Chapter 48
The underworld scarab began to operate, and the necromancer spaceships on the orbit were dropped into huge super-latitude mazes one after another, and the device was airborne down from the orbit.

Star Tara was surprised to find that there were as many as three, and Star Tara shouted to Aurikan: "You are crazy, you put so many fragments of the star god."

Each dimensional labyrinth holds a fragment of the star god, and Tara star scans the energy reaction in it, the void dragon Magradros, the nightbringer Azagorod, and the burner Niad LS.

Star Tara: "Your collection is very rich, but Aurikan, I must warn you, you are doing dangerous things, if any of them get out of control or escape..."

Orikan didn't care, and stood firmly against the mazes, like a fisherman staring at the bait on the hook, waiting for the fish to bite: "The things you said will not happen, the Lord of Humans will eat them all, we just have to wait."

Tara Star: "Are you sure the human emperor ate that thing? Well, even if he ate it, what about your fishing hook? How can you guarantee to catch him?"

Orikan raised his eyebrows, huh?If it had eyebrows, or more precisely, it raised the brow bone: "I don't need any hooks at all. I just need to wait for the emperor to eat these star god fragments, and he won't be able to move when he is in a saturated state. Then I can easily use the dimension maze to pack him away."

Tara Xing thought to himself, your plan is to put a big meal to make the prey eat too much to the point of immobility, and then you can walk over leisurely and easily catch it.

Who made your genius plan today, get rid of it quickly, or you have already cast too many spells, and your thinking program doesn’t know how to throw it on the timeline?

How low do you think the Emperor's IQ is!Will you be fooled by this?
Star Tara waited to see Orikan lose the fragments of the star god and break up his army, and then was executed by the Three Saints Council to make a ghost scarab. At that time, he must take some back for collection.

The three-dimensional labyrinth was opened, and three star gods exuding huge energy came out of it. The living metal body of that kind of person exuded powerful energy, and the vicious mental fluctuations that had been imprisoned for countless years spread throughout the battlefield.

Fox raised the Asuryan Spear in his hand and planned to step forward. He knew that he was no match for the three star gods, but he accepted this task from the lord, and he would complete it even if he died.

Just when he leaned forward and was about to teleport away, a big golden hand rested on Fox's shoulder, and the emperor smiled and said, "I'll go."

Fox: "Master, I can..."

Emperor: "You can go and take them to Terra from the nearest webway, and then take people to Commora to wait for me."

Fox saluted the emperor: "Yes, master, I will follow your instructions."

The emperor nodded, and then he started to walk forward, his figure grew taller with each step, and the golden light on his body became brighter and brighter.

Odysseus looked at the Dimensional Labyrinth that descended into the battlefield, and he knew what it was. It was a super-large weapon of the Necrons.

Just like the Empire has Titans, Necrons also have such devastating super units called C'tan Shards.

Such one is enough to change the direction of a big battle, and now they have three in front of them.

Moreover, the contents inside have not been released at this time, and the spiritual stance it carries has caused countless mortals to collapse.

And when the maze was opened, the things inside released endless radiant energy, and everyone was waiting to die.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Huge footsteps sounded, and the golden light illuminated the entire battlefield.

Odysseus covered his eyes to block the harsh light: "Has the sun risen?"

With a huge body like a titan, the armor made of gold shines with the light of the stars, and lightning surrounds his body. Behind him, lightning sparks sprinkle from him like blue ice and snow.

Behind His noble head was a white halo, as bright as a hunter's full moon and undying stars.

Its light shrouded His face in shadow, like a lunar eclipse before a full moon, only a pair of eyes bursting with dazzling light.

The mortals knelt down, and even the imperial guards shed tears at this moment. They were moved by seeing such a beautiful and majestic figure.

Even the mindless space necromancer stopped at this moment and turned to look at that figure.

Aurichan and Tara Star were also stunned, and the only thing Tara Star could think of at this moment was that the idiot arrest plan of Aurikan would never succeed.

The emperor came to a dimensional maze, stretched out his hand directly into the not yet fully opened dimensional maze, rummaged for a while and pulled out the Burner burning with inextinguishable flames, then opened his mouth and swallowed it.

The emperor didn't stay too long, he stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, as if reminiscing about the taste of Niad LS.

He is like a child who has tasted dessert, impatiently stretching his hand into the labyrinth where the Nightbringer is held.

When he grabbed the Nightbringer, the gray-black star god shrouded in a gray robe struggled, and slashed at the emperor's hand with a sickle. The golden gauntlet gave off sparks, but Azagorod couldn't get out of the trap.

The Emperor stuffed the Nightbringer into his mouth, and the Nightbringer produced a dense fog of tentacles and pulled everything around him in an attempt to struggle out of the Emperor's clutches.

To the dishonest Nightbringer, the Emperor stretched out his other hand and grabbed the head and pulled it vigorously. After tearing off the head, he threw this part into his mouth first and began to chew.

After chewing two bites and swallowing, he tore off a large piece and ate it into his mouth, like tearing jerky.

The remaining limbs of the Nightbringer were still writhing, and as the Emperor tore it into smaller pieces, the struggle became smaller and smaller, and when the last piece was eaten by the Emperor, he was still not satisfied.

Orikan: "Let's go back to the maze."

The order was given, but could not be fulfilled, and the Emperor seized upon the Dimensional Labyrinth where the Nether Dragon was last held.

The Emperor tore apart the labyrinth, and a thing with green lightning flashed out at an extremely fast speed, but was grabbed by its tail by a hand that was faster than it was and pulled back.

After twisting off the head, he put the whole thing in his mouth and chewed, "Kacha flash!" The green lightning exploded in the emperor's mouth, but the emperor didn't notice it.

(End of this chapter)

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