Chapter 190 Destined
Everyone was stunned when they saw the scarred face and heard what the emperor said.

How did Horus become like this? No, the Emperor actually said he was Xiao He, so who is the real Horus...

Everyone looked at Xiao He who was pinned on the cross, only to see that Xiao He on the cross lowered his head and sneered.

"Haha, you still saw through my father. Why did I do something wrong? You recognized so easily that I am not this useless person."

The Emperor looked at Horus who was pinned on the cross: "It is arrogance. No matter how good your acting is, I can clearly see your arrogance that has been tainted by Chaos. Xiao He is truly repentant. His heart is filled with guilt towards everyone. This is something you don't have."

The nails were pulled out by an invisible force, and Horus slowly fell from the cross. As he fell, the injuries on his body gradually disappeared.

Horus looked at Xiao He and said, "Give me back my armor and weapons."

Horus stretched out his hand and the armor on Xiao He's body was roughly peeled off from him. The moment it fell off, the barbs inside the armor tore off a large piece of flesh from Xiao He's body.

This was Horus's torture of the little Ho, and it was also hurting him when he put on his armor.

When Horus put on the armor, these barbs naturally disappeared.

The emperor quickly put his hands on Xiao He to treat his injuries, and soon his serious injuries were almost healed.

Horus sneered and said, "Father, you have wasted so much energy treating this waste. How much energy will you have left to protect yourself when you face me later?"

The Emperor pulled Xiao He up and said, "In the eyes of a father, a child's life is always more important than his own."

Xiao He looked at his father and felt a warm current surging from his heart. At this moment, he wished he could die for his father.

Xiao He stood in front of the Emperor and said, "If you want to kill someone, kill me first. Don't touch my father."

Horus's eyes twitched: "There is no place for a loser like you to speak here."

Horus waved his hand, and Xiao He was blown away by the invisible mental power.

Just as the Emperor was about to go forward to check on Xiao He's condition, Horus stretched out his hand and summoned the World Breaker hammer to smash it at the Emperor.

The Emperor raised his sword to block Horus' attack, and the two sides exchanged thousands of blows in an instant.

The power of Horus himself far exceeded the power used to control Xiao He with external forces. At this time, the Emperor used too much power to dispel the Chaos pollution buried in Xiao He's body and heal his injuries.

Horus found the right opportunity and broke the Emperor's defense with one hammer, knocking him flying again.

The emperor half-knelt on the ground, stabbed the long sword in his hand into the ground, and slid to his knees for a distance.

Several beams of light hit Horus' back. Horus turned his head and saw Commissar Kane hiding behind a ruin, attacking Horus with the power armor weapons provided to him by the Terran Mechanicus.

The mechanical priest who installed this decomposition ray told him that once hit by this thing, the Titan's armor would be decomposed.

However, these beams had no effect on Horus's back.

The Mechanicus personnel standing at the Lion's Gate discussed with each other the reasons for the failure of the rays, but nothing was achieved in a short period of time.

Ultimately, it can only be attributed to the fact that Horus was too powerful at that time and had surpassed the constraints of the laws of physics.

Commissar Kane did not think that the Mechanicus was unreliable. For an existence that could beat the Emperor to the ground, the ineffectiveness of these two attacks was completely within his expectations.

Political Commissar Kane did not stand there like Snotlout. Instead, he extended a set of missile launchers from behind him and fired at Horus at full power.

These Hellfire missiles, which are only the size of a human thumb, are certainly small, but their power is definitely no less than that of truck-sized missiles.

But such firepower was not enough in front of Horus. Horus stretched out his finger and drew a circle in front of him. A black hole formed in front of him and directly absorbed all the missiles fired by Commissar Kane.

Horus casually released a bolt of psychic lightning, which hit Commissar Kane, and he was directly knocked away.

Horus looked at the Emperor behind him and said, "Father, you should have brought Sanguinius and the others with you. Why did you bring a mortal here?"

The Emperor looked at Horus and said, "Horus, you have a chance."

Horus: "I'll give you a chance, father. If you surrender now, I promise you will have a place beside my throne."

Emperor: "Don't push me."

Horus sneered: "What else do you think you can do?"

The Emperor stood up again. This time he looked at Horus with a completely cold look in his eyes. He said coldly: "Kid, didn't you notice? Why haven't the four guys who gave you the power appeared until now?"

Horus was stunned. That's right! He looked around the Spirit of Vengeance and indeed did not find the presence of the Four Ancients who had given him power. Why didn't they come to such an important moment of his apotheosis?

The Emperor stood up, a huge suction force emanating from his body. All the energy in the surrounding subspace rushed towards him, and he was gradually recovering his strength.

No, it was the gradual unravelling of his disguise, and the tip of the iceberg of his indescribable and terrifying true god beneath his human appearance was revealed.

A poisonous fear was born in Horus' heart, and Horus threw away the Worldbreaker in his hand.

Horus waved his hand, and his throne shattered to reveal a sword hidden inside.

This sword exudes a strong ominous aura. The Emperor can feel that there is a power in the sword that is specifically aimed at him. If he is stabbed by it, even he will most likely die.

Horus looked at the Emperor with a mocking expression and said, "The Four Ancients have long guessed that I am probably no match for you now, so they gave me this power specifically targeting you and your people."

When this sword appeared in front of people, endless fear arose in everyone's hearts. Their instinct told them that this sword was a murderous weapon created by mankind's endless karma.

It is the end of the human race, the weapon that assassinated the Emperor, the demon that destroyed the entire empire, it is Heraknion.

Horus sneered, "Father, are you ready to accept your end?"

Emperor: "I am ready. I have long been prepared to die, but not today, and not at your hands..."

Horus suddenly had a bad feeling.

The Emperor suddenly called out, "Kane, seize the sword."

Horus turned his head and saw that Commissar Cain, who was knocked down by him, had sneaked to the front of the throne at some point, and was about to grab the sword while running.

Horus wanted to rush over to stop it, but was pinned to the ground by the Emperor's telekinesis. He could only watch as the sword was grasped and pulled out by Commissar Kane.

Horus screamed in disbelief, "Impossible! How could a mortal use the Heraknion?"

The Emperor came to Horus and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Heraconion is the weapon destined to kill me, and Commissar Caiphaskain is the one destined to kill me personally. Their fates are the same, so of course he can use this magic sword."

Horus looked at the Emperor in disbelief: "Have you already arranged a grave for yourself?"

The Emperor reached out and patted Horus on the shoulder: "Son, Dad will go down to accompany you after he finishes everything."

The Warmaster died, closing his eyes forever without any pain.

(End of this chapter)

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