40K: Where did the Emperor go?

Chapter 50 The Kasteen Rebellion

Chapter 50 The Kasteen Rebellion
Political Commissar Kane knew that the person outside was the Astartes named "Great Eight Gale", and this guy would often come to do business with Commissar Kane.

As long as Kane gives enough money, he can get him anything. Kane once joked, I want a Leman Russ, can you drive it?
Then the opposite side gave him a list, ranging from automatic weapons to gene seeds and Titans, and the prices were very reasonable, there was absolutely no asking price.

Seeing the serious expression on the other side's introduction, Political Commissar Kane almost believed it at that time.

"Grade [-] Gale": "Would you like it, your team leader has already fought with our boss."

Kane: "What? It's all started?"


Kasteen raised the bolt gun in his hand, "Beng Beng Beng!" Three shots blasted the head of the traverser Astarte who was blocking in front.

Wearing Terminator armor, Xiao He rushed forward and slammed the power hammer at Kasting. Kasting pulled the trigger twice, "Ka Ka", and found that there was no ammunition, Kasting threw the bolt gun in his hand as a flying prop and hit Xiao He's nose.

Xiao He threw away the power hammer and covered his nose with painful hands. At this time, Colonel Kasting stepped up and grabbed Xiao He's Terminator Armor arm.

Colonel Kasting grabbed the power hammer that Xiao He had dropped on the ground and smashed it on Xiao He's big bald head.

"This auntie is so energetic, she must have been playing for more than half an hour," Xiao He said while eating the local melons and fruits in her hand.

The three Primarchs sat at the foot of the wall and watched as Colonel Kasteen, wearing a virtual memory implant on his head, beat and smashed around the room.

From the observation window of this room, you can see a large number of Valhalla soldiers lying on a large number of beds. Their hands and feet are tied, and they all wear the same device on their heads as Colonel Kasteen's head. A large number of technical priests are taking care of and observing these soldiers.

Because the beds are limited, Kasteen and some people can only be locked in the room alone and let them go crazy.

The person who started the so-called rebellion was actually Xiao He himself. The purpose was to get rid of this mortal star army. After all, it was abducted.

Now that Xiao He and the others are holding a forged planet, a mortal star army doesn't care about it at all, modifying its memory.

Colonel Kasteen led his loyal soldiers to revolt against the traitors, killed all the heretics, and then returned to the empire triumphantly, how pleasing to the ears.

It is reasonable and reasonable, and everyone has no follow-up troubles, and a world where no one is hurt has been achieved.


The winged little saint jumped down from the air like a falcon catching its prey. Kasteen immediately fell to the ground and shrunk his legs towards the sky. When the little saint fell down, he kicked the little saint away with a rabbit kicking the eagle.

The little saint fell to the ground, and he fell to the ground in a mess. Just as the little saint turned over and faced the sky, Colonel Kasting immediately got up and stretched out his left hand to grab the little saint's right foot, and his right hand to grab the little saint's left foot.

"Tear" sound.

Seeing Kasteen tearing a book in half in front of him, Xiao Sheng actually felt a burst of fear.

Ke Zi got up: "It's really boring, let's go, it's time to get down to business."

The two of them finished eating the fruit in two mouthfuls and followed Ke Zi out of the room.


After the emperor arranged things, he teleported away all the imperial troops present. At this time, his consciousness began to blur, and the consciousness of the star god fragments in his body was struggling to make a final resistance.

The spiritual bone armor on the Emperor's body was cracked and shattered by uncontrollable force, revealing his strong and perfect body of God.

He felt like a hangover, and his consciousness began to blur, so he wanted to fall to the ground and sleep now.

But now is not the time to sleep, he remembers that there are two space necrons who are eating his body, hiding in the dark and peeping.

The Emperor slashed through the Warp and disappeared on the planet.

Tara Star looked at Orikan and said, "The show is ruined."

Orikan insisted: "This, this is just the beginning of my great plan, you should watch it carefully, the good show is still to come."

Tara Star: "Waiting for your performance."

The Infinity looked at the empty battlefield painfully: "Yes, I collected them all and lost them all."

The emperor searched for the location of his sons to teleport, and when he arrived at the room Xiao He and the others stayed in recently, he finally couldn't hold back his exhaustion anymore, and fell down on his back.


After Colonel Kasteen drowned the huge white-skinned ghost-like monster in the toilet.

Kasteen dragged his exhausted body up the golden slope, the ground seemed to be glowing when the sun was too bright.

Kasteen thought while climbing: "Where am I? I got separated from the troops?"

Kasteen stroked the land, the golden land had a leather-like texture, but it didn't have the cracks and potholes that she often saw in the land.

It was an environment he had never encountered before, so he had better be careful, thinking like this, Kasteen reached for the weapons at his waist, only to find that the gun, chainsword and tactical dagger were all missing.

"Damn it," Kasteen cursed and started walking after identifying a direction.

Kasteen wiped the sweat from his forehead: "I hope we can find Commissar Kane and the others."

Kasteen walked all the way and finally saw a different environment. It was a large piece of lush grass. Kasteen was lying on the soft grass to rest and recover his almost exhausted energy.

"Hurry up" something sounded in the grass.

There is a situation.

Kasteen's military qualities for many years made her immediately get up and bend down to look in the direction of the voice.

She carefully pushed through the dense grass and sneaked over. Sure enough, she saw a giant snake. Its lower body was hidden in the hole, and its upper body stood upright.

Kasteen licked her parched lips, she was so thirsty, if only she had a knife, then she could kill the giant snake, cut open its body and drink its blood to quench its thirst.

No, I don't know what kind of snake it is. What if it is poisonous?And I don't have the weapons to hunt this beast.

Kasteen thought about this and planned to back away slowly, but at this moment the snake seemed to have found her, and the snake slammed towards her with its standing body.

Kasteen rolled away on the spot, and when the strange snake hit him, Kasteen knew that he could only fight desperately now, so he acted first, as long as he grabbed the snake's head, the threat of any snake would be small.

Kasteen jumped on it, grabbed the snake's neck with both hands, and then rode on it.

The strange snake swayed, as if it wanted to throw Colonel Kasteen away, and Kasteen strangled the snake with all his strength. People often come up with quick wits in a crisis situation.

And Kasteen belonged to such a person, she opened her mouth and bit down on the strange snake.

Depend on!How can this snake skin be so tough, at least several times stronger than military belts.

(End of this chapter)

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