, the Lamenter Legion closest to there was immediately mobilized to fight there.

This time the Weeper was lucky enough to encounter a group of Flesh Tearers on the way. It was rare that he did not fight alone.

(End of this chapter)

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