40K: Where did the Emperor go?

Chapter 41 1 Everything is Ready

Chapter 41 Everything is ready

If you want to say who is the happiest recently, it is Malcador. The Emperor has been teaching him all kinds of knowledge, psychic, technological, and the Emperor will give answers to any questions he asks.

His former teacher would only let him do rough work, and he would be cruelly punished if he read the books without his permission.

And the existence in front of him unconditionally taught him knowledge, and respected himself like a friend.

This is the first time that Malcador feels the closeness and kindness of his peers.

During the conversation with Malcador, the Emperor also communicated with the three children through psionic communication to report safety.

At this time, Xiao He is finishing up the plan to seize the Foundry Star, and he doesn't plan to be reckless. He has already found some allies on the planet below, and they are all unwise young factions.

It is very common in the Warhammer world. The older generation of undead occupies a large amount of materials and knowledge, and has formulated a large number of rigid regulations to ensure their own status and rule.

At this time, Xiao He and a representative elected by these people are visiting Omnissia, a huge machine of God.

Xiao He opened her hands and embraced the huge God's Mechanism in front of her eyes: "How spectacular, an emperor-level Titan."

"Squeak ~ steam"

The Omnissiah expressed its displeasure in a communicative sound that only the Primarch and the Emperor could understand.

It's not a Titan, Xiaohe's wrong description of it makes it very unhappy.

Xiao He whispered into the earphone: "Don't make trouble, I'm on a big business, you have to listen to us when Dad isn't here."

Omnissiah calmed down and fell straight into deep sleep.

The representatives of the technical priests of the youth faction looked at the huge humanoid machine in front of them, their electronic voice trembled a little, bowed directly to Omnissia, and chanted praises.

Xiao He didn't bother, and patiently waited for the half-human, half-machine magic stick in front of him to finish chanting.

The Tech Priest representative stood up and asked, "How did you find this Titan?"

Xiao He: "This is none of your business, I just want to know if this can help you get the leadership of this foundry world."

The technical priest representative thought for a while and shook his head: "I'm afraid not. Our lord values ​​power more than his life. It is impossible to win him by symbols and public opinion. He will try to use the army and assassination to win the control of Titan."

The technical priest representative said again: "But if you dedicate this Titan to him, then he will definitely give you a high official position in his foundry world."

Xiao He raised her eyebrows: "You mean to let me kneel down and beg him for a meal?"

Representative of the technical priest: "Your words are too radical. We are all citizens of the empire, and our official positions are all for the emperor's service. We can plan slowly in the future..."

Xiao He raised her hand and interrupted the technical priest: "I don't have time to take my time, my time is very precious, I don't have time to take my time."

The technical priest reacted: "Are you trying to forcibly occupy the Forge World of Quilm?"

Xiao He: "Can't you?"

The technical priest shook his head: "No, Quilmu and the three Titan legions have a mutual watch agreement with several space warriors. Even if you occupy it quickly, their counterattack will make you lose everything immediately."

"Then can you add these things?" Xiao He clapped her hands.

The sound of heavy footsteps came from the surroundings, and more than 100 Astartes walked into the factory room where the Omnissia was stored.

The representative of the technical priest did not expect that the kid-like guy he was negotiating with in front of him actually had an Astartes company.

The representative of the technical priest asked cautiously: "May I ask who you are?"

Xiao He: "It doesn't matter who I am, what you need to know is who will be the master of Kuermu World in the future?"

Representative of the technical priest: "Then who is the master of the world of Quilm?"

Xiao He: "It's you."

Technical priest representative: "Is it me?"

Xiao He: "Yes, it's you. What I'm interested in is not a mere Kuelmu, and I don't want to rule the planet by myself. I'm not interested in ruling the planet. Do you know what I want?"

Technical priest representative: "What is it?"

Xiao He: "It's an expedition, a great expedition. The current empire has decayed. Those older generations hold a large number of troops and weapons. They don't go to expand the territory and advance technology, but to stand still. Do you think this is appropriate?"

Xiao He's ability guides the emotions of the technical priest representative. Although he has already replaced a large number of organs with machines, his brain is still a biological brain.

Xiao He's ability, even a machine soul, can fool him into worshiping him, but the representative of the mortal technical priest in front of him obviously has no ability to resist.

Xiao He: "Enjoy the future, my friend. My plan is not a small forge world, but the future. We will regenerate the decaying imperial machinery. We are the saviors of the empire."

The excited breathing tube of the technical priest's representative is expanding with his rapid exhalation and shrinking due to his rapid inhalation. It is obvious that the thoughts in his head have been confused by Xiao He's painting: "What should I do?"

Xiao He handed a book to the representative of the technical priest: "You and your colleagues have to help me. You go back and memorize this book, and secretly establish small associations to gather those who recognize us with a sense of resistance. Wait for a signal from me, and everyone will come together."

Tech Priest Representative: "I see, I'm going now."

Xiao He shook the technical priest's mechanical arm: "Be careful all the way, remember to make our future brighter."

The representative of the technical priest knelt down on one knee towards Xiao He: "For a brighter future, I will devote my allegiance to your lord."

Xiao He waved her hand: "It's not allegiance to me."

Tech Priest: "Who is your allegiance to?"

Xiao He: "Come, let me introduce you to my father, the greatest leader and hero of mankind in the future..."


After fooling a group of idiots again, Xiao He was just about to take a break when a voice came into Xiao He's ears.


"Father?" Xiao He stood up and looked around, but he didn't find his father.

Xiao He: "Father, where are you?"

Emperor: "I'm on a planet far away from you, and I'm talking to you with psychic energy. How are you doing?"

Xiao He: "We are all fine, how are you?"

Emperor: "I'm fine. I'm with a group of Eldar pirates."

Xiao He: "Dad, are you a pirate? Is the imperial police in your place strict?"

Emperor: "...?"

Emperor: "How are you, Xiaosheng and Kezi?"

Xiao He: "Hey, dad, you don't know, we're a fan, and I've taken care of everything. Kezi in the south and Xiaosheng in the north are waiting for you to come back. Let's raise the banner of righteousness and overthrow the rule of the emperor. You will be the emperor..."

Emperor: "I am the Emperor."

Xiaohe: "/-@#$Q*9a\<8:@?"

(End of this chapter)

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