40K: Where did the Emperor go?

Chapter 185 Hide and Seek

Chapter 185 Hide and Seek

The City of Hope has been conquered, and humans already have their own network, but they still need to lay portals to the entire universe to connect the entire galaxy.

The value of the Network Channel can only be realized when the Network Channel is laid throughout the entire empire.

Things within the Webway were handled by Malcador and Guilliman, and the Emperor returned to the surface with the other Primarchs.

News of the Emperor's triumph would spread throughout Terra and throughout the galaxy, and today was destined to be a day of celebration.

The return of the Emperor and the Primarchs, well, although some of the Traitor Primarchs also returned with them, and seemed to be under the Emperor's command again.

Mathieu and his entourage flew to the square at the entrance of the palace as soon as they got off the transport plane. Coincidentally, Sulymanion also came with people, and the two of them bumped into each other.

Sulimanion raised his eyebrows: "Laila, you run so fast."

Mathieu said excitedly: "The true God has come, and the world will see the glory of our Lord."

Suleimanion: "The Emperor is not a god. He made this clear thousands of years ago."

Mathieu smiled and said: "I will not engage in meaningless arguments with you anymore. The truth is there, and you will be destroyed when you see it."

Sulimanion: "That's what I mean. I also want to know His Majesty's evaluation of the current empire and his plans for the future. I will interview him."

Mathieu glared at Sulymanion: "You want to question the emperor? How dare you do such a blasphemous act?"

Sulimanion: "It's not blasphemy, but an interview. This is a conversation between equals. This is what the Emperor has always emphasized in the Imperial Truth. Tens of thousands of years ago, he arranged and established the position of Historical Recorder and let them Lord Guilliman has given us the right to join the Great Crusade together."

Soon the quarrel between the two ended, because "he" came, the central figure on the topic of Sulymanion and Mathieu's quarrel.

Among the crowd, Mathieu looked at the figure of the emperor and knelt down excitedly, praying devoutly. This was not just Mathieu alone, the followers around him and all the state religion believers were so excited and fanatical. Worship the Emperor escorted by the Custodes, Sisters of Silence, and Lucifer's Black Guard.

On the other side are the recorders headed by Yahiri Sulimanion. Guilliman established these recorders to spread the emperor's ideas from thousands of years ago to the entire empire.

Guilliman has been telling Sulimanion and others the truth about the Emperor's empire, and Sulimanion himself believes that the Emperor is not a god.

After meeting the Emperor himself, Suleimanion understood why so many people considered the Emperor to be a god, whose greatness and glory could still conquer hearts even from such a distance.

At the first sight of the Emperor, people were willing to surrender to his charm and power, even to the point of giving their own lives for him.

The Emperor was walking on the Avenue of Triumph and stretched out one hand to wave to the people around him, and held the reluctant Kezi with the other hand.

Before Sanguinius was about to sneak away, the hand came down and grabbed Sanguinius again.

Sanguinius couldn't break free from the broad hand, so he could only smile awkwardly: "I want to go to the toilet."

The emperor responded with a smile: "The parade will be over soon, let's go together."

The Emperor held Sanguinius and Curze, like holding the holy light with one hand and the dirty darkness with the other.

The Emperor looked lovingly upon his two children, Curze and Sanguinius, enveloped in the Emperor's love as wide and gentle as the ocean.

Sanguinius said silently in his mind: "Don't be tempted, don't be tempted, kill Caiaphas Caine, kill Caiaphas Caine."

Sanguinius looked at Kezi on the side, hoping to pass on the news to his brothers and use their abilities to escape together.

Then he saw Kezi clinging to his father's side, not yelling or making any fuss, holding his father's hand like a good baby.

Kozi, have you fallen? Why did you lose so quickly?

At this moment, a figure quickly rushed up and snatched the emperor's hand from Kezi's hand.

Kezi, who was immersed in his father's warm palm, suddenly felt his hand empty, and then saw Leman Russ holding his father's hand.

Leman Russ held the emperor's arm affectionately: "Father, there are steps ahead. Please slow down."

Kezi's eyes turned red, and he quickly popped out his power claw.

Leman Russ: "Oh, father, you see Kozi has gone crazy again." Emperor: "Ruth, don't bully Kozi."

The Emperor released Sanguinius's hand and moved to stop Curz and Leman Russ.


Sanguinius took the opportunity to quietly converge his light, and disappeared into the crowd.

No one would have thought that a bright angel could also possess dark hidden skills.

In fact, it is not only possible to hide people in the darkness, but also in the light. Sanguinius discovered after many years of experimentation that he adjusted the dim light around him and reached a coordination with the surrounding light to achieve the ability to weaken his own sense of existence.

Curz and Krax's hiding spells are better at hiding in darker environments, while Sanguinius's hiding spells are better at hiding in brighter places.

Sanguinius left the procession, finding no one in the procession.

Until Sanguinius arrived at the Terra starport, he found an Astra Militarum political commissar in political commissar clothing standing there, holding a sign in his hand.

There are two words written on it: Come back.

Sanguinius cursed: "Gan."

The political commissar of the Astra Militarum looked at the time on his watch, then changed his sign and held it up: You, Kezi and Horus are still young to play prophecy with me.

Sanguinius looked left and right, and when he looked at the Astral Militia political commissar again, the sign changed again: Stop looking for it. My ship will not leave Terra today, and other ships will not leave.

Sanguinius secretly bypassed the political commissar, selected a merchant ship among the ships docking at the port, and then inspected the equipment and prepared to seize the ship with arms.

Sanguinius prepared to sneak into the cabin through the cargo port, hide in the cargo box, and be transported aboard.

Of course, you can't just hide away. The inspection gate is not a decoration, so you have to bribe the inspector.

Sanguinius looked at the three men in front of him, the Inquisitor, the Transporter, and the Warehouse Keeper.

Sanguinius: "As long as you complete what I said, I guarantee in the name of the Blood Angels that the room my father gave me in the palace will be yours."

The right to use the Primarch's room in the palace, and it belonged to Sanguinius, the holiest of the Primarchs, was a deal no one could refuse.

The three of them nodded quickly.

Sanguinius hid in the cargo box, and the transportation personnel used a forklift to lift the cargo box toward the inspection entrance.

The truck was stopped at the inspection gate. The inspector immediately came forward and said a few words, and the cargo box was immediately released.

Sanguinius felt the crates being carried onto the ship, and after a long walk, they were placed in a place where the cargomen left.

After waiting for a long time, just as Sanguinius was about to get out, he suddenly heard a voice.

"Father, is Sanguinius in there?"

It was the voice of Jaghatai Khan.

"Sanguinius hurried to hide in the box."

And Vulcan.

"I don't know, what do you two say, Kezi and Leman Russ."

Sanguinius emerged from the box with a dark face.

(End of this chapter)

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